• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2023

Kundenbindung durch Mobile Marketing auf der Social Media Plattform Tik-Tok by Omeirat, Ahmed
Brand Storytelling: Integrated Marketing Communications for the Digital Media Landscape by Quesenberry, Keith A., Coolsen, Michael K.
Marketing Communications by Egan, John
Marketing - Eine Bilanz: Erfolgsfaktorenforschung - Internet-Marketing - Internationales Marketing - Digitalisierung by
Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: The Trust Factor by Byrum, Kristie
Made with Toughlove by
The Modern Customer - The Phantom: Customers on the Run: How Sales Must Respond to Radically New Buying Behavior by Rainsberger, Livia
The Social Media Guidebook and Calendar for the Food & Beverage Industry: BY Olashay by Lashay, Onjalee
Advances in Management Research: Emerging Challenges and Trends by
SilverComm: Marketing Practices and Messages for the Age of Aging by Lim, Young Joon, Cooper, Anne M.
Media and Change Management: Creating a Path for New Content Formats, Business Models, Consumer Roles, and Business Responsibility by
Zusammenhänge zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung by Anonymous
Global Marketing Strategy: An Executive Digest by Schlegelmilch, Bodo B.
Kundenmanagement: Grundlagen - Strategien - Beispiele by Krafft, Manfred
List Building Techniques for Internet Marketers by Ekanem, Anthony
Affiliate Marketing Handbook: Build a Successful Online Business and Achieve Financial Freedom by Strong, Will
Entwicklungs- und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Marktpositionierung der Adidas AG by Kammerl, Nicole
Celebrity Fashion Marketing: Developing a Human Fashion Brand by Lee, Angela, Caan, Fykaa
Celebrity Fashion Marketing: Developing a Human Fashion Brand by Caan, Fykaa, Lee, Angela
Marketing of Consumer Financial Products: Insights From Service Marketing by Srivastava, Ritu
The Digital Selling Handbook: Grow Your Sales by Engaging, Prospecting, and Converting Customers the Way They Buy Today by Stinnett, Bill
The Digital Selling Handbook: Grow Your Sales by Engaging, Prospecting, and Converting Customers the Way They Buy Today by Stinnett, Bill
Marketingübungen: Basiswissen, Aufgaben, Lösungen. Selbstständiges Lerntraining by Bruhn, Manfred
Make or Buy - Outsourcing in Der Veranstaltungsbranche: Ansätze Zur Ableitung Von Kriterien Zur Fundierung Von Outsourcingentscheidungen by Grimm, Valerie I., Haag, Patrick
Consumer Behavior on Online Grocery Shopping Adoption. A Quantitative Analysis in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Contrasting the Markets of Per by Pisfil Manchego, José Alonso
Build a Better Trade Show Image by Arnold, Marlys K.
Build a Better Trade Show Image by Arnold, Marlys K.
Введение в маркетинговы& by Киниали, О&#
Public Relations Theory III: In the Age of Publics by
Market Resilient Machine: The 7‐Step Guide on Building Your Profitable Brand by Zajc, Simona
Introduzione alle ricerche di mercato by Kiniali, Olivier
Marketing für ein neues Energy-Produkt by Fischer, Sandra
Public Relations Theory III: In the Age of Publics by
The Brand Therapy Book 2: More key branding lessons to save time and money while winning hearts and minds. by Geyrhalter, Fabian
Das Potenzial Von Marketing Für Eine Ressourcenorientierte Transformation Des Konsumsystems: Eine Systemische Erkundung Von Möglichkeitsräumen by Rieck, Louise Ina Hannah
Your Messaging Sucks by Donlan, Kim R.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Marketing Ethics: The Effects of Value-Based Marketing on Consumer Behaviour by Howaniec, Honorata
So geht Listbuilding: ...ganz ohne Social Media Herumgeposte by Hohenwarter, Meike
So geht Listbuilding: ...ganz ohne Social Media Herumgeposte by Hohenwarter, Meike
Die Erfolgsfaktoren von Schockwerbung. Eine Analyse anhand von Praxisbeispielen by Kiene, Pia
Der Mere-Exposure-Effekt und dessen Anwendung im Marketing by Heyers, Julius
Scelte di prodotto attraverso i commenti online: Una modellazione del processo by Gogna, Neelkamal
Digital Fan Experience im Fußballstadion. Grundlagen und Potenzial by Graf, Manuel
Die Smarte Marketing-Mix-Werkstatt: Eine Lösung Für Die Unterschätzte Herausforderung Der Abhängigkeiten Unter Den Instrumenten Im Marketing-Mix - Mit by Frank, Klaus
Unstuck: 17 Strategies to Put Your Network Marketing Business in MOMENTUM by Sperry, Rob
Nowadays New Marketing Environment Strategy by Lok, John
Content Performance Culture: Content Marketing Strategies that Work by Trappe, Christoph
Svaraj (Strive Visualize Achieve) by Manglik, Anurag
Brand Perception by Rajai, Ravi, Modi, Vasudev
Epic Content Marketing, Second Edition: Break Through the Clutter with a Different Story, Get the Most Out of Your Content, and Build a Community in W by Pulizzi, Joe, Piper, Brian W.
Coolfarming: Turn Your Great Idea Into the Next Big Thing by Gloor, Peter
Invention in PR by Ritchie, Adam
Invention in PR by Ritchie, Adam
Religion and Consumer Behaviour: Influence of Religiosity and Culture on Consumption by
Facilitation Skills: Focused Communication Processes in Groups by Gross, Stefan
From Marginal to Mainstream: Why Tomorrow's Brand Growth Will Come from the Fringes - And How to Get There First by Edwards, Helen
From Marginal to Mainstream: Why Tomorrow's Brand Growth Will Come from the Fringes - And How to Get There First by Edwards, Helen
Fashion Brand Management: Plan, Scale and Market a Successful Fashion Business by Lowe, Alison
The Expert Authority Effect(TM) Publishing Method: 7 Steps to Publish Your Nonfiction Lead & Profit-Generating Business Book in 8 Weeks by Fachini, Mario
The Expert Authority Effect(TM) Publishing Method: 7 Steps to Publish Your Nonfiction Lead & Profit-Generating Business Book in 8 Weeks by Fachini, Mario
Your Messaging Sucks by Donlan, Kim R.
Small Business Exit Lessons: Setting Up and Running Your Company with the Exit Mindset for Small Tech Business Entrepreneurs by Naghshineh, Shahriar
Pandemic Communication by
Pandemic Communication by
Fashion Brand Management: Plan, Scale and Market a Successful Fashion Business by Lowe, Alison
Der Prosumer als Influencer. Wie Influencer durch Bilder die Wahrnehmung des Individuums beeinflussen können by Cichos, Manuel Walter
Challenges of winning and retaining customers by Ferras, François
Essentials of Consumer Behavior: An Applied Approach by Stephens, Debra L.
Content for Everyone: A Practical Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs to Produce Accessible and Usable Web Content by Adams, Jeff, Lucchini, Michele
Content For Everyone: A Practical Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs to Produce Accessible and Usable Web Content (Large Print Edition) by Lucchini, Michele, Adams, Jeff
Preisstrategien bei der Markteinführung eines Produktes. Penetrations- und Skimmingstrategie by Filser, Marcel
Konsumismus und "Grüner Konsum". Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit LOHAS by Gauß, Alexander
Essentials of Consumer Behavior: An Applied Approach by Stephens, Debra L.
Managing Public Relations: Business Principles and Tools for Strategic Communication, 2e by Smudde, Peter M.
Effizienzorientierter Kundenerfolg Im Bankgeschäft Mit Mittelstandskunden: Eine Empirische Anwendung Der Data Envelopment Analysis Mit Determinantenan by Raddao, Nino
Waldbewirtschaftung in Der Klimakrise: Herausforderungen Für Forstpflanzenproduktion Und Holzwirtschaft by
Basic Guide to Cultural Tourism Marketing: Practice Cultural Management by Schuhbauer, Sarah, Hausmann, Andrea
Analyse der geschlechtsspezifischen Divergenzen im Nutzungsverhalten und der Erwartungshaltung der Generation Y an Dating-Apps by Anonymous
Funny You Should Ask How to Market a Book: The HIlariously Detailed Guide to Book Marketing and Promotion by Culwell, Lori
Managing Public Relations: Business Principles and Tools for Strategic Communication, 2e by Smudde, Peter M.
Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications by Percy, Larry
Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications by Percy, Larry
Master the Art of Facebook Marketing: And Grow your Startup Business Like Crazy by Chirag Marlecha
Digital Pricing: A Guide to Strategic Pricing for the Digital Economy by Frohmann, Frank
Inwiefern kann sich Social Media auf die Identitätsentwicklung Jugendlicher auswirken? by Anonymous
Das Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing. Chancen und Herausforderungen by Seeger, Henry
Super Quiz de Marketing - Tomes 1 + 2: Exercices et QCM Corrigés by Laveine, Claude
Demo Subject by Nothing
Pop!: Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anything by Horn, Sam
Pop!: Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anything by Horn, Sam
The Ultimate Funnel Marketing Guide: Attract, Engage, and Convert Customers by Sanchez, Antonio
Werbung Und PR Im Digitalen Zeitalter: Grenzen, Übergänge Und Neue Formate by
Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Location-Based Marketing by
Enhancing Customer Engagement Through Location-Based Marketing by
Brokering Billions: Secrets of the Nation's Top Real Estate Agents by Ansley, Bonneau
Marketing als betriebliche Funktion. Die Vermarktung der Autobiografie des Rappers Jay-Z und die Distributionswege von Disney by Boltabaev, Ablachat
Die Relevanz von Social Media Marketing in der Markeneinführung by Müller, Jennifer
Joyful Selling: A Better Way to Yes for Heart-Centered Coaches by Rockwood, Michelle
Technical Marketing Communication: A Guide to Writing, Design, and Delivery by Towner, Emil B., Everett, Heidi L.
Joyful Selling: A Better Way to Yes for Heart-Centered Coaches by Rockwood, Michelle
Sell by Avila, Ramon, LaForge, Ingram, Thomas
Passive Prospecting: Dominate Your Market without Cold Calling, Chasing Clients, or Spending Money on Ads by Lascsak, Levi, Plumb, Travis
Passive Prospecting: Dominate Your Market without Cold Calling, Chasing Clients, or Spending Money on Ads by Lascsak, Levi, Plumb, Travis
Marketing Fur Kunst Und Kultur: Band 1: Grundlagen - Strategie by Romhild, Julia, Gunter, Bernd
Practice-Oriented Marketing: Basics - Instruments - Case Studies by Kreutzer, Ralf T.
Fast-Fashion trotz Fridays for Future. Warum Jugendliche ungeachtet eines steigenden Umweltbewusstseins nicht auf umweltschädliche Klamotten verzichte by Kaiser, Marcel
The Ultimate User Guide to Google Ads by Wilson, Maximus
Selling Europe to the World: The Rise of the Luxury Fashion Industry, 1980-2020 by Donzé, Pierre-Yves
Die Service-Dominant Logic als neues Marketingparadigma by Anonymous
From Art to Marketing: The Relevance of Authenticity to Contemporary Consumer Culture by Massi, Marta
Hiphop-Marketing: Hiphop-Kultur Verstehen Und Authentische Marken Gestalten by Polfuß, Jonas, Boulaghmal, Ismail
Dreamers and Unicorns by Bhaduri, Abhijit
Marketing Case Studies: Linking Theory to Practice by Irshaidat, Rand
Magnetic Marketing: Learn Tired & Trusted Marketing Methods For Momentous Growth by Dr Soobrata Dutta
Digitalisierung Im Vertrieb: Strategien Zum Einsatz Neuer Technologien in Vertriebsorganisationen by
Empirische Studien Zur Evaluation Von Qualitätsinformationen Bei Der Adoption Kontinuierlicher Und Diskontinuierlicher Innovationen by Skrzypczak, Manuel
Mind Reading for Network Marketing by Schreiter, Tom Big Al, Schreiter, Keith
Nostalgia Marketing: Rekindling the Past to Influence Consumer Choices by Pichierri, Marco
Social Media Einkommen: Wie Solo-Unternehmer und kleine Unternehmen auf Instagram und anderen Social-Media-Plattformen Geld verdienen können ( by Oberg, Chris
Reframing Marketing: A 3-step plan for effective and ethical marketing by Batchelar, Simon
Sales Job Interview Questions and Answers by Singh, Chetan
Marktformen, Quellen der Marktmacht und Arten von Gütern by Seidel, Anabel
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing by
Better Brand Health: Measures and Metrics for a How Brands Grow World by Romaniuk, Jenni
The Customer-Base Audit: The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity by Hardie, Bruce, Ross, Michael, Fader, Peter
Entrepreneurial Marketing: Beyond Professionalism to Creativity, Leadership, and Sustainability by Kartajaya, Hermawan, Huan, Hooi Den, Kotler, Philip
Interviewing: A Guide for Journalists and Professional Writers by Forbes, Amy, Sedorkin, Gail
Fitness Influencers. Impact on Purchase Intentions and Attitudes of Instagram Users by Schiefer, Ben
Imageverbesserung. Strategien am Beispiel vom Startup "vitavate" by Anonym
Insights by Rustagi, Nimish
Before I Die Festival in a Box(TM): How to Hold an End-of-Life Conversation-Starting Event by Rubin, Gail
Inszenierung Und Dramaturgie Für Gelungene Events by Luppold, Stefan, Altenbeck, Detlef
Influencer-Marketing auf YouTube. Ästhetik und Narration by Vogelpohl, Jascha Frédéric
Ethnic Hospitality Marketing: Authenticity and Quality Constructions in the Greek Food Industry by Chatzopoulou, Elena
Elektromobilität und ihre Akzeptanz beim Konsumenten by Anonymous
Altersstereotype und Gender in der Werbung. Ein Vergleich zweier Kosmetikwerbevideos by Peters, Lara
The Youtube Marketing Handbook by Lau, Warren H.
Erfolgsfaktoren des Marketing-Mix europäischer Automobilhersteller in China am Beispiel von Volkswagen by Asani, Rilind
Trientrepreneur Magazine issue 12 by Ruscscak, M. L.
Global Agricultural and Food Marketing in a Global Context: Advancing Policy, Management, and Innovation by
Global Agricultural and Food Marketing in a Global Context: Advancing Policy, Management, and Innovation by
International Marketing in Times of Sustainability and Digitalization by Graf, Erika
Marketing Launchpad: The ultimate, no-fluff marketing book for women in business by Collard, Racquel
Auswirkung der Inflation auf das Kaufverhalten von Verbrauchern bei Lebensmitteleinkäufen by Anonymous
Grenzen und Möglichkeiten von Social-Media-Strategien. Instagram als Mittel lokaler Marktkommunikation by Tiefenthäler, Katharina
Opportunities and Challenges of Business 5.0 in Emerging Markets by
Opportunities and Challenges of Business 5.0 in Emerging Markets by
Groundswell: The Unseen Wave of Business Growth by Martin, Scott A.
Konzeption und Inszenierung eines Events. Die Landesgartenschau 2014 in Deggendorf by Biller, Thomas
Groundswell: The Unseen Wave of Business Growth by Martin, Scott A.
Escrever e publicar um livro by Awadhifo Ayibho, Samuel
Visualizing Marketing: From Abstract to Intuitive by Kucuk, S. Umit
Shaping the Future of Your Business: How to Enable Your Organisation to Manage Market Changes and Crises by Hilbig, Heino
Diversity & Inclusion in Strategie Und Kommunikation: Vielfalt in Konzeption, Kultur Und Sprache Im Unternehmen by Schach, Annika
Comprendre les calculs pour l'entreprise by Ouattara, Kpindotchin Cléopâtre
Einsatz von E-Mail-Marketing. SWOT-Analyse und Praxis am Beispiel eines Musterrestaurants by Miller, Fabian
B2B-Marketing und Vertrieb: Strategie - Instrumente - Umsetzung by Korte, Sabine, Purle, Enrico, Arica, Mahmut
Internationale Vertriebssteuerung by Result Framing: So Sichern Sie Ihre Sales-Ergebnisse Weltweit by Lasko, Wolf W., Lasko, Lara M.
Digital Marketing Strategies for Value Co-Creation: Models and Approaches for Online Brand Communities by Ozuem, Wilson, Willis, Michelle
The Ultimate Marketing Asset by Lewis, Jerome, Briggs, Alice
The Ultimate Marketing Asset by Briggs, Alice, Lewis, Jerome
Celebrity and the American Political Process: Integrated Marketing Communication by Brubaker, Jennifer
Tips & Strategies of Sales & Marketing by Narain, Prem
Sales Meets Brain Research: Just Let Your Customer Buy by Weber, Paul, Böttger, Heiner
Seo: A No Nonsense Guide in Digital Marketing (Learn How to Drive Traffic and Boost Your Business in the Digital Age) by Bohner, Patrick
Social-Media-Marketing-Maßnahmen. Bedeutung der Online-Werbung für die Beliebtheitssteigerung digitaler Plattformen by Stuttner, Dolores
Vermarktung von Fußballern als Influencer. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven by Anonymous
Online Agency Insider Ultimate Playbook: More Appointments, More High Ticket Clients and More Revenue for your Online Agency by Bevanda, Fran
Manual de estrategia de operaciones by Caja Corral, Ángel
Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases by Bateson, John, Hoffman, K.
Employer Engagement: Making Active Labour Market Policies Work by
Breaking Through: Communicating to Open Minds, Move Hearts, and Change the World by Susman, Sally
Digital Marketing in Practice: Design, Implement and Measure Effective Campaigns by Knight, Hanne, Vorster, Lizette
Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey: Maximize Brand Value, Improve Conversion Rates and Build Loyalty by Wade, Antonia
Using Semiotics in Marketing: How to Achieve Consumer Insight for Brand Growth and Profits by Lawes, Rachel
Breaking Through: Communicating to Open Minds, Move Hearts, and Change the World by Susman, Sally
Managing Luxury Brands: A Complete Guide to Contemporary Luxury Brand Strategies by
It's Not the Size of the Data -- It's How You Use It: Smarter Marketing with Analytics and Dashboards by Pauwels, Koen
Crisis Communication Strategies: Prepare, Respond and Recover Effectively in Unpredictable and Urgent Situations by Coleman, Amanda
Empty at the Top: Exposing Spiritual Dangers in Multilevel Marketing by Holtz, Athena Dean
Digital Marketing in Practice: Design, Implement and Measure Effective Campaigns by Vorster, Lizette, Knight, Hanne
The AMA Handbook of Public Relations: Leveraging PR in the Digital World by Dilenschneider, Robert
Pillar-Based Marketing: A Data-Driven Methodology for SEO and Content That Actually Works by Brock, Ryan, Day, Christopher Toph
Breaking Through: Communicating to Open Minds, Move Hearts, and Change the World by Susman, Sally
Using Semiotics in Marketing: How to Achieve Consumer Insight for Brand Growth and Profits by Lawes, Rachel
Managing Luxury Brands: A Complete Guide to Contemporary Luxury Brand Strategies by
Pillar-Based Marketing: A Data-Driven Methodology for SEO and Content That Actually Works by Day, Christopher Toph, Brock, Ryan
Transforming the B2B Buyer Journey: Maximize Brand Value, Improve Conversion Rates and Build Loyalty by Wade, Antonia
Crisis Communication Strategies: Prepare, Respond and Recover Effectively in Unpredictable and Urgent Situations by Coleman, Amanda
Healthcare Marketing Explained by Zhalmukhamedov, Mph
Strategie Vincenti 40 Storie di Successo nel Marketing per Ispirare e Trasformare il Tuo Business by Lagravinese, Francesco
Digital Footprint Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Online Reputation Management by Bomshteyn, Nathan
Transparency in Business: An Integrative View by Dholakia, Utpal
Forum Markenforschung 2021: Tagungsband Der Konferenz Dermarkentag by
Visibility Made Easy 6 Month Marketing Planner (Large Print Edition) by Thomas-Omáur, Carrie R.
A New Era of Consumer Behavior - In and Beyond the Pandemic by
Brand, Label, and Product Intelligence: Second International Conference, Cobli 2021 by
Marketing en Redes Sociales: Una Guía Completa Para Hacer Crecer su Marca en Redes Sociales by Lazar, Jason
Verhalten von Menschen beim Warteprozess während des Anstehvorgangs an einer Supermarktkasse. Welche Faktoren beeinflussen sie dabei? by Anonymous
Reputation Analytics: Public Opinion for Companies by Diermeier, Daniel
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