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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Native American History in 2015

The Ancient Southwest: A Guide to Archaelogical Sites by Lindahl, Larry, McNamee, Gregory
The American Indians by Miner, W. H.
Discrimination Against Native Americans in Border Towns by Civil Rights, U. S. Commission on
American Passage: The Communications Frontier in Early New England by Grandjean, Katherine
American Indian Cooklore (Classic Reprints) by Bailey, Flora L., Tinker, Sylvester, Abbott, Mae
The Little Mother of the Creek Indians: Aunt Lizzie Winn by Hill, Ernie
Drum and Hoofbeats by Bolen, Robert D.
The Battle of Tippecanoe: The History and Legacy of the American Victory That Ended Tecumseh's War by Charles River
Ending Violence So Children Can Thrive by Attorney General's Advisory Committee, U. S. Department of Justice
The Darkest Period: The Kanza Indians and Their Last Homeland, 1846-1873 Volume 273 by Parks, Ronald D.
Captives among the Indians: Firsthand Narratives of Indian Wars, Customs, Tortures, and Habits of Life in Colonial Times by Kephart, Horace
Indian Basketry of the Northeastern Woodlands by Turnbaugh, Sarah Peabody, Turnbaugh, William A.
An Osage Journey to Europe, 1827-1830: Three French Accounts Volume 81 by
Black Slaves, Indian Masters: Slavery, Emancipation, and Citizenship in the Native American South by Krauthamer, Barbara
The Cherokee Indians: A report to Congress by Thompson, Jacob
The Apache in the Southwest: 1846-1886 by Blount, Bertha
The Indian Territory Reminiscences of Andrew J. Harden by Harden, Andrew J.
Whirling Thunder ONe Man's Journey Through Native America by Bullock, Paul, Bullock, Harriett
The Romance of Cherokee Chief Lewis Downing and Mary Ayer of Philadelphia by McGaugh, Luther S.
Native American Tribes: The History and Culture of the Utes by Charles River
The Indian Question by Walker, Francis a.
Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society Vol. V. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Matthews, Washington
American Indians and the Rhetoric of Removal and Allotment by Black, Jason Edward
The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Southwest by Griffin-Pierce, Trudy
True Stories of New England Captives by Baker, C. Alice
Laguna Pueblo: A Photographic History by Corbett, Tom, Marmon, Lee
The Zuni People: The Zunis: Self Portrayals by The Zuni People
Thomas Varker Keam: Indian Trader by Graves, Laura
Apache Sunrise: Memories from San Carlos by David, Sonja White
Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs by Indian Affairs, Bureau Of
The Cherokee Struggle to Maintain Identity in the 17th and 18th Centuries by Reynolds, William R.
Rev. Jesse Bushyhead: Cherokee Indian and Missionary by Murrow, J. S.
Captives Among The Indians: First-hand Narratives of Indian Wars, Customs, Tortures, and Habits of Life in Colonial Times by Kephart, Horace
Tikal by
Connecticut's Indigenous Peoples: What Archaeology, History, and Oral Traditions Teach Us about Their Communities and Cultures by Lavin, Lucianne
History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia; Embracing an Account of the Various Expeditions in the West, Previous to 1795. Al by De Hass, Wills
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Eastman, Charles A.
Native Americans in the Susquehanna River Valley, Past and Present by Minderhout, David J.
Professional Indian: The American Odyssey of Eleazer Williams by Oberg, Michael Leroy
The Last of the Chiefs, a Story of the Great Sioux War by Altsheler, Joseph
American Indians: Sterotypes & Realities by Last, First
The Algonquin Legends of New England by Leland, Charles
Three Years on the Plains, Observations of Indians 1867-1870 by Tuttle, Edmund
American Hero-Myths, A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent by Brinton, Daniel
The Indian Captive, A Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Matthew Brayton by Brayton, Matthew
Missionary Work among the Ojibwe Indians by Wilson, Edward
Eastern Band Cherokee Women: Cultural Persistence in Their Letters and Speeches by Carney, Virginia Moore
Murder State: California's Native American Genocide, 1846-1873 by Lindsay, Brendan C.
Sharing Our Knowledge: The Tlingit and Their Coastal Neighbors by
So, How Long Have You Been Native?: Life as an Alaska Native Tour Guide by Bunten, Alexis C.
Hopi Katsina Songs by Hill, Kenneth C., Washburn, Dorothy K., Sekaquaptewa, Emory
Funerary Practices and Models in the Ancient Andes by
The Mantle Site: An Archaeological History of an Ancestral Wendat Community by Birch, Jennifer, Williamson, Ronald F.
Life at an Indian Agency: The Cheyenne and Arapahoe by Zogbaum, Rufus F.
Indian Law and Order Commission Report: A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer by Committee on Indian Affairs United State
Les Indiens d'Amérique Du Nord. Les Portfolios Complets by Curtis, Edward S.
The Indianology of California: Volume One, Containing Series One and Series Two by Iddings, Ray, Taylor, Alexander Smith
The Indianology of California: Volume Two, Containing Series Three by Iddings, Ray, Taylor, Alexander Smith
Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians by Yarrow, H. C.
Archaeological Perspectives on the Southern Appalachians: A Multiscalar Approach by
The War Chief of the Ottawas by Guthrie Marquis, Thomas
The War Chief of the Six Nations by Wood, Louis Aubrey
Twilight of an Order by Nemcik, Bert
Natchez Country: Indians, Colonists, and the Landscapes of Race in French Louisiana by Milne, George Edward
River Song: Naxiyamtáma (Snake River-Palouse) Oral Traditions from Mary Jim, Andrew George, Gordon Fisher, and Emily Peone by
Natchez Country: Indians, Colonists, and the Landscapes of Race in French Louisiana by Milne, George Edward
Red Dreams, White Nightmares: Pan-Indian Alliances in the Anglo-American Mind, 1763-1815 by Owens, Robert M.
Life Along the Rivers by Mullins, Jonita
Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People by Fenn, Elizabeth A.
Chief Joseph and the Indian Wars by Robert, D. Bolen
The Chaco Meridian: One Thousand Years of Political and Religious Power in the Ancient Southwest by Lekson, Stephen H.
North American Projectile Points by Hranicky Rpa, Wm Jack
The Chaco Meridian: One Thousand Years of Political and Religious Power in the Ancient Southwest by Lekson, Stephen H.
Prominent Algonquian Tribes: The History of the Shawnee, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Chippewa, and Blackfeet by Charles River
Native American Tribes: The History of the Blackfeet and the Blackfoot Confederacy by Charles River
Wigwam Evenings: Sioux Folk Tales Retold by Eastman, Charles
Four American Indians: King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, and Osceola by Whitney, Edson
Myths and Legends of the Great Plains (Illustrated) by Judson, Katharine
From Slavery to Statehood A Family History in the Creek Nation by Dulin Hale, Carretha
Contesting Constructed Indian-Ness: The Intersection of the Frontier, Masculinity, and Whiteness in Native American Mascot Representations by Taylor, Michael
Ancient Footprints of the Colorado River by Figueroa, Alfredo Acosta
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity by Clark, Galen
Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity by Clark, Galen
Apaches: Legend of the Crown Dancers by Vicario, Judith W.
Laura Cornelius Kellogg: Our Democracy and the American Indian and Other Works by
John Eliot and the Praying Indians of Massachusetts Bay: Communities and Connections in Puritan New England by Gray, Kathryn N.
A Little Journey to Chilocco: The Indian School on the Plains by Random, Roderick
Ozette: Excavating a Makah Whaling Village by Kirk, Ruth
Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America by Guiliano, Jennifer
Indian Spectacle: College Mascots and the Anxiety of Modern America by Guiliano, Jennifer
New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest 2 Volume Set: The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, 1799-1814 by Thompson, David, Henry, Alexander
New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest - Volume 2 & 3 by Thompson, David, Henry, Alexander
New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest - Volume 1 by Thompson, David, Henry, Alexander
#Idlenomore: And the Remaking of Canada by Coates, Ken
Ancient Teotihuacan: Early Urbanism in Central Mexico by Cowgill, George L.
Poverty Point: Revealing the Forgotten City by Ellerbe, Jenny, Greenlee, Diana M.
Ancient Teotihuacan by Cowgill, George L.
Life Among the Qallunaat by Freeman, Mini Aodla
Life Among the Qallunaat by Freeman, Mini Aodla
Life Among the Qallunaat by Freeman, Mini Aodla
Sophia Pitchlynn: Choctaw Princess and Poultry Fancier by McGaugh, Luther S.
A Hopi Flute Clan Migration Story: A Hopi Elder Interprets Rock Art Through Clan Tradition by Ladage, Lorna Gail, Lewis, Leroy Pantema
Mile Post 104 and Beyond: We Have Walked Together in the Shadow of the Rainbow by Wells, Robert P.
Tribes of California by Powers, Stephen
The Women's National Indian Association: A History by
Teaching Indigenous Students: Honoring Place, Community, and Culture by Reyhner, Jon
Rekindling the Sacred Fire: Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality by Fiola, Chantal
Wisdom of The Elders: A Roadmap To Living The Red Road by Ellis, Carl a.
Rekindling the Sacred Fire: Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality by Fiola, Chantal
The Iroquois Book of Rites by Hale, Horatio
Why You Can't Teach United States History Without American Indians by
Indien Ethnology: Grounded, Gendered, Meaningful Cultural Traditions by Miller Phd, Jay
Native Performers in Wild West Shows: From Buffalo Bill to Euro Disney by McNenly, Linda Scarangella
Dangerous Spirits: The Windigo in Myth and History by Smallman, Shawn
Clyde Warrior: Tradition, Community, and Red Power Volume 10 by McKenzie-Jones, Paul R.
The Apache Wars: The History and Legacy of the U.S. Army's Campaigns against the Apaches by McLachlan, Sean, Charles River
Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Smith, Andrea
Indien Ethnography: Cultural Traditions of Native North America by Miller Phd, Jay
Global Indios: The Indigenous Struggle for Justice in Sixteenth-Century Spain by Van Deusen, Nancy E.
Unsettling America: The Uses of Indianness in the 21st Century by King, C. Richard
Creeks and Southerners: Biculturalism on the Early American Frontier by Frank, Andrew K.
Fellow Tribesmen: The Image of Native Americans, National Ientity, and Nazi Ideology in Germany by Usbeck, Frank
City Indian: Native American Activism in Chicago, 1893-1934 by Lapier, Rosalyn R., Beck, David R. M.
The Reluctant Pilgrim: A Skeptic's Journey Into Native Mysteries by Welsch, Roger
The Wichita Indians: People of the Grass House by Holland, Susan a.
Ohio Indian Trails: Third Edition by Wilcox, Frank N.
The Owl and the Horseshoe by Hughey, Debra
Global Indios: The Indigenous Struggle for Justice in Sixteenth-Century Spain by Van Deusen, Nancy E.
Ishi Means Man: Essays on Native Americans by Merton, Thomas
Planning the American Indian Reservation: From Theory to Empowerment by Zaferatos, Nicholas Christos
Henry Thoreau and John Muir Among the Native Americans by Fleck, Richard F.
Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries Into Indigenous Deaths in Custody by Razack, Sherene
The White Possessive: Property, Power, and Indigenous Sovereignty by Moreton-Robinson, Aileen
Advocates for the Oppressed: Hispanos, Indians, Genízaros, and Their Land in New Mexico by Ebright, Malcolm
Wastelanding: Legacies of Uranium Mining in Navajo Country by Voyles, Traci Brynne
Attu Boy: A Young Alaskan's WWII Memoir by Golodoff, Nick
Indian Tales, Battles and Gore: As Documented In Ohio and Northern Kentucky Prior to 1833 by Kalten, D. M.
Wisdom of The Elders by Ellis, Carl a.
Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion by
Pre-Removal Choctaw History: Exploring New Pathsvolume 255 by
Following the Great Spirit: Exploring Aboriginal Belief Systems by Davie, Michael B.
Following the Great Spirit: Exploring Aboriginal Belief Systems by Davie, Michael B.
Brethren by Nature: New England Indians, Colonists, and the Origins of American Slavery by Newell, Margaret Ellen
Re-Collecting Black Hawk: Landscape, Memory, and Power in the American Midwest by Brown, Nicholas, Kanouse, Sarah
Chi-Mewinzha: Ojibwe Stories from Leech Lake by Whipple, Dorothy Dora
Carolina in Crisis: Cherokees, Colonists, and Slaves in the American Southeast, 1756-1763 by Tortora, Daniel J.
American Indian Stories of Success: New Visions of Leadership in Indian Country by Warner, Linda Sue
The Complete Seymour: Colville Storyteller by Seymour, Peter J.
Hunting Caribou: Subsistence Hunting Along the Northern Edge of the Boreal Forest by Sharp, Karyn, Sharp, Henry S.
The Newspaper Warrior: Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins's Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891 by Winnemucca Hopkins, Sarah
War Paintings of the Tsuu t'Ina Nation by Brownstone, Arni
Chiricahua and Janos: Communities of Violence in the Southwestern Borderlands, 1680-1880 by Blyth, Lance R.
Recollection and Reconnection: Voices of the St. David's Islanders and Their Native American Relatives by Howard Ph. D., Rosalyn
Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys: A Native American Expression of the Jesus Way by Twiss, Richard
Indian Voices: Multicultural News from an American Indian Perspective January - December, 2014 by Davis, Rose
Osage and Settler: Reconstructing Shared History through an Oklahoma Family Archive by Hess, Janet Berry
Law at Little Big Horn: Due Process Denied by Wright, Charles E.
The Toronto Carrying Place: Rediscovering Toronto's Most Ancient Trail by Turner, Glenn
Mochi's War: The Tragedy of Sand Creek by Kazanjian, Howard, Enss, Chris
Prairie Man: The Struggle between Sitting Bull and Indian Agent James McLaughlin by Matteoni, Norman E.
The Cherokee Kid: Will Rogers, Tribal Identity, and the Making of an American Icon by Ware, Amy M.
Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask: Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings by Geniusz, Mary Siisip
Museums and the Representation of Native Canadians: Negotiating the Borders of Culture by McLoughlin, Moira
Ties That Bind: The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom by Miles, Tiya
In Pursuit of Dead Georgians: One Historian's Excursions into the History of His Adopted State by Lamplugh, George R.
Chicago's Authentic Founder: Jean Baptiste Point Dusable or Haitian Secret Agent in the Old Northwest Outpost 1745-1818 by Rosier, Marc O.
Chicago's Authentic Founder: Jean Baptiste Point Dusable or Haitian Secret Agent in the Old Northwest Outpost 1745-1818 by Rosier, Marc O.
Rancorous Enmities and Blind Partialities: Factions and Parties in Georgia, 1807-1845 by Lamplugh, George R.
The Native American Identity in Sports: Creating and Preserving a Culture by
The Eastern Archaic, Historicized by Sassaman, Kenneth E.
Big Sycamore Stands Alone, 1: The Western Apaches, Aravaipa, and the Struggle for Place by Record, Ian W.
Indian Slavery in Colonial America by
Oral History of the Yavapai by Harrison, Mike, Williams, John
Ethnic Cleansing and the Indian: The Crime That Should Haunt America by Anderson, Gary Clayton
West of the Revolution: An Uncommon History of 1776 by Saunt, Claudio
The Apache Scouts: The History and Legacy of the Native Scouts Used During the Indian Wars by Charles River
Indian Child Life by Eastman, Charles A.
Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains by Eastman, Charles A.
Old Indian Days by Eastman, Charles A.
Indian Boyhood by Eastman, Charles A.
Creating Colonial Pasts: History, Memory, and Commemoration in Southern Ontario, 1860-1980 by Morgan, Cecilia
American Indian Stories by Zitkala-Sa
Ned Wynkoop and the Lonely Road from Sand Creek by Kraft, Louis
The Daughter of The Chieftain by Ellis, Edward S.
The Tribal Moment in American Politics: The Struggle for Native American Sovereignty by Gray, Christine K.
Indigenous Intellectuals by Vigil, Kiara M.
America's Hundred Years' War: U.S. Expansion to the Gulf Coast and the Fate of the Seminole, 1763-1858 by Belko, William S.
The Missouri Expedition, 1818-1820: The Journal of Surgeon John Gale with Related Documents Volume 56 by Gale, John
First Pennsylvanians: The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania by Moeller, Roger W., Carr, Kurt W.
Faith, Food, and Family in a Yupik Whaling Community by Jolles, Carol Zane
Keeping It Living: Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast of North America by
Landscape Traveled by Coyote and Crane: The World of the Schitsu'umsh by Stensgar, Ernie, Frey, Rodney
The Native American Mascot Controversy: A Handbook by
Captured in the Middle: Tradition and Experience in Contemporary Native American Writing by Larson, Sidner
A Lawyer in Indian Country: A Memoir by Ziontz, Alvin J.
Qaluyaarmiuni Nunamtenek Qanemciput / Our Nelson Island Stories by
Shadow Tribe: The Making of Columbia River Indian Identity by Fisher, Andrew H.
The Nature of Borders: Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea by Wadewitz, Lissa K.
Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors: Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-Chah-Nulth Traditions by Coté, Charlotte
Ellavut / Our Yup'ik World and Weather: Continuity and Change on the Bering Sea Coast by Fienup-Riordan, Ann, Rearden, Alice
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