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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Mythology & Folklore in 2003

Greek and Roman Folklore by Halliday, William Reginald
Folk Beliefs of the Southern Negro by Puckett, Newbell Niles
Horse in Magic and Myth by Howey, M. Oldfield
World History and Myths of Cats by Kohen, Elli
The Palestinian Impasse in Lebanon:: The Politics of Refugee Integration by Haddad, Simon
Language and Gender in the Fairy Tale Tradition: A Linguistic Analysis of Old and New Story-Telling by Levorato, Alessandra
Myth and Science by Vignoli, Tito
Hidden Church of the Holy Graal by Waite, Arthur Edward
The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by
Journal For the Academic Study of Magick 1 by
Marshall Islands Legend and Stories by Kelin, Daniel A.
The Fairy Kingdom by Hodson, Geoffrey
The Fairy Kingdom by Hodson, Geoffrey
Shakespeare Myth With Milton's Epitaph on Shakespeare and Macbeth Proves Bacon is Shakespeare by Durning-Lawrence, Edwin
Age of Fable Or Beauties of Mythology by Bulfinch, Thomas
Highland Superstitions by MacGregor, Alexander
Egyptian Tales Translated from the Papyri by Petrie, W. M. Flinders
Welsh Folklore by Owen, Elias
Folklore Record: Relics of Popular Antiquities Part 2 by Folk Lore Society, Lore Society, Folk Lore Society
Celtic Mythology and Religion by Macbain, Alexander
Folklore in Borneo: A Sketch by Furness, William H.
Stars in Song and Legend by Porter, Jermain G.
On Superstitions Connected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery by Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph
Error's Chains: How Forged and Broken Part 1 by Dobbins, Frank S.
Error's Chains: How Forged and Broken Part 2 by Dobbins, Frank S.
Popular Superstitions by Platt, Charles
Book of the Order of the Fellowship of the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur by Anonymous
Gods of Old and the Story That They Tell by Fitz Simon, Vincent A., Fitz Simon, James A.
Life of the Universe Part 1 by Arrhenius, Svante
Queen of the Air Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm by Ruskin, John
Sacred Tree Or the Tree in Religion and Myth by Philpot, J. H.
Tales of Old Japan by Mitford, A. B.
Sexual Symbolism A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus and The Worship of the Generative Powers by Knight, Richard Payne, Wright, Thomas
Bible Folklore A Study in Comparative Mythology by Rogers, J. E. Thorold
Folktales of Joha, Jewish Trickster by
Tales of the Neighborhood: Jewish Narrative Dialogues in Late Antiquity by Hasan-Rokem, Galit
Cowboy by Payton, B. A.
The Medusa Reader by
Irish Fairy and Folk Tales by
The Spoken Word: Oral Culture in Britain, 1500-1850 by
Craftsman of the Cumberlands: Tradition & Creativity by Jones, Michael Owen
Performing Dreams: Discoveries of Immortality Among the Xavante of Central Brazil by Graham, Laura R.
Live the Myth! by Lazara, Vincent A.
From Ritual to Art: The Aesthetics and Cultural Relevance of Igbo Satire by Ohale, Christine Nwakego
The Medusa Reader by
American Indian Stories, Legends, and Other Writings by Zitkala-Sa
Cycles of Influence: Fiction, Folktale, Theory by Benson, Stephen
A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs by
Our Stories Remember: American Indian History, Culture, and Values through Storytelling by Bruchac, Joseph
American Wildlife in Symbol and Story by Gillespie, Angus K.
Legends of Palestine by Vilnay, Zev
North American Mythology by Alexander, Hartley Burr
Sea Fables Explained by Lee, Henry
Myths of the New World by Brinton, Daniel G.
Shakespearean Myth by Morgan, Appleton
Greek Mythology Systematized by Scull, S. a.
Origin and Development of Religious Belief Part 1 by Baring-Gould, S.
Researches Into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians and Babylonians Part 2 by Brown, Robert
Dictionary of the Sacred Languages of All Scriptures and Myths Part 1 by Gaskell, G. a.
Selected Folktales/Ausgewählte Märchen: A Dual-Language Book by Grimm, Jacob, Grimm, Wilhelm
Dictionary of the Sacred Languages of All Scriptures and Myths Part 2 by Gaskell, G. a.
The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man: Its Myths, Legends, Superstitions, Customs and Proverbs by
King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend by Castleden, Rodney
Danish Fairy Tales by Grundtvig, Svendt
Legends and Romances of Spain by Spence, Lewis
Legends of the Wagner Drama by Weston, Jessie L.
Mythologies by Yeats, W. B., Yeats, William Butler
Proverbs of Scotland by
Sagas from the Far East by Anonymous
Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine by Spence, Lewis
Mythical Monsters by Gould, Charles
Scottish Myths by Maclagan, Robert Craig
Semitic Influence in Hellenic Mythology by Brown, Robert
Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology by
As Old as the Moon Or Cuban Legends and Folklore of the Antillas by Stoddard, Florence Jackson
Myths of Mexico and Peru by Spence, Lewis
Myths and Legends of Our Own Land by Skinner, Charles M.
Creation Myths of Primitive America by Curtin, Jeremiah
Thoth Or The Hermes of Egypt by Boylan, Patrick
Pregnant Fictions: Childbirth and the Fairy Tale in Early-Modern France by Tucker, Holly
Myths of the Ancient Greeks by
The Jewish Book of Fables: Selected Works by Shtaynbarg, Eliezer
Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest by Clark, Ella E.
Born in a Mighty Bad Land: The Violent Man in African American Folklore and Fiction by Bryant, Jerry H.
Tales and Legends from India by Hart, Hilda, Belgrave, M. Dorothy
Ancient Indian Fables and Stories by Rice, Stanley
Man and His Superstitions by Read, Carveth
Wit and Wisdom of India by Shankar, Pandit Shyama
Folklore Studies: Ancient and Modern by Halliday, W. R.
Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales by James, Grace
Fables of Pilpay by Anonymous
Story of Myths by Kellett, E. E.
Legends of Number Nip by Lemon, Mark
Legends of Parsifal by Ford, Mary Hanford
Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland by Squire, Charles
Studies of Contemporary Superstition by Mallock, W. H.
Philosophy of Popular Superstitions by Emmons, S. Bulfinch
Old Rabbit, The Voodoo and Other Sorcerers by Owen, Mary Alicia
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by Berens, E. M.
Manual of Mythology in Relation to Greek Art by Collignon, Maxime
Introduction to Folklore by Cox, Marian Roalfe
Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts by
Teutonic Legends in The Nibelungen Lied and The Nibelungen Ring by Sawyer, W. C.
Book of Myths by Lang, Jean
Myths of Pre-Columbian America by MacKenzie, Donald A.
Myths of Greece and Rome by Guerber, H. a.
Zoological Mythology or The Legends of Animals Part 2 by Gubernatis, Angelo de
Rumanian Bird and Beast Stories by M G
Flemish Legends by de Coster, Charles
Folklore and Legends: Oriental by Anonymous
Legends and Tales of Old Munich by Trautmann, Franz
Hausa Sayings and Folklore by
Folklore and Legends: English by
Turkish Fairy Tales and Folktales by Bain, R. Nisbet
Tales of the Gods and Heroes by Cox, G. W.
Wonder World Stories by
Legend of Fair Helen As Told By Homer, Goethe and Others by Oswald, Eugene
Myths and Legends of Japan by Davis, F. Hadland
Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy by Keightley, Thomas
Zoological Mythology or The Legends of Animals Part 1 by Gubernatis, Angelo de
Mythology and Rites of British Druids by Davies, Edward
Faiths and Folklores by Hazlitt, W. Carew
Fairy Tales and Romances by Hamilton, Anthony
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by Rolleston, T. W.
Science of Fairy Tales by Hartland, Edwin Sidney
Down in the Darkness by Taylor, Troy
Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography by Knight, Stephen
On the Banks of Turkey Creek by Nichols, James W.
Cherokee Heritage Trails Guidebook by Duncan, Barbara R., Riggs, Brett H.
Mardi Gras, Gumbo, and Zydeco: Readings in Louisiana Culture by
The Moon: Myth and Image by Cashford, Jules
The Spoken Word: Oral Culture in Britain 1500-1850 by
Giving Voice to Bear: North American Indian Myths, Rituals, and Images of the Bear by Rockwell, David
West African Folk Tales by Vernon-Jackson, Hugh
Indian Mythology: Tales, Symbols, and Rituals from the Heart of the Subcontinent by Pattanaik, Devdutt
Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales by Grinnell, George Bird
Norse Mythology: Myths of the Eddas by Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn
Teutonic Legends in The Nibelungen Lied and The Nibelungen Ring by Sawyer, W. C.
Myths and Legends of China by Werner, E. T. C.
Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland by Campbell, John Gregorson
Strange Pages From Family Papers by Dyer, T. F. Thiselton
Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances Illustrating Shakespeare and Other Early English Writers by Ritson, Joseph
Myths of Northern Lands by Guerber, H. a.
Greek Wonder Tales by
Child Lore by Herbert, S.
Fables of Aesop by Aesop
Bringing Out Their Best: Values Education and Character Development Through Traditional Tales by Livo, Norma J.
Epic Tales of the Philippines: Tribal Lores of Filipinos by Guillermo, Artemio R.
Nordic Runes: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Viking Oracle by Mountfort, Paul Rhys
Strange Stories from A Chinese Studio by Sung-Ling, P'u
Legends of Vancouver by Johnson, E. Pauline
Flaming Door by Merry, Eleanor C.
Bridle of Pegasus by Dawson, Warren R.
Barnacles in Nature and in Myth by Heron-Allen, Edward
Canadian Fairy Tales by MacMillan, Cyrus
Fountain of Youth Or Stories to be Told by Colum, Padraic
Amulets and Superstitions by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Dragons and Dragon Lore by Ingersoll, Ernest
Long Bright Land by Howes, Edith
Tales from the Crescent Moon by McNeer, May, Lederer, Charlotte
Science of Folklore by Krappe, Alexander Haggerty
Lancashire Legends by Roby
Myth, Ritual and Religion Part 1 by Lang, Andrew
Myth, Ritual and Religion Part 2 by Lang, Andrew
Tooke's Pantheon of the Heathen Gods and Illustrious Heroes by Tooke, Andrew
Lights and Shadows of Ancient European Mythology, Language and History by Wilson, Elizabeth
Age of Chivalry Or Legends of King Arthur by Bulfinch, Thomas
Cambrian Superstitions by Howells, W.
Legends and Myths of the Aboriginal Indian of British Guiana by
Folklore and Legends: Russian and Polish by C. J. T.
Transmigrations of the Mandarin Fum Hoam Or Chinese Tales by
Gods of Olympos or Mythology of the Greeks and Romans by Petiscus, August Heinrich, Petiscus, A. H.
Dragon in China and Japan by de Visser, M. W.
Legends `O the Bells by Morris, Ernest
Celtic Fairy Tales by Jacobs, Joseph
Paganism in Romanian Folklore by Beza, Marcu
Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages: Their Origin and Influence On Literature and Art by Guerber, Helene a.
Legends of Micronesia (Book One) by Grey, Eve
Legends of Micronesia (Book Two) by Grey, Eve
Treasures from Europe: Stories and Classroom Activities by Joy, Flora
Shamans and Kushtakas: North Coast Tales of the Supernatural by Beck, Mary Giraudo
Being Dakota: Tales and Traditions of the Sisseton and Wahpeton by Oneroad, Amos E., Skinner, Alanson B.
Phynodderree and Other Legends of the Isle of Man by Callow, Edward
Elements of Mythology by Anonymous
Indian Nights' Entertainment Or Folktales from the Upper Indus by Swynnerton, Charles
Folklore Relics of Early Village Life by Gomme, George Laurence
Tales and Legends of the English Lakes by Armistead, Wilson
Yorkshire Legends and Traditions As Told By Her Ancient Chroniclers, Her Poets and Journalists by Parkinson, Thomas
Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland Or The Traditional History of Cromarty by Miller, Hugh
Folklore of the Santal Parganas by
Folktales of Kashmir by Knowles, J. Hinton
Folk Memory Or The Continuity of British Archaeology by Johnson, Walter
Comparative Mythology: An Essay by Muller, Max
Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia by Thompson, R. Campbell
Politics of Proverbs: From Traditional Wisdom to Proverbial Stereotypes by Mieder, Wolfgang
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes by
In Search of Ancient Ireland: The Origins of the Irish from Neolithic Times to the Coming of the English by McCaffrey, Carmel, Eaton, Leo
On the Trail of Elder Brother: Glous'gap Stories of the Mimac Indians by Smith, Patricia Clark, Runningwolf, Michael B.
Folk Tales from the Russian by
Mono Alu Folklore: Bougainville Strait, Western Solomon Islands by Wheeler, Gerald Camden
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