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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Questing for Values: The Humanities as a Foundation for Happiness by Fitzpatrick, Elayne Wareing
Next Places: Second Edition by Sarles, Harvey
An Du Cuoc Phieu Luu Cua Chu by Tran, Thuc Huu
Nothing Left Over: A Plain and Simple Life by Lippe, Toinette
Zarbul Masalha: 151 Afghan Dari Proverbs (Third Edition) by
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Authenticity, Autonomy and Multiculturalism by
New Essays on the Nature of Propositions by
Developing Moral Sensitivity by
The Voices and Rooms of European Bioethics by
The March of Time: Evolving Conceptions of Time in the Light of Scientific Discoveries by Weinert, Friedel
Secular Messiahs and the Return of Paul's 'Real': A Lacanian Approach by Principe, C.
Science Between Truth and Ethical Responsibility: Evandro Agazzi in the Contemporary Scientific and Philosophical Debate by
Neutrality and Theory of Law by
Same Sex Couples - Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation by
Postphenomenological Investigations: Essays on Human-Technology Relations by
Many Prophets One Wisdom by Thompson, Phil
Naturzustand und Staatskonzeption bei Thomas Hobbes und John Locke by Süess, Patrik
Lord Kames: Legal and Social Theorist by Rahmatian, Andreas
Conceptual Change and the Philosophy of Science: Alternative Interpretations of the a Priori by Stump, David J.
Intuition, Theory, and Anti-Theory in Ethics by
Shape-Shifting Capital: Spiritual Management, Critical Theory, and the Ethnographic Project by González, George
The Negritude Movement: W.E.B. Du Bois, Leon Damas, Aime Cesaire, Leopold Senghor, Frantz Fanon, and the Evolution of an Insurgent Idea by Rabaka, Reiland
Pedophilia and Adult-Child Sex: A Philosophical Analysis by Kershnar, Stephen
Human All-Too-Human by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Leviathan: Or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiastical and Civill by Hobbes, Thomas
Leviathan: Or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiastical and Civill by Hobbes, Thomas
Philosophic Flights of Poetic Fancy: A Collection of Revised and Reformatted Weblogs by O'Loughlin, John
One Love I by Tacosagray, Rebecca *.
Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square by
Aristotelian Ethics in Contemporary Perspective by
Moral Self-Regard: Duties to Oneself in Kant's Moral Theory by Denis, Lara
Race, Philosophy, and Film by
The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism by Stadler, Friedrich
Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications by
Foucault and Power: The Influence of Political Engagement on Theories of Power by Hoffman, Marcelo
Patterns of Rationality: Recurring Inferences in Science, Social Cognition and Religious Thinking by Bertolotti, Tommaso
Morality, Self Knowledge and Human Suffering: An Essay on The Loss of Confidence in the World by Corbí, Josep
The Idea of Humanity: Anthropology and Anthroponomy in Kant's Ethics by Sussman, David G.
The Missed Encounter of Radical Philosophy with Architecture by
Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience by Altieri, Charles
Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle by
Aesthetics After Metaphysics: From Mimesis to Metaphor by Beistegui, Miguel
Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism by
Isaiah Berlin and the Politics of Freedom: 'Two Concepts of Liberty' 50 Years Later by
Truth by Walston, Charles
Archaeology and State Theory: Subjects and Objects of Power by Routledge, Bruce
Mindful Aesthetics: Literature and the Science of Mind by
Aesthetic Sexuality: A Literary History of Sadomasochism by Byrne, Romana
Ethics: The Fundamental Questions of Our Lives by Huber, Wolfgang
Selected Philosophical Writings by Diderot, Denis
Ethics: The Fundamental Questions of Our Lives by Huber, Wolfgang
Architecture in Black: Theory, Space and Appearance by Fields, Darell Wayne
Philosophy of Osteopathy by Still, Andrew T.
Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience by Altieri, Charles
Arendt, Levinas and a Politics of Relationality by Topolski, Anya
Agamben's Coming Philosophy: Finding a New Use for Theology by Dickinson, Colby, Kotsko, Adam
Free Will in Philosophical Theology by Timpe, Kevin
Evil and Moral Psychology by Barry, Peter Brian
Death, Posthumous Harm, and Bioethics by Taylor, James Stacey
Dialectics, Politics, and the Contemporary Value of Hegel's Practical Philosophy by Buchwalter, Andrew
Trattato dei governi Libro I by Aristotele
Trattato dei governi Libro II by Aristotele
Trattato dei governi Libro III by Aristotele
Trattato dei governi Libro IV by Aristotele
Trattato dei governi Libro VI by Aristotele
Trattato dei governi Libro VIII by Aristotele
L'asino d'oro by Apuleio
Satire di Tito Petronio Arbitro by Arbitro, Petronio
Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers by Collins, A., Watts, J., Bradlaugh, Charles
Apollonius of Tyana, the Philosopher-Reformer of the First Century A.D. by Stowe Mead, George Robert
The Awakening of the Soul by Tufail, Ibn
Undoing Ties: Political Philosophy at the Waning of the State by Croce, Mariano, Salvatore, Andrea
Rituale und ihre Bedeutung für eine Philosophie der Kultur by Schmidt, Lisa Marie
Theologisch-Politische Abhandlung by Spinoza, Benedictus de
Koren Pirkei Avot by Angel, Marc
Undoing Ties: Political Philosophy at the Waning of the State by Salvatore, Andrea, Croce, Mariano
The Cultural Promise of the Aesthetic by Roelofs, Monique
Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington Vol. V: Minutes of The Philosophical Society of Washington Minutes, 1881-82 by Washington, Philosophical Society of
Love Without End Study Guide by Green, Glenda
Der Untergang Von Mathemagika: Ein Roman Über Eine Welt Jenseits Unserer Vorstellung by Kuhlemann, Karl
The Age of Figurative Theo-Humanism: The Beauty of God and Man in German Aesthetics of Painting and Sculpture (1754-1828) by Cirulli, Franco
Individual Choice and State-Led Nationalist Mobilization in China: Self-Interested Patriots by Zha, Wen
Cognitive Enhancement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Ein Laboratorium Der Moderne: Politisches Denken in Deutschland 1789-1820 by Hölzing, Philipp
Educational Research: The Importance and Effects of Institutional Spaces by
Coherence: Insights from Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Artificial Intelligence by
Wickedness and Crime: Laws of Homicide and Malice by Crofts, Penny
The History and Theory of Children's Citizenship in Contemporary Societies by Milne, Brian
Legal Spaces: Towards a Topological Thinking of Law by Müller-Mall, Sabine
Social Audit Regulation: Development, Challenges and Opportunities by
Dimensions of Teaching Business Ethics in Asia by
The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas by
Radical French Thought and the Return of the Jewish Question by Marty, Eric
Radical French Thought and the Return of the Jewish Question by Marty, Eric
The Social Contract and Other Political Writings by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas by
Armed Drones and the Ethics of War: Military Virtue in a Post-Heroic Age by Enemark, Christian
Islamic Lifestyles in Urban America, Vol. 1 by Stewart Saadiq, Mika'il
Dos Delitos e das Penas by Beccaria, Cesare
Contos Phantasticos by Braga, Teofilo
O cancioneiro portuguez da Vaticana by Braga, Teofilo
Viriatho by Braga, Teofilo
Life in Idleness by Callahan, Shane
Language of Images: Visualization and Meaning in Tantras by Timalsina, Sthaneshwar
Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design by
Il santo filosofo (edizione economica) by Chioli, Dario
Colloquies on Society by Southey, Robert
Hindi Translation of Enchiridion of Epictetus by Kumar, Dr Alok
Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure by Carpenter, Edward
Cabala del cavallo Pegaseo con l'aggiunta dell'Asino Cillenico by Bruno, Giordano
Bushido, the Soul of Japan by Nitobe, Inazo
Comparison Between Eastern and Western Culture by Xu, Bing
Philosophy of the Pyramid by Xu, Bing
Create Order in Disorder by Xu, Bing
La Finestra sull'Eternità by Cautela, Andreana
Phänomenologie des Geistes by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Wissenschaft der Logik - Band 2 by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Wissenschaft der Logik - Band I by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
The Thrive! Philosophy: Thrive! - All Thrive Forever by Christopherson, Gary chris
Happy Lives, Good Lives: A Philosophical Examination by Mulnix, Jennifer Wilson, Mulnix, M. J.
Theories of Happiness: An Anthology by
Mind Beyond Matter: How the non-material self can explain the phenomenon of consciousness and complete our understanding of reality. by Rowland, Gavin
Roberto Esposito: Law, Community and the Political by Langford, Peter
Die Tora nach der Übersetzung von Moses Mendelssohn: und die Haftarot nach Simon Bernfeld, Joel Brill, A. Benesch, Schlomo Salman Lipman, Wolff Meir u by Boeckler, Annette M.
Continuazione e fine della Replica del dottor Carlo Cattaneo by Cattaneo, Carlo
Dell'India antica e moderna by Cattaneo, Carlo
Ricerche sul progetto di una strada di ferro da Milano a Venezia by Cattaneo, Carlo
Art of Presence: Perspectives From A Fourth Way School by Haven, Girard
Is Life Worth Living? by Mallock, William Hurrell
Handbook of Ethical Theory by Fullerton, George Stuart
Cartas sobre a educação da mocidade by Sanches, Antonio Nunes Ribeiro
Alcuni opuscoli filosofici by Castelli, Benedetto
The Goetia of Solomon the King by Crowley, Aleister
The Light of Egypt by Wagner, Belle M., Burgoyne, Thomas H., Wagner, Henry O.
A Rushed Quality by Odell, David
The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; Studies in Pessimism by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Good Sense by D'Holbach, Baron
The Hidden Power by Troward, Thomas
Eros y mistagogia: Ensayos sobre cine, teatro y educación by Etcheverry, Luis María
Levinas, Storytelling and Anti-Storytelling by Buckingham, Will
Propositions by Merricks, Trenton
Weighing and Reasoning: Themes from the Philosophy of John Broome by
Rethinking Language, Mind, and Meaning by Soames, Scott
Ideas of Liberty in Early Modern Europe: From Machiavelli to Milton by Gatti, Hilary
The Neo-Kantian Reader by
Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent by
Der Wiener Kreis: Ursprung, Entwicklung Und Wirkung Des Logischen Empirismus Im Kontext by Stadler, Friedrich
Death in Ancient Rome by Edwards, Catharine
Kant's Theory of Knowledge by Arthur, Harold
Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time by Maudlin, Tim
The Kosmic Web: Our spiritual and evolutionary place in the multiverse by Hill, Keith, Calvert, Peter
Sapiens Rising: The View from 2100 by Freer, Neil
Little Rivers by Van Dyke, Henry
Universal Salvation in Late Antiquity: Porphyry of Tyre and the Pagan-Christian Debate by Simmons, Michael Bland
Sociology, Capitalism, Critique by Dörre, Klaus, Rosa, Hartmut, Lessenich, Stephan
The Political is Political: Conformity and the Illusion of Dissent in Contemporary Political Philosophy by Finlayson, Lorna
Limitless by O'Loughlin, John
La Circe by Gelli, Giovan Battista
Le Laude Secondo by Gelli, Giovan Battista
Letture sopra la Commedia di Dante by Gelli, Giovan Battista
Gospel Philosophy by Ward, J. H.
The Lords of the Ghostland by Saltus, Edgar
Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista by Engels, Friedrich
Manuale di Epitteto by Epitteto
El libro dell'amore by Ficino, Marsilio
History of Modern Philosophy by Benn, Alfred William
Principii di filosofia zoologica e anatomia comparata by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
A Manual of Moral Philosophy by Peabody, Andrew Preston
The Velvety Gang by Zierholz, Martin
Allies or Enemies: Political relations between Spain and Great Britain during the reign of Ferdinand VII (1808-1833) by Jakobczyk-Adamczyk, Patrycia
Das Heilige als Problem der gegenwaertigen Religionswissenschaft by
Sapiens Rising: The View from 2100 by Freer, Neil
The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; The Art of Controversy by Schopenhauer, Arthur
Jaspers Demokratie-Idee. Der Zusammenhang von existenzieller und politischer Philosophie und Freiheit by Sattler, Alexander
Barbarian Europe by Modzelewski, Karol
Krieg und Frieden: Kulturelle Deutungsmuster by
One Hundred Years after Japan's Forced Annexation of Korea: History and Tasks by
Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth-Century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change by Stoner, A., Melathopoulos, A.
Nude: Honey 1: Playing At Peter's House by Dickem, Peter
Challenging the Phenomena of Technology by Hayler, M.
Freedom in the Anthropocene: Twentieth-Century Helplessness in the Face of Climate Change by Stoner, A., Melathopoulos, A.
The Nature and Function of Intuitive Thought and Decision Making by Järvilehto, Lauri
The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States by Delany, Martin Robison
Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels by Kant, Immanuel
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen by Kant, Immanuel
Satire by Persio Flacco, Aulo
Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics by Thornton, William Thomas
The Nature of Goodness by Palmer, George Herbert
Obiter Dicta by Birrell, Augustine
The Prize Is Eternity: Foundations of Real Work in the Fourth Way by Haven, Girard
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Philosophie und Pädagogik by Natorp, Paul
Spinoza by Gebhardt, Carl
Occult Chemistry by Besant, Annie, Leadbeater, Charles W.
Kant über (Homo-)Sexualität. Inkonsistenzen in der Kantischen Argumentation by Kühlcke, David
Das geistige Erwachen des Urmenschen by Dennert, E.
Leibnitz' Monadologie by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
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