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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Reference in 2022

Gli Albori del Melodramma by Solerti, Angelo
Johann Sebastian Bach in Seinen Kirchen-Cantaten Und Choralgesängen by Mosewius, Johann Theodor
Catechism of Musical Aesthetics by Riemann, Hugo, Bewerunge, Henry
Lehrbuch Der Musikalischen Komposition, Zweiter Band by Lobe, Johann Christian
Sixty Russian Folk-songs For One Voice; Volume 3 by Schindler, Kurt, Taylor, Deems
Women Composers: A Biographical Handbook of Women's Work in Music by Ebel, Otto
The Music and Musical Instruments of Japan by Piggott, Francis Taylor
The Life of Beethoven, Including his Correspondence With his Friends, Numerous Characteristic by Schindler, Anton, Moscheles, Ignaz
Short and Concise Analysis of Mozart's Twenty-two Pianoforte Sonatas, With a Description of Some of the Various Forms / by Janet Salsbury by Salsbury, Janet
Life of Haydn by Nohl, Ludwig
Les Violonistes: Compositeurs et Virtuoses by Pincherle, Marc
Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by Ellis, William Ashton, Wagner, Richard
La Musique et les Musiciens by Bergmans, Charles
History of the Philharmonic Society of London 1813-1912: A Record of a Hundred Years' Work in the Cause of Music by Foster, Myles Birket
History of the Philharmonic Society of London 1813-1912: A Record of a Hundred Years' Work in the Cause of Music by Foster, Myles Birket
A Comprehensive Dictionary of Organ Stops: English and Foreign, Ancient and Modern, Practical, Theoretical, Historical, Aesthetic, Etymological, Phone by Wedgwood, James Ingall
Palestrina, (G. Pierluigi): Étude Historique Et Critique Sur La Musique Réligieuse by Super, Antoine
Précis De L'histoire De L'opéra-Comique by Soubies, Albert, Malherbe, Charles
Angels' Wings: A Series Of Essays On Art And Its Relation To Life. With Nine Full-page Plates by Carpenter, Edward
Recueil de motets français des 12e et 13e siècles, publiés d'après les manuscrits, avec introd., notes, variantes et glossaires. Suivis d'une étude su by Raynaud, Gaston, Lavoix, Henri Marie François
Die Entwicklung Des Klavierkonzerts Bis Mozart by Daffner, Hugo
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 4 by Fétis, François-Joseph
The Wagnerian Drama: An Attempt to Inspire a Better Appreciation of Wagner As a Dramatic Poet by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
A Century of Ballads, 1810-1910; Their Composers and Singers by Simpson, Harold
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 4 by Fétis, François-Joseph
Les fêtes et les chants de la révolution française by Tiersot, Julien
Les origines du théâtre lyrique moderne. Histoire de l'opéra en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti; Volume 71 by Provenzale, Francesco, Rolland, Romain
Verdi: Sein Leben Und Seine Werke by Pougin, Arthur
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 1 by Fétis, François-Joseph
Die richtige Folge der Grundharmonien.: V.1 by Sechter, Simon
Great Italian and French Composers by Ferris, George T.
La Société Des Concerts Du Conservatoire De 1828 À 1897: Les Grands Concerts Symphoniques De Paris by Dandelot, Arthur
Lehrbuch Des Einfachen Und Doppelten Contrapunkts: Praktische Anleitung Zu Dem Studium Desselben by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Die Musikalien-Sammlung Des Grossherzoglich Mecklenburg-Schweriner Fürstenhauses Aus Den Letzten Zwei Jahrhunderten: Auf Allerhöchsten Befehl Seiner K by Kade, Otto, Landesbibliothek, Schwerin Mecklenbur
Elementarbuch Der Musikalischen Harmonie- Und Modulations-Lehre ... by Tiersch, Otto
Histoire De La Musique; Volume 1 by Soubies, Albert
Histoire De La Musique; Volume 1 by Soubies, Albert
Les Maîtres Musiciens De La Renaissance Française by Expert, Henry
Elementarbuch Der Musikalischen Harmonie- Und Modulations-Lehre ... by Tiersch, Otto
Michel Ivanovitch Glinka,: D'Après Ses Mémoires Et Sa Correspondance by Fouque, Octave
Précis De L'Histoire De La Musique Russe by Soubies, Albert
Ueber Richard Wagner's Harmonik und Melodik. Ein Beitrag zur Wagnerschen Harmonik. Mit 169 in den Text gedruckten Notenbeispielen by Ergo, Emil
Ueber Richard Wagner's Harmonik und Melodik. Ein Beitrag zur Wagnerschen Harmonik. Mit 169 in den Text gedruckten Notenbeispielen by Ergo, Emil
The History of Music: A Handbook and Guide for Students by Pratt, Waldo Selden
Festschrift Zur Hundertjährigen Jubelfeier Der Einweihung Des Concertsaales Im Gewandhause Zu Leipzig; 25. November 1781 - 25. November 1881 by Dörffel, Alfred, Leipzig, Gewandhaus Zu
The History of Music: A Handbook and Guide for Students by Pratt, Waldo Selden
Operatic Performances in England Before Handel by Armstrong, A. Joseph
Samuel Pepys, Lover of Musique by Bridge, Frederick
Latin Hymnody: An Inquiry Into the Underlying Principles of the Hymnarium by Hughes, H. V.
Gli Albori del Melodramma; Volume II by Solerti, Angelo
La Musique aux Pays-Bas Avant le XIXe Siècle: Documents Inédits et Annotés by Straeten, Edmond Vander
La Musique aux Pays-Bas Avant le XIXe Siècle: Documents Inédits et Annotés by Straeten, Edmond Vander
Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas by Elterlein, Ernst Von
Führer Durch den Concertsaal by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Führer Durch den Concertsaal by Kretzschmar, Hermann
Latin Hymnody: An Inquiry Into the Underlying Principles of the Hymnarium by Hughes, H. V.
Bibliographical and Other Studies on the Pervigilium Veneris: Compiled From Research by Clementi, Cecil
The Music of the Church Hymnary and the Psalter in Metre, Its Sources and Composers by Cowan, William
Bibliographical and Other Studies on the Pervigilium Veneris: Compiled From Research by Clementi, Cecil
Gli Albori del Melodramma; Volume II by Solerti, Angelo
Catalogue of Printed Music Published Between 1487 and 1800 Now in the British Museum by Squire, William Barclay
Ottaviano de' Petrucci da Fossombrone by Vernarecci, Augusto
Fifty Years' Experience of Pianoforte Teaching and Playing by Beringer, Oscar
Fifty Years' Experience of Pianoforte Teaching and Playing by Beringer, Oscar
The Music of the Church Hymnary and the Psalter in Metre, Its Sources and Composers by Cowan, William
Catalogue of Printed Music Published Between 1487 and 1800 Now in the British Museum by Squire, William Barclay
The Language Of Richard Wagner's Ring Des Nibelungen by Schuler, John
Michel Ivanovitch Glinka,: D'Après Ses Mémoires Et Sa Correspondance by Fouque, Octave
Poètes Et Mélodes by Bouvy, Edmond
Le Origini del Melodramma by Solerti, Angelo
Violins and Violin Makers by Pearce, Joseph
Lehrbuch der musikalischen Komposition. by Lobe, Johann Christian
Histoire de la Musique by Combarieu, Jules
Sergei Koussevitzky And His Epoch by Lourie, Arthur
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Sein Leben Und Seine Werke, Mit Thematischem Verzeichnis Seiner Kompositionen Und Zwei Bildern by Falck, Martin
Charles Dickens and Music by Lightwood, James T.
Palestrina His Life And Times by Pyne, Zoe Kendrick
Die Musik Skandinaviens by Niemann, Walter
Histoire De La Chanson Populaire En France by Tiersot, Julien
The Philosophy of Sound, and History of Music by Higgins, William Mullinger
Dictionnaire Historique Et Pittoresque Du Théâtre Et Des Arts Qui S'y Rattachent: Poétique, Musique, Danse, Pantomime, Décor, Costume, Machinerie, Acr by Pougin, Arthur
Form in Music: With Special Reference to the Designs of Instrumental Music by MacPherson, Stewart
Biographie Universelle Des Musiciens, Et Bibliographie Générale De La Musique by Fétis, F. J.
The Troubadours: A History of Provençal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages by Hueffer, Francis
American Primitive Music: With Especial Attention to the Songs of the Ojibways by Burton, Frederick Russell
Sixty Russian Folk-songs For One Voice; Volume 3 by Taylor, Deems, Schindler, Kurt
Recherches Sur Les "Tenors" Latins Dans Les Motets Du Treizième Siècle D'après Le Manuscrit De Montpellier Bibliothèque Universitaire H. 196 by Gastoué, Amédée, Aubry, Pierre
Recherches Sur Les "Tenors" Latins Dans Les Motets Du Treizième Siècle D'après Le Manuscrit De Montpellier Bibliothèque Universitaire H. 196 by Gastoué, Amédée, Aubry, Pierre
A Comprehensive Dictionary of Organ Stops: English and Foreign, Ancient and Modern, Practical, Theoretical, Historical, Aesthetic, Etymological, Phone by Wedgwood, James Ingall
The Sword Dances of Northern England, Together With the Horn Dance of Abbots Bromley by Sharp, Cecil James
British Musical Biography: A Dictionary of Musical Artists, Authors, and Composers Born in Britain and Its Colonies by Brown, James Duff, Stratton, Stephen Samuel
The Guitar and Mandolin: Biographies of Celebrated Players and Composers for These Instruments by Bone, Philip James
S.W. Dehn's Lehre Vom Contrapunkt, Dem Canon Und Der Fuge: Nebst Analysen Von Duetten, Terzetten, Fugen Etc. Von Orlando Di Lasso, Marcello, Palestrin by Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm
A Handbook of Church Music: A Practical Guide for all Those Having the Charge of Schools and Choirs, and Others who Desire to Restore Plainsong to by Egerton, F. Clement C.
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 2 by Fétis, François-Joseph
The Guitar and Mandolin: Biographies of Celebrated Players and Composers for These Instruments by Bone, Philip James
Les Mélanges Poétiques D'Hildebert de Lavardin by Hauréau, Barthélemy
Musical Recollections of the Last Half-Century; Volume 1 by Cox, John Edmund
Das Violinspiel In Deutschland Vor 1700 by Beckmann, Gustav
Über Die Musik Der Nordamerikanischen Wilden ... by Baker, Theodore
Le Origini del Melodramma: Testimonian Ze Dei Contemporanei by Solerti, Angelo
The Earlier French Musicians (1632-1834) by Hargrave, Mary
Festschrift Zur Hundertjährigen Jubelfeier Der Einweihung Des Concertsaales Im Gewandhause Zu Leipzig; 25. November 1781 - 25. November 1881 by Dörffel, Alfred, Leipzig, Gewandhaus Zu
Lehrbuch der musikalischen Komposition. by Lobe, Johann Christian
Johann Sebastian Bach his Work and Influence on the Music of Germany 1685 To1750 by Spitta, Philipp
Histoire Générale De La Musique Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours; Volume 1 by Fétis, François-Joseph
Armide: Tragédie En Cinq Actes... by Lully, Jean-Baptiste
Neue Schule Der Melodik: Entwurf Einer Lehre Des Contrapunkts Nach Einer Gänzlich Neuen Methode by Riemann, Hugo
Vie, Talents Et Travaux De Jean-Sébastien Bach by Forkel, Johann Nikolaus, Grenier, Félix
Beethoveniana: Aufsätze Und Mittheilungen; Volume 2 by Nottebohm, Gustav, Mandyczewski, Eusebius
The Philosophy of Music: What Music can Do for You by Seymour, Harriet Ayer
International Who's Who in Music and Musical Gazetteer by Saerchinger, César
Report on 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'Hail Columbia', 'America', 'Yankee Doodle' by Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore
Preghiera: For Violin and Piano by Kreisler, Fritz
La musique dans la comédie de Molière by Tiersot, Julien
Tonpsychologie by Stumpf, Carl
The Larger Forms of Musical Composition by Goetschius, Percy
Palestrina His Life And Times by Pyne, Zoe Kendrick
Women Composers: A Biographical Handbook of Women's Work in Music by Ebel, Otto
Polyphonie Und Hybridität: Musikaustausch Zwischen China Und Europa by
The Great Russian Tone Poet Scribin by Hull, A. Eaglefield
Lehrbuch der Musikalischen Komposition: Dritter Band by Lobe, Johann Christian
The Piano Music of Claude Debussy by Cortot, Alfred
La Société Des Concerts Du Conservatoire De 1828 À 1897: Les Grands Concerts Symphoniques De Paris by Dandelot, Arthur
Katechismus Der Fugen-Komposition: Analyse Von J. S. Bachs "Wohltemperiertem Klavier" Und "Kunst Der Fuge" by Riemann, Hugo
The Life of Beethoven, Including his Correspondence With his Friends, Numerous Characteristic by Moscheles, Ignaz, Schindler, Anton
Beethoven and his Nine Symphonies by Grove, George
La Vie Et Les Oeuvres De Jean-Sébastien Bach: Sa Famille, Ses Élèves, Ses Contemporains by David, Ernest
Adams' New Musical Dictionary of Fifteen Thousand Technical Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, Initials, and Signs Employed in Musical and Rhythmical Art by Adams, John Stowell
A Ramble Among the Musicians of Germany by Holmes, Edward
Modern Russian Songs by Newman, Ernest
Musiciens D'aujourd'hui by Rolland, Romain
Musical Memories by Spark, William
Das Tonbewusstsein: Die Lehre Vom Musikalischen Hören by Jadassohn, Salomon
Beethoveniana: Aufsätze Und Mittheilungen; Volume 2 by Nottebohm, Gustav, Mandyczewski, Eusebius
Music and Religion: A Survey by Longford, William Wingfield
The Hymns and Songs of the Church by Wither, George, Farr, Edward
Über Jos. Haydn'S Opern by Wendschuh, Ludwig
Old English Popular Music; Volume 2 by Chappell, William, Wooldridge, Harry Ellis
Über Die Musik Der Nordamerikanischen Wilden ... by Baker, Theodore
Histoire De La Chanson Populaire En France by Tiersot, Julien
Dwight's Journal of Music, a Paper of Art and Literature, Volumes 1-2 by Dwight, John Sullivan
Franz Liszt, Artist And Man. 1811-1840 by Ramann, Lina
The Music Dramas Of Richard Wagner And His Festival Theatre In Bayreuth by Lavignac, Albert
THE Girlhood of Clara Schumann by May, Florence
Cathedral Organists Past and Present: A Record of the Succession of Organists of the Cathedrals, Ch by West, John E.
Die Kunst des musikalischen Vortrags. Anleitung zur ausdrucksvollen Betonung und Tempoführung in der Vocal- und Instrumentalmusik. by Lussy, Mathis, Vogt, Felix
Modern Organ Tuning: The how and why? by Smith, Hermann
Gossec Et La Musique Française À La Fin Du Xviiie Siècle by Hellouin, Frédéric
Recent Music and Musicians: As Described in the Diaries and Correspondence of Ignatz Moscheles by Moscheles, Charlotte
Chapters of Opera: Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from i by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Lehrbuch der Musikalischen Komposition: Dritter Band by Lobe, Johann Christian
Modern Organ Tuning: The how and why? by Smith, Hermann
How to Write a Popular Song by Harris, Charles Kassell
Student and Singer: The Reminiscences of Charles Santley by Santley, Charles
Recent Music and Musicians: As Described in the Diaries and Correspondence of Ignatz Moscheles by Moscheles, Charlotte
THE Girlhood of Clara Schumann by May, Florence
Die Kunst des musikalischen Vortrags. Anleitung zur ausdrucksvollen Betonung und Tempoführung in der Vocal- und Instrumentalmusik. by Lussy, Mathis, Vogt, Felix
Versuch Einer Geordneten Theorie Der Tonsetzkunst Zum Selbstunterricht, Vierter Band by Weber, Gottfried
The Life and Works of Edward John Hopkins, Organist of the Temple Church, 1843-1898 by Pearce, Charles William
Dwight's Journal of Music, a Paper of Art and Literature, Volumes 1-2 by Dwight, John Sullivan
Lehrbuch Des Einfachen Und Doppelten Contrapunkts: Praktische Anleitung Zu Dem Studium Desselben by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Studi Su La Storia Dell'oratorio Musicale in Italia by Alaleona, Domenico
Neue musikalische Theorien und Phantasien, Erster Band by Schenker, Heinrich
The Composer's Handbook: A Guide to the Principles of Musical Composition by Dunstan, Ralph
The Sonata Principle From C 1750 by Mellers, Wilfrid
Trente Mélodies Populaires De Basse-Bretagne by Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis Albert, Coppée, François
The Sonata Principle From C 1750 by Mellers, Wilfrid
The Music Dramas Of Richard Wagner And His Festival Theatre In Bayreuth by Lavignac, Albert
La musique dans la comédie de Molière by Tiersot, Julien
Verdi: Histoire Anecdotique De Sa Vie Et De Ses Oeuvres by Pougin, Arthur
How to Write a Popular Song by Harris, Charles Kassell
Hugo Wolf by Newman, Ernest
The Life Of Ludwig Van Beethoven; Volume I by Thayer, Alexander Wheelock, Krehbiel, Henry Edward
The Life Of Ludwig Van Beethoven; Volume I by Krehbiel, Henry Edward, Thayer, Alexander Wheelock
Hugo Wolf by Newman, Ernest
A Handbook of Church Music: A Practical Guide for all Those Having the Charge of Schools and Choirs, and Others who Desire to Restore Plainsong to by Egerton, F. Clement C.
Le Origini del Melodramma: Testimonian Ze Dei Contemporanei by Solerti, Angelo
La Vie Et Les Oeuvres De Jean-Sébastien Bach: Sa Famille, Ses Élèves, Ses Contemporains by David, Ernest
Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmody by Patrick, Millar
Richard Wagner's Prose Works: The Art-Work of the Future by Ellis, William Ashton, Wagner, Richard
Cathedral Organists Past and Present: A Record of the Succession of Organists of the Cathedrals, Ch by West, John E.
Richard Wagner: Mit zahlreichen Porträts, faksimiles, Illustrationen und Beilagen by Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Geschichte Des Oratoriums: Von Den Ersten Anfängen Bis Zur Gegenwart by Wangemann, Otto
Musiciana: Extraits D'ouvrages Rares Ou Bizarres, Anecdotes, Lettres, Etc. Concernant La Musique Et Les Musiciens by Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste
Chapters of Opera: Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from i by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
The Larger Forms of Musical Composition by Goetschius, Percy
Poètes Et Mélodes by Bouvy, Edmond
Richard Wagner's Prose Works Vol VIII by Ellis, William Ashton
Charles Dickens and Music by Lightwood, James T.
Les concerts en France sous l'ancien régime by Brenet, Michel
Die Natur der Harmonik und der Metrik: Zur Theorie der Musik by Hauptmann, Moritz
Die Lehre Von Der Vokalen Ornamentik: Erster Band. Das 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert Bis in Die Zeit Glucks by Goldschmidt, Hugo
Adams' New Musical Dictionary of Fifteen Thousand Technical Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, Initials, and Signs Employed in Musical and Rhythmical Art by Adams, John Stowell
Richard Wagner's Prose Works Vol VIII by Ellis, William Ashton
Form in Music: With Special Reference to the Designs of Instrumental Music by MacPherson, Stewart
Musurgia Vocalis: An Essay on the History and Theory of Music, and on the Qualities, Capabilities, and Management of the Human Voice by Nathan, Isaac
Musurgia Vocalis: An Essay on the History and Theory of Music, and on the Qualities, Capabilities, and Management of the Human Voice by Nathan, Isaac
Orgel Und Klavier in Der Musik Des 16. Jahrhunderts: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Instrumentalmusik by Kinkeldey, Otto
The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music by Blaserna, Pietro
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