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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Philosophy in 2020

Dealing with Bioethical Issues in a Globalized World: Normativity in Bioethics by
Mobile Media and Social Intimacies in Asia: Reconfiguring Local Ties and Enacting Global Relationships by
Kreativität Und Visionen Bei Politischen Projekten: Ein Transfer Aus Der Kreativitätsforschung in Die Politische Theorie by Scholemann, Paula
Building a Life with God: A Study for Individuals and Groups by Ashbaucher, Jay R.
The Ethics of Digital Literacy: Developing Knowledge and Skills Across Grade Levels by
Philosophies of Christianity: At the Crossroads of Contemporary Problems by
Why Odysseus Came Home as a Stranger and Other Puzzling Moments in the Life of Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Abraham, and other Great Individuals by Abramovitch, Henry
A Promethean Vision: The Formation of Karl Marx's Worldview by Rahim, Eric
Krishnamurti in America: New Perspectives on the Man and his Message by Moody, David Edmund
The Chasm: The Seemingly Growing Divide Between Black Men and Women by Irvine, Patrick, Jr.
Vivekananda: Spirituality for Leadership & Success by Pranay
Riches Are Your Right by Murphy, Joseph
Philosophical Inquiry: Combining the Tools of Philosophy with Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning by Cam, Philip
A New Philosophy for Inmates by Who-, Numi
The Template - A Holonomic Model of Transcendence: The Workbook by Carter, Juliet and Jiva
Carpe diem by Frankenhäuser, Gerald
Aging and Human Nature: Perspectives from Philosophical, Theological, and Historical Anthropology by
Nanjing Lectures: 2016-2019 by Stiegler, Bernard
The Nature of Inquiry IIA: Apprehension by Duncan, Steven M.
The Art of Politics: The Linguistics of Philosophy by Lee, Ronnie Ka Ching
Intelligence and Love by Brigita XIII by Colic, Brigita
Unsere Zukunft im Spiegel der Vergangenheit: Eine astrologische Zeitreise by Siegenthaler, Ruth
The Mind Is Like a Nuclear Weapon of Knowledge by Cook, David L.
The Mind Is Like a Nuclear Weapon of Knowledge by Cook, David L.
O estudo do homem by Polanyi, Michael
Geschichte des Rationalismus: Geschichte des Pietismus und des ersten Stadiums der Aufklärung by Tholuck, August
Language and Strategic Inference by Parikh, Prashant
Interrogation and Torture: Integrating Efficacy with Law and Morality by
Against Borders: Why the World Needs Free Movement of People by Sager, Alex
The Ethics of Joy: Spinoza on the Empowered Life by Youpa, Andrew
Philosophy of Technology by Mirdamadi, Seyed Mehdi, Mansouri Vajari, Mahdokht, Farajollah Hosseini, Seyed Jamal
Whole and One: Seeing and being the World by Peltola, Heikki
Dialogues on Consciousness by Parks, Tim, Manzotti, Ricardo
Der Kruzifix-Streit aus dem Blickwinkel des Grundrechts auf Religionsfreiheit by Pfeiffer, Sandro
Recht auf Sterben? Eine ethische Betrachtung der Suizidverhinderung durch die Polizei nach Jean Améry by Haupthoff, Lara
Reason, Authority, and the Healing of Desire in the Writings of Augustine by Boone, Mark J.
Freiheit und Übermensch in Nietzsches Philosophie und Dostojewskis "Der Großinquisitor". Wie steht der Mensch zur Freiheit? by Spleiß, Veronika
A Secular Absolute: How Modern Philosophy Discovered Authenticity by Steinvorth, Ulrich
Inferences by Parallel Reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence: Al-Shīrāzī's Insights Into the Dialectical Constitution of Meaning and Knowl by Rahman, Shahid, Iqbal, Muhammad, Soufi, Youcef
Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond by Annas, Julia
Descartes and the Ontology of Everyday Life by Normore, Calvin G., Brown, Deborah J.
Kantian Subjects: Critical Philosophy and Late Modernity by Ameriks, Karl
Jenaer Systementwürfe III: Naturphilosophie und Philosophie des Geistes by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Sibling Action: The Genealogical Structure of Modernity by Engelstein, Stefani
Violence and Non-Violence across Time: History, Religion and Culture by
La Monadologie by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia by Azmanova, Albena
Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia by Azmanova, Albena
The Biological Foundations of Action by Jones, Derek M.
Spinoza's Ethics by Spinoza, Benedictus De
de Philosophorum Graecorum Silentio Mystico by Casel, Odo
The Moral Psychology of Compassion by
A Hermeneutics of Poetic Education: The Play of the In-Between by Homan, Catherine
The Moral Psychology of Disgust by
Spinoza's Ethics by Spinoza, Benedictus De
Aristotle's Way: How Ancient Wisdom Can Change Your Life by Hall, Edith
Adams Chronicles: Volume IV: Trip to Thailand by Adams, Louis E.
Reason at Work: philosophical papers by Thornton, Jim
One of Them by One of Them by Half a. Buck from Shenandoah, Pa
The Patriotic National: Loving Your Country as Yourself by Maluth, John Monyjok
Endurance Sport and the American Philosophical Tradition by
Crooked Thinking or Straight Talk?: Modernizing Epicurean Scientific Philosophy by Binmore, Ken
Atheism Revisited: Rethinking Modernity and Inventing New Modes of Life by
Oxford Handbook of Hume by
Sartre on Sin: Between Being and Nothingness by Kirkpatrick, Kate
Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human by Abbey, Ruth
Worldlessness After Heidegger: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction by Végsö, Roland
As German as Kafka: Identity and Singularity in German Literature Around 1900 and 2000 by Rock, Lene
Machiavelli's Three Romes: Religion, Human Liberty, and Politics Reformed by Sullivan, Vickie B.
Thucydides, Hobbes, and the Interpretation of Realism by Johnson, Laurie M.
Self-Reliance by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Rights: Rediscovering Our Means To Liberty by Verhoeven, Terry
Modern Religion, Modern Race by Vial, Theodore
Conspiracy Theories: A Primer by Uscinski, Joseph E.
An Outline of the History of Chinese Thought by Hu Shih by Shih, Hu
Worldlessness After Heidegger: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Deconstruction by Végsö, Roland
Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human by Abbey, Ruth
Les grandes questions existentielles (la vérité, Dieu, le sens de la vie): pour une civilisation post-matérialiste by Le Gouguec, Jean-Pierre
Reflection by Peinlang, Lyngdoh
How Does Man Come to Know by Schiappa, Pauline
How Does Man Come to Know by Schiappa, Pauline
The Doctrine of COMMUNION OF SAINTS: Sacramental Paradigm of Christian Humanism by Nathan, Nithyananda Augustus
Here see: A Corollary to Newton's 1st Law of Motion & Other Useful Considerations by Taylor, Kevin J.
Organized Chaos: A book of Essays & Poetry. by Wazir, Gurinder Singh
The wisdom & The Power of Afrikan Unity: How & Why Afrika Must unite for Total freedom, Progress & Endless Possibilities by Nwauzo, Eze Chimere
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Division of Labour, the Politics of the Imagination and the Concept of Federal Government by Sonenscher, Michael
Higher-Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology by
A Great Transformation: A Kin the Wisdom Tree by Bisbee, Barbara Allison
Ion by Plato
Animals and Human Society in Asia: Historical, Cultural and Ethical Perspectives by
The Spirit in Nature: A Scientific History of the Universe from a Spiritual Perspective by Wallace M. Ed, Kim Richard
Interpreting Bergson: Critical Essays by
Cosmology and Politics in Plato's Later Works by O'Meara, Dominic J.
Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity by Grethlein, Jonas
Siddhartha by Hesse, Herman
The Eternal Essence of the Divine Mind by Notar, Mark a.
Poetry and the Question of Modernity: From Heidegger to the Present by Cooper, Ian
The Essential Maggie McNeill, Volume I: Collected Essays from "The Honest Courtesan" by McNeill, Maggie
Book - Quotes from philosophers that will change your life: high quality - 106 pages by Mobarak, Aziz
A dimensão tácita by Polanyi, Michael
Medieval Considerations of Incest, Marriage, and Penance by Rouillard, Linda Marie
Paradoxical Virtue: Reinhold Niebuhr and the Virtue Tradition by
Conspiracy Theories: A Primer by Uscinski, Joseph E.
A Philosophical Theology of the Old Testament: A Historical, Experimental, Comparative and Analytic Perspective by Gericke, Jaco
Die deutsche Romantiker-Seele: auf der Suche nach dem Wesen der deutschen Seele by Matzker, Wolf E.
Moral Short Stories by Goh, Emeritus Gary
Innumerable como la hierba: Reflexiones con mi otro yo/ Reflexiones de un loco extraño by Pulido Medina, Emilio
Adi Shankaracharya, Spirituality and Management: Uncovering Wisdom for Managerial Effectiveness and Workplace Spirituality by Dr (Cs) Bhavesh a. Kinkhabwala
The Symphony of the Mind: A Letter to My Sons by Kury, Channing
Le monde des images by Daudet, Léon
Le stupide XIXe siècle by Daudet, Léon
The Factory: Visions from a Night at the Factory by Hutson, Charles R.
Left Hook by Collier, Eric
Dialektische Kritik am Mechanizismus by Ahlreip, Heinz
Unveiling the Godhead: The Personality of God and Where His Presence Is Revisited by Holland, Carl
Nikomachische Ethik by
Ingeniería filosófica: Metodología para el análisis de fenómenos sociales by Cisneros, José Luis
Ordo Inversus: Formen Und Funktionen Einer Denkfigur Um 1800 by
Arbeiten Zur Praktischen Philosophie Kants by
Think Like a Greek Philosopher: Improve Critical Thinking, Sharpen Persuasion Skills, and Perfect the Art of Inquiry Through Socratic Questioning by Schuster, Steven
Technik by Wandschneider, Dieter
Thinking Critically to Develop a Philosophy of Life: The Gadfly Exercises by Dirnberger, Jerry
Alien Experience by Tumulty, Maura
Formen der wissenschaftlichen Erklärung in den Geisteswissenschaften by Marinsek, Ivo
Die Stellung des Kritischen Rationalismus im gegenwärtigen Wissenschaftsbetrieb und die Anwendung der deduktiv-theoriekritischen Methode by Nagel, Jessica
Disziplin in Thomas Morus' "Utopia": Untersuchung der Disziplinierungstechniken und Mechanismen nach Michel Foucault by Korona, Dorothea
Fremde Gedanken Fassen: Zu Einem Grundzug Hermeneutischen Verstehens by Kuhlmann, Wolfgang
The Realm of Facts: Aspects of Philosophical Realism by Rescher, Nicholas
World Soul - Anima Mundi: On the Origins and Fortunes of a Fundamental Idea by
Philosophical Inquiry: Combining the Tools of Philosophy with Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning by Cam, Philip
Das Handgemachte Universum: und zentrale Ereignisse welche die Geschichte der Menschheit prägten, vom Anfang bis Heute by Hobl, Johann
Erkenntnistheorie, Kanonisierung und Wissensmanagement. Über Stephen Ramsays "Hermeneutics of Screwing Around" by Hindinger, Vanessa
Game of Life: The Transcendence of Opposites by Lau, Kin
First Person in Cognition and Morality by Longuenesse, Beatrice
Der Geist Issue 3 by Stirner, Max, Marsden, Dora, Slaughter, Kevin I.
Why We Are in Need of Tails by Tillmanns, Maria Davenza
Why We Are in Need of Tails by Tillmanns, Maria Davenza
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
Psychopolitics of Speech: Uncivil Discourse and the Excess of Desire by Martin, James
Arts of Address: Being Alive to Language and the World by Roelofs, Monique
Bau- Und Infrastrukturprojekte: Dialogorientierte Kommunikation ALS Erfolgsfaktor by
Posthuman Biopolitics: The Science Fiction of Joan Slonczewski by
Arts of Address: Being Alive to Language and the World by Roelofs, Monique
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships by Earp, Brian D., Savulescu, Julian
Acquaintance: New Essays by
The Last Straw: A Critical Autopsy of a galaxy far, far away by Wright, John C.
The Epistemic Benefits of Disagreement by Lougheed, Kirk
Why America Needs Socialism: The Argument from Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein, and Other Great Thinkers by Griffin, G. S.
Husserl's Legacy: Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy by Zahavi, Dan
Flower Pollen: Selected Thoughts by Novalis
Character is Destiny: The Value of Personal Ethics in Everyday Life by Gough, Russell W.
Every Great Dream Begins With a Dreamer: Dream Recorder For Insight & Foresight by Journals, Vision Tunnel
It Could Be True: Transitional Phase by Simonds, Bobby
Das harmonische Wechselspiel im Geschmack ohne bestimmten Begriff. Interpretation der "Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft" von Immanuel Kant by Dilla, Philip
Die Psyche des Universums: Der Weg von Quarks zum Bewusstsein by Urbisch, Johannes J.
Die Psyche des Universums: Der Weg von Quarks zum Bewusstsein by Urbisch, Johannes J.
Heroes, Legends, Champions: Why Heroism Matters by Bernstein, Andrew
Lessons in Critical Theory: Marx, Benjamin, Braudel, Bakhtin, Thompson, Ginzburg and Wallerstein by Aguirre Rojas, Carlos Antonio
The Integration of Knowledge by Blanco, Carlos
Science and Human Freedom by Esfeld, Michael
Theological Ethics Through a Multispecies Lens: The Evolution of Wisdom, Volume I by Deane-Drummond, Celia E.
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (Großdruck): Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (Großdruck): Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Social Media Use in University Studies by Valunaite Oleskeviciene, Giedre, Sliogeriene, Jolita
Eigentum und Ungleichheit bei Jean-Jaques Rousseau by Schell, Isabell
Idealismus und Realismus. Eine Symbiose zweier konträrer Theorien by Engels, Julia
The Mystical Foundations of Francis Bacon's Science by Branco, Daniel
Über das Ethos von Intellektuellen: Philosophische Aufsätze by Quack, Josef
Über das Ethos von Intellektuellen: Philosophische Aufsätze by Quack, Josef
Contradiction Set Free by Goldschmidt, Hermann Levin
The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives: Second, Revised Edition by
A Question of Inequality: The Politics of Equal Worth by Steed, Christopher
Genealogies of Political Modernity by Cerella, Antonio
The Emergence of Literature: An Archaeology of Modern Literary Theory by Bittner, Jacob
Analysing the Cultural Unconscious: Science of the Signifier by
The Philosophy of Isaiah Berlin by Lyons, Johnny
Orientalism and Imperialism: From Nineteenth-Century Missionary Imaginings to the Contemporary Middle East by Wilcox, Andrew
Contemporary Democracy and the Sacred: Rights, Religion and Ideology by Wittrock, Jon
The Thought of Stanley Cavell and Cinema: Turning Anew to the Ontology of Film a Half-Century After the World Viewed by
Plato's Caves: The Liberating Sting of Cultural Diversity by Lemoine, Rebecca
J.M. Coetzee's Revisions of the Human: Posthumanism and Narrative Form by Wiegandt, Kai
Future Sounds: The Temporality of Noise by Kennedy, Stephen
Enactment, Politics, and Truth: Pauline Themes in Agamben, Badiou, and Heidegger by Cimino, Antonio
The Pornographic Age by Badiou, Alain
How to Be a Failure and Still Live Well: A Philosophy by Clack, Beverley
Maine de Biran's 'of Immediate Apperception' by Biran, Maine De
At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva by Jardine, Alice
Machine Ethics: From Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality by Lopes, António Barata, Pereira, Luís Moniz
A Radical Pluralist Philosophy of Religion: Cross-Cultural, Multireligious, Interdisciplinary by Burley, Mikel
Violence in the Name of God: The Militant Jihadist Response to Modernity by Hodge, Joel
On Faith, Works, Eternity and the Creatures We Are by Barbera, André
Badiou, Poem and Subject by Betteridge, Tom
The Encheiridion, or Manual by Epictetus
Anarchy by Malatesta, Errico
Anarchism: Translated By Steven T. Byington by Eltzbacher, Paul
Pecado Es Mi Nombre by Cano, Joel H.
The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene by MacCormack, Patricia
Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice by Reed-Sandoval, Amy
A Contribution To The Critique Of The Political Economy: Translated From The Second German Edition By N. I. Stone With An Appendix by Marx, Karl
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