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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1991

The Neurosciences: Paths of Discovery, I by Worden
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 9, 1991: Focus on Chronic Illness and Long-Term Care by
Triphenyl Phosphate: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 111 by Ilo, Unep
Chlorobenzenes Other Than Hexachlorobenzene: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 128 by Unep, Ilo
Strategic Health Planning: Methods and Techniques Applied to Marketing/Management by Unknown, Spiegel, Allen D., Hyman, Herbert H.
Strategic Health Planning: Methods and Techniques Applied to Marketing/Management by Spiegel, Allen D.
Behavioral Medicine: International Perspectives, Volume 1 by Byrne, Dg, Caddy, Glenn R., Byrne, D.
Pod- Nursing Theories in Practice by Parker, Marilyn
Cortico-Hippocampal Interplay: And the Representation of Contexts in the Brain by Miller, Robert
Endothelial Mechanisms of Vasomotor Control: With Special Reference to the Coronary Circulation by Drexler, H.
Multiple Congenital Anomalies: A Catalogue of Recognizable Syndromes by Winter, Robin M., Baraitser, Michael
Progress in Inflammation Research & Therapy by Welton, A., Ackerman, N., Bonney, R.
The Mediterranean Diets in Health and Disease by Spiller, Gene, Spiller, Gene Ed
Nephrology: Volume I by
Aktuelle Therapieprinzipien Bei Der Peripheren Arteriellen Verschlußkrankheit: Symposium Vom 25. - 28. Oktober 1990 by Landgraf, Helmut, Bisler, Horst
Defeating Pain: The War Against a Silent Epidemic by Wall, Patrick D., Jones, Mervyn
Temporary Cardiac Assist with an Axial Pump System by
The Development and Treatment of Childhood Aggression by
Nickel: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 108 by Hertel, R. F., ILO, Unep
Dimethylformamide: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 114 by ILO, Unep
Inorganic Mercury: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 118 by ILO, Unep
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 120 by ILO, Unep
Hexane (N-Hexane): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 122 by ILO, Unep
Lindane: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 124 by Unep, Herbst, M., ILO
Platinum: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 124 by Unep, Rosner, G., ILO
Partially Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbons (Methane Derivatives): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 126 by ILO, Unep
Pharmacology of Diabetes by
Work Worth Doing: Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation by McMahon
Developing Clinical Problem-Solving Skills: A Guide to More Effective Diagnosis and Treatment by Pickell, Garfield C., Barrows, Howard S.
Genes and Phenotypes by Davies, Kay E.
Vitamin C: Its Chemistry and Biochemistry by Davies, M. B., Partridge, D. A., Austin, J. A.
The Brain by
App of Mam Embryo Research #4 (91) by Roger Pedersen
Fiber Carcinogonosis #2 (91) by Curtis C Harris
Cancer, HIV and AIDS by
Prostate Cancer: Cell and Molecular Mechanisms in Diagnosis and Treatment by
Delir Und Delirprophylaxe in Der Intensivmedizin: Eine Standortbestimmung by
Cocaine Addiction, Treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention (Revised) by Washton, Arnold
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes: Volume 1: Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes by
Informationssysteme Und Datenschutz Im Krankenhaus: Strategische Informationsplanung -- Informationsrechtliche Aspekte -- Konkrete Vorschläge by Seelos, Hans J.
Sexual Abuse and the Primary Care Doctor by Wakley, Gill
Sinus Node Inhibitors: A New Concept in Angina Pectoris by
Anthropologies of Medicine: A Colloquium on West European and North American Perspectives by
Managing Community Health Services by McNaught, Allan
Care of the Long-Stay Elderly Patient by Denham, Michael J.
Coping with Stress in the Health Professions: A Practical Guide by Burnard, Philip
Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors by Wise, Donald L.
Rediscovering Nursing: A Guide for the Returning Nurse by Johnson, Martin
Clinical Teaching in Nursing by White, Ruth, Ewan, Christine E.
Ethical Issues in Mental Health by Baldwin, Steve, Barker, Philip J.
Biopsy Pathology of Muscle by Swash, Michael, Schwartz, Martin S.
Verhandlungen Der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Für Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe: Jahresversammlung Interlaken, 13.-15. Juni 1991 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Special Focus on the Biology of Aging by
Current Topics in Heart Failure: Experimental and Clinical Aspects by
Comparative Health Policy and the New Right: From Rhetoric to Reality by
Biomaterials: Novel Materials from Biological Sources by Byrom, David
Principles and Practice of Immunoassay by
Limb Amputation: From Aetiology to Rehabilitation by Ham, R., Cotton, L. T.
Speech and Communication Disorder in Psychiatry by
Dealing with Death: Practices and Procedures by Green, Jennifer Green and Michael
Voice Disorders and Their Management by Fawcus, Margaret
Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Gehirns: Das Ganze und seine Teil: Preis der Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Förderungvon Arbeiten zum E by Creutzfeldt, Otto
Concise Cardiology by Kaltenbach, Martin, Vlietstra, Ronald E.
Nutritional Status Assessment: A Manual for Population Studies by Fidanza, F. L. a. M. I. N. I. O.
Pragmatics of Language: Clinical Practice Issues by Gallagher, Tanya M.
Early Intervention Studies for Young Children with Special Needs by Mitchell, David R., Brown, Roy Irwin
Breakdown of Speech: Causes and Remediation by Milloy, Nancy R.
Management in Occupational Therapy by Maslin, Z. B.
Issues of Blood: The Politics of Menstruation by Laws, Sophie
Clinical Nuclear Medicine by Britton, K. E., Gilday, David L., Maisey, Michael
Oesophageal Atresia by Beasley, Spencer W., Myers, N. A., Auldist, A. W.
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing by Ledward, R. S., Hawkins, D. F., Stern, Leo
Nursing as Therapy by McMahon, Richard, Pearson, Alan
Triazenes: Chemical, Biological and Clinical Aspects by Giraldi, Tullio Ed., International Conference on Triazenes Chemical Biological an
Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Pharmakologie Und Toxikologie: Abstracts of the Autumn Meeting 10-14 September 1991, Berlin by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Between Two Worlds: The Report of the Northwest Territories Perinatal and Infant Mortality and Morbidity Study by
Rhythmical Massage by Hauschka, Margarethe
Human Physical Health by Taylor, Dennis
Primäre Diagnostik Und Verlaufskontrolle Der Struma. 9. Konferenz Über Die Menschliche Schilddrüse, Homburg-Saar by
Bronchialkarzinom by
Bio-Bibliographisches Verzeichnis Jüdischer Doktoren Im 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert by Komorowski, Manfred
Abwehrsysteme der Lunge und Lungenentzündung by Opferkuch, W., Morgenroth, Konrad
Laboratory Organization. Automation by
Plant Growth Curves: The Functional Approach to Plant Growth Analysis by Roderick, Hunt, Hunt, Roderick
Unfallheilkunde Für Die PRAXIS by
Aldicarb: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 121 by Unep, Risher, J., ILO
Every Day Gets a Little Closer: A Twice-Told Therapy by Elkin, Ginny, Yalom, Irvin D.
Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology: The Moving Imagination by Chodorow, Joan
Ökosystem Darm II: Mikrobiologie, Immunologie, Morphologie Klinik Und Therapie Akuter Und Chronischer Entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen by
Blutdrucksenkung Heute -- Korrektur Von Struktur Und Funktion Der Arterie by
Elisa and Other Solid Phase Immunoassays: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by
Treatment of Autistic Children by Rutter, Michael J., Howlin, Patricia
Physics and Instrumentation of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound by Fish, Peter
de Gruchy's Clinical Haematology in Medical Practice by Penington, D., Firkin, Frank, Chesterman, C.
Rapid Microbiological Methods for Foods, Beverages and Pharmaceuticals by
Clinical Trials: A Practical Approach by Pocock, Stuart J.
NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by Wüthrich, Kurt
Changing Values in Medical and Healthcare Decision-Making by
Global Report on Student Well-Being: Life Satisfaction and Happiness by Michalos, Alex C.
The Human Substantia Nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area: A Neuroanatomical Study with Notes on Aging and Aging Diseases by Donkelaar, Hendrik J. Ten, Domburg, Peter H. M. F. Van
Grundlagen Der Immunologie by Friemel, Helmut, Brock, Josef
Prenatal Diagnosis of Foetal Malformations and Diseases: Teaching Atlas of Amniofoetography by Abét, Lothar, Prenzlau, Peter, Richter, Johannes
Digitale Und Interventionelle Radiologie Bei Herz- Und Gefäßkrankheiten: Radiologie Symposium 88 Mit Internationaler Beteiligung Veranstaltet Von Der by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 6 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 5 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 2 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 12 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 1 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 7 by
Antibiotika: Chemie Und Anwendung by Onken, Dieter
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 10 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 8 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 9 by
Molecular Mechanisms of Adrenal Steroidogenesis and Aspects of Regulation and Application by
Principles, Mechanisms and Biological Consequences of Induction by
Der Stoffwechsel by Hofmann, Eberhard
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 11 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 4 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 35, Heft 3 by
Deskriptorenregister 1989: (Hefte 1--12) by
Autorenregister 1989: (Hefte 1--12) by
Lipidanalytische Prüfkomponenten in Der Laboratoriumsdiagnostik by
Computertomographie in Der Onkologischen Diagnostik (Ohne Hirntumoren) by Merkle, Kh, Cobet, H., Kriedemann, E.
Books That Heal: A Whole Language Approach by Mohr, Carolyn
Handbook of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy by
Health Care Managers in Transi by Leebov, Wendy, Scott, Gail
Transforming Healthcare Organizations by Marszalek-Gaucher, Ellen, Coffey, Richard J.
Toward a New Personology: An Evolutionary Model by Millon, Theodore
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 4 by Mitscher, Lester A., Lednicer, Daniel
The Blackwell Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology by
Ultrasonic Bioinstrumentation by Christensen, Douglas
Cognitive Neuroscience by
Connectionism: Debates on Psychological Explanation, Volume 2 by
Pet Loss and Human Bereavement by
Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative Methods by Kupper, Lawrence L., Morgenstern, Hal, Kleinbaum, David G.
Single Session Therapy: Maximizing the Effect of the First (and Often Only) Therapeutic Encounter by Talmon, Moshe
Komplexe: Diagnostik Und Therapie in Der Analytischen Psychologie by Dieckmann, Hans
The Family Genetic Sourcebook by Pierce, Benjamin A.
Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits by Griffey, Stephen M., Percy, Dean H., Barthold, Stephen W.
Advances in Art Therapy by
Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography by
Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Innere Medizin: 96. Kongreß Gehalten Zu Wiesbaden Vom 21. Bis 25. April 1990 by Miehlke, Klaus
Sociodemographic Factors in the Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis: An Annotated Bibliography by Lowis, George W.
In-Vitro-Fertilisation -- Ein Umstrittenes Experiment: Fakten - Leiden - Diagnosen - Ethik by Hölzle, Christina, Wiesing, Urban
The Patient-Physician Relation: The Patient as Partner, Part 2 by Veatch, Robert M.
Awareness of Deficit After Brain Injury by
Return Rishi Pa 91 by Chopra, Deepak, Chopra
Microbial Membrane Transport Systems by
Bacteria by
Zerebrale Effekte Der Hypothermen Extrakorporalen Zirkulation by Stephan, Heidrun
Die Sepsis Bei Splenektomie: Tierexperimentelle Befunde Zum Milzerhalt Und Zur Immunaktivierung by Izbicki, Jakob R.
Das Intrathorakale Blutvolumen ALS Hämodynamischer Leitparameter by Pfeiffer, Ulrich J.
Pictures of Health by Rosenberg, Charles E., Golden, Janet
Recent Progress in the Genetic Epidemiology of Cancer by
Immunotherapy of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Clinical and Experimental Developments by
Errors in Chest Radiography by Viamonte, Manuel Jr.
Die Therapeutische Arbeitsbeziehung: Untersuchungen Zum Zustandekommen, Verlauf Und Ergebnis Analytischer Psychotherapien by Rudolf, Gerd
Hausbesuch Und Diagnostik Im Notdienst by Tönies, Hans
Health, Disease, Medicine and Famine in Ethiopia: A Bibliography by Kloos, Helmut
The Environmental Contexts of AIDS by Muir, Marie A.
The Social Crisis of Our Time by Roepke, Wilhelm
Doctors and Their Patients: A Social History by Shorter, Edward
Der Geriatrische Patient in Der Anaesthesie by
Visualizing Muscles: A New Ecorche Approach to Surface Anatomy by Cody, John
Mental Disorder Among Prisoners: Toward an Epidemiologic Inventory by Pallone, Nathaniel
The Therapeutic Process, the Self, and Female Psychology: Collected Psychoanalytic Papers by
Biochemistry of the Elemental Halogens and Inorganic Halides by Kirk, Kenneth L.
Epithelia: Advances in Cell Physiology and Cell Culture by Jones, Christopher J.
Trends in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapy by
Cancer and Nutrition by
Life Span Perspectives of Suicide: Time-Lines in the Suicide Process by
Cytomegalovirus: Biology and Infection by Ho, Monto
Carbohydrate and Glycoprotein Metabolism; Maternal Phenylketonuria by
Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety Measures by
Megakaryocytes, Platelets, Macrophages, and Eosinophils by
Legasthenie: Geschichte Und Folgen Einer Pathologisierung by Bühler-Niederberger, Doris
The Challenge of Cognitive Therapy: Applications to Nontraditional Populations by
Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer by
Amyloid and Amyloidosis 1990 by Natvig, Jacob B., International Symposium on Amyloidosis, Natvig Jacob Ed
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Clinician's Guide by Peterson, Kirtland C., Prout, Maurice F., Schwarz, Robert A.
International Perspectives on Self-Regulation and Health by
Introduction to Brain Topography by Wong, Peter K. -H, Weinberg, Harold, Bencivenga, Roberto
Supplementum X, 41. Jahrgang 1990 Verhandlungen Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft: XXXVI. Tagung Gehalten in Hannover Vom 29. August - 2. Se by
Regional Opioid Analgesia: Physiopharmacological Basis, Drugs, Equipment and Clinical Application by Meynadier, J., Zenz, Michael, De Castro, J.
Extending Life, Enhancing Life: A National Research Agenda on Aging by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee on a National Research Agenda on Aging
Medicare: New Directions in Quality Assurance Proceedings by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services, Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assura
Kidney Failure and the Federal Government by Committee for the Study of the Medicare End-Stage Renal Dise, Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services
The AIDS Research Program of the National Institutes of Health by Institute of Medicine, Committee to Study the AIDS Research Program of the National
Monitoring Human Tissues for Toxic Substances by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Considerations in Contact Lens Use Under Adverse Conditions: Proceedings of a Symposium by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Expanding Access to Investigational Therapies for HIV Infection and AIDS by Institute of Medicine, Roundtable for the Development of Drugs and Vaccines Against
Oral Contraceptives and Breast Cancer by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee on the Relationship Between Oral Contraceptives an
Physician Staffing for the Va: Volume I by Institute of Medicine, Committee to Develop Methods Useful to the Department of Vet
Research and Service Programs in the Phs: Challenges in Organization by Institute of Medicine, Committee on Co-Administration of Service and Research Progr
Mechanisms of Environmental Mutagenesis-Carcinogenesis by Kappas, A. Ed., European Environmental Mutagen Society, Kappas, A.
The Alexander Technique: How to Use Your Body Without Stress by Barlow, Wilfred
Silicium Und Silicone: Über Steinzeitliche Werkzeuge, Antike Töpfereien, Moderne Keramik, Computer, Werkstoffe Für Die Raumfahrt, Und Wie Es Dazu Kam by Rochow, Eugene G.
Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal-Cord-Injured Patient by Leyson, J. F. J.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1990/91 by
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