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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2015

Kritik der reinen Vernunft by Kant, Immanuel
Träume eines Geistersehers erläutert durch Träume der Metaphysik by Kant, Immanuel
Über Pädagogik by Kant, Immanuel
Von der Macht des Gemüts durch den bloßen Vorsatz seiner krankhaften Gefühle Meister zu sein by Kant, Immanuel
Libro detto strega o delle illusioni del demonio by Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco
Kant über (Homo-)Sexualität. Inkonsistenzen in der Kantischen Argumentation by Kühlcke, David
Das geistige Erwachen des Urmenschen by Dennert, E.
Challenging the Phenomena of Technology by Hayler, M.
Causation, Evidence, and Inference by Reiss, Julian
Karl Barth and Post-Reformation Orthodoxy by Brouwer, Rinse H. Reeling
Markso kaj la okcidenta mondo by Iljenkov, Evald Vasiljeviĉ
Zarathustra il Ritorno by Di Napoli, Giovanni
Agamben's Coming Philosophy: Finding a New Use for Theology by Dickinson, Colby, Kotsko, Adam
The Structure of Enquiry in Plato's Early Dialogues by Politis, Vasilis
The Moral Instruction of Children by Adler, Felix
Die Ehe für alle: Ein polemischer Essay by Potten, Detlef
Die Gracchen und ihre nächsten Vorgänger by Nitzsch, Karl Wilhelm
A Smart Joke for the Weekend by Schirer, Lorry
A Smart Joke for the Weekend by Schirer, Lorry
Die Geburt der Tragödie - Versuch einer Selbstkritik by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Ecce homo - Wie man wird was man ist by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Götzen-Dämmerung by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Jenseits von Gut und Böse by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Menschliches Allzumenschliches - Ein Buch Fuer Freie Geister by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
La peau de leopard by Grobli, Zirignon
Pensieri by Leopardi, Giacomo
Di una storia vera by Luciano Di Samosata
Law of Attraction and Miracles: A Practical Guide to Easily Manifesting Everything You Want Instantly! by Dingle, Kisha
In memoria del Manifesto dei comunisti by Labriola, Antonio
Dialoghi degli Dei by Luciano Di Samosata
Dialoghi dei morti by Luciano Di Samosata
Dialoghi delle cortigiane by Luciano Di Samosata
Also sprach Zarathustra - Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei by Marx, Karl
Zur Judenfrage by Marx, Karl
L'apologia di Socrate by Platone
The Moral Economy by Perry, Ralph Barton
Timeo by Platone
RECOGNITION The Key to Identity by Monnet, Catherine
Strategy and Politics: An Introduction to Game Theory by Ordeshook, Peter C., Niou, Emerson
Might is Right: or the Survival of the Fittest by Redbeard, Ragnar
Strategy and Politics: An Introduction to Game Theory by Ordeshook, Peter C., Niou, Emerson
The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment by
The Experimental Psychology of Beauty by Valentine, C. W.
Justifying Same-Sex Marriage: A Philosophical Investigation by Richardson-Self, Louise
The Fallacy of Corporate Moral Agency by Rönnegard, David
Begriff und Interpretation im Zeichen der Moderne by
Justifying Same-Sex Marriage: A Philosophical Investigation by Richardson-Self, Louise
Homer by King, Katherine Callen
Rationalism by Robertson, John MacKinnon
Progressive Morality by Fowler, Thomas
Lettre à Victor Cousin by Manzoni, Alessandro
Science and the Infinite by Klein, Sydney T.
Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista by Marx, Karl
Nuovo discorso proemiale letto nell'Accademia di Filosofia Italica by Mamiani, Terenzio
De gli elementi e di molti loro notabili effetti by Manuzio, Paolo
Dialogo della salute by Michelstaedter, Carlo
La persuasione e la rettoric by Michelstaedter, Carlo
Messages in the Sand: Volume 01 by Parcel, Dorothy
Ballet Body Narratives: Pain, Pleasure and Perfection in Embodied Identity by Pickard, Angela
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Engels, Frederick
Finding McLuhan: The Mind / The Man / The Message by
Reflections; Or Sentences and Moral Maxims by La Rochefoucauld, Francois Duc De
Insights While Suffering: With a View to the Cross and Resurrection by Slatter, Mark
Woman And Womanhood a Search for Principles by Saleeby, C. W.
Filosofia Do Direito: Critica Da Razao Juridica Liberal by Da Costa, Cleberson Eduardo
Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows: Book III - Edited Edition by DiCaprio, Gino
Plato and Platonism by Pater, Walter Horatio
Confessioni d'un scettico by Trezza, Gaetano
Mrs. Piper & the Society for Psychical Research by Sage, Michael
Enlightenment: The Journey of No Journey by Cuyler, Jacquelyn Kd
Ewig lockt die Bestie: Eine Kritik der Moralphilosophie by Loidolt, Georg
Heaven to Eden by Tolossa, Fikre
Analytische Einf Hrung in Die Politische Philosophie by Stepanians, Markus S., Kellerwessel, Wulf, Hinsch, Wilfried
Rethinking Machine Ethics in the Age of Ubiquitous Technology by
Platonic Wholes and Quantum Ontology: Translated by Katarzyna Kretkowska by Woszczek, Marek
Traité du ciel by Aristote
Traité Du Ciel - Livre I by Aristote
The Soul of Democracy by Griggs, Edward Howard
Der Bundschuh zu Lehen im Breisgau by Schreiber, Heinrich
Through Nature to God by Fiske, John
Where No Fear Was: A Book About Fear by Bensen, Arthur Christopher
Les métamorphoses by Apulee
Gurudev Ke Bhajan by Gulyani, Meena
Analects of Confucius by Confucius
De la mémoire et de la réminiscence by Aristote
De la production et de la destruction des choses by Aristote
Histoire des animaux by Aristote
La météorologie by Aristote
La poétique by Aristote
La Politique by Aristote
La Rhétorique by Aristote
Métaphysique by Aristote
Opuscules by Aristote
Physique by Aristote
Imaginationen Des Endes by
Physique - Livre II by Aristote
Traité de l'âme by Aristote
Philosophical Letters ofPhilosophical Letters of Frederich Schiller by Schiller, Frederich
Gewalt im Namen Gottes: Die Verantwortung der Religionen fuer Krieg und Frieden - 16. Oekumenische Sommerakademie Kremsmuenster 2014 by
The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria by Elliot, W. Scott
We Have Free-will: A critique of neuroscience by Merritt, Scott Christopher
Thought and Feeling: Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Twentieth Century by Mazzone, Derek
Mark Dennis: Collections by Dennis, Mark F.
Wall Between Worlds by Burton, David
The Subject of Freedom: Kant, Levinas by Basterra, Gabriela
Tecnologia, Modernidade e Democracia by Feenberg, Andrew
God, Modality, and Morality by Mann, William E.
The Will to Doubt by Lloyd, Alfred H.
Great Endarkenment: Philosophy for an Age of Hyperspecialization by Millgram, Elijah
The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought by Goetschel, Willi
The Subject of Freedom: Kant, Levinas by Basterra, Gabriela
Arendt, Levinas and a Politics of Relationality by Topolski, Anya
Anerkennungstheorie in einem Anstellungsverhältnis nach Axel Honneth by Geuder, H. Christoph
Die Geschichtsphilosophie bei Hans Freyer by Ebert, Nadine
Be Revolutionary: Some Thoughts from Pope Francis by Francis, Pope
Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years on by
Solar Conscience Lunar Conscience: An Essay on the Psychological Foundations of Morality, Lawfulness, and the Sense of Justice by Stein, Murray
Decision Trap: Genetic Education and Its Social Consequences by Samerski, Silja
Privacy: A Very Short Introduction by Wacks, Raymond
The Political is Political: Conformity and the Illusion of Dissent in Contemporary Political Philosophy by Finlayson, Lorna
Evolution of the Japanese Social and Physchic by L. Gullick, Sidney
Entretiens by Arrien
Diderot et la Société du baron d'Holbach by Avezac LaVigne, Charles
Nietzsche and other Exponents of Individualism by Carus, Paul
A System of Logic Rationactive and Inductive by Mill, John Stuart
Fenelon's Treatise On the Education of Daughters by Fenelon, Francois
Reality Check (Brief Reflections on Un-Conditioning the Mind) by Halper, Mitch
Spiritual Mind-Science And Your Soul by Likey Ph. D., Michael H.
Reincarnation: A Study of Forgotten Truth by Walker, E. D.
Knowledge and Freedom: Essays in German Idealism by Valkanov, Dessislav
Users Guide to Thought & Meaning P by Jackendoff
Debating Procreation: Is It Wrong to Reproduce? by Benatar, David, Wasserman, David
Deliberative Mini-Publics: Involving Citizens in the Democratic Process by
Judgment and Agency by Sosa, Ernest
Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic by
On Sport and the Philosophy of Sport: A Wittgensteinian Approach by McFee, Graham
Readings on Fascism and National Socialism by Various
Reason in the World: Hegel's Metaphysics and Its Philosophical Appeal by Kreines, James
The Practices of the Enlightenment: Aesthetics, Authorship, and the Public by Von Mücke, Dorothea
Tracking Down Ecological Guidance: Presence, Beauty, Survival by Helmuth, Keith
Freedom, Fatalism, and Foreknowledge by
A Companion to Sophocles by
Awo: Ifa Concept of Divination by Fatunmbi, Falokun
Der Begriff des Naturrechts bei Leibniz by Spriestersbach, Helga
Eine kritische Betrachtung der utilitaristischen Moraltheorie und des Glücksprinzips von John Stuart Mill by Schmidt, Jana
Praktikumsbericht und Reflexionsarbeit über Exponate im Literaturmuseum der Moderne in Marbach by Braun, Cedric
Die Möglichkeit von irrationalen Urteilen und Handlungen. Davidsons Auffassung von Willensschwäche by Hauser, Nicole
Nature in Indian Philosophy and Cultural Traditions by Baindur, Meera
Welche Einflüsse hatte Kant auf die Epoche der Aufklärung und wie beeinflusste er die Entwicklung der Pädagogik? by Schmidt, Jana
Le Rire by Bergson, Henri
The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism by
Der Begriff der Gestalt in Maurice Merleau-Pontys "Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung" by Glatt Viviani, Helena
Maimonides: Life and Thought by Halbertal, Moshe
Le Machiavélisme et l'Anti-Machiavel by Benoist, Charles
Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience by Bergson, Henri
Matière et mémoire by Bergson, Henri
Les Principes de la connaissance humaine by Berkeley, George
Essai sur J.-J. Rousseau by De Saint-Pierre, Henri Bernardin
Poems by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Gewissen und moderne Kultur by Sommer, Hugo
Consolation de la Philosophie by Boece
Hermenêutica ontológica para principiantes by Frecheiras, Marta Luzie
Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia's Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane by Starr, S. Frederick
Archetypes by Zolla, Elémire
A Reading of Lucretius' De Rerum Natura by Fratantuono, Lee
Syncretistic Theory of Depiction by Voltolini, A.
Deleuze and the Non/Human by
Descartes' Philosophical Revolution: A Reassessment by Ben-Yami, H.
Extended Rationality: A Hinge Epistemology by Coliva, A.
Biopolitics and Utopia: An Interdisciplinary Reader by
Wert des Wissens, Wert der Dummheit: Darstellung und Beurteilung von Wissen, gerechtfertigter Meinung und Nichtwissen mit Blick auf das Menon- und Get by Jaretz, Thomas
Art's Philosophical Work by Benjamin, Andrew
Le Satanisme et la magie by Bois, Jules
Sigmund Freuds Menschenbild (11. Klasse, Ethik/Philosophie): Der Mensch als lustgesteuertes Triebwesen oder moralisches Vernunftwesen? by Tille, Rebecca
Modelos e Lógica by Pastelli, Vittorio
Butler and Ethics by
Des Devoirs d'Un Roi Patriote et Portrait des Ministres de Tous les Temps by Bolingbroke, Henri Saint Jean De
L'Au delà et les forces inconnues by Bois, Jules
Les petites religions de Paris by Bois, Jules
Causacion formativa by Egea, Blas
What If All Religions Are Make Believe?: Exploring the Premise, and Working on a New World-Worthy Philosophy by Who?, Numi
La Morale évolutioniste by Broglie, Paul De
Essai de psychologie by Bonnet, Charles
Manual for the Solution of Military Cyphers by Hitt, Parker
Outlines of the Earth's History a Popular Study in Physiography by Southgate Shaler, Nathaniel
The Concept of Nature the Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College November 1919 by Whitehead, Alfred North
Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography by Kuukkanen, J.
Los afectos creadores.: Artículos, ensayos, conferencias. by Etcheverry, Luis María
Euthanasia in Buddhism: A Case of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's death by Kanjanaphitsarn Supre
Il punto di vista di Dio by Tirelli, Gianni
Six feet by four feet and just as deep; it is the door to eternal sleep by MacKay, Donald E.
Romanticism and Philosophy: Thinking with Literature by
The Philanthropic Revolution: An Alternative History of American Charity by Beer, Jeremy
The Philosophy of Inequality: Letters to my Contemners, Concerning Social Philosophy by Berdyaev, Nicholas
A Journey Through Philosophy in 101 Anecdotes by Rescher, Nicholas
Space, Politics and Aesthetics by Dikeç, Mustafa
We Philologists by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Die Äbtissin von Castro by Stendhal
Römerinnen - Zwei Novellen by Stendhal
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