• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2002

A Postmodern Analysis of the Little Red Riding Hood Tale by Chalou, Barbara Smith
The Seven Story Tower: A Mythic Journey Through Space and Time by Hoffman, Curtiss
A Mothman: The Facts Behind the Legend by Sergent, Donnie, Jr.
Haunted St. Louis: History & Hauntings Along the Mississippi by Taylor, Troy
Jung and the Jungians on Myth: An Introduction by Walker, Steven
The Modern Construction of Myth by Von Hendy, Andrew
Tales from the Dena: Indian Stories from the Tanana, Koyukuk, and Yukon Rivers by de Armond, Dale
Bush Doctor by Ayre, Sylvester
Land Snails of British Columbia by Forsyth, Robert G.
Tales from the Big Thicket: Volume 1 by
Dancing the Self: Personhood and Performance in the Pandav Lila of Garhwal by Sax, William S.
Dancing the Self: Personhood and Performance in the Pandav Lila of Garhwal by Sax, William S.
Myths and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits, and Plants by Skinner, Charles M.
Turkish Fairy Tales & Folk Tales by
The Epic Voice by
Joseph Campbell: A Fire in the Mind: The Authorized Biography by Larsen, Robin, Larsen, Stephen
More Tellable Cracker Tales by Bruce, Annette J.
Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park by Schultz, James Willard
Northern Mysteries and Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers by Aswynn, Freya
Norse Mythology: Great Stories from the Eddas by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
Star Wars: The New Myth by Hanson, Michael J., Kay, Max S.
Star Wars: The New Myth by Hanson, Michael J., Kay, Max S.
The Owl, the Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales by Murphy, G. Ronald
The Image of Ivan the Terrible in Russian Folklore by Maureen, Perrie, Perrie, Maureen
The Knitting Goddess: Finding the Heart and Soul of Knitting Through Instruction, Projects, and Stories by Bergman, Deborah
Folklore and Folklife in the United Arab Emirates by Hurriez, Sayyid Hamid
Dictionary of Contemporary Mythology by Harwood, Ph. D. William
Antigone's Claim: Kinship Between Life and Death by Butler, Judith
Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children by Powers, Mabel
African Proverbs And Wisdom: A Collection for Every Day of the Year, from More Than Forty African Nations by Stewart, Julia
Literature and the Gods by Calasso, Roberto
Mythical Stone: Volume 1 of Mythological Essays by Metevelis, Peter J.
Seven Blind Mice by Young, Ed
The Legends of the Iroquois by Canfield, William W., The Cornplanter
English Fairy Tales and More English Fairy Tales by
Ghost Stories of Minnesota by Teel, Gina
The Fairies in Tradition and Literature by Briggs, Katharine
An Instinct for Dragons by Jones, David E.
Atlantis and Lemuria by Steiner, Rudolf
Surviving Through the Days: Translations of Native California Stories and Songs; A California Indian Reader by
Bloodlines: The Little Book of Vampires by
Inner Child Cards Workbook: Further Exercises and Mystical Teachings from the Fairy-Tale Tarot by Lerner, Isha
Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales by Zipes, Jack
Myth in History: Volume 2 of Mythological Essays by Metevelis, Peter J.
The Problem of Lemuria: The Sunken Continent of the Pacific by Spence, Lewis
Book of the Beginnings Part 1 by Massey, Gerald
Book of the Beginnings Part 2 by Massey, Gerald
Scottish Traveller Tales: Lives Shaped Through Stories by Braid, Donald
British Folk Tales and Legends: A Sampler by Briggs, Katharine
Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki, Classics by
Mabon and the Guardians of Celtic Britain: Hero Myths in the Mabinogion by Matthews, Caitlín
Ogam: The Celtic Oracle of the Trees: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Druidic Alphabet by Mountfort, Paul Rhys
South Mountain Magic: Tales of Old Maryland by Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton
Tales from Africa by Aliche, Azubike
Ghost Stories of Oregon by Smitten, Susan
Japanese Tales by Tyler, Royall
The Problem of Atlantis by Spence, Lewis
Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt by Maspero, Gaston C.
The Mythology of South America by Bierhorst, John
The Mythology of North America by Bierhorst, John
The Mythology of North America by Bierhorst, John
The Gods of Generation: A History of Phallic Cults among Ancients and Moderns by Dulaure, Jacques-Antoine
The Great Ball Game of the Birds and Animals by Duvall, Deborah L.
Gender, Song, and Sensibility: Folktales and Folksongs in the Highlands of New Guinea by Stewart, Pamela J., Strathern, Andrew
101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History by Greenberg, Gary
Metamorphosis: The Dynamics of Symbolism in European Fairy Tales by Vaz Da Silva, Francisco
I Thought My Father Was God: And Other True Tales from NPR's National Story Project by Auster, Paul
The Rites of Odin by Fitch, Ed
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate with Nature Spirits & Elementals by Andrews, Ted
A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook by Telesco, Patricia
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects by Cunningham, Scott, Harrington, David
Celtic Myth & Magick: Harness the Power of the Gods & Goddesses by McCoy, Edain
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Cunningham, Scott
Celtic Magic by Conway, D. J.
Practical Candleburning Rituals: Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose by Buckland, Raymond
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Cunningham, Scott
Green Witchcraft II by Moura, Ann
Celtic Folklore Cooking by Asala, Joanne
Hard Sense in Soft Words: Sayings from the Great Oral Tradition of Ireland by Ryan, George B.
Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore by Greenough, William Parker
The Universe, the Gods, and Men: Ancient Greek Myths Told by Jean-Pierre Vernant by Vernant, Jean-Pierre
Handbook of Egyptian Mythology by Pinch, Geraldine
Roman Legends: A Collection of the Fables and Folk-Lore of Rome by Busk, R. H.
Demeter and Persephone: Lessons from a Myth by Agha-Jaffar, Tamara
Spirit Tailings: Ghost Tales from Virginia City, Butte and Helena by Baumler, Ellen
King Arthur and the Goddess of the Land: The Divine Feminine in the Mabinogion by Matthews, Caitlín
Elderberry Flute Song: Contemporary Coyota Tales by Blue Cloud, Peter
Prairie Smoke by Gilmore, Melvin R.
Every Tongue Got to Confess: Negro Folk-Tales from the Gulf States by Hurston, Zora Neale
The Secret Commonwealth and the Fairy Belief Complex by Walsh, Brian
The Secret Commonwealth and the Fairy Belief Complex by Walsh, Brian
The Fairy Tale: The Magic Mirror of Imagination by Jones, Steven Swann
Big Thicket Legacy: Volume 2 by
Folktales from Northern India by
Power: A Philosophical Analysis by Morriss, Peter
Fairy Godfather: Anglo-American Prophecy in the Age of Revolution by Bottigheimer, Ruth B.
Mesoamerican Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs of Mexico and Central America by Read, Kay Almere, Gonzalez, Jason J.
Stories, Identities, and Political Change by Tilly, Charles
Myth: A New Symposium by
The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living by Marshall, Joseph M.
Encyclopedia of Urban Legends by Brunvand, Jan Harold
British Goblins: Welsh Folklore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions by Wilt Sikes, Fiction, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Myt by Sikes, Wirt
Don't Stand in Front of a Palace or Behind a Horse: An Illustrated Book of South Indian Proverbs by Raju, Tonse N. K.
The Poem in the Story: Music, Poetry, and Narrative by Scheub, Harold
Creation Myths of Primitive America by
Making Virtuous Daughters and Wives: An Introduction to Women's Brata Rituals in Bengali Folk Religion by McDaniel, June
Nart Sagas from the Caucasus: Myths and Legends from the Circassians, Abazas, Abkhaz, and Ubykhs by
The Magic of the Horse-Shoe by Lawrence, Robert Means
Hopi Tales of Destruction by
Popular Tales and Fictions: Their Migrations and Transformations by Goldberg, Christine
Gypsy Folk Tales by Groome, Francis Hindes
A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore: The Oral Literature, Traditions, Recollections, Legends, Tales, Songs, Religious Beliefs, Customs, Sayings, and by
Tales of the Sun: Folklore of Southern India by
In the Pale: Stories and Legends of the Russian Jews by Iliowizi, Henry
Old Deccan Days, Or, Hindoo Fairy Legends by
Perspectives on the Jack Tales: And Other North American Marchen by Lindahl, Carl
Treasures of the Northland: A Compendium of the Literature, Art, Science, Poetry, Folk-Lore and Ancient Myths of the Scandinavian Race by Clausen, A. C.
The Golden Lotus and Other Legends of Japan by Greey, Edward
Religion and Folk Cosmology: Scenarios of the Visible and Invisible in Rural Egypt by Aswad, Al-Sayyid Hafiz, El-Aswad, El-Sayed
Flower Lore and Legend by Beals, Katharine M.
Hawaiian Legends of the Guardian Spirits by Loebel-Fried, Caren