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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2021

Klaus Störtebeker im Kontext seiner gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse. Eine kritische Betrachtung des Mythos by Anonymous
Der Hunger als Waffe. Die Belagerungen von Neuss 1474 bis 1475 und Wien 1483 bis 1485: Die Effektivität der "Hungerbelagerungen" by Erlebrook, Martin
Collecting Ancient Europe: National Museums and the Search for European Antiquities in the 19th-Early 20th Century by
Collecting Ancient Europe: National Museums and the Search for European Antiquities in the 19th-Early 20th Century by
Chaucer's Queens: Royal Women, Intercession, and Patronage in England, 1328-1394 by Tingle, Louise
The Poison Trials: Wonder Drugs, Experiment, and the Battle for Authority in Renaissance Science by Rankin, Alisha
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
Archaeology in the Zitava Valley I: The Lbk and Zeliezovce Settlement Site of Vráble by
The Naked Text: Chaucer's Legend of Good Women by Delany, Sheila
Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender by Hansen, Elaine Tuttle
El libro del Apocalipsis: la historia y el legado del libro final apocalíptico de la Biblia by Charles River, Vazquez-Lozano, Gustavo
Der Nürnberger Reichswald. Wie entwickelte sich die Holznutzung seit dem Mittelalter? by Anke, Rebekka
Del arte de la guerra by López, Calixto, Maquiavelo, Nicolás
Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions of an Empire by Ménage, V. L.
Ottoman Historical Documents: The Institutions of an Empire by Ménage, V. L.
A Cultural History of Hair in the Renaissance by
The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300-2050 by Murray, Williamson, Knox, MacGregor
Un medievo de leyenda: Mitos y certezas de un periodo "oscuro" by Navarro Villegas, Julio César
Der Erste Kreuzzug. Die Kultur des Ersten Kreuzzuges im Spiegel der Zivilisation by Anonymous
The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300-2050 by Murray, Williamson, Knox, MacGregor
The Letters of Edward I: Political Communication in the Thirteenth Century by Neal, Kathleen
Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-First Century by Elliott, Andrew B. R.
Thirteenth Century England XVII: Proceedings of the Cambridge Conference, 2017 by
Literature of the Crusades by
Heirs of the Vikings: History and Identity in Normandy and England, C.950-C.1015 by Cross, Katherine
Music, Liturgy, and Confraternity Devotions in Paris and Tournai, 1300-1550 by Long, Sarah Ann
Medieval Considerations of Incest, Marriage, and Penance by Rouillard, Linda Marie
Erdbeben in Der Geschichtsschreibung Des Früh- Und Hochmittelalters: Ursprung, Verständnis Und Anwendung Einer Spezifisch Mittelalterlichen Traditions by Schellbach, Konrad
Reassessing Alabaster Sculpture in Medieval England by
Impagination - Layout and Materiality of Writing and Publication: Interdisciplinary Approaches from East and West by
Wege Zum Frieden Im Nachrömisch-Gotischen Italien: Programmatik Und PRAXIS Gesellschaftlicher Kohärenz in Den Variae Cassiodors by Boßhammer, Steffen
The Maghrib in the Mashriq: Knowledge, Travel and Identity by
The Legacy of Early Franciscan Thought by
Schaffen und Nachahmen by
Il Medioevo in 333 risposte by Rigliaco, Dario
Power and Pleasure: Court Life Under King John, 1199-1216 by Thomas, Hugh M.
The Knights Templars: The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple by Addison, Charles G.
The Knights Templars: The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple by Addison, Charles G.
Die Schreibmotivation Einhards beim Verfassen der Vita Karoli. Eine Untersuchung von Theorien in der Literatur by Deissenberger, Klaus
Roman Identity from the Arab Conquests to the Triumph of Orthodoxy by Whalin, Douglas
Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars: Illustrated (Large Print Edition) by Burnes, James
Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars: Illustrated (Large Print Edition) by Burnes, James
Hausordnungen im Spätmittelalter: Der Zuwachs der Autonomie der Frauen des St. Agnes Klosters in den Hausordnungen by Samad, Mina
Spies and Diplomats: Spanish Intelligence Service in the Eighteenth Century by Taracha, Cezary
Making and Unmaking the Carolingians: 751-888 by Airlie, Stuart
Magic, Science, and Religion in Early Modern Europe by Waddell, Mark A.
Magic, Science, and Religion in Early Modern Europe by Waddell, Mark A.
Die erwerbstätige Frau in der Kölner Frauenzunft des Spätmittelalters. Gleichberechtigte Arbeitswelt? by Ellert, Sylvia
The Iuvenilia of Marc-Antoine Muret by Summers, Kirk M.
Against Apion: Flavius Josephus, On The Antiquity Of The Jews, Against Apion Translated By William Whiston by Josephus, Flavius
Faḍāʾil-I Balkh (the Merits of Balkh) by
Tales of the Crusaders - Remembering the Crusades in Britain: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Six by Siberry, Elizabeth
John Wycliffe and Jan Hus: The Lives of the Influential Church Reformers Who Preceded Luther and the Protestant Reformation by Charles River
Doctors in English: A Study of the Wycliffite Gospel Commentaries by
Bravura: Virtuosity and Ambition in Early Modern European Painting by Suthor, Nicola
The Consolation of Philosophy (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) by Boethius
John Wycliffe and Jan Hus: The Lives of the Influential Church Reformers Who Preceded Luther and the Protestant Reformation by Charles River
Emperor: A New Life of Charles V by Parker, Geoffrey
The Problems of Genocide by Moses, A. Dirk
The Problems of Genocide by Moses, A. Dirk
The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a by Chidester, Michael
The Long Sword Gloss of GNM Manuscript 3227a by Chidester, Michael
Reading the Old Norse-Icelandic "Maríu Saga" in Its Manuscript Contexts by Najork, Daniel C.
The Development of Education in Medieval Iceland by Patzuk-Russell, Ryder
Origins of the Witches' Sabbath by Bailey, Michael D.
Purimspiel Und Fastnachtspiel: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge Zur Gattungsinterferenz by
Forgery and Memory at the End of the First Millennium by Roach, Levi
Sozialfürsorge im Mittelalter. Die Grundbausteine für unser soziales Miteinander in der Gegenwart by Keintzel, Nicole
Worshiping with the Reformers by Maag, Karin
The Golden Rhinoceros: Histories of the African Middle Ages by Fauvelle, François-Xavier
The Chivalric Turn: Conduct and Hegemony in Europe Before 1300 by Crouch, David
Edad Media: Una guía fascinante de la Edad Media y la peste negra by History, Captivating
The Dutch Revolt: The History of the Dutch Republic's War of Independence against Spain by Charles River
Edad Media: Una guía fascinante de la Edad Media y la peste negra by History, Captivating
The Victoria History Of The County Of Derby (Volume I) by Page, William
Untersuchung des zeitgenössischen Diskurses über den Einsatz von Folter im Strafprozess des frühneuzeitlichen Deutschlands by Reichelt, Tom
The Abbasid Caliphate of Cairo, 1261-1517: Out of the Shadows by Banister, Mustafa
Elisabeth von Schönau und ihre Rolle in der mittelalterlichen Mystik: Ein Vergleich der Visionen Elisabeths von Schönau und Hildegards von Bingen by Steinhauer, Charlotte
Arabs in the Early Islamic Empire: Exploring Al-Azd Tribal Identity by Ulrich, Brian
The Turks: The Central Asian Civilization That Bridged the East and the West for Over Two Millennia - volume 2 by Yorulmazoglu, Erol I.
The Turks: The Central Asian Civilization That Bridged the East and the West for Over Two Millennia - volume 1 by Yorulmazoglu, Erol I.
'The Right Ordering of Souls': The Parish of All Saints' Bristol on the Eve of the Reformation by Burgess, Clive
Writing the Jerusalem Pilgrimage in the Late Middle Ages by Boyle, Mary
The Household Knights of Edward III: Warfare, Politics and Kingship in Fourteenth-Century England by Hefferan, Matthew
Winner and Waster and Its Contexts: Chivalry, Law and Economics in Fourteenth-Century England by Ormrod, W. M.
Henry of Blois: New Interpretations by
Medieval Temporalities: The Experience of Time in Medieval Europe by
Affective Geographies: Cervantes, Emotion, and the Literary Mediterranean by Johnson, Paul Michael
Medieval Beasts Colouring Book: Medieval Manuscript Art - Beasts -Japanese Woodblock Prints by Bertrand, Manon, Brisebois, Jim
Thurkill's Revenge by Bernardi, Paul
Nuevos ensayos sobre la Edad Media by Gea Izquierdo, Francisco Javier
Die Etablierung der Karolinger-Dynastie in Europa: Vom ersten Hilfeersuchen Roms an Karl Martell bis zur Kaiserkrönung Karls by Riering, Lukas
The Shadow of God by Naseem, Aj
Government and Merchant Finance in Anglo-Gascon Trade, 1300-1500 by Blackmore, Robert
The Gift of Narrative in Medieval England by Perkins, Nicholas
History of the Dukes of Normandy and the Kings of England by the Anonymous of Béthune by
Dictionary Of National Biography (Volume Xxi) Garnett-Gloucester by
A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion in the Renaissance by
Narrative in the Icelandic Family Saga: Meanings of Time in Old Norse Literature by O'Donoghue, Heather
Medieval Animals on the Move: Between Body and Mind by
Women, Writing and Religion in England and Beyond, 650-1100 by Watt, Diane
William: King and Conqueror by Hagger, Mark
Ketzerei im Mittelalter. Der Kreuzzug gegen die Albigenser by VID, San
The Papacy and Communication in the Central Middle Ages by
Edward the Confessor: The Sainted King by Woodman, David
The Material Culture of the Built Environment in the Anglo-Saxon World by
"In 1666 London burned like rotten sticks." Der Große Brand von London by Hilt, Jan
War König Sigismund von Luxemburg ein schwacher oder starker Herrscher? Die politische Opposition am Beispiel der Kurfürsten und des Binger Kurvereine by Anonymous
Princes of the Renaissance: The Hidden Power Behind an Artistic Revolution by Hollingsworth, Mary
Die Reisen des Marco Polo im Bericht "Il Milione". Wahrnehmungen und Glaubhaftigkeit by Öztürk, Melis
Der Sieg Ottos I. in der Schlacht auf dem Lechfeld. Ursachen, Strategie und historischer Kontext by Tufan, Lauritz
Right and Left in Early Christian and Medieval Art by Couzin, Robert
The Lombards: The History and Legacy of the Germanic Group that Dominated Italy after the Fall of Rome by Charles River
The Lombards: The History and Legacy of the Germanic Group that Dominated Italy after the Fall of Rome by Charles River
Grace O'Malley: The Pirate Queen of Ireland by Nerds, History
Religiöse Toleranz und religiöse Koexistenz im Heiligen Römischen Reich nach 1648: Der Westfälische Friede und konfessionelle Konflikte by Anonymous
Reconquista - Der "Heilige Krieg" in Spanien?: Die Deutung der Kriegsmotivationen vom 8. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert by Anonymous
Sidelights on Greek Antiquity: Archaeological and Epigraphical Essays in Honour of Vasileios Petrakos by
Christianity and Violence in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period: Perspectives from Europe and Japan by
Gefängnis ALS Schwellenraum in Der Byzantinischen Hagiographie: Eine Untersuchung Früh- Und Mittelbyzantinischer Märtyrerakten by Papavarnavas, Christodoulos
Die Poesie Der Dinge: Ziele Und Strategien Der Wissensvermittlung Im Lateinischen Lehrgedicht Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Objects of Affection: The Book and the Household in Late Medieval England by Seaman, Myra
The Waning of the Middle Ages by Huizinga, Johan
Kindsmord von der frühen Neuzeit bis zu Beginn der Industrialisierung. Kaltblütiger Mord durch die Mutter oder Opfer der sozialen Verhältnisse? by Anonymous
Der Rheinische Städtebund von 1254. Bewahrer des Reichsgedankens während des Interregnums? by Meier, Rosanna
Bernhard von Clairvaux und seine Schrift: "Ad milites Templi. De laude novae militiae" by Meier, Rosanna
The Pilgrims' Way: Shrines and Saints in Britain and Ireland by Adair, John
Eleanor, the Firebrand Queen by Rayson-Hill, Helen
Festive Enterprise: The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England by Ingram, Jill P.
Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health by Ritchey, Sara
Acts of Care by Ritchey, Sara
Festive Enterprise: The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England by Ingram, Jill P.
Summistae: The Commentary Tradition on Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae from the 15th to the 17th Centuries by
Playing the Crusades: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Five by
Old Norse - Old Icelandic: Concise Introduction to the Language of the Sagas by Gordon, Randall, Byock, Jesse
Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader by Byock, Jesse L.
Die Sachsenkriege Karls des Großen. Wie der Zweck die Mittel heiligte by Weigt, Kevin
Die Burchardiflut 1634 und die Weihnachtsflut 1717. Deutung zweier Naturkatastrophen in der Frühen Neuzeit: Als das Wasser den Norden verwüstete by Sell, Philip
Zum mittelalterlichen Verhältnis von Islam und Christentum by Sell, Philip
Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe by Krebs, Verena
A History of the County of Stafford: XII: Tamworth and Drayton Bassett by
A History of the County of York: East Riding: Volume X: Part 2: Town and Liberty by
The Complete History of the Black Death by Benedictow, Ole J.
Human Agency in Medieval Society, 1100-1450 by Epurescu-Pascovici, Ionuț
Medieval and Early Modern Murder: Legal, Literary and Historical Contexts by
Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems by
Medieval St Andrews: Church, Cult, City by
Medieval Pets by Walker-Meikle, Kathleen
Covering the Blade: Archaeological Leather Sheaths and Scabbards by Volken, Marquita, Goubitz, Olaf
Korčula: Ländliche Lebenswelten Und Gemeinschaften Im Venezianischen Dalmatien (1420-1499) by Kümmeler, Fabian
Die Gründung von Universitäten im Mittelalter. Ursachen und Voraussetzungen by Sell, Philip
Die Inschriften Des Stadtgottesackers in Halle an Der Saale (1550-1700): Quellen Zum Bürgertum Einer Stadt in Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Stephanos Von Byzanz: Grammatiker Und Lexikograph by Billerbeck, Margarethe, Neumann-Hartmann, Arlette
The Ninja: The History and Legacy of Feudal Japan's Secret Agents by Charles River
The Wandering Herd: The Medieval Cattle Economy of South-East England C.450-1450 by Margetts, Andrew
The Cursed Carolers in Context by
Early Medieval Militarisation by
Hávamál e os poemas rúnicos: Edição bilíngue by Medeiros, Elton Oliveira Souza de
Ivo von Chartres und der Investiturstreit in Frankreich: Die Interpretation der Investitur in Brief 60 by Anonymous
Roger de Lauria: Sus campañas by Cellier de Martí, José Ignacio
Die Judenpogrome zur Zeit des Schwarzen Todes 1348-1350. Was waren die Ursachen? by Weber, Jan Philipp
Medieval Religion and Its Anxieties: History and Mystery in the Other Middle Ages by Fudgé, Thomas A.
Supplementary Exercises for Old Norse - Old Icelandic by Byock, Jesse, Gordon, Randall
Bones of Contention: The Improbable History of the Remains of Saint Edmund by McDonald, James
Dagobert by Lasserre, Henri
Minority Influences in Medieval Society by
"Bauernkrieg" gegen Moskau? Der Kosakenaufstand unter Stepan Razin 1667-1671 by Bäro, Nico
Gifts and Graces: Prayer, Poetry, and Polemic from Lancelot Andrewes to John Bunyan by Gay, David
Henry III: The Rise to Power and Personal Rule, 1207-1258 Volume 1 by Carpenter, David
Das Llibre dels Fets und der fünfte Kreuzzug. Diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen christlichen und islamischen Herrschern im Mittelalter by Müller, Thalita
Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Medieval Muslim World: A Collective Biography by Lev, Efraim
Manu Deï: "L'épée de la dernière Ordalie" by Cousin, Mary
Land and Society in Early South Asia: Eastern India 400-1250 AD by Furui, Ryosuke
Mummers' Plays Revisited by Harrop, Peter
Making Laws for a Christian Society: The Hibernensis and the Beginnings of Church Law in Ireland and Britain by Flechner, Roy
The Routledge History of Monarchy by
The Mobility of People and Things in the Early Modern Mediterranean: The Art of Travel by
The Medieval and Early Modern Garden in Britain: Enclosure and Transformation, c. 1200-1750 by
Saints as Intercessors Between the Wealthy and the Divine: Art and Hagiography Among the Medieval Merchant Classes by
The Middle Dutch Brut: An Edition and Translation by Levelt, Sjoerd
Jurists and Jurisprudence in Medieval Italy: Texts and Contexts by Kirshner, Julius, Cavallar, Osvaldo
Ancestors of Kamala Harris by Muir, Diana
The King in the North: The Life and Times of Oswald of Northumbria by Adams, Max
暗夜与黎明(全2册) by 汪洋, (&#33521)&#32943.&#31119&#33713&#29305, 邓若虚
The Older Gulathing Law by
War and Memory at the Time of the Fifth Crusade by Cassidy-Welch, Megan
Living with Shakespeare: Saint Helen's Parish, London, 1593-1598 by Marsh, Geoffrey
Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography by
Women in the Medieval Common Law C.1200-1500 by Seabourne, Gwen
The Story of the Bayeux Tapestry: Unraveling the Norman Conquest by Musgrove, David, Lewis, Michael
Vlad III Dracula: The Life and Times of the Historical Dracula by Treptow, Kurt
The Irish Tower House: Society, Economy and Environment, C. 1300-1650 by McAlister, Victoria L.
Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World, C. 400-1000 CE by
Crusades: Volume 19 by
After the Black Death: Economy, Society, and the Law in Fourteenth-Century England by Bailey, Mark
Die Kunstpolitik Colberts und die Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres by Anonymous
Leprosy and Identity in the Middle Ages: From England to the Mediterranean by
The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That Illuminated the Renaissance by King, Ross
Eternal Light and Earthly Concerns: Belief and the Shaping of Medieval Society by Fouracre, Paul
Renaissance Fun: The machines behind the scenes by Steadman, Philip
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