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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

The Last Act by Singh, Manoj Kumar
H.P. Lovecraft: The Disjunction in Being by Luduena, Fabian, De Acosta, Alejandro
On the Aesthetic Education of Man by Schiller, Friedrich
Platons "Politeia". Eine vorsichtige Annäherung an den Philosophen by Ankermüller, Michael André
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
On the Aesthetic Education of Man by Schiller, Friedrich
The Ethics of Insurgency by Gross, Michael L.
Der unsichere Mann. Die Rolle des Mannes in der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft zwischen soziologischen Deutungsansätzen und biblischem Männerbild by Rehberg, Andreas
The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon by
Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the Making by Harman, Graham
Die for me Argentina: 2nd Edition by Wassenaar, Johan a.
Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy: Volume 2 by
Why the Romantics Matter by Gay, Peter
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten by Schopenhauer, Arthur
William James und der radikale Empirismus by Müller, Patrick Oliver
The Republic by Plato
The Idolitrization of Contemporary Society: A Christian Perspective by Vento, Anthony T.
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten by Schopenhauer, Arthur
In Love with Life: Reflections on Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra by Osho
Justified and Philosophy: Shoot First, Think Later by
Volume 16, Tome II: Kierkegaard's Literary Figures and Motifs: Gulliver to Zerlina by Stewart, Jon, Nun, Katalin
The 1931 Manuscript of Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by Gurdjieff, G. I.
Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology by Gabriel, Markus
Roger Waters and Pink Floyd: The Concept Albums by Rose, Phil
Was Der Mensch Essen Darf: Ökonomischer Zwang, Ökologisches Gewissen Und Globale Konflikte by
Synchronous Connections (a Personal Journey in Non-Ordinary Reality) by Feather, Rainbow
Hagase tu voluntad: Bajar del cielo para conseguir un cargador de iPhone by Benegas, Jose
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Die Kunst, Recht zu behalten (Großdruck) by Schopenhauer, Arthur
How to Remain Sane in a World That Is Going Mad by DeMarco Ph. D., Donald
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
Länger leben. Ist weniger doch mehr oder wirkt sich die signifikante Verlängerung unseres Lebens positiv auf unser Wohlbefinden aus? by Lamm, Johanna
Varios días en Atenas by Wright, Frances
Fields of Sense: A New Realist Ontology by Gabriel, Markus
The Kant Dictionary by Thorpe, Lucas
Kant's 'Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason': A Reader's Guide by Miller, Eddis N.
The Nietzsche Dictionary by Burnham, Douglas
The Nietzsche Dictionary by Burnham, Douglas
Translating at the Court: Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred of Sicily by
Freud au cas par cas: Lectures philosophiques des cas freudiens by Ribault, Gilles
On Forgiveness: How Can We Forgive the Unforgivable? by Holloway, Richard
Wittgenstein, Grammar, and God by Keightley, Alan
Being and Somethingness by Bonnin, Jean
Geschichte und Freiheitsbewusstsein by Arndt, Andreas
Kant's 'Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason': A Reader's Guide by Miller, Eddis N.
Dao Te Ching by Lao, Tzu
Platonic Occasions: Dialogues on Literature, Art and Culture by Begam, Richard, Soderholm, James
Interculturalism: A View from Quebec by Bouchard, Gerard
Das Adam-Smith-Projekt: Zur Genealogie Der Liberalen Gouvernementalität by Ronge, Bastian
The Lovestar: A Philosophy of Love by Armstrong, Tony
Poisons on the Inside: The Antidote for Growth and Relationships, What Men and Women Needs to Know by Noel, Rendon
The Last Judgement by O'Loughlin, John
Salem: A Light House & A City on a Hill by Israel/I, Ezra/E Micaiah/M
Pei Gen Lun Ren Sheng by Bacon, Jono
Vom Deismus zum Atheismus. Zur Frage nach einer Konversion in Denis Diderots frühen Schriften by Schwalbach, Thomas
That"s All He Said by McArdle, L. F.
Lysa: Ein philosophischer Dialog by Müller-Wieland, Marcel
Der Einfluss wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung in den Enquete-Kommissionen des Deutschen Bundestages: Wissenschaft und Politik im politischen Prozess by Kater, Thorsten
Spirituality: Understanding It and Pursuing IT by Dennis, Peter
Kierkegaard and the Matter of Philosophy: A Fractured Dialectic by Burns, Michael O'Neill
In Other Shoes: Music, Metaphor, Empathy, Existence by Walton, Kendall L.
Tracking Fritz's Footsteps: Meditations on E.F. Schumacher's A Guide for the Perplexed by Moseley, R. a.
Second Treatise of Government by Locke, John
Adventures in Friendship by Grayson, David
Frederick Schiller: The Secession of the Netherlands from Spanish Ruling Part 1 by Schiller, Frederick
The Devil Wins: A History of Lying from the Garden of Eden to the Enlightenment by Denery, Dallas G.
Le culte de la raison et le culte de l'Etre suprême by Aulard, Alphonse
The Age of the Crisis of Man: Thought and Fiction in America, 1933-1973 by Greif, Mark
karma is quantum energy by Fraser, Dean
Je suis Charlie, et maintenant je fais quoi ?: Comment être libre d'être libre by Surin, Alexandre Roger
Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics by
John Rawls: Politischer Liberalismus by
Heretics by Chesterton, G. K.
Anarchism and Socialism by Plechanoff, George
Oeuvres by Delbos, Victor
The Zen of Life, Lies, and Aberrant Reality by Shaw, Scott
Was ist Philosophische Anthropologie?: Rekonstruktion eines Begriffs by Seefeld, Kilian
Der Irrgarten: Antworten zu Lebensfragen unserer Zeit by Rentsch, Arno
Eigentlichkeit: Zum Verhältnis Von Sprache, Sprechern Und Welt by
Der Mut Zum Sein by Tillich, Paul
Martin Heidegger: Sein und Zeit by
The Ethics of Insurgency by Gross, Michael L.
Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology by Staiti, Andrea
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology by Adams, Fred, Weiskopf, Daniel
Sacramental Presence After Heidegger: Onto-Theology, Sacraments, and the Mother's Smile by Sweeney, Conor
The Metaphysics of World Order: A Synthesis of Philosophy, Theology, and Politics by Laos, Nicolas
The Metaphysics of World Order: A Synthesis of Philosophy, Theology, and Politics by Laos, Nicolas
Sacramental Presence After Heidegger: Onto-Theology, Sacraments, and the Mother's Smile by Sweeney, Conor
Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics by Kapsner, Andreas
Desire Found Me by Rabe, Andre
Michael Oakeshott: An Introduction by Franco, Paul
Föderalismusreform für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Dietrich, Björn
Die Methodik in David Humes Philosophie der Gerechtigkeit by Zanabili, Alexander
Die Partizipationsfunktionen. Gründe und Formen politischen Engagements by Bräunig, Lars
Die Vetospielertheorie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft by Sonnenschein, Katharina
"Der unsichtbare Händedruck": Unternehmenslobbyismus zwischen legitimer Interessenvertretung und Korruption?: Komplexes Entscheiden (Professional Pu by
Artes - Pro und Kontra V by Czikkely, Vilmos
Radikalisierung von Terrorismusakteuren. Daniel Schneider und die Sauerlandgruppe by Kater, Thorsten
Die modernen Kommunikationsmittel und "Das Dialogische Prinzip" Martin Bubers. Die Krisis des modernen Menschen by Haas, Pascal
Essays of Schopenhauer by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Metaphysics: The Fundamentals by Koons, Robert C., Pickavance, Timothy
Das "Letztbegründungsargument" bei Kuhlmann: Eine kritische Betrachtung by Seefeld, Kilian
Les Bijoux indiscrets by Diderot, Denis
Lettre sur le commerce des livres by Diderot, Denis
An Esoteric Mythos: A Translation Of And A Commentary On The Third Tractate Of The Corpus Hermeticum by Myatt, David
The Republic by Plato
Lettre sur les aveugles à l'usage de ceux qui voient by Diderot, Denis
Lettres à Mademoiselle Jodin by Diderot, Denis
Lettres à Sophie Volland by Diderot, Denis
Lettres de Diderot à Falconet by Diderot, Denis
L'Oiseau blanc by Diderot, Denis
Pensées philosophiques by Diderot, Denis
Pensées sur l'interprétation de la nature by Diderot, Denis
Principes de Politique des Souverains by Diderot, Denis
Prospectus by Diderot, Denis
Réfutation d'Helvétius by Diderot, Denis
Salon de 1761 by Diderot, Denis
Physics and Politics by Bagehot, Walter
From October to Brest-Litovsk by Trotzky, Leon
Salon de 1763 by Diderot, Denis
Supplément au voyage de Bougainville by Diderot, Denis
Correspondance générale by Diderot, Denis
Sur l'inconséquence du jugement public by Diderot, Denis
Entretien d'un père avec ses enfants by Diderot, Denis
Sur le commerce de la librairie by Diderot, Denis
Histoire des Deux Indes by Diderot, Denis
Traité du beau by Diderot, Denis
Introduction aux grands principes by Diderot, Denis
Jacques le fataliste et son maître by Diderot, Denis
La Promenade du Sceptique ou les Allées by Diderot, Denis
La Religieuse by Diderot, Denis
A Few Days in Athens: The Friends of Epicurus Edition by Wright, Frances
Le Neveu de Rameau by Diderot, Denis
The Free Testament: Of A Bound Genius by O'Loughlin, John
Le Rêve de d'Alembert by Diderot, Denis
The Past in the Present: The Construction of Polish History by Traba, Robert
Die Frau im Wächterstand des idealen Staates. Die Feminismus-Frage in Platons "Politeia" by Mühlhausen, Vanessa
Nancy and the Political by
Narrative Theology and the Hermeneutical Virtues: Humility, Patience, Prudence by Goodson, Jacob L.
The Philosophical Child by Mohr Lone, Jana
Jenseits Der Großen Erzählungen: Utopie Und Politischer Mythos in Der Moderne Und Spätmoderne by Rohgalf, Jan
Instruction Manual For Humans: (How Humans Work) by Nikolaou, Argiris
Why VII by Weyland, John
Quantum Lucidity by Ferrachi, Rose
Essays by Montaigne, Michel
Il Tempo Morto by Giovanni, Di Napoli
The Concept of the State in International Relations: Philosophy, Sovereignty and Cosmopolitanism by
An Introduction to Sustainability and Aesthetics: The Arts and Design for the Environment by
The Virtues and Vices in the Arts: A Sourcebook by Tucker, Shawn R.
The Virtues and Vices in the Arts: A Sourcebook by Tucker, Shawn R.
Trickle Down Mindset: The Missing Element In Your Personal Success by Stawicki, Michal
Cosmoipolitan Justice: The Axial Age, Multiple Modernities, and the Postsecular Turn by Bowman, Jonathan
Ubiquitous Computing in the Workplace: What Ethical Issues? an Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Handbüchlein der stoischen Moral by Epiktet
Il male, solo una presenza storica? by Virgil C. V., Bulai Cristian
Why God Exists by Lawrence, Sam
Relativity: the Special and General Theory by Einstein, Albert
IPC - Introdução ao Pensamento Contemporâneo: Epistemetodologia, Fenomenologia, Paradigmática, CTS (Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade) by Neves, Fernando Dos Santos
Ethics in Scientific Research. Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct by Mostafa, Alaa Eldin
Die Freiheit des Menschen in Pico della Mirandolas "Oratio de hominis dignitate" by Arnold, Andreas B.
Governing by Debt by Lazzarato, Maurizio
Nobody Owns the Moon: The Ethics of Space Exploitation by Milligan, Tony
psychopath: another novel to read at home while watching tv by Linett, Lance D.
Government Paternalism: Nanny State or Helpful Friend? by Le Grand, Julian, New, Bill
Tue Sy Van Tuyen: Tap 2: Tieu Luan Triet Hoc by Tue, Sy
On Moral Capital by Wang, Xiaoxi
sistemas de vida: ver la vida al lado del camino by Perez Bazan Pb, Julio Cesar
Feeling and Value, Willing and Action: Essays in the Context of a Phenomenological Psychology by
The Cambridge Companion to Hume's Treatise by
The Cambridge Companion to Hume's Treatise by
The New Theology by Campbell, R. J.
The Next Step in Religion by Sellars, Roy Wood
Natural Law in the Spiritual World by Drummond, Henry
Christian Perspectives on Being Human by
Let's Use Free Speech to Liberate the Brainwashed by Bushard, Andrew
Sincretismi dell'indicibile: Battiato, Sgalambro, Gurdjieff. by Giuliodori, Lucio
Time and Space in Contemporary Greek-Cypriot Cinema by Socrates, Lisa
Blowing Out the Candles: A Poetry Trilogy by Gee, James Paul
Humility of the Brain by Ihenacho, Prince Ezem
The Sublime Seneca by Gunderson, Erik
The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons Dissemination: Moral Dilemmas of Aspiration, Avoidance and Prevention by Doyle II, Thomas E.
Kant: Critique of Practical Reason by
Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics: Volume 4 by
Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant's Critique of Judgement by Ginsborg, Hannah
Genesis of Neo-Kantianism, 1796-1880 by Beiser, Frederick C.
Continuations and Natural Language by Barker, Chris, Shan, Chung-Chieh
The Third Eye: A Journey Beyond the Dualistic Mind by LaFond, James
Revelationary Afterthoughts: Of A Bound Genius by O'Loughlin, John
Literaturrecherchen zu Thomas Piketty, Teil1: Materialsammlung by Schnebel, Malenka
Against Epistemology: A Metacritique by Adorno, Theodor W.
Säkularisierung christlicher Feste. Das Weihnachtsfest in Deutschland by Trapp, Stephanie Theresa
Virtue by Battaly, Heather
The Syntax of Roots and the Roots of Syntax by
Self & Other C by Zahavi
The State in Contemporary Islamic Thought: A Historical Survey of the Major Muslim Political Thinkers of the Modern Era by Belkeziz, Abdelilah
Under Weber's Shadow: Modernity, Subjectivity and Politics in Habermas, Arendt and MacIntyre by Breen, Keith
Being Musically Attuned: The Act of Listening to Music by Wallrup, Erik
The Question of Peace in Modern Political Thought by
Discours de la méthode by Descartes, Rene
Les Principes de la Philosophie by Descartes, Rene
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