• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Music Theory in 2020

The Descendants Easy Piano Collection: Music from the Trilogy of Disney Channel Motion Picture by
Einwirkungen von Musik auf die sportliche Leistung. Eine empirische Analyse by Rupprecht, Peter
The Essential Guitar Fretboard Guide: 3 Easy Steps To Quickly Unlocking The Notes On Your Fretboard by Laughton, Sean
The Anatomy of Theme in Beethoven's Piano Sonatas by Smirnov, Dmitri N.
Il Libro della Teoria Musicale: Manuale teorico-pratico by Bianchi, Sergio
Entwicklung fördern durch Musik: Evaluation musiktherapeutischer Behandlung by Plahl, Christine
Guitar Music Theory: An Essential Beginner's Guide To Learn The Realms Of Guitar Music Theory From A-Z by Studio, Sublime
Analyse der Kantate "Himmelskönig, sei willkommen" (BWV182) von Johann Sebastian Bach by Rasmus, Jorien
Der Einfluss von Musik auf die Resilienz von Kindern. Höhere Widerstandskraft durch musikalische Rituale by Janßen, Gülsah
Sonic Fiction by Schulze, Holger
Sonic Fiction by Schulze, Holger
Future Sounds: The Temporality of Noise by Kennedy, Stephen
Reflections on the Music of Ennio Morricone: Fame and Legacy by Sciannameo, Franco
Tonal Music: Anatomy of the Musical Aesthetics by Sauter, Franz
How to Read Music: For Beginners - A Simple and Effective Guide to Understanding and Reading Music with Ease by Carter, Nicolas
The Evolution of Music Through Culture and Science by Townsend, Peter
Spiel mit Boomwhackers (Musik, 2. Klasse) by Kunz, Nicole
Die Jugendmusikkultur des Hip Hop und ihre Einbindung in den Musikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I. Schwerpunkt: Beatboxing by Stein, Mike
Guitar Intervals Unleashed: The Workbook (Left Handed): The NANDI Method by Mogar, Nan
Stringstastic Level 2 - Cello by Chai, Lorraine
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 2: Scales with 1 to 3 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 3: Scales with 4 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 4: Scales with 5 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 5: Scales with 6 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 6: Scales with 7 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 8: Scales with 9 to 11 modes by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 9: Symmetric Scales by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 10: Bi-Triadic Hexatonic Scales by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 11: Scale Theory by Ramos, Ariel J.
The Universal Encyclopedia of Scales Volume 12: Master Index by Ramos, Ariel J.
Schönbergs und Georges "Sprich nicht immer von dem Laub". Analyse von Lied und Gedicht by Danych, Oksana
Die Swing-Jugend in Hamburg. Eine städtische Jugendsubkultur im Visier des NS-Regimes by Anonymous
Rhythmus. Entstehung und kognitive Wahrnehmung by Danych, Oksana
Guitar Theory Nuts & Bolts: Music Theory Explained in Practical, Everyday Context for All Genres by Schneider, Andy
Taktarten. Erarbeitung eines Musikstücks im 4/4-Takt am Beispiel "An die Freude": Eine musikpraktische Vertiefung by Frommknecht, Ramona
Joe Hisaishi's Soundtrack for My Neighbor Totoro by Hara, Kunio
Joe Hisaishi's Soundtrack for My Neighbor Totoro by Hara, Kunio
Cómo cantar en coro: Consejos, ideas y conceptos para coristas by Navarro, Alejandro
The Routledge Companion to Music Theory Pedagogy by
Gen Combo Loose Leaf Music in Theory & Practice Volume 1; Workbook Volume 1 by Benward, Bruce
Learning Music Theory with Logic, Max, and Finale by Kidde, Geoffrey
Oscar's A+ Band Director Guide: A Veteran Band Teacher's Guide to Teaching Music by Dames, Oscar
Learning Music Theory with Logic, Max, and Finale by Kidde, Geoffrey
The Soundtrack Album: Listening to Media by
Songs of Social Protest: International Perspectives by Power, Martin J., Devereux, Eoin
Doctor Mozart Music Theory Workbook Answers for Level 1 and Older Beginners by Musgrave, Machiko Yamane, Musgrave, Paul Christopher
Music by the Numbers: From Pythagoras to Schoenberg by Maor, Eli
Musiktheorie: + Tipps, Tricks, Aufgaben, Tests + Lösungen by Haciahmetoglu, Ersin
Key Signature Support for the Major #'s by Prefontaine-Gale, Angela M.
Boris Godunov in Mussorgskys gleichnamiger Oper. Die musik-dramatische Darstellung eines Opern-Charakters by Danych, Oksana
At spille på øret: Erfarelse og auralitet i jazzperformance by Olsen, Jens Skou
Rhythmus und Notation für Schlagzeug by O'Shea, Kev
Howard Hawks: Music as Communication in Film by Camp, Gregory
Teoría de la Música de Guitarra: Una Guia Esencial Para Principiantes Para Aprender Todo Sobre La Teoria de la Musica de la A-Z by Studio, Sublime
Play and Sing TV Music Theory Unlocked for Guitar and Piano: Fully Understand Music Theory, Nashville Number, Transposition, Capos with Reference Char by Roberts, Eric Michael
Schwanensee. Zum Ballett Tschaikowskis und anderen Schwänen der Musikgeschichte by Friebel, Hanna
Musikinduzierte Emotionen am Beispiel von Chills: Musik und Emotion by Schmidbauer, Sabrina
Counterpoint: The Polyphonic Vocal Style of the Sixteenth Century by Jeppesen, Knud
Sinfonie und Metal? Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Orchesterarrangement von "Master of Puppets" und "Enter Sandman", komponiert von Michael Kamen by Hüttemann, Lukas
Hearing Homophony: Tonal Expectation at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century by Long, Megan Kaes
Meter as Rhythm: 20th Anniversary Edition by Hasty, Christopher
Improvisación: Un método para la construcción de la libertad by Archetti, Marcos
Tratado Práctico de Armonía: nueva edición by Korsakov, Rimsky
Teoría Completa de la Música: con 312 ejercicios prácticos by de Rubertis, Victor
Teoría Musical Moderna: completa: dividida en 4 partes by D'Angostino, Antonio
Der Einfluss javanischer Gamelan-Musik auf den Komponisten Claude Debussy by Vogt, Tilman
Dark Sound: Feminine Voices in Sonic Shadow by Ferrett, D.
Driving Identities: At the Intersection of Popular Music and Automotive Culture by McLeod, Ken
Western Music, Circle of Fifths and Yikes! the Accordion by Watkins, Arleen J.
La Iniciación Musical del Niño: pedagogía musical by Hemsy De Gainza, Violeta
Desire in Chromatic Harmony: A Psychodynamic Exploration of Fin de Siècle Tonality by Smith, Kenneth M.
Teaching Music Theory: New Voices and Approaches by Snodgrass, Jennifer
The Art of Becoming: How Group Improvisation Works by Wilson, Graeme B., MacDonald, Raymond A. R.
Singing and Dictation for Today's Musician by McCarthy, Daniel, Turek, Ralph
Como Ler Partitura Para Violão by Ferreira, Alberto
Le Note della Cabala by Piscopo, Grazia
Resonances: Engaging Music in Its Cultural Context by
Left-Handed Guitar Theory Nuts & Bolts: Music Theory Explained in Practical, Everyday Context for All Genres by Schneider, Andy
Guitar Scales: What They Are and the Best Exercises to Learn Them Easily by Fire, Roman
Guitar Fretboard: The Guide with Theory and Exercises to Easily Memorize the Fretboard by Fire, Roman
Guitar Music Theory: Tips and Tricks to Guitar Mastery by Studio, Sublime
Acústica Musical Y Organología: dibujos de Raquel C. de Arias by de Olazábal, Tirso
La Técnica de la Orquesta Contemporánea: educación musical by Casella, Alfredo, Mortari, Virgilio
J.S. Bach: el músico poeta by Guillot, Hubert, Schweitzer, Albert
Greek and Latin Music Theory: Principles and Challenges by Nowacki, Edward
Heinrich Schenker's Conception of Harmony by Wason, Robert W., Brown, Matthew
Wirkungs-Elemente der Musik: Inspirationen & Erkenntnisse für Musiker & Musikliebhaber by Schuster, Samuel
A Modern Approach to Naming Guitar Chords by Davis, Joseph
Hacking the CAGED System: Diatonic Harmony by Tippett, Graham
Augenmusik. Die Übertragung von musikalischen Prinzipien auf die visuellen Künste by Heller, Sonja
Música Para El Niño Disminuido: necesidades especiales by Alvin, Juliette
Shared Meanings in the Film Music of Philip Glass: Music, Multimedia and Postminimalism by Evans, Tristian
Music Theory in the Safavid Era: The taqsīm al-naġamāt by Wright, Owen
La Notación de la Música Contemporanea: teoría y ejemplos gráficos by Locatelli de Pérgamo, Ana María
El Mundo Sonoro En El Jardín: guía didáctica para la actividad musical en el jardín de infantes by Bokser, Alicia
Fundamentos, Materiales Y Técnicas de la Educación Musical: ensayos y conferencias: 1967 - 1974 by Hemsy De Gainza, Violeta
Theodor W. Adorno und Arnold Schönberg. Über die Parallelen atonalen Komponierens by Raun, Amon
Los Acordes Básicos: Triada Mayor, Triada Menor, Triada Aumentada, Triada Disminuida by Vallecilla, Brynner
Círculos Armónicos: Mayor, Menor Natural, Menor Armónica, Menor Melódica by Vallecilla, Brynner
Radio Art and Music: Culture, Aesthetics, Politics by
Planeamiento de la Enseñanza Musical: ejemplos de unidades de enseñanza primaria. 4to a 7mo grado by Furnó, Silvia, del Valle Llabra de Lanfranchi, Ana, Quadranti, Alicia
Exploremos El Sonido: pedagogía musical by Vivanco, Pepa
A Modern Approach to Naming Guitar Chords by Davis, Joseph
Hip-Hop. Eine populäre Kultur zwischen Solidarität und Egozentrik by Lang, Matthias
Ensayo Sobre La Evolución de la Música En Occidente: la historia de la música como reflejo de la evolución cultural by Leuchter, Erwin
Curso de Teoría Razonada de la Música: volumen 2 by Palma, Athos
Tratado Completo de Armonía: volúmen 1 by Palma, Athos
Manual de Armonía: teoría musical by Jurafsky, Abraham
Curso de Teoría Razonada de la Música: volumen 1 by Palma, Athos
Blaze of Light in Every Word: Analyzing the Popular Singing Voice by Malawey, Victoria
Adiestramiento: Interpretacion, Escalas, Lenguaje Musical. by Hindemith, Paul
The Comprehensive Book of Modes and Scales: For Piano and Keyboard Players, 2nd edition by Pace, Kevin G.
Rhythmische Illusionen. Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Umsetzung mehrdeutiger Rhythmen by Schwegmann, Lukas
Cascade Method NoteMatch Book 1 Learn to Read Music for Piano Beginners: The Best Method Book to Teaching Piano Beginners How to Read Music From the S by Boykin, Tara
Contemporary Musicianship: Analysis and the Artist by Snodgrass, Jennifer Sterling
The Oxford Handbook of Choral Pedagogy by
Understanding music theory: Easy reading music guide for beginners: how to learn step by step music without difficulty! by Sax, Dylan
Curso de teoría razonada de la música: Volúmen 3 by Palma, Athos
Recomposing the Past: Representations of Early Music on Stage and Screen by
Reconceiving Structure in Contemporary Music: New Tools in Music Theory and Analysis by Lochhead, Judy
The Way of Cane: The Science, Craft, and Art of Bassoon Reed-Making by Arbiter, Eric
Developing Musicianship Through Aural Skills: A Holistic Approach to Sight Singing and Ear Training by Cleland, Kent D., Dobrea-Grindahl, Mary
Teaching Music to Students with Autism by Hourigan, Ryan M., Hammel, Alice M.
Lineamenti di Teoria Musicale: notazione, armonia, acustica by Casati, Lorenzo
Simplified Guide to Jazz Improvisation: Linear and Non-Linear by Janow, Terry
Music Theory for the Worship Musician: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Writing, and Playing Contemporary Worship Music by Roller, Jon
Musikhören. Präferenzen und Hörverhalten im digitalen Zeitalter by Ten Brink, Anna-Sophia
Der Quintenzirkel und seine Farb-Klang-Assoziationen. Malinowskis Music Animation Machine und Skrjabins Lichtorgel by Reising, Janina
Between the Tracks: Musicians on Selected Electronic Music by
Seeing Music on the Left-Handed Guitar: A visual approach to playing music by Schneider, Andy
Guitar Music Theory: Fast Track Your Guitar Skills With This Essential Guide to Music Theory & Songwriting For The Guitar. Includes, Songs, by Swindali, Tommy
Piano Music Theory: Swiftly Learn The Piano & Music Theory Essentials and Save Big on Months of Private Lessons! Chords, Intervals, Scales by Swindali, Tommy
Developing Musicianship Through Aural Skills: A Holistic Approach to Sight Singing and Ear Training by Dobrea-Grindahl, Mary, Cleland, Kent D.
The Vision of the Divine in the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. A Cultural Analysis of the Late Baroque in Europe by Riggins, Marina
Bass Guitar Scales Encyclopedia: Fast Reference for the Scales You Need in Every Key by Schneider, Andy
Journeys Through Galant Expositions by Burstein, L. Poundie
Italian Migration and Urban Music Culture in Latin America by
The Cambridge Companion to Rhythm by
Musiktheorie verstehen, souverän bestehen: Die umfassende Vorbereitung auf Theorie-Prüfungen. Arbeitsheft mit Aufgaben- und Lösungsteil by Ullmann, Stefan
Exploring Music Volume 1: Reading Music by Sloane, Alec
ARPEGIOS Vol. I (Teoria): Los arpegios para guitarra by Tejedor, Pere Soto
Analytical Approaches to 20th-Century Russian Music: Tonality, Modernism, Serialism by
Analytical Approaches to 20th-Century Russian Music: Tonality, Modernism, Serialism by
The Music Treatises of Thomas Ravenscroft: 'Treatise of Practicall Musicke' and a Briefe Discourse by Duffin, Ross W.
Melodic Minor Guitar Cookbook by Alexander, Joseph, Hoskin, Joseph, Butler, James
Teoría Músical de la Guitarra: Consejos y trucos para dominar la guitarra by Studio, Sublime
Guitar & Music Theory: The Complete Guide On How To Play The Guitar. Includes Lessons, Chords, Tabs, Songwriting & Everything You Need To Fas by Swindali, Tommy
Organized Time: Rhythm, Tonality, and Form by Yust, Jason
Teoría de la Música: El manual completo para la teoría del solfeo by Danhauser, Adolphe
World Music: A Very Short Introduction by Bohlman, Philip V.
Preparatory Guide for Classical Guitar and Music Theory by Mokotoff, Eric Charles
Piano + Music Theory: Start Playing The Piano, Songwriting & Reading Music Theory Right Away. Lessons For Beginners Or Refreshing The Advanc by Swindali, Tommy
The Solfeggio Tradition: A Forgotten Art of Melody in the Long Eighteenth Century by Baragwanath, Nicholas
Harmony Through Melody: The Interaction of Melody, Counterpoint, and Harmony in Western Music by Byrne, David a., Ritchey, Lawrence, Horton, Charles
Renaissance Polyphony by Fitch, Fabrice
Guitar Intervals Decoded - Left-Handed by Mogar, Nan
Godard and Sound: Acoustic Innovation in the Late Films of Jean-Luc Godard by Fox, Albertine
Wie wird Improvisation in der Musik gelehrt? Eine theoretische und didaktische Annäherung by Viale, Benjamin
Concepts of Time in Post-War European Music by Hayes, Aaron
Escalas para Guitarra em toda a extensão do braço: Volume 1: Modos gregos by Badiarov, Alexander
Ropartz, Enseñanza del solfeo: 60 lecciones con cambio de claves, en 3 libros by Ropartz, Guy, Leduc, Alphonse
The Cambridge Companion to Rhythm by
Der Kontrapunkt by Bellermann, Heinrich
Piano Chords In Keyboard View - No Music Reading Ability Necessary! by Woodward, Martin
Timbre: Paradox, Materialism, Vibrational Aesthetics by Elferen, Isabella Anna Maria Van
Composer and Nation by Finkelstein, Sidney
Der Topos "Sehnsucht" im Spannungsbogen zwischen Religion und Musik. Perspektiven für einen interdisziplinären Musikunterricht by Müller, Janine
Music Theory Essentials: A Step-by-Step Introduction to Music Theory for All Musicians by Press, Barton
Kalimba Einsteigerfibel: Online: Videos Sounds Downloads by Schipp, Bettina, Boegl, Reynhard
French and English Polyphony of the 13th and 14th Centuries: Style and Notation by Sanders, Ernest H.
Twentieth- And Twenty-First-Century Song Cycles: Analytical Pathways Toward Performance by
Twentieth- And Twenty-First-Century Song Cycles: Analytical Pathways Toward Performance by
Music and Sound in the Worlds of Michel Gondry by McQuiston, Kate
Fugue in the Sixteenth Century by Walker, Paul
Counterpoint in Jazz Arranging Book/Online Audio by Pilkington, Bob
Guitar Fretboard: 3 in 1- Beginner's Guide+ Tips and Tricks+ Simple and Effective Strategies for Optimizing the Fretboard for Acoustic o by Divine Studio, Rhythm
Komponieren lernen - Songwriting: ganz ohne komplizierte Musiktheorie, mit Praxis-Workshop und allen Hörbeispielen by Klein, Jürgen Alfred
Teoría musical aplicada 2 by Vallecilla, Brynner
Musical Bows of Southern Africa by Dlamini, Sazi
Music and the Atomic Bomb on American Television, 1950-1969 by Wissner, Reba
Music and the Atomic Bomb on American Television, 1950-1969 by Wissner, Reba
Expanding the Space for Improvisation Pedagogy in Music: A Transdisciplinary Approach by
Ten Tests for Grade 1 Music Theory by Williams, Victoria
Schuberts Lied Der Tod und das Mädchen und seine Übertragung auf den 2. Satz des Streichquartetts in d-Moll, D 810: Eine Musikanalyse by Tzina, Danai