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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2023

Is marketing a good career? by Trappe, Christoph
Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis by
Internet Marketing by Hensen, Zack
The art of building strong brands by Ait Chalal, Yacine
Tourism and Hospitality in Asia: Crisis, Resilience and Recovery by
Kundenbindungsprogramme Für Industrieunternehmen Mit Indirekten Kunden: Wertegemeinschaften Im B2B Zur Verbesserung Der Kundenloyalität by Pankow, Michael
Research on Islamic Business Concepts: Proceedings of the 12th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, December 2021 by
Sport Team Identifikation: Eine Multidimensionale Konzeption Zur Erklärung Der Identifikation Mit Professionellen Sportmarken by Von Der Wense, Daniel
The Evolution of Made in Italy: Case Studies on the Italian Food and Beverage Industry by Veronesi, Vittoria, Schiavello, Martina
Schlüsselwerke Der Werbeforschung by
Fashion Heritage: Narrative and Knowledge Creation by
Integrierte Markenführung im digitalen Zeitalter: Bedeutung - Konzepte - Instrumente - Evaluation by Westermann, Arne, Ghorbani, Mijka
Dealing with Socially Responsible Consumers: Studies in Marketing by
Digital Transformation in Sales: How to Turn a Buzzword Into Real Sales Practice - A 21-Step Guide by Rainsberger, Livia
Serving the Customer: The Role of Selling and Sales by
Reinventing Fashion Retailing: Digitalising, Gamifying, Entrepreneuring by
The Seven Figure Marketing Mindset For Novelists by Sperling, Jody J.
Kinder- und Familien-InfluencerInnen-Marketing. Problematiken und Risiken by Anonymous
Der Wandel des Berufsfelds Public Relations. Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung by Anonymous
Internal Communication and Management: Theory and PRAXIS Communication-Centered Management by Knorre, Susanne, Buchholz, Ulrike
Consumer Behavior: Understanding Consumers- Designing Marketing Activities by Hoffmann, Stefan, Akbar, Payam
Green Marketing in Emerging Economies: A Communications Perspective by
Neuromarketing in Business: Identifying Implicit Purchase Drivers and Leveraging Them for Sales by
Global Competitiveness: Ten Things Thai Businesspeople Should Know by Wall, William Philip
Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism: New Managerial Approaches and Cases by
Verpackung als Marketinginstrument in Zeiten des Nachhaltigkeitstrends by Draser, Karla
The Joy of Propaganda: The How and Why of Public Relations and Marketing by Bradford, Jeff
Case Based Research in Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events by
Social Media Marketing: 2 in 1: Become an Influencer & Build an Evergreen Brand using Facebook ADS, Twitter, YouTube Pinterest & Instagram by Mastery, Income
Gemeinschaft durch digitale Gleichzeitigkeit. Welche Rolle spielen soziale Nutzungsmotive für Social Live Streaming Services wie Twitch? by Röhricht, Simon
How does web design affect consumers' trust in online shopping? by Petker, Julia
Werbung bei Subscription-Video-on-Demand-Plattformen. Welche Einstellungen und Erwartungen haben die Nutzer in Deutschland? by Sanchez, Jasmin
Insights about the relationship between customer loyalty and chatbots by Petker, Julia
Marketing Strategies Essential Learn How Your Business Can Meet Customer Needs in an Increasingly Competitive Market by Gibson, Brian
Wie gut akzeptieren Kunden KI im Marketing? Potenziale der Künstlichen Intelligenz und Vorbehalte von Konsumenten by Bäumer, Marc
Live Selling Secrets by Hearin, Sunni
Know-How of Branding Products and Services in the Digital Space by Nathan Mba Msc B. a. Fcim (U K), Dan VIV
Know-How of Branding Products and Services in the Digital Space by Nathan Mba Msc B. a. Fcim (U K), Dan VIV
Marketing- und Vertriebstheorien. Trendforschung, Ideengewinnung, Selektion und Bewertung, Zielgruppenfindung, Hakenmodell, Lean Startup, Markenmanage by Schoppus, Darius
Brand Management in a Co-Creation Perspective: Communication as Constitutive of Brands by Hansen, Heidi
Business-to-Business Marketing: How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa by Owusu, Richard Afriyie, Adeola, Ogechi, Hinson, Robert
Marketing- und Vertriebstheorien. Marktformen, Preis- und Nachfrageelastizität, asymmetrische Informationen und Märkte, Wettbewerbsstrategien by Schoppus, Darius
New Consumer Culture in China: The Flower Market and New Everyday Consumption by Liu, XI
Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy by
Digital Dawn in Adland: Transforming Australian Agencies by Crawford, Robert
Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era by
Business Model Innovation: New Frontiers and Perspectives by
Huawei: From Catching Up to Leading by Yan, Mengling, Dong, Xiaoying
Die Wirkung von Nutzerkommentaren auf die Glaubwürdigkeit grüner Werbung auf Social Media by Schneider, Bettina
Das Konsumverhalten junger Frauen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit von Kleidung by Prescher, Jule
Die Auswirkung von Involvement auf grünen Werbeskeptizismus by Schneider, Bettina
A Bridge Not Too Far: Where Creativity Meets Innovation by Ohri, Deepak
How Music Grows Brands: The Field Guide by Jolly, Rebecca, Belliotti, Joe
I Am My Brand: How to Build Your Brand Without Apology by Springer, Kubi
Science Not Sorcery: Behavioral Economics for Marketers by Sullivan, Rebecca L.
Kreativitäts- und Präsentationstechniken zum Selbst- und Zeitmanagement. Dreikomponenten-Modell von Amabile und der Wirkungszusammenhang von Zeitmanag by Sadqui, Oumaima
Creating Superfans: How to Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates by Hodak, Brittany
Entrepreneurial Journalism: Strategien Und Methoden Für Journalisten Und Medienentwickler (At) by Heidbrink, Henriette, Pranz, Sebastian
Intense Group Behavior and Brand Negativity: Comparing Rivalry in Politics, Religion, and Sport by Havard, Cody T.
Technology-Oriented Customer Touchpoints in Context of Services in Retailing: A Differentiated Analysis on Social Presence and Privacy Calculus by Röding, Tobias
3 Libros en 1 Cómo Ganar Mucho Dinero Desde Casa Negocios Online, Criptomonedas, NFTs y Metaverso Para Principiantes by Costa, Dante Di
Konsumentenpräferenzen beim Kauf von Secondhand-Luxusgütern by Schuck, Katharina A., Perret, Jens K., Mehn, Audrey
Digital Marketing All-In-One for Dummies by Diamond, Stephanie
Annual Strategic Marketing Plan by Washington, Elona
Promotion of Natural and Cultural Heritage for Tourism Development by Ibrahimi, Behije
Vertrauen. Macht. Wirtschaft.: Sicher Führen in Unsicheren Zeiten by Woischwill, Branko, Bogott, Nicole
Strategische Erfolgsfaktoren im Krisenmanagement. Ziele und Instrumente der internen und externen Unternehmenskommunikation by Arslan, Dilvan
Managing Sales Pipeline(s) with Pipedrive by Specchia, Antonio
It Ain't Rocket Science, Friend!: How to Position Your Expertise, Build An Authentic Personal Brand, and Plan a Profitable Launch in 90 Days. by Johnson Kirkman, Brianca
We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and the End of Compliance by Godin, Seth
The New Rules of Lead Generation: Proven Strategies to Maximize Marketing Roi by Scott, David
Into the Metaverse: The Essential Guide to the Business Opportunities of the Web3 Era by Hackl, Cathy
ChatGPT FOR STARTUPS: Hyperscale Your Business with this Game-Changing Technology by Hegazi, Amir
Entwicklung eines neuen Projekts und ausgewählter Kommunikationsmaßnahmen. Kritische Analyse des Gangway e.V. by Sucher, Sarah
Das Konsumentenverhalten deutscher und russischer Millennials. Interkulturelle Analyse in Bezug auf nachhaltig produzierte Lebensmittel by Tokar, Darja
The Pocket Guide to Product Launches: Get Confident, Go to Market, and Win by Sheehan, Mary
Let the Story Do the Work: The Art of Storytelling for Business Success by Choy, Esther
Ethical Tribing: Connecting the Next Generation to Israel in the Digital Era by Landau, Joanna, Golden, Michael
Chancen und Herausforderungen der Implementierung von Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing by Beerthuis, Kim
Customer Centricity in Der Neuproduktentwicklung: Radikale Kundenorientierung ALS Schlüssel Für Potenzialstarke Innovationen by Rademacher, Ute
Preis- und kommunikationspolitische Maßnahmen der Marke "Hunkemöller" by Goldschmidt, Raphaela
Brain Glue: How Selling Becomes Much Easier By Making Your Ideas "Sticky" by Bond, James I.
Ethical Tribing: Connecting the Next Generation to Israel in the Digital Era by Golden, Michael, Landau, Joanna
Instagram Markkinointi (Sosiaalisen Median Markkinointi) by Mäkelä, Emilia
Sosiaalisen Median Markkinointi (Digitaalinen Markkinointi) by Mäkelä, Emilia
Google Markkinointi (Digitaalinen Markkinointi) by Mäkelä, Emilia
Sisältömarkkinointi (Markkinointi Tekniikka) by Mäkelä, Emilia
Secrecy in Public Relations, Mediation and News Cultures: The Shadow World of the Media Sphere by Cronin, Anne M.
Fit for Purpose: Synthesizing Customer Experience with Strategy for Accelerated Business Results by Anderson, David J., Zheglov, Alexei
The Influential Marketer: 366 Crackin' Copywriting, Marketing & Mindset Ideas to Skyrocket Your Results, One Day at a Time by Plummer, Steve
Social Intranet als Umsetzung der Corporate Social Responsibility in der internen Unternehmenskommunikation by Anonymous
Der Imagetransfer bei Nike im Fall Michael Jordan und seine Auswirkungen by Eurich, Jan
Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age by Tuten, Tracy L.
Mobile Commerce. Smartphones im E-Commerce by Wuggenig, Beate
Handbook of Research on the Interplay Between Service Quality and Customer Delight by
Auswirkungen von SARS-CoV-2 auf das deutsche Verbraucherverhalten. Strategien zur Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Konsumklimas by Heimann, Johanna
Marketing Und Innovation in Disruptiven Zeiten by
Sharing Behavior of Brand Crisis Information on Social Media: A Case Study of Chinese Weibo by Yang, Changzheng
Space Marketing Spaceports: Communicating with Stakeholders, Communities, and Key Leaders by House, Izzy
Pay What It's Worth: You Don't Need to Set a Price on Value by Joyce, Tara
You Must Market Your Book by Corder, Honoree
The Zero to 100 Million Sales Blueprint by Garth, Gary
Instagram Marketing: A Guide to Growing Your Brand with Instagram by Kirby, Jacob
Instagram Marketing: A Guide to Growing Your Brand with Instagram by Kirby, Jacob
Assemblage: The Art and Science of Brand Transformation by Probst, Emmanuel
Behavioral Targeting. Auswirkungen auf das Markenvertrauen by Carababas, Anna
Loose Leaf for Consumer Behavior by Kleiser, Susan Bardi, Hawkins, Delbert I., Mothersbaugh, David L.
Start for Success: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start-ups by Cavelle, Jan
Seu Primeiro Cliente de Social Media em 24h: Guia Social Media by Stk, Patricia
Start for Success: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start-ups by Cavelle, Jan
Understanding the Public Relation Strategies in Political Agendas by Arya, Tanya
Управление маркетингом: by Абада, Жак &
Social Impact of Wine Marketing: The Challenge of Digital Technologies to Regulation by Ramsak, Mojca
Diversität in Marketing & Sales: Best Practices Von Agenturen, Beratungen Und Unternehmen by
Editing for Communications Professionals by Tingle, Cathy
Sustainability and Social Marketing Issues in Asia by
Social-Media-Strategie von E-Scooter-Anbietern. Lime, Voi und TIER im Vergleich by Pöhland, Johanna
Die Anti-Grünen-Kampagne zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Analyse und Bewertung der Merkmale, Kommunikationskanäle und Ergebnisse by Pöhland, Johanna
Public Relations im Web. PR-Kommunikation in der Praxis by Quach, Thi Ngoc Thuy
Encounters at the Counter by
Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age by Tuten, Tracy L.
SM's Ultimate Book Marketing Guide by White, Kevin
Das Metaverse in Marketing und Vertrieb. Anwendungsfelder im B2B-Sektor by Ramsenthaler, Jakob
Online-Handel und stationärer Handel. Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation im Deutschen Handel by Weinberger, Vanessa
Werbepsychologie, Brand Management, Neuromarketing und Trojanisches Marketing by Jandl, Manuela
Einsatzpotenziale von Virtual Reality Technologien im B2B Finanzmarketing by Unger, Christina
Influencer: The 9 step guide to becoming highly influential in any industry by Houlahan, Adam
50 Estrategias de Marketing para lanzarte al vacío: Marketing para lanzar tu producto: Descubre cómo maximizar tus posibilidades de éxito by Ruiz, Jaime
Pricing: A Guide to Pricing Decisions by Silkoset, Ragnhild
Comportement des consommateurs vis-à-vis des produits verts dans un pays en développement by Asango Okanga, Patrick, Jibril, Abdul Bashiru, Chovancova, Miloslava
التسويق من القلب للقلب by أحمد إسرا&#1
Trend Management: How to Effectively Use Trend-Knowledge in Your Company by Blechschmidt, Jörg
Psychology For Leadership - The 1000 Men Strong Leader (Business Negotiation): The Secret to Effortlessly Building a Network Marketing Empire (Influen by Watson, James
Die zukünftige Positionierung des Drogerie-Konzerns dm. Erarbeitung einer Empfehlung für die zukünftige Markenausrichtung mittels einer SWOT-Analyse by Sadqui, Oumaima
Industrial Marketing by Fotiadis, Thomas, Lindgreen, Adam, Siomkos, George J.
Industrial Marketing by Fotiadis, Thomas, Lindgreen, Adam, Siomkos, George J.
Social Media Marketing For Beginners - How To Make Money Online: Guaranteed Strategies To Monetizing, Mastering, & Dominating Any Platform For Your Br by Walker, Jonathan S.
Network Marketing - Recruiting & Retailing Mastery: Negotiation 101 by Walker, Jonathan S.
Affiliate Marketing: Build Your Own Successful Affiliate Marketing Business from Zero to 6 Figures by Walker, Jonathan S.
Network Marketing: The No.1 Way to Prospect - Master the Art of Effortlessly Closing a Potential Client for Business or Sales (Sales and Marketing) by Walker, Jonathan S.
An Author's Guide to Literary Genres, Volume 1: Juvenile (Children's) Nonfiction by Thompson, Lynn Maria
(Re)Discovering the Human Element in Public Relations and Communication Management in Unpredictable Times by
Consumer Behavior by Iacobucci, Dawn, Ruvio, Ayalla
Künstliche Intelligenz Entlang Der Customer Journey: Einsatzpotenziale Von KI Im E-Commerce by Harwardt, Mark, Köhler, Maximilian
Marketing & Communications On The Job: How to Establish a Marketing and Communications Department from Scratch by Kaabour, Marwa
Internationales Marketing. Differenzierung oder Standardisierung? by Falke, Annkatrin
Die Entwicklung einer Kampagnenstrategie für das Start-Up "Heartlight Vintage". Welche Kanalstrategie wird empfohlen? by Böhm, Susan
Raise Your Hand Marketing by Sugars, Bradley J., Bardsley, Joshua
National Brands and Global Markets: An Historical Perspective by
Research Methodologies for Business Management by Ratten, Vanessa
Mind Your F**king Business: The No-Nonsense Guide to Making Your Good Business Great by Monkhouse, Dominic
Covid U: Business Lessons from a Pandemic by Prag, Amanda Ishak, Prag, Jay
Socially Responsible Consumption and Marketing in Practice: Collection of Case Studies by
Marketing Analytics: A Machine Learning Approach by
Research Methodologies for Business Management by Ratten, Vanessa
Learning Technology Influences Marketing Change by Lok, John
Unleashing the Power of Brand Magic: A Guide to Transform Your Marketing Strategy by Caraballo, Kenneth
NVivo R1: Douze compétences essentielles pour les chercheurs en sciences qualitatives II by Park, Chongwon
Brand Storytelling: Integrated Marketing Communications for the Digital Media Landscape by Quesenberry, Keith A., Coolsen, Michael K.
Marketing Communications by Egan, John
The B2B Marketing Handbook: Selling Products and Services to Businesses in a Multichannel Marketplace by Bly, Robert W.
Sosyal Medya Pazarlama (E-Pazarlama, Dijital Pazarlama, Internet Pazarlaması) by Yilmaz, Yusuf
Method Marketing by Hatch, Denison
Multi-Moment Marketing by Scholtens, A.
E-Food als Trend im E-Commerce. Geschäftsmodelle, Trends und Weiterentwicklungsvorschläge by Fennen, Mike
Challenger Brand Marketing(R) by Alexander, Craig, Gumas, John
Method Marketing by Hatch, Denison
Crossover Creativity: Real-Life Stories about Where Creativity Comes from by Trott, Dave
Mission Driven by Thomas, Keni, Nanton, Nick
The Ultimate YouTube Monetization Handbook Learn How to Make Money on YouTube by Kumari, Amrita
Marketingstrategien im Fitnessbereich. Analyse der Strategie des erfolgreichsten Fitnesscenters Europas "McFit" by Anonymous
Customer Experience 3.0: High-Profit Strategies in the Age of Techno Service by Goodman, John
Instagram: Incrementa il Tuo Business Online con il Marketing dei Social Network, Aumenta i Tuoi Follower e Scopri Tutti Segreti by Palmer, Marc A.
Instagram Pazarlama (E-Pazarlama, Dijital Pazarlama, Internet Pazarlaması) by Yilmaz, Yusuf
İçerikle Pazarlama (E-Pazarlama, Dijital Pazarlama, Internet Pazarlaması) by Yilmaz, Yusuf
Einfuhrung in Die Marktforschung: Zweite, Komplett Uberarbeitete Und Aktualisierte Auflage by Pepels, Werner
Google Pazarlama (E-Pazarlama, Dijital Pazarlama, Internet Pazarlaması) by Yilmaz, Yusuf
Successful Product Management: Tool Box for Professional Product Management and Product Marketing by Aumayr, Klaus J.
Digital Service Delivery in Africa: Platforms and Practices by
Multisensory in Stationary Retail: Principles and Practice of Customer-Centered Store Design by
3 powerful codes of real estate marketing and automation by Nadeem Ahmed, Syed
Tech SEO Guide: A Reference Guide for Developers and Marketers Involved in Technical SEO by Edgar, Matthew
SilverComm: Marketing Practices and Messages for the Age of Aging by Cooper, Anne M., Lim, Young Joon
Advertising Impact and Controlling in Content Marketing: Recognize Impact Mechanisms, Optimize Controlling and Adapt Strategy by Hörner, Thomas
Emerging Trends in Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Green Logistics by
Emerging Trends in Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Green Logistics by
Hire me if you can: 666 dirty secrets to recruit top growth hacking talent before your competitors do (Large Print Edition) by Sabry, Nader H.
Innholdsmarkedsføring (Content Marketing) by Hansen, Fynn
Google Markedsføring (Online og Digital Markedsføring) by Hansen, Fynn
Markedsføring i Sosiale Medier (Nettbasert og Digital Markedsføring) by Hansen, Fynn
A Performance Study on Concrete With Various Industrial Wastes by K, Srinivasan
Search Engine Marketing. Chancen und Herausforderungen by Anonymous
Connect and Convert by Vignesh, Ds
Trendanalyse von Fitness-Food-Produkten und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln in Deutschland by Lunkeit, Mary
Content Production for Digital Media: An Introduction by Weldon, John, Thompson, Jay Daniel
Einführung in Die Medienwirtschaftslehre by Zydorek, Christoph
The Rebel Girl's Guide to Marketing: Stop Committing Random Acts of Marketing! by Raebel, Lisa L.
Digital Marketing Outsourcing: The Ultimate Recipe for Growing Your Business Online by Jandal, Husam
The Post-Pandemic Business Playbook: Customer-Centric Solutions to Help Your Firm Grow by Mintz, Ofer
Brand Image in the Hotel Industry by Latif, Wasib Bin
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