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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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Mythology & Folklore in 2022

Cinq cents contes et apologues; Volume 3 by Chavannes, Edouard
Examples Of Printed Folk-lore Concerning Lincolnshire; Volume 5 by Peacock, Mabel, Gutch, Eliza
The Life and Stories of the Jaina Savior, Parçvanatha by Bloomfield, Maurice, Bhavadevasuri, Bhavadevasuri
Histoire Critique Du Gnosticisme Et De Son Influence Sur Les Sectes Religieuses Et Philosophiques Des Six Premiers Siècles De L'ère Chrétienne...... by Matter, Jacques
Anthropological Report on the Ibo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria Volume pt.2 by Thomas, Northcote Whitridge
Cinq cents contes et apologues; Volume 1 by Chavannes, Edouard
Anthropological Report on the Ibo-speaking Peoples of Nigeria Volume pt.3 by Thomas, Northcote Whitridge
Cinq cents contes et apologues; Volume 1 by Chavannes, Edouard
Histoire Critique Du Gnosticisme Et De Son Influence Sur Les Sectes Religieuses Et Philosophiques Des Six Premiers Siècles De L'ère Chrétienne...... by Matter, Jacques
The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus by Elton, Oliver, Powell, F. York 1850-1904, Saxo, Grammaticus
The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus by Saxo, Grammaticus, Elton, Oliver, Powell, F. York 1850-1904
Die literarischen Vorlagen der Kinder und Hausmärchen: Und ihre Bearbeitung durch die Brüder Grimm by Hamann, Hermann
Myths & Legends of our own Land: 1 by Skinner, Charles M. 1852-1907
Deirdire, and the Lay of the Children of Uisne, Orally Collected in the Island of Barra [Scotland, in 1867] and Literally Translated by Alexander Carm by Carmichael, Alexander
A Collection Of Telugu Proverbs Translated, Illustrated And Explained by Carr, M. W.
Die Mythologie in der deutschen Literatur von Klopstock bis Wagner; Volume 1 by Strich, Fritz
El Folk-lore Filipino, Volume 2... by
Our British Ancestors: Who and What Were They by Lysons, Samuel
Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain: Chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar and Provincial Customs, Ceremonies and Superst by Brand, John
Proverbes Et Dictons Populaires: Avec Les Dits Du Mercier Et Des Marchands, Et Les Crieries De Paris, Aux Xxiie Et Xive Siècles by Crapelet, Georges Adrien, De La Villeneuve, Guillaume
Sagen, Märchen Und Lieder Der Herzogthümer Schleswig, Holstein Und Lauenburg, Herausg. Von K. Müllendorff by Müllenhoff, Karl Victor
Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Völker, Erster Theil, 1819 by Creuzer, Friedrich
Tales of Old Japan; Volume 1 by Redesdale, Baron Algernon Bertram Fre
A Handbook of Weather Folk-lore; Being a Collection of Proverbial Sayings in Various Languages Relating to the Weather, With Explanatory and Illustrat by Swainson, C. A. 1820-1887
Deutsche Volkskunde by Anonymous
The Evolution of Literature by MacKenzie, A. S.
Highlander Legends by Lauder, Thomas Dick
Our Ancestors, Scots, Piets, & Cymry, and What Their Traditions Tell Us by Maclagan, Robert Craig
An Outline of Greek and Roman Mythology by Kelsey, Francis Willey
The Story of a Hare by Tregarthen, J. C.
Les Héros De Richard Wagner Etudes Sur Les Origines Indo-Européenes Des Légendes by Valot, Stéphane
The Evolution of Literature by MacKenzie, A. S.
Die Deutschen Sprichwörter im Mittelalter by Zingerle, Ignaz Vinzenz
Classical Dictionary by Ellis, Edward S.
Longevity: The Prolong of LifeAfter Middle Age by Garner, John
The Perth Incident of 1396 From a Folk-Lore Point of View; by Maclegan, Robert Craig
Deutsche Volkskunde by Anonymous
Classical Dictionary by Ellis, Edward S.
Longevity: The Prolong of LifeAfter Middle Age by Garner, John
Gamle Folks Fortaellinger om Det Jyske Almueliv by Kristensen, Evald Tang
Warriors of old Japan: And Other Stories by Theodora, Ozaki Yei
The Courtship of Ferb by Leahy, A. H.
Folk and Hero Tales by James, Macdougall
Folk and Hero Tales by MacInnes, D.
Tales of Northumbria by Pease, Howard
Folk and Hero Tales by James, Macdougall
Folk-lore and Legends: Scandinavian by Tibbits, Charles John
Folklore by Anonymous
Gamle Folks Fortaellinger om Det Jyske Almueliv by Kristensen, Evald Tang
Cuentos Populares by Trueba, Antonio De
The Story of a Hare by Tregarthen, J. C.
The Book of Noodles: Stories of Simpletons; or, Fools and Their Follies by Clouston, William Alexander
Danske Ordsprog og Mundheld by Bresemann, Friederich
The Perth Incident of 1396 From a Folk-Lore Point of View; by Maclegan, Robert Craig
Die Deutschen Sprichwörter im Mittelalter by Zingerle, Ignaz Vinzenz
Les Héros De Richard Wagner Etudes Sur Les Origines Indo-Européenes Des Légendes by Valot, Stéphane
The Courtship of Ferb by Leahy, A. H.
The History of Thomas Hickathrift: Printed From the Earliest Extant Copies by London, Villon Society
Folklore by Anonymous
Tales of Northumbria by Pease, Howard
Légendes Des Îles Hawaii: Tirée De Fornander Et Commentées, Avec Une Réponse À M. De Quatrefages by Lesson, Pierre Adolphe
Urgeschichte Der Arier in Vorder- Und Centralasien: Historisch-Geographische Untersuchungen Über Den Ältesten Schauplatz Des Rigveda Und Avesta; Volum by Brunnhofer, Hermann
Les Mille Et Une Nuits, Contes Arabes; Volume 4 by Nodier, Charles, Destains, Eugène, Galland, Antoine
Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Mythologie by Müller, Karl Otfried
Untersuchungen Über Den Ursprung Und Die Entwicklung Der Nibelungensage, Volumes 1-2 by Boer, Richard Constant
Tammuz, Pan and Christ: Notes On a Typical Case of Myth-Transference and Development by Schoff, Wilfred Harvey, Carus, Paul
Untersuchungen Über Den Ursprung Und Die Entwicklung Der Nibelungensage, Volumes 1-2 by Boer, Richard Constant
Hermes Und Die Toten by Eitrem, Samson
The Valleys of Tirol, Their Traditions and Customs and how to Visit Them by
Dictionnaire Des Sciences Occultes; Volume 2 by Collin De Plancy, Jacques Albin Simon, Migne, Jacques-Paul
The Laughter of Peterkin, a Retelling of Old Tales of the Celtic Underworld by Fiona Macleod by Sharp, William
St. Patrick's Purgatory: An Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, Current During Th by Wright, Thomas
Tales From the Lands of Nuts and Grapes: (Spanish and Portuguese Folklore) by Sellers, Charles
Memoirs of The American Folk-Lore Society; Volume XI by Boas, Franz
Novelle Popolari Toscane by Pitrè, Giuseppe
Asolando: Fancies and Facts by Browning, Robert
Plant Lore, Legends, and Lyrics. Embracing the Myths, Traditions, Superstitions, and Folk-lore of the Plant Kingdom Volume and Lyrics by Folkard, Richard
Three Hundred Æesop's Fables by Weir, Harrison, Townsend, George Fyler, Aesop, Harrison
Bahama Songs and Stories: A Contribution to Folk-Lore by Edwards, Charles Lincoln
The English Poems of George Herbert: Together With His Collection of Proverbs Entitled Jacula Prudentum by Herbert, George
Ma-Ui A Demi God by Westervelt, W. D.
Laws From Heaven for Life On Earth: Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs by Arnot, William
Tibetan Folk Tales by Shelton, A. L.
La legende de la Mort by Braz, Anatole Le
Legends of the Braes O' Mar by Grant, John
Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs by Mackinlay, James Murray
The Salt-Cellars: Being a Collection of Proverbs, Together With Homely Notes Thereon by Anonymous
English Folk-lore by Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas Firminger
Folk Lore and Genealogies of Uppermost Nithsdale by Wilson, William
Legends of le Détroit by Stewart, Isabella
Traditions of Edinburgh by Chambers, Robert
Les Mille et une Nuits: Contes Arabes by Galland, Antoine, De Perceval, Caussin
A Collection of Chinese Proverbs by Scarborough, William
Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes: (Mythology) Collected and Translated From the Hawaiian by Westervelt, William Drake
Galloway Gossip Sixty Years Ago: Being a Series of Articles Illustrative of the Manners, Customs, and Peculiarities of the Aboriginal Picts of Gallowa by Trotter, Maria
Told in the Coffee House: Turkish Tales by Adler, Cyrus, Ramsay, Allan
A Book of New England Legends and Folk Lore by Drake, Samuel Adams
Arabic Proverbs or The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians by Lewis, Burckhardt John
The Shade of the Balkans: Being a Collection of Bulgarian Folksongs and Proverbs by Bernard, Henry
Reynard the Fox in South Africa: Or, Hottentot Fables and Tales by Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel
Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the Flood and the Fall of Man; Volume 10 by Langdon, Stephen
Zanzibar Tales Told by Natives of the East Coast of Africa by Bateman, George W.
Die Kulte und Mythen Arkadiens by Immerwahr, Walter
Temair Breg: A Study of the Remains and Traditions of Tara by Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart
Etruscan Roman Remains in Popular Tradition by Leland, Charles Godfrey
Ireland's Fairy Lore by Mahon, Michael P.
Volksdichtung aus Indonesien: Sagen, Tierfabeln und Märchen by Bezemer, Tammo Jacob
Holzlandsagen: Sagen, Mährchen Und Geschichten Aus Den Vorbergen Des Thüringer Waldes by Gress, Kurt
Volksdichtung aus Indonesien: Sagen, Tierfabeln und Märchen by Bezemer, Tammo Jacob
The Middle English Legends of Visits to the Other World and Their Relation to the Metrical Romances by Willson, Elizabeth
Reynard the Fox in South Africa: Or, Hottentot Fables and Tales by Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel
Arabic Proverbs or The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians by Lewis, Burckhardt John
Cent Proverbes Japonais... by Steenackers, Francis, Tokunosuké, Ueda
Lappisk Mythologi: Eventyr Og Folkesagn, Volumes 1-2 by Friis, Jens Andreas
Proverbs, Chiefly Taken From the Adagia of Erasmus, With Explanations; and Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples From the Spanish, Italian, Fr by Erasmus, Desiderius, Bland, Robert
Peasant Lore From Gaelic Ireland by Deeney, Daniel
A Collection of Gaelic Proverbs and Familiar Phrases, Based on Macintosh's Collection by Alexander, Nicolson
Legends of the Braes O' Mar by Grant, John
Krilof and His Fables by Ralston Shedden Ralston, William
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland; Volume 2 by Gregory, Lady
Holzlandsagen: Sagen, Mährchen Und Geschichten Aus Den Vorbergen Des Thüringer Waldes by Gress, Kurt
Memoirs of The American Folk-Lore Society; Volume XI by Boas, Franz
The Proverbs of Solomon by Anonymous
La mythologie des plantes; ou, Les légendes du règne végétal; Tome t.1 by
Norske Folke-Og Huldre-Eventyr I Udvalg by Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen
A Collection of English Proverbs by Ray, John
Philippine Folk Tales by Cole, Cook
El folklore de Oaxaca by Espinosa, Aurelio Macedonio, Radin, Paul
The Age of Chivalry: Or, Legends of King Arthur, "King Arthur and His Knights," "The Mabinogeon," "The Crusades," "Robin Hood," Etc by Bulfinch, Thomas
Dealings With The Dead: Narratives From "la Légende De La Mort En Basse Bretagne" by Braz, Anatole Le
The age of Chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur; "King Arthur and his Knights", "The Mabinogeon", "The Crusades", "Robin Hood", Etc by Bulfinch, Thomas, Hale, Edward Everett
Færøske Folkesagn Og Æventyr by Jakobsen, Jakob
A Book of Giants; Tales of Very Tall men of Myth, Legends, History, and Science by Lanier, Henry Wysham
The Grateful Dead: The History of a Folk Story by Hall, Gerould Gordon
Recueil De Contes Populaires De La Kabylie Du Djurdjura by Rivière, Joseph
Myths and Legends of Babylonia & Assyria by Spence, Lewis
Fables Ancient and Modern, Adapted for the Use of Children by Edward Baldwin by Godwin, William
Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales by Nixon-Roulet, Mary F.
Le Folk Lore De L'he-Maurice (Texte Eréole Et Traduction Française) by Baissac, Charles
Kinderspel & Kinderlust in Zuid-Nederland by De Cock, Alfons, Teirlinck, Isidoor
Al-Mostatraf. Recueil de morceaux choisis çà et là dans toutes les branches de connaissances réputées attryantes par 'Sihab-ad-Din Ahmad al-Absihi; ou by Ibshihi, Muhammad Ibn Ahmad
Greek and Roman Mythology & Heroic Legend by Steuding, Hermann, Barnett, Lionel D. 1871-1960
Mythologie Der Germanen by Meyer, Elard Hugo
Observations Upon the Plagues Inflicted Upon the Egyptians: In Which Is Shewn the Peculiarity of Those Judgments and Their Correspondence With the Rit by Bryant, Jacob
Our Ancestors, Scots, Piets, & Cymry, and What Their Traditions Tell Us by Maclagan, Robert Craig
Legends of the Kaw: The Folk-lore of the Indians of the Kansas River Valley by Voe, Carrie de
The Origin of the Werewolf Superstition by Stewart, Caroline Taylor
Malay Magic: Being an Introduction to the Folklore and Popular Religion of the Malay Peninsula by Skeat, Walter William
The age of Chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur; "King Arthur and his Knights", "The Mabinogeon", "The Crusades", "Robin Hood", Etc by Hale, Edward Everett, Bulfinch, Thomas
Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man by Dunlap, Samuel Fales
Maori Tales & Legends by Clark, Kate McCosh
Seanfhocla Uladh by
A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs by Collins, John
The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living: An Old Irish Saga; Volume 1 by Meyer, Kuno, Cairill, Scél Túan Maic
The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living: An Old Irish Saga; Volume 2 by Meyer, Kuno, Nutt, Alfred Trübner
Tales of the Cochiti Indians by Benedict, Ruth
The Mythology And Rites of the British Druids, Ascertained by National Documents; And Compared With the General Traditions And Customs of Heathenism, by Davies, Edward
Gumbo Ya-ya by
Shetland Folk-Lore by Spence, John
Portuguese Folk-Tales by Pedroso, Consiglieri
The Tales Of The Genii Or The Delightful Lessons Of Horam, The Son Of Asmar; Volume 1 by Ridley, James
Serbian Folk-lore by Lawton, Mijatovic Elodie
What Is Your Name?: A Popular Account of the Meanings and Derivations of Christian Names by Moody, Sophy
The Traditional Poetry of the Finns by Comparetti, Domenico
Seneca Indian Myths by Curtin, Jeremiah
Divine and Moral Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, for the Use of Children by Watts, Isaac
What Is Your Name?: A Popular Account of the Meanings and Derivations of Christian Names by Moody, Sophy
Asolando: Fancies and Facts by Browning, Robert
Ireland's Fairy Lore by Mahon, Michael P.
Maori Tales & Legends by Clark, Kate McCosh
A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs: Comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, With English Translations and a General In by Bohn, Henry George
Lithotherapie: Historische Studien über die medizinische Verwendung der Edelsteine by Fühner, Hermann
Turkish Literature; Comprising Fables, Belles-lettres and Sacred Traditions by Anonymous
Stories From The Arabian Nights by Clarke, Michael
The Ancient Irish Epic Tale, Táin bó Cúalnge, "The Cualnge Cattle-raid" by Dunn, Joseph
Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie Volume 3: 1 by Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich
Chary na Ukraïni by Hnatiuk, V. M. 1871-1926
Székely népmesék by Anonymous
Wallonia, Volumes 1-2 by
Cerberus, the Dog of Hades: The History of an Idea by Bloomfield, Maurice
Chansons populaires des provinces belges; Volume 1 by Closson, Ernest
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Volume II by Hobbes, Thomas
Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee by Dorsey, George Amos
Day Symbols of the Maya Year: Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American by Thomas, Cyrus
Chansons populaires recueillies en Franche-Comté, par Charles Beauquier by Beauquier, Charles
Die deutsche Götterlehre: Ein Hand- und Lesebuch für Schule und Haus by Wolf, Johann Wilhelm
The Kymry: Their Origin, History, and International Relations by Owen, Robert
Les Songes Drolatiques De Pantagruel Où Sont Contenues Plusieurs Figures De L'Invention De Maistre François Rabelais by Rabelais, François, Tross, Edwin
Proverb Lore; Many Sayings, Wise or Otherwise, on Many Subjects, Gleaned From Many Sources by Hulme, F. Edward 1841-1909
Russian Fairy Tales From The Skazki of Polevoi by Bain, R. Nisbet
The Wisdom Of The World, In Proverbs Of All Nations by Shearer, William John
Santal Folk Tales by
China in Legend and Story by Brown, Colin Campbell
Schweizersagen Aus Dem Aargau, Erster Band by Hochholz, Ernst Ludwig
Mona Miscellany a Selection of Proverbs Sayings Ballads Customs Superstitions and Legends Pe by Harrison, William
Hamlet in Iceland: Being the Icelandic Romantic Ambales Saga by
Leben Der Heil: Jungfrau Maria by Emmerich, Anna Katharina
Die Deutsch-Franzoesische Sprachgrenze in Lothringen by This, Constant
Ikom Folk Stories From Southern Nigeria by Dayrell, Elphinstone
The Englishman and the Scandinavian: Or, a Comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature by Metcalfe, Frederick
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