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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1995

Fifty Years of Antimicrobials: Past Perspectives and Future Trends by
Evaluating Hlth Risks by Johansson, Per-Olov
Body Composition Techniques in Health and Disease by
Community Psychiatry in Action by
Bioextraction and Biodeterioration of Metals by
Saponins by Hostettmann, K., Bell, Chris
Neurobiological Effects of Sex Steroid Hormones by
Cumulative Subject Index: Volume 229 by
When Life Ends: Legal Overviews, Medicolegal Forms, and Hospital Policies by Berger, Arthur S.
Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth - Second Edition, Revised and Updated by James, Walene, Walene, James
Extreme Stress and Communities: Impact and Intervention by
Critical Success Factors in Biomedical Research and Pharmaceutical Innovation: The Joint Impact of Management Control and Contingencies on Performance by Omta, S. W.
Cytokines and the Liver by
Written Expression Disorders by Gregg, N.
Single-Channel Recording by
Sexuality: A Developmental Approach to Problems by Schroeder, Carolyn S., Gordon, Betty N.
Aseptic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing II: Applications for the 1990s by
Molecular and Cell Biology of Human Gene Therapeutics by
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria by
Viruses in Human Gene Therapy by Vos, J.
Sexuality: A Developmental Approach to Problems by Schroeder, Carolyn S., Gordon, Betty N.
Modeling Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism by Baldwin, R. L.
Diet and Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms of Interactions by
Intercellular Signalling in the Mammary Gland by Wilde, Colin J., Wilde, Colin Ed., Peaker, Malcolm
Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 5 by International Workshop on the Enzymology and Molecular Biolo, Weiner, Henry Ed., Weiner, Henry
Thermus Species by Sharp, Richard Ed., Williams, R. A. D.
The Brain Immune Axis and Substance Abuse by Sharp, Burt M., Symposium on Brain-Immune Axis and Substance Abuse, Sharp, Richard Ed.
Cell Cycle - Materials and Methods by
Fetal Development: A Psychobiological Perspective by
Caring for Patients: A Critique of the Medical Model by Barbour, Allen
Technology in the Hospital: Transforming Patient Care in the Early Twentieth Century by Howell, Joel D.
Gastroenterologische Endoskopie Anleitung Für Die PRAXIS by Paulus, H. K.
Interactive Technology and the New Paradigm for Healthcare by
You Don't Have to Suffer: A Complete Guide to Relieving Cancer Pain for Patients and Their Families by Lang, Patt, M. D. Richard B., Lang, Susan S.
The History of Childhood by
Sound Mind, Sound Body: A New Model for Lifelong Health by Pelletier, Kenneth R.
Competing Solutions: American Health Care Proposals and International Experience by White, Joseph
The Contributions of Harry Sack Sullivan by
Trauma Explorations in Memory by
Anthroposophical Medicine and Therapies for Cancer by Heiligtag, Hans-Richard
The First Twelve Months of Life: Your Baby's Growth Month by Month by Caplan, Theresa, Caplan, Frank
Ghrh, Gh, and Igf-I: Basic and Clinical Advances by
Assessment and Therapy for Young Dysfluent Children: Family Interaction by Kelman, Elaine, Rustin, Lena
Self-Assessment for Mrcp, Part 1: Paediatrics by Finlay, Fiona O., Hourihane, Jonathan
Today I Will Do One Thing: Daily Readings for Awareness and Hope by Anonymous
Cytokines in Animal Health and Disease by
Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals by Morse, Janice M., Field, Peggy Anne
Atlas of Virus Diagrams by Ackermann, Hans-Wolfgang, Berthiaume, Laurent
The MRI Study Guide for Technologists by Meacham, Kenneth S.
Standard Setting: A Practical Approach by Girvin, June
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 5th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe, Aime '95, Pavia, Italy, June 25 - 28, 1995. Proceed by
DNA Cloning: A Practical Approachvolume 1: Core Techniques by
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science: Volume 3: Semantic Structures by
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science: Volume 4: Semantic Modelling by
Antibody Technology by Liddell, Eryl, Weeks, Ian
Functional Analysis of the Human Genome by F Farzaneh and D N Cooper (Eds)
Occult Causes of Disease Being a Compendium of the Teachings of Paracelsus by Wolfram, E.
Berufskrankheit 2108: Kausalität Und Abgrenzungskriterien by
Innovations in Healthcare Design: Selected Presentations from the First Five Symposia on Healthcare Design by
The Juran Prescription: Clinical Quality Management by Goonan, Kathleen Jennison
Clinical Supervision: A Systems Approach by Holloway, Elizabeth L.
Drugs Handbook 1995-96 by
What Makes Women Sick: Gender and the Political Economy of Health by Doyal, Lesley
Electroporation Protocols for Microorganisms by
Poverty and Child Health by Spencer, Nick
Neuro-Psychopharmaka Ein Therapie-Handbuch: Band 2: Tranquilizer Und Hypnotika by
Priority Setting in Action: Purchasing Dilemmas by Ham, Chris, Richards, John, Honigsbaum, Frank
Die Asiatische Hydra: Die Cholera Von 1830/31 in Berlin Und Den Preußischen Provinzen Posen, Preußen Und Schlesien by Dettke, Barbara
Clinical Supervision: A Systems Approach by Holloway, Elizabeth L.
DNA Cloning: A Practical Approachvolume 2: Expression Systems by
Culture and Sexual Risk by
The Somatotrophic Axis and the Reproductive Process in Health and Disease by
Glycoproteins I: Volume 29 by
Glycoproteins I: Volume 29 by
Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes by Andersen, Per K., Gill, Richard D., Borgan, Ornulf
A Framework for Physical Education in the Early Years by Carroll, M. E., Manners, Hazel
Monoclonal Antibodies: The Second Generation by
Putting Health Care on the National Agenda: Revised and Updated Edition by Birenbaum, Arnold
Putting Health Care on the National Agenda: Revised and Updated Edition by Birenbaum, Arnold
Current Cancer Research 1995 by
Culture and Sexual Risk by
Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics, 2ed by Parker, Lynn, Malan, David
Urodynamics and the Evaluation of Female Incontinence: A Practical Guide by Sand, Peter K., Ostergard, Donald R.
The AIDS Epidemic: Social Dimensions Of An Infectious Disease by Rushing, William A.
Osteoporose Und Bewegung: Ein Integrativer Ansatz Der Rehabilitation by
Chaos and Catastrophe Theories by Brown, Courtney M.
Hearing by Bats by
Study Skills and Test-Taking Strategies for Medical Students: Find and Use Your Personal Learning Style by Shain, Deborah D.
The Carnitine System: A New Therapeutical Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases by de Jong, J. W., DeLong, J.
No Truth Except in the Details: Essays in Honor of Martin J. Klein by
HIV Infection in Children: A Guide to Practical Management by
Practical Food Microbiology: Methods for the Examination of Food for Micro-Organisms of Public Health Significance by
Vaccine Design: The Subunit and Adjuvant Approach by Powell, Michael F.
The Role of Apoptosis in Development, Tissue Homeostasis and Malignancy: Death from Inside Out by Wyllie, A. H., Raff, M. C., Dexter, R. M.
Beta-Blockers in Hypertension and Angina Pectoris: Different Compounds, Different Strategies by Cleophas, T. J.
Information Processing in Medical Imaging by
Introduction to Clinical Psychology by
Family Support Programs and Rehabilitation: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Traumatic Brain Injury by Godfrey, Hamish P. D., Smith, Louise Margaret
Parent Survival Manual: A Guide to Crisis Resolution in Autism and Related Developmental Disorders by
Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children by Hart, Betty, Risley, Todd
Behavioral Approaches for Children and Adolescents: Challenges for the Next Century by
Bile Acids in Gastroenterology: Basic and Clinical Advances by
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases: Recent Developments by
Recent Advances in Clinical Trial Design and Analysis by
Fetal Islet Transplantation by Jovanovic, Lois, Peterson, Charles M., Peterson, P.L. Ed.
Social Psychiatry Across Cultures: Studies from North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa by
Current Topics in Primate Vocal Communication by
Behavior Genetic Approaches in Behavioral Medicine by
Portal Hypertension by
Chemistry of Structure - Function Relationships in Cheese by
Epidemiology and the Delivery of Health Care Services: Methods and Applications by Oleske, Denise
Neuroendocrinology of Gastrointestinal Ulceration by Szabo, Glavin, Gary B.
Cell Activation and Apoptosis in HIV Infection: Implications for Pathogenesis and Therapy by International Symposium on Cellular Approaches to the Contro, Andrieu, Jean-Marie, Andrieu, Jean-Marie Ed.
Fever and Antipyresis by Cooper, Keith E.
Cambridge Medical Reviews: Neurobiology and Psychiatry: Volume 3 by
The Medical Practitioner's Guide to Paediatric Audiology by Barry, McCormick
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 13, 1995: Focus on Key Social and Health Issues by Fitzpatrick, Joyce Ed
Children with Language Impairments by Donaldson, Morag
Good Grief 2: Exploring Feelings, Loss and Death with Over Elevens and Adults: 2nd Edition by Ward, Barbara
Inhaled Xenobiotics by Myers, Bob
Quality Assurance Program on Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Report from a Quality Assurance Task Group by
Good Grief 1: Exploring Feelings, Loss and Death with Under Elevens: 2nd Edition by Ward, Barbara
Touch in Early Development by
Polymer Films in Sensor Applications by Harsanyi, Gabor
Becoming a Good Doctor: The Place of Virtue and Character in Medical Ethics by Drane, James F.
El USO Mágico Y Ritual de Las Hierbas by Miller, Richard Alan
Second Language Acquisition Theory and Pedagogy by
Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul by Crick, Francis
The Book of Ayurveda by Morrison, Judith
Encounters with Qi: Exploring Chinese Medicine, Updated and Revised by Eisenberg, David, Wright, Thomas Lee
Analysing Survival Data from Clinical Trials and Observational Studies by Marubini, Ettore, Valsecchi, Maria Grazia
Trace Elements Medicine and Chelation Therapy by Williams, David R., Taylor, David M.
Bioavailability of Nutrients for Animals: Amino Acids, Minerals, Vitamins by
Addictive Behaviour: Cue Exposure Theory and Practice by
Pride and a Daily Marathon by Waterman, Ian, Cole, Jonathan
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 24 by
Topographische Diagnostik Des Gehirns by
Unternehmen Arztpraxis: Strategien Zum Erfolg by Drews, Michael, Kölling, Wolfgang, Mader, Frank H.
Ausdrucksgymnastik Und Ausdruckstanz: Tanzen Bildet Die Sinne by Reiners, Barbara, Knauth, Katharina
Dynamische Osteosynthese by
Counselling People on Prescribed Drugs by Hammersley, Diane
Antibody Engineering Protocols by
An Introduction to Environmental Epidemiology by
Intimate Betrayal: Understanding and Responding to the Trauma of Acquaintance Rape by Wiehe, Vernon R., Richards, Ann S.
Crucial Decisions at the Beginning of Life: Parents' Experiences of Treatment Withdrawl from Infants by McHaffie, Hazel
Managing the Practice: Whose Business? by Huntington, June
Orthopedische Geneeskunde Voorde Huisarts: Onderzoek, Diagnostiek En Behandeling Van de Extremiteiten Een Handleiding Voor de Huisarts by Winkel, F. D.
Comparative Anatomy of the External and Middle Ear of Palaeognathous Birds by Starck, J. Matthias
Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids by
Neuron-Glia Interrelations During Phylogeny I: Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Glial Cells by Vernadakis, Antonia, Roots, Betty I.
Neuron--Glia Interrelations During Phylogeny: II. Plasticity and Regeneration by Vernadakis, Antonia, Roots, Betty I.
Gutachtenkolloquium 10: Bildgebende Untersuchungsverfahren Der Ärztliche Sachverständige Beckenverletzungen Psychische Verarbeitung Fingerverl by
Prognostic Factors in Cancer by
Externe Und Interne Fixateursysteme by
Serotonin and Gastrointestinal Function by Galligan, James J., Gaginella, Timothy S.
The Family Guide to Preventing and Treating 100 Infectious Illnesses by Stoffman, Phyllis
The English Hospital, 1070-1570 by Webster, Margaret, Orme, Nicholas
The Family Guide to Preventing and Treating 100 Infectious Illnesses by Stoffman, Phyllis
Probation Round the World by
Fortschritte in Diagnostik Und Therapie Des Prostatakarzinoms by
Probation Round the World by
Law & Ethics in Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic Radiology: With Risk Management and Safety Applications by Obergfell, Ann M.
Psychosocial Effects of Screening for Disease Prevention and Detection by
Forschung Ohne Tierversuche 1995 by Spielmann, Horst, Schöffl, Harald, Tritthart, Helmut A.
Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields by Malmivuo, Jaakko, Malmivuo, Plonsey, Plonsey, Robert
Schizophrenie: Dopaminrezeptoren Und Neuroleptika by
Epidemic Models by
Gametes - The Oocyte by Grudzinskas
Humane Medicine by Little, Miles, Little, J. M.
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Mammalian Larynx by Harrison, D. F. N., Harrison
International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918 1939 by
Health Care's Forgotten Majority: Nurses and Their Frayed White Collars by Goodman-Draper, Jacqueline
Mercury as a Global Pollutant by Porcella, Donald Ed.
DNA Repair and Recombination by Lindahl, Lindahl, T. R.
Pharmacological Control of Calcium and Potassium Homeostasis: Biological, Therapeutical, and Clinical Aspects by
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: 6th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 3-8 September 1995, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Fran by
Household Composition in Latin America by De Vos, Susan M.
The Future of Medicines in Health Care: Scenario Report Commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios by Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios
Behavioural Brain Research in Naturalistic and Semi-Naturalistic Settings by
Tissue Renin-Angiotensin Systems: Current Concepts of Local Regulators in Reproductive and Endocrine Organs by
Advanced Methods of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Systems Analysis: Volume 2 by
Advances in Materials Science and Implant Orthopedic Surgery by
Critical Issues in Surgery by Cernaianu, Aurel C., Delrossi, Anthony J., Spence, Richard K.
Macromolecular Engineering by Mishra, Mishra, Munmaya K., International Conference on Advanced Polymers Via Macromolec
Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease: Vascular and Organ Protection by International Symposium on Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiova, Gotto, A. M., Gotto, Antonio M., Jr.
Health Information - New Possibilities by McSean, Tony, McSean, Tony Ed., Coutinho, Euphemia
Advances in Mucosal Immunology by Mestecky, Jiri Ed., International Congress on Mucosal Immunology, Mestecky, Jiri
Preparation for Aging by Heikkinen, Eino, Heikkinen, Eino Ed., Kuusinen, Jorma
On the Nature of Health: An Action-Theoretic Approach by Nordenfelt, L. y.
On the Nature of Health: An Action-Theoretic Approach by Nordenfelt, L. y.
Intensive Care: How Congress Shapes Health Policy by Ornstein, Norman J., Mann, Thomas E.
Clinical Neuropsychology: Behavioral and Brain Science by Mattingley, Jason B., Bradshaw, John L.
21 Words for Nurses by Young-Mason, Jeanine
Psychotherapy of Preoedipal Conditions: Schizophrenia and Severe Character Disorders by Spotnitz, Hyman
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women's Health Activism in America, 1890-1950 by Smith, Susan
A Practical Guide to Clinical Bacteriology by Gruneberg, R. N., Holton, J., Pattison, John R.
Reforming Health Care: The Philosophy and Practice of International Health Reform by
Chesneys' Radiographic Imaging by Moore, Adrian D., Ball, John L.
The Sociology of Health Promotion: Critical Analyses of Consumption, Lifestyle and Risk by
The Sociology of Health Promotion: Critical Analyses of Consumption, Lifestyle and Risk by
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