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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Paleontology in 2021

Geschlechterkonstruktionen und Heteronormativität in der Paläontologie. "Gute-Mutter-Echsen" und non-binäre Skelette by Nehren, Patrick
The Molecular Evolutionary Clock: Theory and Practice by
The Big Encyclopedia of Defunct Animals: Volume XVII by Fink V., Stanton Fordice
Traité Des Caractères Extérieurs Des Fossiles. Traduit de l'Allemand by Werner, Abraham Gottlob, Guyton de Morveau, Claudine Poullet
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Brusatte, Steve
Understanding the Tripartite Approach to Bayesian Divergence Time Estimation by Warnock, Rachel C. M., Wright, April M.
The Stratigraphic Paleobiology of Nonmarine Systems by Holland, Steven
Facies Analysis and Interpretation in Southeastern Nigeria's Inland Basins by Dim, Chidozie Izuchukwu Princeton
Functional Micromorphology of the Echinoderm Skeleton by Gorzelak, Przemyslaw
Echinoderm Morphological Disparity: Methods, Patterns, And Possibilities by Deline, Bradley
Pacific - Atlantic Mollusc Migration: Pliocene Inter-Ocean Gateway Archives on Tjörnes, North Iceland by
Mesozoic Mammals from South America and Their Forerunners by Martinelli, Agustín G., Forasiepi, Analía M., Rougier, Guillermo W.
Wakan Tanka: On Human Origins, Spirituality and the Meaning of Life by Bennett, John
Wakan Tanka: On Human Origins, Spirituality and the Meaning of Life by Bennett, John
Dinosaur Coloring Book: A Fun Cutting And Coloring Practice Activity Book for Toddlers and Kids ages 4-8: Scissor Practice for Preschool Almos by Boryn, Rafal
Recherches Dans Les Sables Tertiaires Des Environs de Soissons. Fascicule 1 by Watelet, Adolphe
Recherches Dans Les Sables Tertiaires Des Environs de Soissons. Fascicule 2 by Watelet, Adolphe
Recherches Dans Les Sables Tertiaires Des Environs de Soissons. Fascicule 4 by Watelet, Adolphe
Catalogue of Selected Angiosperm Pollen Grains from Palaeogene and Neogene Sediments of India by Tripathi, Surya Kant Mani
Monsters & Marine Mysteries: Do monsters exist? You be the judge. by Hawthorne, Max
On The Prehistoric Remains Of Kentucky by Carr, Lucien
Description Of Missourium, Or Missouri Leviathan: Together With Its Supposed Habits And Indian Traditions Concerning The Location From Whence It Was E by Koch, Albert
Prehistoric ABC. Extinct Animals Album from A to Z: The first edition by Uchytel, Roman, Uchytel, Alexandra
Dynamics of the Earth System: Evolution, Processes and Interactions: Contributions from Scientific Ocean Drilling by
Limnogeology: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities: A Tribute to Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch by
The Scars of Eden: Has Humanity Confused the Idea of God with Memories of Et Contact? by Wallis, Paul
The Evolution and Fossil Record of Parasitism: Identification and Macroevolution of Parasites by
Amnh the Dinosaur Hunters: The Extraordinary Story of the Discovery of Prehistoric Life by Dingus, Lowell Dr
The Geology of Greece by Papanikolaou, Dimitrios I.
Locked in Time: Animal Behavior Unearthed in 50 Extraordinary Fossils by Lomax, Dean R., Nicholls, Robert
Phylogenetic Comparative Methods: A User's Guide for Paleontologists by Soul, Laura C.
Expanded Sampling Across Ontogeny in Deltasuchus motherali (Neosuchia, Crocodyliformes) by Drumheller, Stephanie K.
Foraminiferal Micropaleontology for Understanding Earth's History by Saraswati, Pratul Kumar
Hands-On Palaeontology: A Practical Manual by Donovan, Stephen K.
Crinoid Feeding Strategies: New Insights From Subsea Video And Time-Lapse by Meyer, David
Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History by Fastovsky, David E., Weishampel, David B.
Investigating Fossils: A History of Palaeontology by Wall, Wilson J.
Morphogenesis, Environmental Stress and Reverse Evolution by
Culture History and Convergent Evolution: Can We Detect Populations in Prehistory? by
Nature Through Time: Virtual Field Trips Through the Nature of the Past by
Mesozoic Stratigraphy of India: A Multi-Proxy Approach by
Fossil Men: The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind by Pattison, Kermit
Dinosaurs by Fastovsky, David E., Weishampel, David B.
3D-Analyse der Variationen der Zahnschmelz-Dicke an einigen Hominoiden-Zähnen, rezent und fossil by Traindl-Prohazka, Martina, Alscher, Monika
The Evolution of Feathers: From Their Origin to the Present by
Testing Character Evolution Models in Phylogenetic Paleobiology by Wright, David F., Wright, April, Wagner, Peter J.
Atlas of Quaternary Pollen and Spores in China by
Geographical Research in China, 1911-1916: Reports; v.3 (1920) by Hayasaka, Ichiro 1891-
Dura Den: a Monograph of the Yellow Sandstone and Its Remarkable Fossil Remains by
Notes on Devonian Plants [microform] by
Catalogues of the Silurian Fossils of the Island of Anticosti [microform]: With Descriptions of Some New Genera and Species by
Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society; v.3: pt.1 (1849-1850) by
On the Correlation of Early Cretaceous Floras in Canada and the United States, and on Some New Plants of This Period [microform] by
Morgan Expeditions, 1870-71 ... on the Devonian Trilobites and Mollusks of Ereré, Province of Pará, Brazil [microform] by Rathbun, Richard 1852-1918, Hartt, Charles Frederick 1840-1878
The Homologies of the Stylar Cusps in the Upper Molars of the Didelphyidae [microform] by
Bulletins of American Paleontology.; v.8 1919-1921 by
On a Trenton Echinoderm Fauna at Kirkfield, Ontario [microform] by Springer, Frank 1848-1927
Palæontology ..; v.2 (1869) by Gabb, William More 1839-1878
A Review of the Fossil Ostreidae of North America, and a Comparison of the Fossil With the Living Forms [microform] by Heilprin, Angelo 1853-1907
Bulletins of American Paleontology; v.17, no. 62-63 (1930-1931) by
The Fossils and Palæontological Affinities of the Neocomian Deposits of Upware and Brickhill (Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire): Being the Sedgwick Pri by Keeping, Walter
Prodromus of the Paleontology of Victoria; or, Figures and Descriptions of Victorian Organic Remains ..; 6 (1879) by McCoy, Frederick 1823-1899
Catalogue of the Tertiary Mollusca and Echinodermata of New Zealand, in the Collection of the Colonial Museum. by Hutton, Frederick Wollaston 1836-1905
Geological Biology: an Introduction to the Geological History of Organisms by
Catalogue of Fossils, Found in the British Isles: Forming the Private Collection of James Tennant by
Canadian Fossils [microform]: Containing Descriptions of New Genera and Species From Silurian and Devonianformations of Canada, With Some Species Pr by
Monograph on the Lias Ammonites of the British Islands; text by Wright, Thomas 1809-1884
Extinct Monsters; a Popular Account of Some of the Larger Forms of Ancient Animal Life by
American Journal of Pharmacy; v. 36 = 3rd ser. v. 12 1864 by
Dura Den: a Monograph of the Yellow Sandstone and Its Remarkable Fossil Remains by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 9 = v. 15 1843/44 by
Diplodocus (Marsh): Its Osteology, Taxonomy, and Probable Habits, With a Restoration of the Skeleton; vol. 1 no. 1 by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 13 = v. 19 1847 by
American Journal of Pharmacy; n.s. v. 18 = v. 24 1852 by
Australasian Fossils, a Students' Manual of Palaeontology by
The Palæontological Report: as Prepared for the Geological Report of Kentucky and Published in Vol. 3 by Lesquereux, Leo 1806-1889, Lyon, Sidney Smith 1808-1972
Bulletins of American Paleontology; no.327 (1987) by
A Catalogue of the Fossils of Indiana [microform]: Accompanied by a Bibliography of the Literature Relating to Them by
A Monograph of the British Eocene Flora; v.1 (1879-1882) by Gardner, John Starkie 1844-1930
On New Plants From the Erian and Carboniferous [microform]: and on the Characters and Affinities of Paleozoic Gymnosperms by
The Ancient Life-history of the Earth: a Comprehensive Outline of the Principles and Leading Facts of Palaeontological Science by
Notes on Fossils Recenty Obtained From the Laurentian Rocks of Canada [microform]: and on Objections to the Organic Nature of Eozoon by
A Catalogue of Australian Fossils: Including Tasmania and the Island of Timor: Stratigraphically and Zoologically Arranged by Etheridge, Robert 1846-1920
Diplodocus (Marsh): Its Osteology, Taxonomy, and Probable Habits, With a Restoration of the Skeleton; vol. 1 no. 1 by
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology by Anonymous
Handbook of Paleontology for Beginners and Amateurs ..; 1 by Goldring, Winifred 1888-1971
A Bibliography to the Paleontology of Massachusetts, 1821-1849, by Johansson, Warren I.
The Gastropod Genus Yvania; Contribution to the Paleontology of Illinois; 557 Ilre no.18 by
Palaeontology; v.4: pt.3-4 (1961-1962) by
Palaeontology; v.37: pt.1-2 (1994) by
Diaries and Field Notes, 1915 - 1972 (2) [transcript] by
Notes on the Occurrence of Fossil Fishes in the Upper Devonian of Maguasha, Quebec by Russell, Loris Shano 1904-
Palaeontology; v.35: pt.3-4 (1992) by
Revision of the Caradocian-Ashgillian Cystoid Fauna of Belgium, With Notes on Isolated Pelmatozoan Stem Fragments by
Rubber Molds and Plaster Casts in the Paleontological Laboratory; Fieldiana. Technique; no. 6 by Quinn, James Harrison
Notebooks, 1931 and 1937 by
Field Notebook: Nd, WY 1962 by Hickey, Leo
Palaeontology; v.35: pt.1-2 (1992) by
Field Notebook: Maine, New Hampshire 1925 by Schuchert, Charles
Palaeontology; v.17: pt.3-4 (1974) by
From Bones to Bodies; a Story of Paleontology by Fox, William 1909-
Upper Kinkaid (Mississippian) Microfauna From Johnson County, Illinois; Report of Investigations No. 122 by
Palaeontology; v.22: pt.1-2 (1979) by
A Lance Didelphid Molar, With Comments on the Problems of the Lance Therians; Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.10, No.36 by Turnbull, William D.
Palaeontology; v.2: pt.1-2 (1959-1960) by
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology by Anonymous
Palaeontology; Index v.26-39 (1983-1996) by
Palaeontology; v.33: pt.1-2 (1990) by
Field Notebook: Florida, Quebec, Vermont. 1929, 1930 by Schuchert, Charles
Palaeontology; v.41: pt.4 (1998) by
Field Notebook: Co, UT 1949 by Waage, Karl
A Bibliography to the Paleontology of Massachusetts, 1821-1849, by Johansson, Warren I.
A Bibliography of Fossil Man; 2 by Fay, George Emory 1927-
A Catalogue of the Mesozoic Mammalia in the Geological Department of the British Museum; (1928) by Simpson, George Gaylord 1902-1984
Field Notebook: 1963b by Hickey, Leo
Papers Concerning the Palaeontology of the Cretaceous and Later Tertiary of Oregon, of the Pliocene of Northwestern Nevada, and of the Late Miocene an by
Upper Cretaceous Ostracoda From North Carolina; 1957 by
Field Notebook: Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Quebec, Vermont, Wisconsin. 1933, 1934 by Schuchert, Charles
The Devonian Brachiopoda of the Province of Pará, Brazil by Rathbun, Richard 1852-1918
List of Fossils Found in the Cambrian Rocks in or Near Saint John, N. B. [microform] by
Breviora; no.542 (2015) by
The Hydrostaticks;: or, The Weight, Force, and Pressure of Fluid Bodies Made Evident by Physical, and Sensible Experiments, Together With by
The Eurypterida of New York; 2. Plates by Clarke, John Mason 1857-1925, Ruedemann, Rudolf 1864-1956
Extinct Monsters; a Popular Account of Some of the Larger Forms of Ancient Animal Life by
Breviora; no.562 (2018) by Anonymous
The Flora and Fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous Periods by
Record of a Prehistoric Industry in Tabular Flint at Bambridge and Highfiled Near Southampton by Munro, Robert 1835-1920
Devonian Bryozoa From Fortin and Malbay Townships, Gaspé County, Quebec by
Miocene Mollusks From Bowden, Jamaica; v.1 by
Breviora; no.559 (2018) by Anonymous
On the Foot Prints Occurring in the Potsdam Sandstone of Canada [microform] by
Some of Wyoming's Vertebrate Fossils by
Remains of Domestic Animals Discovered Among Post-Pleiocene Fossils in South Carolina by Agassiz, Alexander 1835-1910, Leidy, Joseph 1823-1891
Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, and Wyoming, 1946 by
Report on the Fossil Plants of Illinois by Worthen, Amos Henry 1813-1888, Lesquereux, Leo 1806-1889
Hooded Hadrosaurs of the Belly River Series of the Upper Cretaceous by Sternberg, Charles Mortram 1885-
The Devonian Fossils of Canada West [microform] by
Remains of Domestic Animals Discovered Among Post-Pleiocene Fossils in South Carolina by Leidy, Joseph 1823-1891, Agassiz, Alexander 1835-1910
In Prehistoric Seas by Fenton, Carroll Lane 1900-1969
In My Backyard by
Israel, Italy, and France, 1962-1963 by
Breviora; no.541 (2015) by
New Species of Lower Silurian Fossils [microform] by
The North American Crinoidea Camerata; v.3 by Springer, Frank
Breviora; no.540 (2015) by
The World of Teilhard by Francoeur, Robert T.
Fossil Marine Mollusks of Oahu by Ostergaard, Jens Mathias
Illustrations of the Fauna of the St. John Group [microform] by
North American Paleozoic Chitinozoa; Report of Investigations No. 186 by Collinson, Charles William
The Paleocene Pantodonta by Simons, Elwyn L.
The Fossils of Illinois, a Brief Guide to the More Common Fossils in the Rocks of Illinois; 11 by Condit, Carlton
Field Notebook: Arizona 1925b by Schuchert, Charles
Man in Search of His Ancestors; the Romance of Paleontology by Senet, André 1922-
From Bones to Bodies; a Story of Paleontology by Fox, William 1909-
Palaeontology; v.26: pt.3-4 (1983) by
Report Upon the Palaeontology of the Province of Ontario [microform] by Nicholson, Henry Alleyne 1844-1899
A Catalogue of Australian Fossils: Including Tasmania and the Island of Timor: Stratigraphically and Zoologically Arranged by Etheridge, Robert 1846-1920
Bulletins of American Paleontology; v.8, no. 33-34 (1919-1920) by
Hooded Hadrosaurs of the Belly River Series of the Upper Cretaceous by Sternberg, Charles Mortram 1885-
Upper Devonian and Niagara Crinoids [microform] by
Teilhard De Chardin by Rabut, Olivier A.
The Vertebrata of the Oligocene of the Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan [microform] by
Odocoileus Salinae and Mazama Sp. From the Talara Tar Seeps, Peru by
Breviora; no.563 (2018) by Anonymous
How the World Began by Heal, Edith 1903-
On the Structure and Relations of Notharctus, an American Eocene Primate by
Observations on Certain Fossil Bones From the Collection of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia by Owen, Richard 1804-1892
Canadian Fossil Insects [microform]: Myriapods and Arachnids by
Monograph on the Lias Ammonites of the British Islands; text by Wright, Thomas 1809-1884
A - M by True, Frederick William 1858-1914
Palaeontology; v.23: pt.3-4 (1980) by
The Fossils of Illinois, a Brief Guide to the More Common Fossils in the Rocks of Illinois; 11 by Condit, Carlton
Myelopteris Topekensis, N. Sp. [microform] by
Organic Siliceous Remains in the Lake Deposits of Nova Scotia [microform] by
Fossil Floras of Yellowstone National Park; 248 by
Breviora; no.560 (2018) by Anonymous
On a Specimen of Elephas Antiquus From Upnor; (1928) by Andrews, Charles William 1866-1924
Breviora; no.561 (2018) by Anonymous
Geological Biology: an Introduction to the Geological History of Organisms by
Some of Wyoming's Vertebrate Fossils by
The World of Teilhard by Francoeur, Robert T.
The Seventh Seal by
Odocoileus Salinae and Mazama Sp. From the Talara Tar Seeps, Peru by
The Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables Found in the Carboniferous and Oolitic Deposits of Great Britain, Described and Illustrated by
Random Records of a Lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932]; v. 5 by
Field Notebook: Bermuda, New Brunswick, Quebec, Vermont 1929 by Schuchert, Charles
The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions of Those Remains of Testaceous Animals or Shells, Which Have Been Prese by Sowerby, Charles Edward 1795-1842, Sowerby, James 1757-1822
The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald [microform]: Under the Command of Captain Henry Kellet, R.N., C.B., During the Years 1845-51 by Forbes, Edward 1815-1854
Breviora; no.544 (2015) by
Index to Desor's Synopsis Des Éschinides Fossiles by Bather, Francis Arthur 1863-1934
The Eurypterida of New York; 1. Text by Clarke, John Mason 1857-1925, Ruedemann, Rudolf 1864-1956
Ferns, Fossils and Fuel; the Story of Plant Life on Earth. by
The Effusive and Dyke Rocks Near St. John, N.B. [microform]: Thesis by
Animals of the Past: an Account of Some of the Creatures of the Ancient World; Handbook Series no.4 by
Depreciation and Taxes by
In Prehistoric Seas by Fenton, Carroll Lane 1900-1969
Succession of Mammalian Faunas on Trinidad, West Indies by Wing, Elizabeth S.
Catalogue of Fossils Occurring in the Cincinnati Group of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky by Ulrich, Edward Oscar 1857-1944
Fossil Mammals of Florida by
Handbook of Paleontology for Beginners and Amateurs ..; 1 by Goldring, Winifred 1888-1971
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