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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Les Principes de la Philosophie by Descartes, Rene
Sacro Immanente: Contributi per un'antidialettica della religione by Savino, Gianfranco
Etudes sur Aristophane by Deschanel, Emile
Cours de Philosophie fait au Lycée de Sens en 1883-1884 - I by Durkheim, Emile
Cours de Philosophie fait au Lycée de Sens en 1883-1884 - II by Durkheim, Emile
Cours sur les origines de la vie religieuse by Durkheim, Emile
Vies et doctrines des philosophes de l'Antiquité by Diogene Laerce
Politik und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Rationalisierung nach Max Weber by Esser, Anno
Top Gun. Werbe- und Imagefilm des US-Militärs?: Eine Filmanalyse by Trapp, Stephanie Theresa
"NAPOLA. Elite für den Führer". Der Nationalsozialismus im Film by Trapp, Stephanie Theresa
Volkspartei CDU. Organisationsstruktur, politisches Programm und gesellschaftliche Positionierung by Wittwer, Alexander
Apollo oder Dionysos. Wem folgte Nietzsche mit seiner Philosophie? by Pfannenschmidt, Luise
Aufklärung und Dialektik: Voltaire und Kant, Hegel und Mao über den Widerspruch by Ahlreip, Heinz
Chaos Media: A Sonic Economy of Digital Space by Kennedy, Stephen
Designed to Kill: The Case Against Weapons Research by Forge, John
Athletic Enhancement, Human Nature and Ethics: Threats and Opportunities of Doping Technologies by
Bayesian Argumentation: The Practical Side of Probability by
Justice, Responsibility and Reconciliation in the Wake of Conflict by
Origins of Mind by
From the American Civil War to the War on Terror: Three Models of Emergency Law in the United States Supreme Court by Hartz, Emily
The Heart of the Good Institution: Virtue Ethics as a Framework for Responsible Management by
The Threads of Natural Law: Unravelling a Philosophical Tradition by
De la division du travail Social - Livre I by Durkheim, Emile
Education et sociologie by Durkheim, Emile
L'Allemagne au-dessus de tout by Durkheim, Emile
La contribution de Montesquieu à la constitution de la Science Sociale by Durkheim, Emile
Représentations individuelles et représentations collectives by Durkheim, Emile
Revenge! Don't Get Angry. Get God by Cleveland, Annette Merle
Oeuvres by Epicure
Narrative and Novella in Samuel: Studies by Hugo Gressmann and Other Scholars 1906-1923 by Gressmann, Hugo
Where Are Sufficient Conditions for Happiness?: Letters to My Children at the Smithsonian Institution by Yun, Jong Hyeun
Where Are Sufficient Conditions for Happiness?: Letters to My Children at the Smithsonian Institution by Yun, Jong Hyeun
Beautiful People in a Broken World by Monroe, Lacey Gerard
Bhagavad-Gita: . . . . A perspective by Verma, Madan Mohan
Bhagavad-Gita: . . . . A perspective by Verma, Madan Mohan
Das Problem der Freiheit in Spinozas Ethik by Feldmann, Patrick
Questioning the Word: An Atheist Confronts Faith In God by Forbes, Jack
Justice, Luck & Responsibility in Health Care: Philosophical Background and Ethical Implications for End-Of-Life Care by
Laws, Language and Life: Howard Pattee's Classic Papers on the Physics of Symbols with Contemporary Commentary by Rączaszek-Leonardi, Joanna, Pattee, Howard Hunt
Renaissance Averroism and Its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe by
Le contrat social de Rousseau by Durkheim, Emile
Mimesis, Movies, and Media: Violence, Desire, and the Sacred, Volume 3 by
The Democracy of Knowledge by Innerarity, Daniel
A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary - Volume 1 by Hutton, Charles
A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary - Volume 2 by Hutton, Charles
The Voice of Conscience: A Political Genealogy of Western Ethical Experience by Ojakangas, Mika
Lacan Deleuze Badiou by Bartlett, A. J., Clemens, Justin, Roffe, Jon
Radical Philosophy: An Introduction by Kautzer, Chad
Deleuze and the Naming of God: Post-Secularism and the Future of Immanence by Barber, Daniel Colucciello
Leibniz, Husserl and the Brain by Sieroka, N.
Das Unternehmen ALS Dialektisches System: Führung Und Kommunikation Einmal Anders Betrachtet by Wiedemann, Herbert
Arte Regia by Giuliodori, Lucio
Philosophy's Fraternal World by Hoffmann, John Henry
Revolutionary Afterthoughts: Of a Bound Genius by O'Loughlin, John
The Religious Sentiment by Brinton, Daniel
Quotes Collection Part 2: Inspirational Quotes by Atta Ullah, Naveed
The Triad of Solomon: A reconciliation of the WISDOM LITERATURE of The BIBLE with the Life-Stage Hypothesis of SǾREN KIERKEGAARD by Johnston, R. I.
[Given, If, Then]: A Reading in Three Parts by Fernando, Jeremy, Davy, Jennifer Hope, Hölzl, Julia
Political Philosophy: Fact, Fiction, and Vision by Bunge, Mario
Returning to Revolution: Deleuze, Guattari and Zapatismo by Nail, Thomas
Collage - Poesias de Vida o Filosofando en Poesia: Poesias de Vida by Hildegard, Laurie
Beside Still Waters: Reflections by Raffa, Joseph
Oneness: Principles of World Peace by Baskins, Brian Scott
The Illuminati Handbook by Mentz, George, Incognito, Magus
Crimes Against Humanity Birth of a Concept by Geras, Norman
The Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels - 30-Volume Set by Scott, Walter
Ludwig Feuerbach: Das Wesen Des Christentums by
Un Dia Particular by Gonzalez Moore, Jorge
Knowing Nature in Early Modern Europe by Beck, David
A la Orilla del Camino by Gonzalez Moore, Jorge
The Routledge Guidebook to Gramsci's Prison Notebooks by Schwarzmantel, John
The Denial of Nature: Environmental philosophy in the era of global capitalism by Vetlesen, Arne Johan
Nominalism about Properties: New Essays by
Wear A Flower In Your Hair: A dialogue with Sadie Mae Glutz by Brown, Kaden
Catéchisme Positiviste by Comte, Auguste
What to Think About: Philosophy for a Thoughtful Younger Generation by Brockman, Chris
on searching for a flightless bird by Comeaux, Dickey, C, Dickey
The Ways of the Soul: The Secular Inhabitants by Kouhlenco, Viktor
Two Gems from Rudolf Steiner by Anderson, Adrian
A Companion to Friedrich Nietzsche: Life and Works by
The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction by Schneider, Susan
Existentialism and Contemporary Cinema: A Beauvoirian Perspective by
Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge by
Global Ethics and Global Common Goods by Riordan, Patrick
胖子正傳: The True Story of Fatty by Frank Yau, 卜一
Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism: A Study of Actual Idealist Moral Theory by Wakefield, James
Feeling Beauty: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience by Starr, G. Gabrielle
Statues: The Second Book of Foundations by Serres, Michel
John Lennon and the Jews: A Philosophical Rampage by Maghen, Ze'ev
Love: A Very Short Introduction by de Sousa, Ronald
Dignity, Rank, and Rights by Waldron, Jeremy
Entangled Empathy: An Alternative Ethic for Our Relationships with Animals by Gruen, Lori
Introduction to Philosophy: From the Presocratics to Aristotle by Bisogno, Maurizio a.
Gadamer and the Transmission of History by Veith, Jerome
U.S.-of-A Metanarrative: Ideals-and-Destiny by Killingsworth, Jerry
Alchimia Surrealista by Giuliodori, Lucio
A Preface to Politics by Lippmann, Walter
Prospects for Resource Sharing among Government Libraries in Nairobi by Aminga, Joash
Einführung in die politische Wissenschaft: Zusammenfassung zur Kausurvorbereitung by Hauer, Christoph Alexander Helmut
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #30 by Kindler, Babaji Bob, Shapiro, Rabbi Rami, Thubten, Rinpoche
Musings of an Opinionated Madman: this stuff makes me furious by Jordan, Michael E., Sr., Grogan, Brian A.
Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History: Essays in Honor of Richard Cobb-Stevens by
Morales & Dogmas: El Verdadero Significado de la Masonería by Pike, Albert
The Demiurge in Ancient Thought by O'Brien, Carl Séan
Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art by
Lincoln's Political Thought by Kateb, George
Intentionality, Cognition, and Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy by Klima, Gyula
Intentionality, Cognition, and Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy by Klima, Gyula
Aesthetics as Phenomenology: The Appearance of Things by Figal, Günter
Aesthetics as Phenomenology: The Appearance of Things by Figal, Günter
Newton by Janiak, Andrew
The Expansion of Autonomy: Hegel's Pluralistic Philosophy of Action by Yeomans, Christopher
Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence by Held, Shai
Alter-Politics: Critical Anthropology and the Radical Imagination by Hage, Ghassan
Congenital Alterable Transmissible Asymmetry: The Spiritual Meaning of Disease and Science by Hyman, Morris
I Think, Therefore I Color: 50 Philosophers You Should Know by Howell, Keith
Le Grand Éclaircissement by Flamel, Nicolas
Le Sommaire philosophique by Flamel, Nicolas
Toward Common Ground - The Story of the Ethical Societies in the United States by Radest, Howard B.
Congenital Alterable Transmissible Asymmetry: The Spiritual Meaning of Disease and Science by Hyman, Morris
Vernunft und Freiheit: bei Thomas von Aquin by Schmidt, Bernhard Johannes
Nietzsches Verständnis des Übermenschen by Hoffmann, Tim
The Future by Auge, Marc
Military Robots: Mapping the Moral Landscape by Galliott, Jai
Creative Faith: Religion as a Way of Worldmaking by Cupitt, Don
Dogma's Primrose Path by Martinez, John L.
Climate Change and Individual Responsibility: Agency, Moral Disengagement and the Motivational Gap by Diependaele, L., Peeters, Wouter, Smet, A. De
Uncommon Sense: The Strangest Ideas from the Smartest Philosophers by Pessin, Andrew
Rosicrucian Manual by Lewis, H. Spencer
Pilate and Jesus by Agamben, Giorgio
Think Positive And Bigger: Revolutionary Positive Thinking by Atta Ullah, Naveed
A Naturalistic Epistemology: Selected Papers by Kornblith, Hilary
Democracy, Economics, and the Public Good: Informational Failures and Potential by Budd, J.
Philosophy and Politics in Aristotle's Politics by Johnson, Curtis N.
L'avenir de la science by Renan, Ernest
The European Anarchy by Dickinson, G. Lowes
Dialogues philosophiques: suivi de Examen de Conscience Philosophique by Renan, Ernest
God Needs To Go: Why Christian Beliefs Fail by Brucker, J. D.
Pilate and Jesus by Agamben, Giorgio
Hat das Delphische Orakel den Lyderkönig Krösus falsch beraten? by Niem, Annrose
Riddles of Existence: A Guided Tour of Metaphysics by Conee, Earl, Sider, Theodore
Free to Kill; Free to Love; Free to Choose by MacKay, Donald E.
Reasons and Intentions in Law and Practical Agency by
The Principles of New Science of G. B. Vico and The Theory of Historical Interpretation: Emilio Betti's Lecture at the University for Foreigners in 19 by Betti, Emilio
The Decal of Thought: Essay by Eduardo Alexandre Pinto by Pinto, Eduardo Alexandre
La nation by Renan, Ernest
The Beginning of Western Philosophy: Interpretation of Anaximander and Parmenides by Heidegger, Martin
Rationality, Democracy, and Justice by
Comparing Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies: Development: Developmental Self & Object Relations Self Psychology Short Term Dynamic by
Philosophy of Nonviolence: Revolution, Constitutionalism, and Justice Beyond the Middle East by Mallat, Chibli
Eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Ganzen by Ladener, Dennis Hans
Die höhere Erkenntnis: Ein Weg zum besseren Verständnis der Welt by Ladener, Dennis Hans
Kant's Theory of Virtue by Baxley, Anne Margaret
Kant on Moral Autonomy by
Current Controversies in Virtue Theory by
Luck: Its Nature and Significance for Human Knowledge and Agency by Coffman, E. J.
Science and Technology Governance and Ethics: A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China by
Judgemental Afterthoughts: As Testamentary Evidence of a Free Genius by O'Loughlin, John J.
CANCER Determination and Me by Higgs, Arnie
CANCER Determination and Me by Higgs, Arnie
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Warm Feelings in the Stilness: Essay by Eduardo Alexandre Pinto by Pinto, Eduardo Alexandre
La Réforme intellectuelle et morale de la France by Renan, Ernest
Understanding Our Values by Gulliver XVI, Lemuel
Thoughts Of A Freethinker: A Late Sunday Morning Sleeper's Revelations by Kaye, Michael
Es ist bereits so!: Allem Anschein zum Trotz by Goddard, Neville Lancelot
Reflexiones sobre lo existencial cotidiano by Allende Goitía, Noel
YOD Magazine. Conflitto by Scarafile (Ed )., Giovanni
The Perception of Silence: Essay by Eduardo Alexandre Pinto by Pinto, Eduardo Alexandre
dreamtime by Lynch, J. D.
The Laws of Robots: Crimes, Contracts, and Torts by Pagallo, Ugo
Awakening: The Manifesto of a Spiritual Philosopher: The Journey Toward a Compassionate Non-dual World by Rauscher, Dick
What Makes Us Moral? on the Capacities and Conditions for Being Moral by
Faireconomy: Crises, Culture, Competition and the Role of Law by Hacker, Philipp, Podszun, Rupprecht, Fikentscher, Wolfgang
Experience Curating: How to Gain Focus, Increase Influence, and Simplify Your Life by Zaslofsky, Joel
Hypothesis and Perception: The Roots of Scientific Method by Harris, Errol E.
Some Main Problems of Philosophy by Moore, George Edward
Ethics: Volume I by Hartmann, Nicolai
The Good Will: A Study in the Coherence Theory of Goodness by Paton, H. J.
Hegel: A Re-Examination by Findlay, J. N.
The Phenomenology of Mind: Volume I by Hegel, G. W. F.
The Foundations of Metaphysics in Science by Harris, Errol E.
Language and Reality: The Philosophy of Language and the Principles of Symbolism by Urban, Wilbur Marshall
Non-Linguistic Philosophy by Ewing, A. C.
The Relevance of Whitehead: Philosophical Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of Alfred North Whitehead by Leclerc, Ivor
Dialogues on Metaphysics by Malebranche, Nicolas
The Intelligible World: Metaphysics and Value by Urban, Wilbur Marshall
History of Philosophy: Volume III by Erdmann, Johann Eduard
What's Wrong With Microphysicalism? by Huttemann, Andreas
Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements Volume II by Adams, George P. and Montague Wm Peppere
Contemporary Philosophy in Australia by Brown, Robert and Rollins C. D.
History of Philosophy: Volume I by Erdmann, Johann Eduard
History of Philosophy: Volume II by Erdmann, Johann Eduard
The Development of Bertrand Russell's Philosophy by Jager, Ronald
Contemporary British Philosophy: Personal Statements Third Series by Lewis, H. D.
Lectures on Philosophy by Moore, George Edward
Contemporary British Philosophy: Personal Statements First Series by Muirhead, J. H.
A History of Aesthetic by Bosanquet, Bernard
Perception: And our Knowledge of the External World by Locke, Don
Belief by Price, H. H.
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