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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2015

Money, Prices and Wages: Essays in Honour of Professor Nicholas Mayhew by
Warfare, Crusade and Conquest in the Middle Ages by France, John
The Crusaders in the East by Stevenson, W. B.
Burgen in Slowenien: Von dreieckigen Türmen und keilförmigen Anlagen by Prilasnig, Fabian
Futhark 360' Polarity Basic Explanation Book by Welling, Shakra, Welling, T. Robert
Das Klarissenkloster Gnadental in Basel by Giermann, Anne
The Siege of Jerusalem in 1099: The History and Legacy of the Climactic Battle of the First Crusade by Charles River
Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople by De Villehardouin, Geoffrey
The Eternal Feud: Renaissance Perspectives on Ancients versus Moderns by Gilbert, Neal Ward
The Emergence of León-Castile C.1065-1500: Essays Presented to J.F. O'Callaghan by
Die Arbeit von Johannes Bugenhagen bei der Einführung der Reformation in Hamburg by Plettenberg, Lars
Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred of Sicily by
Medievalism: A Critical History by Matthews, David
Contextualizing Miracles in the Christian West, 1100-1500: New Historical Approaches by
Music in Elizabethan Court Politics by Butler, Katherine
Medieval Hackers by Kennedy, Kathleen E.
The influence of religious beliefs on long-term economic development: Based on the example of Paris and London from the 16th to the mid 18th century by Hagmaier, Bastian
Das Sendschreiben des Starzen Artemij und die Bewegung der "Besitzlosen" in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts by Richter, Andrej
A History of the Medici: The Tragedies of the Medici by Staley, Edgcumbe
Allegorical Bodies: Power and Gender in Late Medieval France by Delogu, Daisy
The Making of Liturgy in the Ottonian Church by Parkes, Henry
The Age of the Seljuqs by
Byzantine Warship Vs Arab Warship: 7th-11th Centuries by Konstam, Angus
Mahomet et Charlemagne by Pirenne, Henri
Edward IV, England's Forgotten Warrior King: His Life, His People, and His Legacy by Corbet, Anthony
Edward IV, England's Forgotten Warrior King: His Life, His People, and His Legacy by Corbet, Anthony
Gesellschaftliche Rezeption von Kindsmord in der Frühen Neuzeit by Kulins, Daniel
The Glorious Reformation: Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the 16th Century by Schmucker, Samuel Simon
"Umb daz sü deste me harkoment". Das städtische Kaufhaus im Wirtschaftsleben des spätmittelalterlichen Straßburg: Entstehung, Verwaltung, Funktion by Heckl, Christoph
Martin Luther und die Reformation. Luthers Ziele und seine Kritik an der christlichen Kirche by Grenkowski, Gabriele
Sleepwalking Into a New World: The Emergence of Italian City Communes in the Twelfth Century by Wickham, Chris
Zar Peter der Große von Russland und die Länder Europas by Lechner, Christian
Das Herrscherbild um 1000 am Beispiel Konrads II.: Ideal und Selbstbild by Molitor, Linda
Das mittelalterliche Gastmahl. Performanz in der Geschichtswissenschaft by Lechner, Christian
Historians on Chaucer: The 'General Prologue' to the Canterbury Tales by Minnis, Alastair, Rigby, Stephen
Anglo-Saxon Emotions: Reading the Heart in Old English Language, Literature and Culture by
The Long Twelfth-Century View of the Anglo-Saxon Past by
Papier Im Mittelalterlichen Europa: Herstellung Und Gebrauch by
The Nautical Magazine for 1873 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1874 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1875 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1876 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1871 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1872, Part 1 by Various
The Nautical Magazine for 1872, Part 2 by Various
Die Gründung des Schmalkaldischen Bundes by Jungmann, Saskia
Karolingische Klöster by
Barlaam und Josaphat by
Das Armbrustschießen als Freizeitbeschäftigung und Prestige des mittelalterlichen Adels: Untersuchung anhand eines Briefwechsels zwischen Ulrich V. vo by Hanek, Christopher
Almost a Millennium by Jeanbill
The Renaissance Ethics of Music: Singing, Contemplation and Musica Humana by Kim, Hyun-Ah
The Byzantine Republic: People and Power in New Rome by Kaldellis, Anthony
Ars Et Ingenium: The Embodiment of Imagination in Francesco Di Giorgio Martini's Drawings by Riahi, Pari
On the Importance of Being an Individual in Renaissance Italy: Men, Their Professions, and Their Beards by Biow, Douglas
The Infinite Character of King Arthur: His History and Legend, His Camelot and Avalon by Roberts, Carmel P., Roberts, Jill M.
Die Funktion und Bedeutung des englischen Parlaments bei Thronwechseln in den Rosenkriegen by Seng, Sebastian
Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era, c. 680-850 by Brubaker, Leslie, Haldon, John
Conquerors, Brides, and Concubines: Interfaith Relations and Social Power in Medieval Iberia by Barton, Simon
The Keeper's Stone: The Third Book in the Keeper's Series by Bolton, Peter
Historical Fiction set in Medieval Britain: An Annotated Bibliography by Corfield, Justin
Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World by Schmidt, Benjamin
The Roll of Battle Abbey, Annotated by Burke, John Bernard
Marriage, Dowry, and Citizenship in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy by Kirshner, Julius
Women and Pilgrimage in Medieval Galicia by
Artifacts from Medieval Europe by Tschen-Emmons, James
Isabel La Catolica: Sus Antepasados by Morales, Carmen Alicia
Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe by Bynum, Caroline Walker
The Code of Honor by Wilson, John Lyde
The Creation of the Common Law: The Medieval "Year Books" Deciphered by Lund, Thomas
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Froissart, Jean
From Eckhart to Ruusbroec: A Critical Inheritance of Mystical Themes in the Fourteenth Century by Kikuchi, Satoshi
Improvising Early Music by Menke, Johannes, Schubert, Peter, Wegman, Rob C.
Dominikaner Und Juden / Dominicans and Jews: Personen, Konflikte Und Perspektiven Vom 13. Bis Zum 20. Jahrhundert / Personalities, Conflicts, and Pers by
Shakespeare and John Dee co-wrote The Tempest: Prospero's Island is Rhode Island by Egan, James Alan
Anglo-Saxon England, Volume 43 by
Tod und Bestattung von Friedrich I. Barbarossa: Eine Stellungnahme zum aktuellen Forschungsstand in der modernen Geschichtswissenschaft by Thieler, Björn-Alexander
The Metalogicon of John of Salisbury: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium by Salisbury, John of
Cyrus the Great by Abbott, Jacob
German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages by Bax, E. Belfort
Gregor von Tours "procedit novos Constantinus ad lavacrum" in "Historiarum libri decem": Der Vergleich Konstantin mit Chlodwig bei seiner Taufe by Karl, Marcus
Supplications from England and Wales in the Registers of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 1410-1503: Volume III: 1492-1503. with Indexes to Volumes I-III by
Famous Men of the Middle Ages by Haaren, John H., Poland, A. B.
Studies in Medievalism XXIV: Medievalism on the Margins by
Regency in Sixteenth-Century Scotland by Blakeway, Amy
Trees in the Religions of Early Medieval England by Bintley, Michael
Misera Hispania: Jews and Conversos in Alonso de Espina's Fortalitium Fidei by Vidal Doval, Rosa
Guta Lag and Guta Saga: The Law and History of the Gotlanders by
Leonardo: A Return to Florence by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages by Jordan, William Chester
Die Vitalienbrüder in Nord- und Ostsee by Hoffmann, Rene
The History of Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the war in the Crimea in 1857. Vol. III. - War College Series by Dyer, Thomas Henry
The History of Modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the war in the Crimea in 1857. Vol. III. - War College Series by Dyer, Thomas Henry
Love and Death in Renaissance Italy by Cohen, Thomas V.
Dreams and Visions in the Early Middle Ages by Keskiaho, Jesse
Mediaeval Socialism by Jarrett, Bede
The Magic of the Middle Ages by Rydberg, Victor
Medieval Europe by Davis, H. W. C.
Diplomacy in the Early Islamic World: A Tenth-Century Treatise on Arab-Byzantine Relations by Vaiou, Maria
Die Lage der Prostituierten im späten Mittelalter. Geduldet, gewollt oder geächtet? by Anonym
Jasper Tudor: Godfather of the Tudor Dynasty by Bayani, Debra
Le Saint Suaire de Besançon: Dissertations Pour et Contre son Authenticité by Latendresse, Mario
Der Einfluss des Hexenhammers auf einen konkreten Hexenprozess by Hürbin, Bernhard
A Great Effusion of Blood'?: Interpreting Medieval Violence by
Divorce in Medieval England: From One to Two Persons in Law by Butler, Sara M.
Affectionate Authorities: Fathers and Fatherly Roles in Late Medieval Basel by Grace, Philip
How to Correct the Sacra Scriptura? Textual Criticism of the Latin Bible between the Twelfth and Fifteenth Century by Linde, Cornelia
Die Stadt Breslau in der Hanse. Gründungsgeschichte und Stadtaufbau by Haase, Silvio
La raison du Noir: L ' alerte by Irie, Benjamin
Mittelalterliche Königshöfe und Pfalzen im heutigen Niedersachsen. Pöhlde als herrscherlicher Aufenthaltsort by Schütte, Bernd
The Medieval Way of War: Studies in Medieval Military History in Honor of Bernard S. Bachrach by Halfond, Gregory I.
Medina: The History of Islam's Second Holiest City by Charles River, Harasta, Jesse
A History of the Eastern Roman Empire by Bury, J. B.
A History of the Later Roman Empire - Volume 1 by Bury, J. B.
Mecca and Medina: The History of Islam's Holiest Cities by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Wulf the Saxon: A Story of the Norman Conquest by Henty, G. a.
The Lion of St. Mark: A Story of Venice in the Fourteenth Century by Henty, G. a.
King Alfred's Viking by Whistler, Charles
The Eagles of Savoy: The House of Savoy in Thirteenth-Century Europe by Cox, Eugene L.
Ideology, Reason, and the Limitation of War: Religious and Secular Concepts, 1200-1740 by Johnson, James Turner
Household and Lineage in Renaissance Florence: The Family Life of the Capponi, Ginori and Rucellai by Kent, Francis William
Francois Hotman: A Revolutionary's Ordeal by Kelley, Donald R.
Medieval Statecraft and Perspectives of History: Essays by Joseph Strayer by Strayer, Joseph R.
The Language of History in the Renaissance: Rhetoric and Historical Consciousness in Florentine Humanism by Struever, Nancy S.
The Dark Ages and the Age of Gold by Fraser, Russell a.
Order and Innovation in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Joseph R. Strayer by
The Cambridge History of China by
Cozinha Medieval e Renascentista: Usos e hábitos da sociedade portuguesa by Lacerda, I. J.
Animals and Hunters in the Late Middle Ages: Evidence from the Bnf MS Fr. 616 of the Livre de Chasse by Gaston Fébus by Klemettilä, Hannele
The Renaissance by Peter, Walter Horatio
Essai sur les moeurs et l'esprit des nations by Arouet, François-Marie
The Lives of the Popes and Emperors by Petrarch, Pseudo-
The Lives of the Popes and Emperors by Petrarch, Pseudo-
Die kaiserlich-französischen Beziehungen 1641-1648 by Bock, Martin
Abrahams Erbe by
Greater Khorasan: History, Geography, Archaeology and Material Culture by
Art of Renaissance Venice, 1400-1600 by Partridge, Loren
Unwritten Verities: The Making of England's Vernacular Legal Culture, 1463-1549 by Sobecki, Sebastian
A Great and Terrible King by Morris, Marc
Die Verhandlungen zur Reichsmatrikel 1521-1566 by Bock, Martin
Die Stadt im Mittelalter und die Planung eines Projekts nach Frey by Ungefug, Julia
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made by Cantor, Norman F.
The Cruciform Brooch and Anglo-Saxon England by Martin, Toby F.
The Bigod Earls of Norfolk in the Thirteenth Century by Morris, Marc
Warfare in the Middle Ages: The History of Medieval Military and Siege Tactics by McLachlan, Sean, Charles River
Scotland, England and France After the Loss of Normandy, 1204-1296: `Auld Amitie' by Pollock, M. a.
The Peterborough Version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Rewriting Post-Conquest History by Home, Malasree
`The Foremost Man of the Kingdom': John de Vere, Thirteenth Earl of Oxford (1442-1513) by Ross, James
The Anglo-Saxon Chancery: The History, Language and Production of Anglo-Saxon Charters from Alfred to Edgar by Snook, Ben
Decoding Domesday by Roffe, David
Konrad Witz und der Genfer Petrusaltar. "Der wunderbare Fischzug" als Bildquelle zum Basler Konzil by Huber, Markus
The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529 by Taylor, F. L.
Alkuin. Herkunft, Leben und Leistung des Gelehrten aus dem Frühmittelalter by Schwendner, Kathrin
Medieval Tastes: Food, Cooking, and the Table by Montanari, Massimo
Machiavelli Goes to the Movies: Understanding The Prince through Television and Film by Kasper, Eric T., Kozma, Troy
The Alchemy of Al-Razi: A Translation of the "Book of Secrets" by Taylor, Ph. D. Gail Marlow
Adam Usk's Secret by Justice, Steven
Some Rise by Sin by Hall, Courtney J.
Das Straßburger Kaufhaus im Mittelalter: Entstehung, Verwaltung, wirtschaftspolitische Funktion by Heckl, Christoph
The Anglo-Saxon Achievement by Hodges, Richard
Die Hofschule Karls des Großen unter der Leitung Alkuins: Gelehrte am Karlshof by Schwendner, Kathrin
Die Sozialfürsorge in mittelalterlichen Hospitälern in Deutschland by Schwendner, Kathrin
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume II: The New World by Churchill, Sir Winston S.
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume III: The Age of Revolution by Churchill, Sir Winston S.
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume IV: The Great Democracies by Churchill, Sir Winston S.
A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume I: The Birth of Britain by Churchill, Sir Winston S.
Early Medieval Crafts and Production in Ireland, AD 400-1100: The Evidence from Rural Settlements by Kerr, Thomas R., Doyle, Maureen, Seaver, Matthew
Polemic: Language as Violence in Medieval and Early Modern Discourse by Suerbaum, Almut, Southcombe, George
Norwegian Collections Part II: Anglo-Saxon and British Coins, 1016-1279 by Screen, Elina
Charters of Chertsey Abbey by
The Christ Child in Medieval Culture: Alpha Es Et O! by Dzon, Mary, Kenney, Theresa M.
Die Missionierung durch die Jesuiten in Paraguay. Ein Utopia der Renaissance? by Drechsel, Christina
Fragments and Assemblages: Forming Compilations of Medieval London by Bahr, Arthur
Somanatha: The Many Voices of a History by Thapar, Romila
The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy by Burckhardt, Jacob
Die deutsche Hanse in Russland by Winckler, Arthur
An American Family Connection: An Early History Of French Kings. by Warden E. S., John Pierre Biddle
Siège et prise de Caen par les Anglais en 1417 by Puiseux, Leon
King John: And the Road to Magna Carta by Church, Stephen
Uomini e animali nel Medioevo by Salvadori Frank
The Crusades: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by Archer, T. A., Kingsford, Charles
Siège et prise de Rouen par les Anglais (1418-1419) by Puiseux, Leon
Medieval 'Artes Praedicandi': A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure by Wenzel, Siegfried
Between Kings by McWain, C. J.
The Gnostic Paradigm: Forms of Knowing in English Literature of the Late Middle Ages by Elias, N.
Representing Imperial Rivalry in the Early Modern Mediterranean by Weissbourd, Emily, Fuchs, Barbara
Nürnberg und seine Bedeutung um die Absetzungsvorgänge von König Wenzel 1400 by Anonym
Die Bedeutung der Tränen von Otto III. Inszenierung oder Emotionen? by Poschen, Stefanie
The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: Student Edition and English Translation by Sargent-Baur, Barbara N.
The Trial of Jeanne d'Arc (Routledge Revivals) by Barrett, W. P.
Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000-1306 by Barrow, G. W. S.
Les croisades en Terre sainte: Délivrer le tombeau du Christ by 50minutes, Julie Lorang
L'inquisition, le bras armé de l'Église: Du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle by 50minutes, Mélanie Mettra
Karl der Große. Friedrich Barbarossa.: Minnesang und Minnedienst zur Hohenstaufenzeit by Freytag, Gustav
Logica, or Summa Lamberti by Auxerre, Lambert Of
Die Wikingergräber auf der Isle of Man by Steinforth, Dirk H.
In the Footsteps of Anne Boleyn by Grueninger, Natalie, Morris, Sarah
The Medieval Islamic Republic of Letters: Arabic Knowledge Construction by Al-Musawi, Muhsin J.
The Roman Inquisition: Trying Galileo by Mayer, Thomas F.
New Norse Studies: Essays on the Literature and Culture of Medieval Scandinavia by
Gothic Cathedrals: A Guide to the History, Places, Art, and Symbolism by Ralls Phd, Karen
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