• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2012

Nanine... by
La Casa De Campo: (segunda Parte)... by Albarran, Jose Sanchez
La Verdad Y La Mentira: Correría Magico-fantastica En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Escamilla, Pedro
Los Señoritos: Comedia En Dos Actos, Y En Prosa... by Carrion, Miguel Ramos
Poetical Works Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning... by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Th Tre. 1828... by
The Voices Project 2011 & 2012 by Atyp
The Girls in Grey by Bock, Carolyn, Hopkins, Helen
Alrededor del Mundo: Comedia... by Bernard, Tristan
Tell-Bibliographie, Umfassend I. Die Tellsage VOR Und Ausser Schiller (15.-20. Jahrhundert) Sowie II. Schillers Tell-Dichtung (1804-1906).... by Heinemann, Franz
Schiller-Wagner... by Berendt, Martin
The West Indian: A Comedy: As It Is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. by Cumberland, Richard
Fragments, in Prose and Verse. by Smith, Elizabeth
Two Years and a Half in the American Navy: Comprising a Journal of a Cruise to England, in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant, on Board of the U.S. by Wines, Enoch Cobb
The Poetry and History of Wyoming: Containing Campbell's Gertrude, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by Washington Irving, and the History of by Campbell, Thomas
The Foundling of the Forest: A Play in Three Acts: As Now Performing at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, with the Most Distinguished Success. by Dimond, William
Libussa... by Grillparzer, Franz
P. Terentii Afri Comoediae Sex ...: Andria, Volume 1... by
Gli Esiliati in Siberia Ossia Otto Mesi in Due Ore: Melodramma Storico Spettacoloso... by Donizetti, Gaetano, Gilardoni, Domenico
M.T. Ciceronis de Officiis, Libri Tres: With Marginal Analysis and an English Commentary. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press... by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Two Years and a Half in the American Navy: Comprising a Journal of a Cruise to England, in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant, on Board of the U.S. by Wines, Enoch Cobb
The House by the Sea: A Poem. by Read, Thomas Buchanan
The Dramatic Authors of America. by Rees, James
Two Years and a Half in the American Navy, Or, a Journal of a Cruise in the Mediterranean and Levant on Board of the U.S. Frigate Constellation in the by Wines, Enoch Cobb
Joan of Arc, an Epic Poem. by Southey, Robert
Alzira: A Tragedy: As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn Fields. by
Aristofanes: In Drei Banden. Inhalt: I. Der Friede, II. Die Vogel, III. Lysistrata, Volume 2... by
The Literary Remains of Martha Day: With REV. Dr. Fitch's Address at Her Funeral, and Sketches of Her Character. by Day, Martha
The Bride of Fort Edward: Founded on an Incident of the Revolution. by Bacon, Delia Salter
Greenland, and Other Poems. by Montgomery, James
Two Years and a Half in the American Navy, Or, a Journal of a Cruise in the Mediterranean and Levant on Board of the U.S. Frigate Constellation in the by Wines, Enoch Cobb
!justicia!: Drama En Tres Actos I En Prosa... by Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto
La Comedie En France... by Lenient, Charles
Mona Lisa: Oper in Zwei Akten... by Dovsky, Beatrice, Schillings, Max Von
Kabale Und Liebe: Ein Burgerliches Trauerspiel in 5 Aufzugen... by Schiller, Friedrich
Apparitions of the Mind's Inner Eye: The Hawaiian Knights Saga by Hedges, Michael E.
The Christian: A Poem, in Four Books: To Which Is Prefixed a Preface in Prose in Defence of Christianity: With an Address to the People of America. by Crawford, Charles
The People of the Mist by Haggard, H. Rider
'Tis Pity She's a Whore by Ford, John
L. Annaei Senecae Opera: Epistulum Moralium... by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire: Correspondance G N Rale... by
Hamlet and the Scottish Succession: Being an Examination of the Relations of the Play of Hamlet to the Scottish Succession and the Essex Conspiracy by Winstanley, Lilian
Rave Girl by Jerome, David
The Wages of Sinn: Everyone Pays in the End by Gathright, S. K.
The Wages Of Sinn: Everyone Pays In The End by Gathright, S. K.
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire: Correspondance Générale. 1823-25. 14 V... by
Études Sur Les Tragiques Grecs: Eschyle... by Patin, M.
Beric the Briton: A Story of the Roman Invasion by Henty, George Alfred
Men Like Gods by Wells, H. G.
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Correspondance G N Rale. 1826-28... by
Oeuvres Completes De Voltaire: Tome Quarantième... by
Practice to Deceive by Robbins, Norman
A Selection of Armenian Poems by
Mentiras Dulces: Comedia Original En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Eguilaz, Luis De
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
Amusements Sérieux Et Comiques... by Dufresny, Charles Riviere
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
An Anthology of Legedns and Poems of Armenia by Boyajian, Zabelle C., Raffi, Aram
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire: Correspondance G N Rale... by
Tartuffe by Moliere, translated from the French by Harold Dixon by Moliere
Leonidas, a Poem,2: Adorned with Plates... by Glover, Richard
Los Hombres de Talco: Comedia En Cuatro Actos... by Granes, Salvador Maria
Les Horaces: Tragédie-lyrique, En Trois Actes, Mêlée D'intermedes: Représentée ... À Fontainebleau, Le 2 Novembre 1786... by Salieri, Antonio, Guillard, Nicolas-François
La Estrella De La Córte: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Cespedes, Dario
Love Music: Movie by Artis, Bridgett C.
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays by Wilde, Oscar
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire: Correspondance G N Rale... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire: Correspondance G N Rale... by
Évélina: Drame En 3 Actes, En Prose... by Rigaud, Antoine Francois
Kammerspiele... by Strindberg, August
Otelo: El Moro De Venecia... by Shakespeare, William
La Fiammina: Comédie En 4 Actes, En Prose... by Uchard, Mario
Pericles by William Shakespere and Others: The Second Quarto, 1609... by Shakespeare, William
Oeuvres Completes D'Alexis Piron... by Piron, Alexis, Rey
La Monaca Di Monza: Storia del Secolo XVII.... by Rosini, Giovanni
La Agenda De Correlargo: Comedia... by Catalina, Juan
Libertinaje Y Pasion: Drama En Tres Actos... by Camprodon, Francisco
Slapped By Injustice: Point Blank by Redmond, W. F.
Unexpected Turn of Events by Batts, Julia R.
Unexpected Turn of Events by Batts, Julia R.
A Crock of Schnitzel by Pease Weber, Barbara
Life Is a Dream by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro
Pacific Coast High by Amos, Tracy
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Correspondance G N Rale. 1826-28... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Physique. 1828... by
Oeuvres Completes D'Alexis Piron... by Piron, Alexis, Rey
Babyteeth by Kalnejais, Rita
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Correspondance G N Rale. 1826-28... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Th Tre. 1828... by
Vivian: A Tragedy in Two Acts by Ruebl, Joshua
Dramas De Guillermo Shakspeare... by Shakespeare, William
Silent Night by Crowther, Colin, Crowther, Mary
Namatjira and Ngapartji Ngapartji: Two plays by Rankin, Scott
The Fool (Khente) by (Hakob Melik Hakobian), Raffi
Der Aufbau der Handlung in den klassischen Dramen by Franz, Rudolf
Double Nugget by McKnight, Johnny
A Far Cry From Freedom: The Saga of A Great Irish-American Family by Heyman Sr, Richard a.
Charleston Revisited: A Two-Act Drama by Gallo, Anthony E.
Truthfully, Yours: The Beginning by R. G. Myers
Graveyard-girl.com by Phelps, Gail
Blue/Orange by Penhall, Joe
Facsímil de la Gramàtica d'En Mates: Estampada a Barcelona AB La Data de l'Any 1468: Y Notices Ilustratives de la Ceva Celebritat, Escrites Per Eudald by Mates, Bartolome, Canibell, Eudaldo
Echegaray... by Herran, Fermin
Amanecer: Las Golondrinas, El Ideal... by Sierra, Gregorio Martinez
El Argumento De Un Drama... by Hurtado, Antonio
Momma's Boy Stage Play by McCormack, Colm
Oeuvres Completes De Voltaire: Tome Quarantième... by
Les Scythes,: Tragédie Nouvelle, ... by
Moliere: A Play in Five Acts by Sand, George
Répertoire Du Théâtre François, Ou Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théatre Depuis Depuis Rotrou, ...... by Petitot, Claude Bernard
Le Romantisme Des Classiques: 1.-5. Série ...... by Deschanel, Emile
Oeuvres de J. B. Poquelin de Moliere: Vie de Molière ... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
Répertoire Du Théâtre François, Ou Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théatre Depuis Depuis Rotrou, ...... by Petitot, Claude Bernard
Répertoire De La Comédie-française ...... by Gueullette, Charles
Répertoire Du Théâtre François, Ou Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théatre Depuis Depuis Rotrou, ...... by Petitot, Claude Bernard
Répertoire Du Théâtre François, Ou Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théatre Depuis Depuis Rotrou, ...... by Petitot, Claude Bernard
Cosmology and the Polis by Seaford, Richard
Répertoire Du Théâtre François, Ou Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théatre Depuis Depuis Rotrou, ...... by Petitot, Claude Bernard
Quarante Ans De Théâtre (feuilletons Dramatiques) ...: La Tragédie (corneille, Racine, Shakespeare, Les Grecs) 1900... by Sarcey, Francisque
Les Femmes: Comédie En Trois Actes Et En Vers... by Demoustier, Charles Albert
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
Towards a Theatrical Attitude in Man by Chesney-Lawrence, Luis
Blame It on Beckett by Morogiello, John
Salome: The Duchess of Padua... by Wilde, Oscar
Forever by Houghton, Danyel
The Trojan Women: LA/Darfur Dreamscape by Duncombe, Charles A.
La Monaca Di Monza: Storia Del Secolo Xvii.... by Rosini, Giovanni
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oedipus: A Play in Five Acts by Voltaire
Project Queen by Patterson, Teresa D.
The Vegetable, or From President to Postman [A Whisky Priest Book] by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Los Mártires Del Trabajo: Melodrama Social De Espectáculo En 8 Actos Episódicos Dividido En 2 Partes... by Jover, Gonzalo
Michael Bonham, Or, the Fall of Bexar: A Tale of Texas: In Five Parts. by Simms, William Gilmore
P. Papini Stati Thebais: Et Achilleis Cum Scholiis... by Statius, Publius Papinius
The Contrast: A Comedy, in Five Acts. by Tyler, Royall
Two Plays about Israel/Palestine: Masada, Facts by Milner, Arthur
Isaac and Amanda: A Play in Ten Scenes by Ziffer, Arthur, Hauptman, Herbert
Las Circunstancias... by Gaspar, Enrique
The Heroes of the North, Or, the Battles of Lake Erie and Champlain: Two Poems. by Whitman, Benjamin
Greenwood Leaves: A Collection of Sketches and Letters. by Greenwood, Grace
The Unicorn from the Stars and Other Plays by Yeats, William Butler
Atonement by Bramble, Christopher
Arabic Love Poetry from the Desert: Majnun Leyla, Arabic Text, Commentary and Translations by Akesson, Joyce
Why Me? Love or Money by Anderson, Amelia
Two Matadors by McGee, Marcus
Running From Beige by Marie, Terri
La Monaca Di Monza: Storia del Secolo XVII.... by Rosini, Giovanni
Die Doppelbearbeitungen Der Räuber, Des Fiesco Und Des Don Carlos Von Schiller... by Tischler, Hermann
The Dramatic Works Of Gerhart Hauptmann, Part 1... by Hauptmann, Gerhart
The Complete Writings of Oscar Wilde: Together with Essays and Stories by Lady Wilde, Volume 7... by Wilde, Lady, Wilde, Oscar
Prometheus Und Sein Mythenkreis: Nach Dem Tode Des Verfassers Herausgegeben Von Dr Herm. Leyser... by Weiske, Benjamin Gotthold
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire: Correspondance G N Rale... by
The Complete Writings Of Oscar Wilde: What Never Dies... by Wilde, Lady, Wilde, Oscar
The Early Renaissance and Vernacular Culture by Dempsey, Charles
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories by Lawrence, D. H.
The White Peacock by Lawrence, D. H.
Shakespeare's [works], Volume 16... by Shakespeare, William
Répertoire de la Comédie-Française ...... by Gueullette, Charles
Der Unbedeutende: Posse Mit Gesang in Drei Akten... by Nestroy, Johann
Schiller's Maid of Orleans... by Schiller, Friedrich
Clotilde: Melodramma... by Rossi, Gaetano, Coccia, Carlo
Fea Y Pobre: Comedia Original En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Guerrero, Teodoro
Skip Jordan and the Angels of Light Book 2 by Shennan, Christopher
Skip Jordan and the Angels of Light Book 2 by Shennan, Christopher
The British Theatre: Or, a Collection of Plays, Which Are Acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Convent Gardin, Haymarket, and Lyceum, Volume 3... by Anonymous
Luise Miller by Schiller, Friedrich
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies And Poems, Volume 3... by Shakespeare, William, Knight, Charles
Comedies, Histories, Tragedies And Poems, Volume 2... by Shakespeare, William
Les Contemporains De Molière... by Fournel, Victor
Little Eagles by Munro, Rona
Rattigan's Nijinsky by Rattigan, Terence
The God of Soho by Hannan, Chris
A Woman Killed with Kindness by Heywood, Thomas
Futureproof by Radley, Lynda
The City Madam by Massinger, Phillip
Ambivalences: Portrait of Arnold Wesker from A to W by Montenero, Chiara, Wesker, Arnold
Sixty-Six Books: 21st-Century Writers Speak to the King James Bible: A Contemporary Response to the King James Bible by The Bush Theatre
Cardenio: Shakespeare's Lost Play Re-Imagined by Shakespeare, William, Fletcher, John
Winterlong by Sheridan, Andrew
Tactical Questioning: Scenes from the Baha Mousa Inquiry by
Iphigenia by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde, Oscar
The Free State: A South African Response to Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton, Suzman, Janet
Double Feature, Volume 2: Nightwatchman/There Is War by Basden, Tom, Puwanarajah, Prasanna
Seagull by Chekhov, Anton
Where the Flowers Grow by Norfolk, Mark
Bodies Unfinished by Hetherington, Lewis
The Hen Night Epiphany by Murphy, Jimmy
Step 9 (of 12) by Hayes, Rob
The Idea of the City in the Age of Shakespeare by Paster, Gail Kern
Seven Angels by Maxwell, Glyn, Bedford, Luke
Lullabies of Broadmoor: A Broadmoor Quartet by Hennessy, Steve
Beneath the Dusty Trees: The Gary Plays by Mednick, Murray
See More