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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

The Big Bang Project: Creating Humanity's Best-Case Scenario by Goulet, Luc
ICPTheory.com: The First 100: A Compendium to Igniting an East-West Globalizing Dialogue, Volume I: Thus Spoke Chuang Tzu by Yu, Jade
Architects of Fate by Marden, Orison Swett
Cheerfulness as a Life Power by Marden, Orison Swett
The Cookie Jar: I Never Found This Inside My Cookie Jar...Warning...Reading This Might Evoke Spontaneous Emotions by Johnson, Wannetta
Man and Nature by Marsh, George Perkins
The Earth as Modified by Human Action by Marsh, George Perkins
The Whelps of the Wolf by Marsh, George Perkins
L'Antéchrist: Essai d'une Critique du Christianisme by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Questions Not Being Asked: Topical Philosophical Critiques in Prose, Proverbs, and Poems by Onwueme, Inno Chukuma
Epítome: Escrituras Epicúreas by Crespo, Hiram
Critical Theory: The Key Concepts by Felluga, Dino Franco
Hält der Generationenvertrag? Die Reaktionen der Politik auf den demografischen Wandel im Bereich der Alterssicherung by Schenk, Richard
Das Problem der Rechtfertigung der Philosophie gegenüber den Einzelwissenschaften und der Gesellschaft by Braun, Cedric
Wo kommen wir her und wo gehen wir hin? by Firneis, Christoph
The Bug Is The Plug: Die Präsenz der Abwesenheit by Büki, Julia
Lo sagrado en la literatura argentina.: Las senas de Martin Heidegger en Sara Gallardo y Olga Orozco by Etcheverry, Luis Maria
Spirit to spirit by Clemmons, Phyllis
A Philosophy for the Average Man: An Uncommon Solution for a World Without Common Sense by Beall, Endall
Konrad Morgen: The Conscience of a Nazi Judge by Pauer-Studer, H., Velleman, J.
Rules, Magic and Instrumental Reason: A Critical Interpretation of Peter Winch's Philosophy of the Social Sciences by Dov Lerner, Berel
Proof, Logic and Formalization by
The Politics and Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott by Isaacs, Stuart
Thinking Power: Lets think different and analyse it by Jamidar, Pankaj
Historians as Expert Judicial Witnesses in Tobacco Litigation: A Controversial Legal Practice by Delafontaine, Ramses
The Conceptual Mind: New Directions in the Study of Concepts by
Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method by
The Schutzian Theory of the Cultural Sciences by Embree, Lester
Bildung ALS Projekt: Eine Studie Im Anschluss an Vilém Flusser by Krückel, Florian
Empfindung und Ausdruck. Innen- und Außenmetaphorik bei Ludwig Wittgenstein by Faulstich, Peter
How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy by Clark, Stephen R. L.
Chancen und Risiken der Öffentlich-Privaten-Partnerschaften (ÖPP) by Kneisel, Jocelyn
"Bullshit" nach Harry G. Frankfurt und "Gerede" nach Heidegger. Versuch einer Annäherung der beiden Theorien by Schmitt, Patrick
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin,1687) by Newton, Isaac
Der Wandel der deutschen Arbeitsmarktpolitik durch die Hartz-Gesetze by Eibel, Maximilian
Wage Labor and Capital by Marx, Karl
Revolution and Counter by Marx, Karl
Wages - Price and Profit by Marx, Karl
The Words From My Eyes: Theories Of My Own Makings by Owens, Corey
Immortality: Truth About Re-Incarnation by Abercrombie, Melvin L.
Political Discussion in Modern Democracies: A Comparative Perspective by
The Meaning of Ideology: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives by
Erlebnispädagogische Ansätze im Philosophieunterricht der Sekundarstufe I: Erlebnispädagogik im Unterrichtsfach "Praktische Philosophie" by Kedziora, Pierre Sascha
Verses of the Dusky Dawn by Biswas, Madhurima
Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine Magic by The Silver Elves
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Latin,1687) by Newton, Isaac
You can remember... by Feiler F., Dirk L.
Yoga: The Experiential Discipline by Dharmadhikari, Pradnya S.
Love and Consciousness by Tse, Puma
You can remember...: French Edition by Feiler F., Dirk L.
Beauty: The Value of Values by Turner, Frederick
A Woman of the World by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
The Itching Palm by Scott, William R.
Sarigthersa: Some Philosophical And Autobiographical Essays by Myatt, David
La metafísica consumada: Las resonancias de Martin Heidegger en Roberto Arlt y Leopoldo Marechal by Etcheverry, Luis María
Kommunikative Führungsethik by Hölker, Guido
Die gesellschaftliche Diskriminierung der häuslichen Arbeit und ihre globalen Folgen by Keßler, Tobias
On Suffering: Philosophical Reflections on What It Means to be Human by Madison, Gary Brent
State Rebellion by Warren, Michael
Fabricating Origins by
Fabricating Origins by
What the Tortoise Taught Us: The Story of Philosophy by Porter, Burton F.
The Art of Presence: Perspectives from a Fourth Way School by Haven, Girard
From Superfluous Man to Superman: Revised and Reformatted Weblogs by O'Loughlin, John
Hello My Loves...10 years of writings to seekers of Truth by Liquorman, Wayne
Anne Frank's Tree. Nature's Confrontation with Technology, Domination, and the Holocaust by Katz, Eric
Zivilreligion in liberalen Demokratien. Eine Notwendigkeit? by Kostenko, Jaroslav
Hello My Loves...10 years of writings to seekers of Truth by Liquorman, Wayne
Enlightenment and Utility: Bentham in French, Bentham in France by de Champs, Emmanuelle
Volume 17: Kierkegaard's Pseudonyms by Nun, Katalin, Stewart, Jon
Civics Beyond Critics: Character Education in a Liberal Democracy by MacMullen, Ian
Experiencing God Outside the Box: Growing More Intimate with the Real God by Meier, Paul
Was Heißt: In Würde Sterben?: Wider Die Normalisierung Des Tötens by
Experiencing God Outside the Box: Growing More Intimate with the Real God by Meier, Paul
Origine e senso dell'immagine by Angelo, Angelo
Paul's Summons to Messianic Life: Political Theology and the Coming Awakening by Welborn, L.
Veränderungen des Selbst- und Demokratieverständnisses durch den Klimawandel by Hauser, Nicole
Paul's Summons to Messianic Life: Political Theology and the Coming Awakening by Welborn, L.
Law and Life in Common by Macklem, Timothy
Some Notes on the Bibliography of the Philippines by Middleton, Thomas Cooke
Hindi Translation of Plato's Apology by Kumar, Dr Alok
Hugh Wynne Free Quaker by Mitchell, Silas Weir
A System Of Logic - Ratiocinative And Inductive by Mill, John Stuart
The Adventures of François by Mitchell, Silas Weir
A System of Logic - Ratiocinative and Inductive - Volume I by Mill, John Stuart
The Autobiography of a Quack by Mitchell, Silas Weir
The Red City by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Auguste Comte and Positivism by Mill, John Stuart
Wear and Tear by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Autobiography by Mill, John Stuart
Westways by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Considerations on Representative Government by Mill, John Stuart
Hindi Translation of Plato's Crito by Kumar, Dr Alok
Essays on some unsettled Questions of Political Economy by Mill, John Stuart
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Daniel Defoe by Minto, William
Principles Of Political Economy by Mill, John Stuart
John Stuart Mill by Minto, William
Logic Inductive and Deductive by Minto, William
Socialism by Mill, John Stuart
The Subjection of Women by Mill, John Stuart
Utilitarianism by Mill, John Stuart
A Diplomatic Adventure by Mitchell, Silas Weir
A Madeira Party by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Doctor and Patient by Mitchell, Silas Weir
Legends of Longdendale by Middleton, Thomas Cooke
Steve Jobs and Philosophy: For Those Who Think Different by
The Communist Hypothesis by Badiou, Alain
The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment by Purcell, Ann
Proof: And the Difficulty of Meaning by Heard, Greg
Mind, Self, and Society: The Definitive Edition by Mead, George Herbert
The Answer by Plevell, Amanda
The Primordial Tradition by Killingsworth, Jerry
New Essays on Thomas Reid by
Utilitarianism: A Contemporary Statement by Barrow, Robin
Experimental Philosophy, Rationalism, and Naturalism: Rethinking Philosophical Method by
The Arabic Quran: A Journey in Consciousness by Omar, Mohamed Imraan
Injustice, Inequality and Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction to Moral Problems by Barrow, Robin
The Philosophy of Schooling by Barrow, Robin
Language, Intelligence, and Thought by Barrow, Robin
Phänomenologie des Geistes by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Many will be deceived by Jones, Russell Ian
Utopia by Moore, Thomas
Ancient Models of Mind by
Insurrection and Intervention by Dobos, Ned
Reasons, Rights, and Values by Audi, Robert
Potamo of Alexandria and the Emergence of Eclecticism in Late Hellenistic Philosophy by Hatzimichali, Myrto
The Moral Defense of Homosexuality: Why Every Argument against Gay Rights Fails by Meyers, Chris
Epicurus and the Epicurean Tradition by
Essays of Michel de Montaigne - Volume I by Montaigne, Michel
Essays of Michel de Montaigne - Volume II by Montaigne, Michel
Ahead in the Clouds: A substantial collection of revised and reformatted weblogs by O'Loughlin, John
Essays of Michel de Montaigne - Volume IV by Montaigne, Michel
Of the Nature of Things by Carus, Titus Lucretius
Hypokeimena 4.1: Words on things lying beneath by Barnes, Thomas Wilson
La filosofía oriental y el puesto de la cultura de Japón en el mundo by de Mendoza, Doctor Adalberto García
Breeding Ground for Corruption by Garrison, T. a.
Breeding Ground for Corruption by Garrison, T. a.
Sacred Transgressions: A Reading of Sophocles' Antigone by Benardete, Seth
Ten Philosophical Essays in the Christian Tradition by Crosson, Frederick J.
Code Shakti: Devi And The Lion by Bhattacharyya, Dev
A History of Biophysics in Contemporary China by Luk, Christine Yi Lai
The Poverty of Television: The Mediation of Suffering in Class-Divided Philippines by Ong, Jonathan Corpus
Replanting Ourselves in Beauty: Toward an Ecological Civilization by Farmer, Patricia Adams, McDaniel, Jay
Kant's Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy by Mensch, Jennifer
A Companion to Michael Oakeshott by
Conversation > by Collins, William
The Athenian Constitution by Aristotle
Celebrating Life: A Journey Through the Agony and the Ecstasy Foreword by Amit Roy, London by Khandelwal, Rajendra
Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications by
Secondary Run Of The Mill by Chandler, Ed
56 Lecons de vie by Cathy Rauché
Satguru KI Dohawali: Gurudev Ke Bhajan by Gulyani, Meena
Hidden mysteries of the Bible by Verster, Nicky
Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life by Cornaro, Lewis
The Sense of Things: Toward a Phenomenological Realism by Ales Bello, Angela
The Role of Technology in Science: Philosophical Perspectives by
30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science, and Theory by
Il santo filosofo by Chioli, Dario
The Relationship between Emotion and Reason based on Jealousy by Hauser, Nicole
Identity and Personhood: Confusions and Clarifications Across Disciplines by Splitter, Laurance J.
Deleuze and Guattari's a Thousand Plateaus: A Critical Introduction and Guide by Adkins, Brent
Narrative, Identity and the Kierkegaardian Self by
At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy by
At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy by
Objectivity and Diversity: Another Logic of Scientific Research by Harding, Sandra
Reality Science by Tosen, Paris
Human Personality by Myers, Frederic William Henry
Wordsworth by Myers, Frederic William Henry
Philosophie der Natur by Baur, Ludwig, Schwertschlager, Joseph
Einleitung in die Philosophie by Külpe, Oswald
Arthur Schopenhauer als Mensch und Denker by Meyer, Jürgen Bona
Moral Materialism: A Semantic Theory of Ethical Naturalism by Dalela, Ashish
Uncommon Wisdom: Fault Lines in the Foundations of Atheism by Dalela, Ashish
Deleuze and Guattari's a Thousand Plateaus: A Critical Introduction and Guide by Adkins, Brent
Protection of Marine Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution by Almansurry Wahya Daffalla
El salto abismal: Martin Heidegger en Antonio Di Benedetto, Jorge Luis Borges y Julio Cortazar by Etcheverry, Luis Maria
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, Volume 9 by
Lincoln's Ethics by Carson, Thomas L.
Plato's Republic: A Dialogue in Sixteen Chapters by Badiou, Alain
Talking to Our Selves: Reflection, Ignorance, and Agency by Doris, John M.
Biological Autonomy: A Philosophical and Theoretical Enquiry by Mossio, Matteo, Moreno, Alvaro
Ocean Governance, Regimes, and the South China Sea Issues: A One-Dot Theory Interpretation by Yu, Peter Kien-Hong
Scepticism in the Eighteenth Century: Enlightenment, Lumières, Aufklärung by
Dialectics and the Sublime in Underhill's Mysticism by Gan, Peter Chong-Beng
Locative Social Media: Place in the Digital Age by Evans, L.
The Dialectic Relation Between Physics and Mathematics in the Xixth Century by
Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment by
Boundary Stones of Thought: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic by Rumfitt, Ian
Linguistic Content: New Essays on the History of Philosophy of Language by
Human Kindness and the Smell of Warm Croissants: An Introduction to Ethics by Ogien, Ruwen
On Duties by Cicero
Make Peace before the Sun Goes Down: The Long Encounter of Thomas Merton and His Abbot, James Fox by Lipsey, Roger
Religion and Human Rights: Global Challenges from Intercultural Perspectives by
Ballyturk by Walsh, Enda
Human Kindness and the Smell of Warm Croissants: An Introduction to Ethics by Ogien, Ruwen
Violence and Civility: And Other Essays on Political Philosophy by Balibar, Étienne
Kant's Embedded Cosmopolitanism: History, Philosophy and Education for World Citizens by Cavallar, Georg
Fichte und Sartre über Freiheit by
An Essay In Aid Of A Grammar Of Assent by Newman, John Henry
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