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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Opera in 2009

Socrate: Vocal score by Satie, Erik
The Wagner Clan: The Saga of Germany's Most Illustrious and Infamous Family by Carr, Jonathan
Three Modes of Perception in Mozart: The Philosophical, Pastoral, and Comic in Cosi Fan Tutte by Goehring, Edmund J.
An Original Light English Opera, In Three Acts: Entitled Haddon Hall (1892) by Grundy, Sydney, Sullivan, Arthur
Boccace: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts (1882) by Chivot, Henri, Duru, Alfred
A New and Original Opera in Three Acts, Entitled the Enchantress: As First Performed at the Theater Royal, Drury Lane, Wednesday, May 14, 1845 (1852 by Bunn, Alfred, Balfe, Michael William, Saint-Georges, Henri
Acting In Opera, Its A-B-C: With Descriptive Examples, Practical Hints And Numerous Illustrations (1915) by Shea, George Edward
An Original Comic Opera, In Three Acts: Entitled Westward, Ho! (1894) by Woolf, Benjamin E., Ware, Richard Darwin
A Year Of Opera At The Castle Square Theatre: From May 6, '95 To May 6, '96 (1896) by Charles Elwell French
Acting In Opera, Its A-B-C: With Descriptive Examples, Practical Hints And Numerous Illustrations (1915) by Shea, George Edward
Konigskinder [Royal Children or The Prince and the Goosegirl] A Guide to Engelburt Humperdinck's and Ernst Rosmer's Opera. [Facsimile of 1912 edition] by Rahlson, Kurt, Isaacs, Lewis
Hansel and Gretel. A Guide to Engelbert Humperdinck's Opera. (Facsimile of 1913 edition.) by Isaacs, Lewis, Rahlson, Kurt
Animadversiones In Plutarchi Opera (1825) by Faehse, Godofred
Aeschinis Oratoris Opera: Ad Optimorum Librorum Fidem Accurata Edita (1829) by Aeschines, Wolf, Hieronymus
Adrien, Opera En Trois Actes (1799) by Hoffmann, Francois
Aristophanis Comici Quae Supersunt Opera V1: Undecim Fabulas Superstites Continens (1886) by Blaydes, Fredericus H. M., Aristophanes
Analecta Sanctae Hildegardis Opera Spicilegio Solesmensi Parata (1882) by Pitra, Joannes Baptista Cardinal
Albii Tibulli Opera Omnia (1822) by Tibullus, Albius
Claudii Claudiani Opera Omnia V1 (1824) by Claudianus, Claudius
Claudii Claudiani Opera Omnia V3 (1821) by Claudianus, Claudius
Platonis Opera Graece V1: Civitatis Lib. 1-4 Continens (1830) by Plato
Dionis Chrysostomi Opera Graece Part 1 (1844) by Chrysostomus, Dio
Listening Well; On Beethoven, Berlioz, and Other Music Criticism in Paris, Boston, and New York, 1764-1890 by Saloman, Ora Frishberg
Landscape and Gender in Italian Opera: The Alpine Virgin from Bellini to Puccini by Senici, Emanuele
The Assoluta Voice in Opera, 1797-1847 by Riggs, Geoffrey S.
Aesthetics of Opera in the Ancien Regime, 1647 1785 by Thomas, Downing A.
Medicorum Graecorum Opera Quae Exstant, Part 2: V18, Pars 1, Claudii Galeni T. XVIII (1829) by Kuhn, Karl Gottlob
C. Sallustii Crispi Opera Omnia (1849) by Sallust
Croesus, Atys And Adrastus: An Opera And Tragedy, In Three Acts, In Blank Verse And Rhyme (1850) by Chadwick, Adam
C. Crispi Sallustii Opera Omnia V1 (1820) by Sallust
Caii Sallustii Cripi Quae Exstant Opera (1801) by Sallust
Dionis Chrysostomi Opera Graece Part 2 (1844) by Chrysostomus, Dio
Fatinitza: A Comic Opera, In Three Acts (1879) by Suppe, Franz Von
El Cid Campeador: An Opera In Three Acts, Eight Scenes (1917) by Lee, Henry Washington
C. Sallustii Crispi Opera Omnia (1849) by Sallust
Balfe's Opera Bohemian Girl (1892) by Balfe, Michael William
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Omnia V10 (1821) by Tacitus, Cornelius
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Omnia V5 (1821) by Tacitus, Cornelius
Frid Ad. Lampetheologi Consummati Meditationum Exegeticarum Opera Anecdota, Quibus Sistuntur Commentarius In Psalmos Graduum (1741) by Lampe, Friedrich Adolph, Gerdes, Daniel
Medicorum Graecorum Opera Quae Exstant, Part 1: V18, Pars 1, Claudii Galeni T. XVIII (1829) by Kuhn, Karl Gottlob
Medicorum Graecorum Opera Quae Exstant, Part 2: V18, Pars 1, Claudii Galeni T. XVIII (1829) by Kuhn, Karl Gottlob
Gilbert and Sullivan: A Dual Biography by Ainger, Michael
Boccaccio Or The Prince Of Palermo: Comic Opera In Three Acts (1880) by Suppe, Franz Von
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera V3 (1825) by Tacitus, Cornelius
C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera Quae Extant (1829) by Suetonius
Catalogo Delle Lingue Conosciute E Notizia Della Loro Affinita, E Diversita Opera (1784) by Hervas, Lorenzo
C. Crispi Sallustii Opera Omnia Quae Exstant (1690) by Sallust
C. Sallustii Crispi Opera, Quae Extant, Omnia (1659) by Sallust
A Book of Operas - Their Histories Their Plots and Their Music by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Mozart on the Stage by Rice, John A.
Mozart on the Stage by Rice, John A.
Anthem Guide to the Opera, Concert Halls and Classical Music Venues of Europe by
Opera V1 (1811) by Xenophon
Handel by Cummings, William Hayman
Lexicon Plutarcheum Et Vitas Et Opera Moralia Complectens V1 (1843) by Wyttenbach, Daniel Albert
Flora, Or The Gypsy's Frolic: A Pastoral Opera In Three Acts (1858) by Ward, Thomas
Origine Della Lingua Italiana: Opera (1831) by Toselli, Ottavio Mazzoni
Loreley: A Romantic Opera In Three Acts (1907) by Zanardini, A., D'Ormeville, Carlo
Orphee Aux Enfers: An Operetta In Four Tableaux (1868) by Offenbach, Jacques
Epiphanii Episcopi Constaintiae Opera V5: D. Petavii Animadversiones (1859) by Epiphanius
Lexicon Plutarcheum Et Vitas Et Opera Moralia Complectens V1 (1843) by Wyttenbach, Daniel Albert
Debussy and the Theatre by Orledge, Robert, Robert, Orledge
Musical Life in Biedermeier Vienna by Hanson, Alice M., Alice M., Hanson
Quincti Horatii Flacci Opera (1827) by Flaccus, Quintus Horatius
Saggio D' Un Opera, Intitolata Il Ripulimento Della Lingua Sarda, Lavorato Sopra La Sua Analogia Colle Due Matrici Lingue, La Greca, E La Latina: Oper by Madao, Matteo
His Majesty: An Original Comic Opera, In Three Acts (1892) by Robertson, Peter, Stewart, Humphrey John
Iolanthe or the Peer and the Peri: A New and Original Comic Opera in Two Acts (1882) by Gilbert, William Schwenck, Sullivan, Arthur
Quincti Horatii Flacci Opera (1827) by Flaccus, Quintus Horatius
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera V1 (1733) by Horace
L. Apuleii Madaurensis Opera Omnia Ex Optimis Codicibus (1843) by Apuleius, Lucius
St. Justini Philosophi Et Martyris Opera (1842) by Otto, Johann Karl Theodor Von
M. Cornelii Frontonis Opera Inedita, Pars 1 (1815) by Fronto, Marcus Cornelius
Gillette: Opera Comique (1883) by Henri Chivot, Duru, Alfred, Clarke, Henry Savile
Naughty Marietta: A Comic Opera (1910) by Herbert, Victor, Young, Rida Johnson
M. Antonii Mureti Opera Omnia V3 (1841) by Muret, Marc Antoine
The Authentic Gilbert & Sullivan Songbook by Sullivan, A. S., Gilbert, W. S.
Salome in Full Score by Strauss, Richard
Grove Book of Operas by
Libretto Of The Opera The Canterbury Pilgrims (1916) by Mackaye, Percy, De Koven, Reginald
The Flying Dutchman: Romantic Opera In Three Acts (1876) by Wagner, Wilhelm Richard
Madame Boniface: Comic Opera In Three Acts (1884) by Depre, Ernest, Clairville, Charles, Lacome, Paul
Patrum Apostolicorum Opera, Fasc. 1, Part 2: Textum Ad Fidem Codicum Et Graecorum Et Latinorum Adhibitis Praestantissimis Editionibus (1878) by Zahn, Theodorus, De Gebhardt, Oscar, Harnack, Adolfus
Luciani Samosatensis Opera V1 (1858) by Dindorf, William, Lucianus
Verdi's Opera: The Masked Ball (1891) by Verdi, Giuseppe
Lucia Di Lammermoor, Lucie of Lammermoor: An Opera, in Three Acts (1848) by Cammarano, Salvatore, Donizetti, Gaetano, Scott, Walter
The Fortune Teller: A Comic Opera, In Three Acts (1898) by Smith, Harry Bache, Herbert, Victor
Madame L'Archiduc: Opera Bouffe In Three Acts (1876) by Offenbach, Jacques
Luciani Samosatensis Opera V3: Graece Et Latine (1790) by Lucianus
Henry Purcell: The Origins and Development of His Musical Style by Adams, Martin
Wagner Rehearsing the 'Ring': An Eye-Witness Account of the Stage Rehearsals of the First Bayreuth Festival by Porges, Heinrich
The Puccini Problem by Wilson, Alexandra
Singing, Acting, and Movement in Opera: A Guide to Singer-Getics by Clark, Mark Ross
A Second Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Manon: Opera In Five Acts (1895) by Meilhac, Henri, Gille, Philippe, Massenet, Jules
Natoma: An Opera, In Three Acts (1911) by Redding, Joseph D., Herbert, Victor
The Rape Of Helen: A Mock Opera (1737) by Breval, John
The Mermaid Or The Curse Of Cape Cod: A Comic Opera, In Two Acts (1888) by Cory, Charles B., Keach, Leon
The Mocking Bird: A New Romantic Comedy Opera, In Three Acts (1902) by Sloane, Alfred Baldwin, Rosenfeld, Sydney
Opera Philosophica, Quae Latine Scripsit, Omnia (1668) by Hobbs, Thomas
Q. Horatii Flacci Opera (1869) by Horace
Opera Ex Doctorum Virorum Emendatione (1781) by Ausonius, Decimus Magnus
Opera Diversa V2: Pleraque De Rebus Metaphysicis, Theologicis, Et Moralibus (1785) by Saint-Martin, Theophilus Oper
Varia Opera Mathematica D. Petri De Fermat, Senatoris Tolosani (1679) by Fermat, Pierre De
The Barber Of Seville: A Comic Opera, In Three Acts (1856) by Rossini, Gioacchino, Fawcett
Satanella Or The Power Of Love: A Romantic Opera In Four Acts (1871) by Falconer, Edmund, Balfe, Michael William, Harris, Augustus
Wapping Old Stairs: An Original Comic Opera, In Two Acts (1894) by Robertson, Stuart, Talbot, Howard
Verdi's Opera The Masked Ball: Containing The Italian Text, With An English Translation (1891) by Verdi, Giuseppe
Veldt, The Lion Hunter: A Comic Opera Whirl (1910) by Reilly, James M.
The Firefly: A Comedy Opera In Three Acts (1912) by Friml, Rudolf, Hauerbach, Otto
Une Folie: A Comic Opera, In Two Acts (1803) by Bouilly, Jean Nicolas
The Cottagers: A Comic Opera, In Two Acts (1788) by Ross, Anna
The Beggar's Opera (1760) by Gay, John
The Begum: A Hindu Comic Opera In Two Acts (1887) by De Koven, Reginald, Smith, Harry Bache
The Capricious Lovers: A Comic Opera (1764) by Lloyd, Robert, Rush, George
The Royal Merchant: An Opera (1768) by Fletcher, John, Beaumont, Francis
The Dove Of Peace: Comic Opera In Three Acts (1912) by Lilienthal, A. W., Irwin, Wallace, Damrosch, Walter
Tales From The Opera (1865) by Pardon, George Frederick
Two Hundred Opera Plots V2 (1911) by Davidson, Gladys
Music at the Limits by Said, Edward
Libretti Vom 'Mittelalter': Entdeckungen Von Historie in Der (Nord)Deutschen Und Europäischen Oper Um 1700 by Seebald, Christian
French Grand Opera and the Historical Imagination by Hibberd, Sarah
A Book of Operas by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
North German Opera in the Age of Goethe by Bauman, Thomas
Shakespeare! Operette Bouffe En Trois Actes (1899) by Gavault, Paul, Flers, P. L.
Music in German Immigrant Theater: New York City, 1840-1940 [With CD (Audio)] by Koegel, John
Utopia Limited or the Flowers of Progress: Libretto by
Pelleas et Melisande: Study score by
Felix Of De Vondeling: Zangspel (1790) by Pijpers, Pieter
Lisbeth, Drame Lyrique En Trois Actes Et En Prose (1797) by De Favieres, Edmond
Thirty Years' Musical Recollections: Volume 1 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Thirty Years' Musical Recollections: Volume 2 by Chorley, Henry Fothergill
The World Of Opera by Lawrence, Robert
Wagner and Aeschylus: The Ring and the Oresteia by Ewans, Michael
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Opera by
The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Opera by
Opernanalyse by
Opera Ad Philosophiam Criticam (1797) by Born, Friedrich Gottlob, Kant, Immanuel
Poetic Gems From English Opera (1877) by J Walter Stoops Publisher
Opera Ad Philosophiam Criticam (1797) by Born, Friedrich Gottlob, Kant, Immanuel
C. Cornelii Taciti Opera Studiis Societatis Bipontinae Accurata V4 (1780) by Tacitus, Cornelius
Idomeneo: Dramma (1781) by Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Varesco, Giambattista
Opera Physico-Medica V1 (1764) by Huxham, John, Reichel, Georg Christian
Don Rodrigo: Drama Lirico (1859) by Arnao, Antonio
Opera: Composers and Works by Batta, András
Le Theatre De Monsieur Quinault V3: Contenant Ses Tragedies, Comedies, Et Opera (1715) by Quinault, Philippe
Melchioris Canis Episcopi Canariensis, Opera (1734) by Cano, Melchior
Memoirs And Letters Of Madame Malibran V2 (1840) by Malibran, Maria
Pyramus And Thisbe: An Opera And Tragedy, In Two Acts, In Rhyme (1854) by Chadwick, Adam
Memoirs And Letters Of Madame Malibran V2 (1840) by Malibran, Maria
Le Theatre De Monsieur Quinault V3: Contenant Ses Tragedies, Comedies, Et Opera (1715) by Quinault, Philippe
The Cambridge Companion to Gilbert and Sullivan by
Camb Comp to Gilbert and Sullivan by
Handel's Operas [2 Volume Set]: Volume I: 1704-1726; Volume II: 1726-1741 by Dean, Winton, Knapp, John Merrill
Handel's Operas, 1704-1726 by Knapp, John Merrill, Dean, Winton
Joyce and Wagner: A Study of Influence by Martin, Timothy Peter
Adelson Et Salvini, Anecdote Anglaise (1792) by Polidori, Gaetano
Fifty-Eight Note Music For All Styles Of The Angelus (1905) by Wilcox and White Company Publisher
Aroldo: A Lyric Drama, In Four Acts (1863) by Piave, Francesco Maria, Verdi, Giuseppe
The Opera Guide: A Concise Description Of Plot And Incidents Of The Principal Operas (1887) by Barker, Edward
A Comic Opera, In Three Acts, Entitled The False Prophet! (1887) by Knox, John Armoy, Snyder, Charles McCoy, Stoepel, Robert August
The Opera Guide: A Concise Description Of Plot And Incidents Of The Principal Operas (1887) by Barker, Edward
Monteverdi's Unruly Women: The Power of Song in Early Modern Italy by Gordon, Bonnie
Betly: Opera En Deux Actes (1854) by Donizetti, Gaetano
Haydn's Jews by Clark, Caryl
Franco Alfano: Transcending Turandot by Dryden, Konrad
Franco Alfano: Transcending Turandot by Dryden, Konrad
The Prima Donna and Opera, 1815 1930 by Rutherford, Susan, Susan, Rutherford
Bravo!: The History of Opera in British Columbia by Cunningham, Rosemary
Embrassons-Nous, Folleville: Opera-Comique En Un Acte (1879) by Labiche, Eugene, Lefranc, Auguste, Valenti, Avelino
Francisci Hernandi V2: Medici Atque Historici Philippi Ii. Hisp. Et Indiar. Regis, Et Totius Novi Orbis Archiatri, Opera (1790) by Hernandez, Francisco
I Libri Poetici Della Bibbia V1: Opera (1766) by Mattei, Saverio
I Puritani, Or The Roundheads And The Chevaliers: A Grand Opera In Three Acts (1843) by Bellini, Vincenzo, Pepoli, Carlo
Hermanni Boerhaave Opera Omnia Medica Complectentia (1742) by Boerhaave, Herman
Fasciculus Geomanticus, In Quo Varia Variorum Opera Geomantica (1687) by Fludd, Robert
Manuductio Ad Praxim Executionis Literarum Sacrae Poenitentiariae, Opera (1714) by Navarro, Tiburcio
Diui Eusebii Emisseni Episcopi Opera (1575) by Eusebio
L'Africaine, Or The Queen Of The Cannibal Islands: An Original Opera Burlesque (1865) by Burnand, Francis Cowley
Aristotelis Opera Omnia V4 (1886) by Aristotle, Mauro, Silvestro
Doctor Faust And Miss Marguerite Or The Young Duck With The Old Quack: A Burlesque Opera, In Four Acts (1885) by Martin, Robert Jasper, Hobday, E. A. P.
La Religiosa In Solitudine: Opera, In Cui Si Porge Alle Monache Il Modo D'Impiegarsi Con Frutto Negli Esercizj Spirituali Di S. Ignazio (1704) by Pinamonti, Giovanni Pietro
Fra Diavolo Or The Inn Of Terracina: A Comic Opera In Three Acts (1854) by Auber, Daniel Francois Esprit
Marta: Opera Semiseria, In Quattro Atti (1863) by Flotow, Friedrich Von
Hieronymi Fracastorii Veronensis Opera Omnia (1555) by Fracastoro, Girolamo
The Authentic Magic Flute Libretto: Mozart's Autograph or the First Full-Score Edition? by Freyhan, Michael
Twelve-Tone Music in America by Straus, Joseph N.
Music Speaks: On the Language of Opera, Dance, and Song by Albright, Daniel
The Perfect Wagnerite by Shaw, Bernard
D. Junii Juvenalis Opera Omnia Ex Editione G. A. Ruperti (1820) by Juvenalis, D. Junius, Ruperti, G. A.
Le Roi De Paris: Opera En Trois Actes Et Quatre Tableaux (1901) by Bouchut, Henry
Le Vaisseau Fantome: Opera En Trois Actes (1905) by Wagner, Richard
Storia Delle Eresie Colle Loro Confutazioni V2: Opera (1825) by De Liguori, Alfonso Maria
Illvstrazione Storico-Critica Di Vna Rarissima Medaglia Rappresentante: Bindo Altoviti Opera Di Michelangiolo Bvonarroti (1824) by Moreni, Domenico, Altoviti, Bindo
Illvstrazione Storico-Critica Di Vna Rarissima Medaglia Rappresentante Bindo Altoviti: Opera Di Michelangiolo Bvonarroti (1824) by Moreni, Domenico, Altoviti, Bindo
M. T. Ciceronis Opera Selecta (1839) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
D. Junii Juvenalis Opera Omnia Ex Editione G. A. Ruperti (1820) by Juvenalis, D. Junius, Ruperti, G. A.
Il Mediterraneo Con Le Sue Isole E Golfi Opera Originale Francese (1841) by Pelle, Clement
M. Tulii Ciceronis Opera Quae Supersunt Omnia V1, Part 1 (1854) by Baiter, Johann Georg
Storia Dell' America V7-8: In Continuazione Del Compendio Della Storia Universale Del SIG. Conte Di Segur Opera Originale Italiana (1821) by Compagnoni, Giuseppe
Symeonis Monachi Opera Omnia V2 (1885) by Arnold, Thomas
Storia Delle Eresie Colle Loro Confutazioni V2: Opera (1825) by De Liguori, Alfonso Maria
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