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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 2022

Biochemical, Immunological and Epidemiological Analysis of Parasitic Diseases by Chattopadhyay, Amit, Bandyopadhyay, P. K., Das, N. R.
GDPR and Biobanking: Individual Rights, Public Interest and Research Regulation across Europe by
Crispr Crops: The Future of Food Security by
Peroxisome Biology: Experimental Models, Peroxisomal Disorders and Neurological Diseases by
Tumor Suppressor Par-4: Structural Features, Molecular Mechanisms and Function by
Resilient Children: Nurturing Positivity and Well-Being Across Development by
Secretele Antice ale unui Maestru Vindecător by Rogers, Clint G.
Hairloss Solution: Natural Guide on how to prevent, control, treat hair loss, grey hair, dandruff, baldness, ringworm, folliculitis, psor by Johnson, Barbara S.
Brain Tumor: Discover What Your Health Practitioners Will Never Tell You About The Tumor In Your Brain by Chaffin, Cherilyn K.
Arthritis: All That You Need To Know About The Anti-Inflamatory Diet For Treating Arthritis Pain Relief, Groin Pain, Bursitis, Knee Pain, PFS, AKPS. by Chaffin, Cherilyn K.
Der Pflegeberuf in Deutschland. Eine Attraktivitätsanalyse und mögliche Handlungsstrategien im Umgang mit Personalmangel by Pohle, Justus
Prävention von HIV. Welche Maßnahmen können die Verbreitung verhindern? by Höllriegl, Monika
Fürsorge am Lebensende pädiatrischer Patienten. Der ethische Konflikt bei stellvertretenden Entscheidungen der Familie und der Pflegekräfte by Ganter, Raja
Die Auswirkungen der Wettkampfangst auf die sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit by Bräuning, Amadeus
Crohn's and Colitis the Flare Stopper(TM)System.: A Step-By-Step Guide Based on 30 Years of Medical Research and Clinical Experience by Kotlyar Rd Ldn, Galina
Decision Science for Future Earth: Theory and Practice by
Polymer Micelles/Vesicles for Drug Delivery by
Polymer Micelles/Vesicles for Drug Delivery by
Toxicity Assessment: Methods and Protocols by
Sustainability in e-Health. Overview and emerging challenges by Harder, Jan
Health and Safety for Airlines. An Example of New Zealand by Hiquet, Damien
Crohn's and Colitis the Flare Stopper(TM)System.: A Step-By-Step Guide Based on 30 Years of Medical Research and Clinical Experience by Kotlyar Rd Ldn, Galina
Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology by Powsner, Edward R., Powsner, Rachel A., Palmer, Matthew R.
Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide: Comprehensive Review with Practice Assessment Questions and Answer Explanations for the ASCP BOC Phlebotomy Technician Te by Falgout
Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarriers: Recent Advances in Tailor-Made Therapeutics by
Quimby's Quandary by Vergamini, Jerome
My Boots by Williams, Mitzi
Das Erste Englische Lesebuch für Medizinische Fachangestellte: Stufen A1 und A2 Zweisprachig mit Englisch-deutscher Übersetzung by Petit, Olivia
Sektorenübergreifende Versorgung des dialektischen Fußsyndroms eines Typ-2-Diabetikers. Ein neuer Tätigkeitsbereich für akademisierte Pflegekräfte? by Anonym
Media Hot and Cold by Starosielski, Nicole
Die seborrhoische Haut. Projektprotokoll zu fettiger Haut by Cakir, Nargiza
One by One: A Memoir of Love and Loss in the Shadows of Opioid America by Bush, Nicholas
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Overlap Disorders in Dermatology & Rheumatology by
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing by
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing by
Ultrasound in the Critically Ill: A Practical Guide by
Diseases of the Oral Mucosa: Study Guide and Review by
Intervertebral Disc Regeneration by
The Annotated Hodgkin and Huxley: A Reader's Guide by Ferster, David L., Raman, Indira M.
Tick Tock, It's LYME O'clock: A Warrior's Guide to Reclaiming Health & Happiness by Nannos, Christa
What You Need to Know about Asthma by Kelly, Evelyn B.
How Your Brain Works: Inside the Most Complicated Object in the Known Universe by New Scientist
An Anatomy of Pain: How the Body and the Mind Experience and Endure Physical Suffering by Lalkhen, Abdul-Ghaaliq
The World of All Creatures Great & Small: Welcome to Skeldale House by All Creatures Great &. Small
Psychiatric Emergencies by
Policing the Pandemic: How Public Health Becomes Public Order by Fatsis, Lambros, Lamb, Melayna
Rhinoplasty and the Nose in Early Modern British Medicine and Culture by Cock, Emily
The Annotated Hodgkin and Huxley: A Reader's Guide by Raman, Indira M., Ferster, David L.
Media Hot and Cold by Starosielski, Nicole
The Relativity of Living Well by Ali, Ashna
First Responder: A Memoir of Life, Death, and Love on New York City's Front Lines by Murphy, Jennifer
Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India by
Patientenpartizipation in Pflegeberufen. Peers als potenzielle Chance by Schuhmann, Moritz, Born, Patrick
Kommunikationsmodell zur Gesundheitskompetenz. Wie können gesetzliche Krankenkassen einen positiven Beitrag leisten? by Hanke, Marcella
Hippocampus: Cytoarchitecture and Diseases by
Current Perspectives on Viral Disease Outbreaks: Epidemiology, Detection and Control by
Smart and Pervasive Healthcare by
Doubts, Problems and Certainties about Acute Appendicitis by
E quando não está tudo bem?: Como (re)conhecer e agir na ansiedade e depressão by Guerreiro, Diogo
Mechanical Ventilation by
The Making of a Doctor by Sodipo, Julius Adebiyi
The Making of a Doctor by Sodipo, Julius Adebiyi
Symptome und Auswirkungen der Parkinson-Krankheit. Thematisierung eines Einzelfalls und alltagsrelevanter Therapieansätze by Hanke, Marcella
Schwangerschaftsvorsorge Und Pränataldiagnostik: Untersuchungen, Risiken, Grenzen, Entscheidungshilfen by Pagels, Jens
Arbeitsplatz Wissenschaft: Zwischen Mythos Und Realität by Burghardt, Juliane
Androgenetic Alopecia from A to Z: Vol.1 Basic Science, Diagnosis, Etiology, and Related Disorders by Anastassakis, Konstantinos
The Radiology Survival Kit: What You Need to Know for USMLE and the Clinics by
Difficult Decisions in Surgical Ethics: An Evidence-Based Approach by
Intrathecal Pump Drug Delivery by
Psychopharmacology for Nonpsychiatrists: A Primer by Greenfield, Daniel P.
12 Strokes: A Case-Based Guide to Acute Ischemic Stroke Management by
Essen im Takt der "inneren Uhr". Chronobiologie als sinnvoller Ansatz in Programmen zur Gewichtsreduktion? by Anonymous
Nanobiosensors for Agricultural, Medical and Environmental Applications by
Handbook of Youth Suicide Prevention: Integrating Research Into Practice by
Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: From Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice by
Mentoring in Health Professions Education: Evidence-Informed Strategies Across the Continuum by
Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India by
Anthropologies of Global Maternal and Reproductive Health: From Policy Spaces to Sites of Practice by
Alzheimer's Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities by
For the Love of Opium: Nature's Most Powerful Medicine by Simmons, W. E.
Die Verrückten Band 5: Irrsinn in der Geschichte - Vorpsychiatrie, Erste Psychiatrie by Landolt, Jakob
Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management by Lee, Frances W., Glaser, John P., Wager, Karen A.
Hot and Cold Theory: The Path Towards Personalized Medicine by Yavari, Maryam
Ducks in a Row by Robins, Sue
Hand Acupuncture: Clinical Treatment by Knudsen, Sumiko
Spiritual Herbalism: The Magic and Medicine of the Plants by Williams, Josh
Trennverfahren bei Pflanzenextrakten. Abtrennung der Lösungsmittel by Penka, Bienvenu Etienne
Supporting Women for Labour and Birth: A Thoughtful Guide by Leap, Nicky, Hunter, Billie
Virus vs Mankind: The Coronavirus Pandemic 2019 by Kudsy, Dale Mark
Introduction to Vascular Neurosurgery by
Substance Use and Misuse in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends, Intervention, and Policy by
Design of Experiments for Pharmaceutical Product Development: Volume I: Basics and Fundamental Principles by
Chemical Dust Suppression Technology and Its Applications in Mines (Open-Pit Mines) by Du, Cuifeng, Wang, Jiuzhu, Wang, Yuan
Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research by
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Public Health in Europe: Anthology on the Occasion of the Arteria Danubia Project by
Defining Physiology: Principles, Themes, Concepts. Volume 2: Neurophysiology and Gastrointestinal Systems by Mah, Kin Kheong, Seluakumaran, Kumar, Cheng, Hwee Ming
Frontotemporal Dementias: Emerging Milestones of the 21st Century by
Genedis 2020: Genetics and Neurodegenerative Diseases by
Arteriogenesis and Therapeutic Angiogenesis by
A Changing Perspective for Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease by
Ayuno Intermitente: El secreto para perder peso rápido y efectivo, mientras mantienes una vida sana y saludable by Palazzi, Maria
Ayuno Intermitente para Mujeres: Pierde peso, cultiva tu cuerpo y siéntete esplendida con esta dieta fenomenal by Palazzi, Maria
Supporting Women for Labour and Birth: A Thoughtful Guide by Hunter, Billie, Leap, Nicky
Reiki synthèse scientifique by Collinet, Philippe
Victor Horsley by Aminoff, Michael J.
Falls in Older People: Risk Factors, Strategies for Prevention and Implications for Practice by
Mental Health, Diabetes and Endocrinology by
A Bioethicist's Dictionary by Eisenhower, William
Pocket Essential Medical Equipment by Banhidy, Norbert, Zhang, David
A Bioethicist's Dictionary by Eisenhower, William
MENIERE'S DISEASE - What is Meniere's, Symptoms, Treatment, and Lifestyle by Mouchette, Pierre
Intersexualität im Spitzensport. Der Fall Caster Semenya by Niemann, Christoph
Medicinal Plants by Anastasia Utoh-Nedosa, Faculty of Pharmaceuti, Toxicology
Hospital Administration from the perspective of Non Medical Executives The Unsung Heroes by Joshi, Vishwa Bandhu
Possible Public Health approaches to increase the School Attendance Rate of Indigenous students in Mataranka, Northern Territory, Australia by Paradise, Elo Q.
NCLEX PN Examination Study Guide: Review Prep Book with 3 NCLEX PN Practice Tests [2nd Edition] by Rueda, Joshua
Ballistik: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Kneubuehl, Beat P.
Menopause Explained by Earlstein, Frederick
Maternal Healthcare and Doulas in China: Health Communication Approach to Understanding Doulas in China by Dai, Zoe Z.
Aflatoxins in Food: A Recent Perspective by
The Right to Health Care: Ethical Considerations by Kluge, Eike-Henner W.
Recent Advances in Biological Network Analysis: Comparative Network Analysis and Network Module Detection by
Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction by Montesinos López, Osval Antonio, Montesinos López, Abelardo, Crossa, José
Alzheimer's Disease Decoded: The History, Present, and Future of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia (Second Edition) by Brown, Nolan J., Chen, Jefferson William, Sahyouni, Ronald
Alzheimer's Disease Decoded: The History, Present, and Future of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia (Second Edition) by Brown, Nolan J., Chen, Jefferson William, Sahyouni, Ronald
Cancer Navigation: Charting the Path Forward for Low Income Women of Color by Wells, Anjanette, Ross, Will, Vetta L., Sanders Thompson
Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction by Montesinos López, Osval Antonio, Montesinos López, Abelardo, Crossa, José
Troubled Persons Industries: The Expansion of Psychiatric Categories Beyond Psychiatry by
Edible Plants in Health and Diseases: Volume 1: Cultural, Practical and Economic Value by
Covid-19: Impact on Public Health and Healthcare (Volume 2) by
Fußball als Religion. Ein kulturphänomenologischer Vergleich by Niemann, Christoph
ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide: Spire Study System's ATI TEAS 7th Edition Test Prep Guide with Practice Test Review Questions for the Test of Essentia by Spire Study System, Ati Teas 7 Test Study Guide Team
Great Ormond Street Handbook of Congenital Ear Deformities: An Illustrated Surgical Guide by Bulstrode, Neil W., Mazeed, Ahmed Salah
Great Ormond Street Handbook of Congenital Ear Deformities: An Illustrated Surgical Guide by Bulstrode, Neil W., Mazeed, Ahmed Salah
Neue Herausforderungen in der Krankenpflegeausbildung im 21. Jahrhundert: Ausbildungsergänzungen für das Zeitalter des kollektiven Individualismus by Herteux, Andreas
The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying by Bishop, Jeffrey P.
A Rich Bioethics: Public Policy, Biotechnology, and the Kass Council by Briggle, Adam
Identity, Gender, and Tracking: The Reality of Boundaries for Veterinary Students by Vermilya, Jenny R.
Identity, Gender, and Tracking: The Reality of Boundaries for Veterinary Students by Vermilya, Jenny R.
Spatial Disorientation for Divers by Powell, A. J.
Military Behavioral Health Staff Perspectives on Telehealth Following the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Sousa, Jessica L., Hummer, Justin, Hepner, Kimberly A.
Psychopathology and Function by Pizzi, Michael
Chinese Medicine Energetics: Balance Organ Meridians Using Essential Oils & The Chinese Meridian Time Clock by Stiles, Kg
The Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases Judicially Interpreted [1890] by Stroud, Frederick
Bases do diagnóstico da medicina chinesa by Calligaris, Karine, Scotti, Editora
Cell Death, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Cytoprotective Molecules by
Hypoxia-Inducible Factors: Regulation and Therapeutic Potential by
Natural Medicine in Therapy by
Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Treatment II by
Colorectal Cancer: From Pathophysiology to Novel Therapeutic Approaches by
The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World by
Die Pflegekammer Baden-Württemberg. Auswirkungen auf die Professionalisierung der Pflegenden by Muschel, Martina
Pharmacist, in Charge: The prescribed HACKS to dispense a fulfilling career that pays well by Fossouo Tagne, Joël, Ly, William
Pharmacist, in Charge: The prescribed HACKS to dispense a fulfilling career that pays well by Fossouo Tagne, Joël, Ly, William
Die Effizienz von innerklinischen Teamtrainingskonzepten in Notfallsituationen fördern. Alles nur Übung? by Konrad, Mario
Disaster Management and Human Health Risk VII by
Growth Through Nutrition in School. Adolescent Nutrition Interventions and Effectiveness of Radio Spot Dissemination Related Activities Based on the C by Eshetu, Getnet
Childbirth in South Asia: Old Challenges and New Paradoxes by
Pediatric Neurosurgery for Clinicians by
Handbook of Pediatric Surgery by
Quantile Regression in Clinical Research: Complete Analysis for Data at a Loss of Homogeneity by Cleophas, Ton J., Zwinderman, Aeilko H.
Erstaunliches Über Unser Herz: Wissen Für Herzkranke Und Herzgesunde by Barmeyer, Achim
Electrochemistry of Technetium by Chotkowski, Maciej, Czerwiński, Andrzej
The Official TCM Review Seminar's Textbook for the Pan Canadian Herbology Exam by Jangda, Msom Lac
The Official TCM Review Seminar's Textbook for the Pan Canadian Written Exam by Jangda, Msom Lac
Introduction to Medical Physics by
The Compleat Surgeon, or the Whole Art of Surgery Explain'd in a Most Familiar Method by Gabriel Le Clerc, Charles
The Archives of Dentistry, Vol. VII, No. 12, December 1890 by Various
Femina, A Work for Every Woman by Alexander Miller, John
The Archives of Dentistry, Vol. VII, No. 4, April 1890 by Various
A Comparative View of the Mortality of the Human Species, at All Ages by Black, William
Food, Energy, and Water Nexus: A Consideration for the 21st Century by
Meine verrückte Stalkerin: Reale menschliche Abgründe by Zobel, Robert
The Caregiver's Companion by Smith, Patricia Jean
Reclaiming Natural Movement: Practical and effective therapy for ataxic movements due to neurodegenerative disorders and other causes by Clouse, Thomas L.
Hypnotism: A Complete Manual on Hypnotism for the Beginner Intermediate and Advanced Practitioner (Learn Mind Control Techniques by Frost, Jose
Vsim for Nursing Fundamentals by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Laerdal Medical
Reclaiming Natural Movement: Practical and effective therapy for ataxic movements due to neurodegenerative disorders and other causes by Clousse, Thomas L.
CNA Study Guide 2022-2023: Review Manual with Practice Test Prep Questions and Detailed Answers for the NNAAP Certified Nursing Assistant Exam by Falgout
Mayo Clinic Cases in Neuroimmunology by Tobin, W. Oliver, McKeon, Andrew, Keegan, B. Mark
Sur la dissolution des pierres urinaires et leur traitement chimique. Lettre 2 by Le Roy D' Étiolles, Jean-Jacques-Joseph
La vaccination charbonneuse, conférence publique by Thierry, Émile
Thèse. De la ligature de l'artère dans l'opération de l'anévrisme par la méthode moderne by Pécot, Auguste
Examen Des Opinions Émises Récemment Par M. Ricord À l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, Leçon: École de Médecine de Lyon, 8 Février 1862 by Viennois, Alexandre
Note sur de nouveaux instruments propres à l'observation des divers organes de l'oeil by Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugène
Introduction diadermique de médicaments par l'électricité by Allard, Félix
Des hémorragies intrapéritonéales au cours des fibromes utérins by Lemoine, Pierre
Des calculs salivaires du conduit de Warthon et des accidents qu'ils déterminent by Leroy de Langevinière, Docteur
Étude sur l'alcoolisme à Madagascar, avant la conquête française by Radafiné, Docteur
Dissertation physique sur la poudre purgative de M. Ailhaud, docteur en médecine by Tixier, Jacques Marie
Une épidémie de rougeole à Clans, Alpes-Maritimes by Maurin, Pierre
Contribution à l'étude des troubles de l'appareil urinaire au cours de l'appendicite by Lancien, Ferdinand
Contribution à l'étude de l'étiologie de la tuberculose by Baret, Jules
Des congestions pulmonaires typhoïdiques, recherches cliniques et pathogéniques by Pagliano, Vincent
Notice Sur Les Eaux Thermales de Saxon, Canton Du Valais, Suisse: Avec Une Analyse Chimique by Morin, Pyrame
Étude sur la névrite optique dans la méningite aiguë de l'enfance by Parinaud, Henri
De l'influence de la faradisation localisée sur l'anesthésie de causes diverses by Vulpian, Alfred
De la chromidrose, chromocrinie partielle et cutanée de M. Le Roy de Méricourt, essai historique by Fouré, Victor
Hospitalisation publique et privée à Saint-Étienne by Chavanis, Hippolyte
Étude clinique et expérimentale sur les amyotrophies réflexes d'origine articulaire by Deroche, R.
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