• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2012

Ecstasy by Leigh, Mike
Moment by Kinahan, Deirdre
Mark O'Rowe Plays: One by O'Rowe, Mark
No Romance by Harris, Nancy
London Road by Blythe, Alecky
Perve by Gregg, Stacey
Flare Path by Rattigan, Terence
Frankenstein by Shelley, Mary
Home Death by Dunn, Nell
Pandas by Munro, Rona
Little Baby Jesus by Kene, Arinze
No Naughty Bits by Thompson, Steve
Hundreds and Thousands by Ramsden, Lou
The Faith Machine by Campbell, Alexi Kaye
Double Feature, Volume 1: Edgar & Annabel/The Swan by Moore, DC, Holcroft, Sam
Rose by John, Hywel
Cause Célèbre by Rattigan, Terence
Fixer by Adetunji, Lydia
The Acid Test by Reiss, Anya
Russian Plays by Pushkin, Aleksander, Gogol, Nikolai, Bulgakov, Mikhail
Blok/Eko by Barker, Howard
Oliver Lansley: Les Enfants Terribles; Collected Plays by Lansley, Oliver
Belongings by Malcolm, Morgan Lloyd
Emperor of The World: A DHS Agent Discovers His Faith, and a Murderous Plot to Overthrow the U.S. Government by Scott, Tom
The League of Youth by Ibsen, Henrik
Precious Little Talent/Hot Mess by Hickson, Ella
Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, Leo
Emperor and Galilean by Ibsen, Henrik
Sin Solución: Comedia En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Echegaray, Miguel
Songs of the East... by Carshore, Mary
Studj Sull' Arte Drammatica, Volume 3... by Righetti, Francesco
Umlaut, Prince of Dusseldorf by Green, Michael
I, Shakespeare: Four of Shakespeare's Better-Known Plays Re-Told for Young Audiences for Their Lesser-Known Characters: I, Malvolio/I, by Crouch, Tim
Kitchen by Wesker, Arnold
The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, And Poems Of William Shakspere: Poems. Ascribed Plays. Indexes... by Shakespeare, William
Il Decameron Di Messer Gio. Boccaccio... by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire, Volume 39... by
Heartbreak House by Shaw, George Bernard
Studies of Shakspere: Introductory Volume, Containing a History of Opinion on the Writings of Shakspere... by Anonymous
The Birds: Intended to Convey Some Notion of Its Effect as an Acted Play, and to Illustrate Certain Points of Dramatic Humour and by
Sophoclis Philoctetes... by
Sophocle: Électre... by
The Death-Wake, or Lunacy... by Stoddart, Thomas Tod
The Dramatic Works of James Sheridan Knowles: The Maid of Mariendorpt. Love. John of Procida. Old Maids. the Rose of Arragon... by Knowles, James Sheridan
Name Your Poison: A Potpourri Of Genres by Schriber, Gil
The Dramatic Works: In Six Volumes. an Essay of Dramatick Poesy [u.A.], Volume 1... by Dryden, John
The Family Shakspeare: Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus... by Bowdler, Thomas, Shakespeare, William
Blackberry Molasses by Smith, Jovial
Blackberry Molasses by Smith, Jovial
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Unannotated Ed. Ed., With A Critical Mem., By W.m. Rossetti... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sophocles... by
The Shakespearean Plays Of Edwin Booth: Othello. Richard Ii. Richard Iii. Henry Viii. Much Ado About Nothing. Katharine And Petruchio... by Booth, Edwin, Shakespeare, William
The Poetical Works Of James Montgomery, With Memoir And Notes... by Montgomery, James
Design for Living by Coward, Noël
Coward Plays: 7: Quadrille; 'Peace in Our Time'; Tonight at 8.30 (III) by Coward, Noël
Coward Plays: 8: I'll Leave It to You; The Young Idea; This Was a Man by Coward, Noël
The Knot of the Heart by Eldridge, David
After the Accident by Armitstead, Julian
King of Scotland and the Tobacco Merchant's Lawyer by Heggie, Iain
Trouble in Cherry Blossomland by Dekayo, Dennis
Coward Plays: 6: Semi-Monde; Point Valaine; South Sea Bubble; Nude with Violin by Coward, Noël
The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil by McGrath, John
Into Thy Hands by Holmes, Jonathan
Odyssey by Litras, Andreas, Bolton, John
The Usual Auntijies by Virk, Paven
Tender Napalm by Ridley, Philip
Brecht Plays 8: The Antigone of Sophocles; The Days of the Commune; Turandot or the Whitewasher's Congress by Brecht, Bertolt
Messingkauf Dialogues by Brecht, Bertolt
End of the Rainbow by Quilter, Peter
Arrah Na Pogue by Boucicault, Dion
Chicken Soup with Barley by Wesker, Arnold
Faust by Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith: Prefaced by a Brief Memoir of the Author... by Goldsmith, Oliver
Martin Eden by London, Jack
The Odyssey of Homer, Volumes 1-2... by
The Poetical Works of James Montgomery, Volume 2... by Montgomery, James
The Poems of William Dunbar, Volume 16... by Dunbar, William
Stunden Mit Goethe, Volume 2... by Bode, Wilhelm
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
The Plays... by Henley, William Ernest
Studien Zu Aeschylus... by Wecklein, Nicolaus
Sophocles: The Trachiniae. 1892... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
The Poetical Works of James Montgomery: Including Several Poems Now First Collected: With a Sketch of His Life, Volume 4... by Montgomery, James
The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning: Christmas-Eve and Easter Day. Men and Women. in a Balcony. Dramatis Personae. Balaüstion's Adventure by Browning, Robert
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 4... by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
The Iphigeneia Among the Tauri of Euripides... by
The Handy-Volume Shakspeare, Volume 8... by Shakespeare, William
Klinger Und Shakespeare: Ein Beitrag Zur Shakespearomanie Der Sturm- Und Drangperiode... by Jacobowski, Ludwig
The Odyssey of Homer: Books V-VIII... by Eng ).
The Poetical Works of James Montgomery: Including Several Poems Now First Collected: With a Sketch of His Life, Volume 3... by Montgomery, James
Stephens Plays: 3: Harper Regan, Punk Rock, Marine Parade and on the Shore of the Wide World by Stephens, Simon
The Good Person Of Szechwan by Brecht, Bertolt
The Boy on the Swing by Harbot, Joe
Bartlett Plays: 1: Not Talking, My Child, Artefacts, Contractions, Cock by Bartlett, Mike
Wastwater and T5 by Stephens, Simon
The Syndicate by Filippo, Eduardo De
Realism by Neilson, Anthony
102 Monologues for Middle School Actors by Young, Rebecca
Brecht Collected Plays: 3: Lindbergh's Flight; The Baden-Baden Lesson on Consent; He Said Yes/He Said No; The Decision; The Mother; The Exception by Brecht, Bertolt
Schauspiele Aus Dem Sechzehnten Jahrhundert: Herausgegeben Von Julius Tittmann, Volume 3... by Rebhun, Paul, Culmann, Leonhard, Manuel, Niklaus
Schiller, Sein Leben Und Seine Werke, Volume 1... by Berger, Karl
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Repr., With Mem., Notes &c... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke: Julius Cäsar. Was Ihr Wollt. Der Sturm. Hamlet. Der Kaufman Von Venedig. Wie Es Euch Gefällt... by Shakespeare, William, Bernays, Michael
Suite Du Répertoire Du Théâtre Français... by
The Dramatick Works Of Beaumont And Fletcher: Humorous Lieutenant. Faithfl Shepherdess. Mad Lover. Loyal Subject. Rule A Wife And Have A Wife... by Beaumont, Francis, Fletcher, John
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Given From His Own Editions And Other Authentic Sources... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Plays Of William Shakespeare In Ten Volumes: With Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators, Volume 5... by Shakespeare, William
Oh God: A Play by Begho, Philip
Oh No, Not Emily!: An Operetta of Academia, Fraud & Emily Dickinson by McLaughlin, Dan
Tartuffe, Ou l'Imposteur: Comédie, En Cinq Actes, En Vers de Moliere... by
The Tragedies: In Two Volumes, Volume 2... by
Teatro Y Novela... by Morote, Luis
Hecuba... by
Sophoclis Oedipus Coloneus: Cum Scholiis Graecis... by
The Family Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes... by Shakespeare, William, Bowdler, Thomas
The Plays of Oscar Wilde: The Duchess of Padua. Vera, or the Nihilists. Salome... by Wilde, Oscar
Shakespeare's Tragedy of Timon of Athens, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. Hunter... by Shakespeare, William
Les Deux Gendres: Comédie En 5 Actes Et En Vers... by Etienne, Charles Guillaume
The Tragedy of Hoffman, Or, a Reuenge for a Father... by Chettle, Henry
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ed. By Mrs. Shelley. With A Memoir... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Works Of Francis Beaumont And John Fletcher / [edited By P.a. Daniel ... Et Al. ... by Fletcher, John, Beaumont, Francis
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 49... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Tragedies Of Vittorio Alfieri: Complete, Including His Posthumous Works, Volume 1... by Alfieri, Vittorio
The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning: The Ring and the Book... by Browning, Robert
Le Théâtre Contemporain: 1866-1868... by Descaves, Lucien, D'Aurevilly, Jules Barbey
Shakespere's Works, Volume 9... by Shakespeare, William
The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With a Memoir... by Goldsmith, Oliver, Spalding, William
The Tragedies of Sophocles,: Translated from the Greek... by
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell: Including Poland &c... by Campbell, Thomas
The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher: The Woman's Prize. the Island Princess. the Noble Gentleman. the Coronation. the Coxcomb... by Beaumont, Francis, Fletcher, John
Shakspeare's Dramatische Werke, Volume 4... by Shakespeare, William
Los Ojos De Una Reina: Drama Histórico En Tres Actos, Dividido El Segundo En Dos Cuadros Y Escrito En Verso... by Franquelo, Ramon
The Adventures Of Oliver Twist: Also, Pictures From Italy, And American Notes For General Circulation... by Dickens, Charles
The Wedding Day: A Comedy... by Inchbald, Mrs
The Stratford Shakspere, Volume 4... by Shakespeare, William
Socrate Immaginario: Dramma Per Musica... by Paisiello, Giovanni, Galiani, Ferdinando
A Walk on Mars 2: Overtime by People, Robert
The Works Of John Dryden: Prose Works... by Dryden, John
The Works Of Shakespeare, Volume 10... by Shakespeare, William
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
The Stratford Shakspere: Comedies... by Shakespeare, William
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
The Works Of John Dryden: Now First Collected In Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated With Notes, Historical, Critical, And Explanatory, And A Life Of by Dryden, John
Sophocles: The Oedipus Coloneus. 3D Ed. 1900... by
The Works of John Dryden: Dramatic Works... by Dryden, John
The Works of John Dryden: Poetical Works... by Dryden, John
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of by Dryden, John
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 6... by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of by Dryden, John
Alzira: Tragedia... by
Schiller Von Ludwig Bellermann. by Bellermann, Ludwig
The Drama: Italian Drama... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
The Sonnets of William Shakspere... by Shakespeare, William
Lord Jim: A Play in Two Acts by Morlock, Frank J.
Atrocities: Hallucinations of Chechnya by Duncombe, Charles A.
11th Commandment by Christensen, Mark A.
The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, William
Eyewitness Christmas by Isenhoff, Shell
Dreams by Sharkey, Tom
Saturday Night at Old Smokey by Osborne, Ron
Single Black Female by B. Thompson, Lisa
The Dramatic Works of Samuel Foote, Esq... by Foote, Samuel
The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Samuel Daniel, Volume 5... by Daniel, Samuel
Cyrano de Bergerac: A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts by Rostand, Edmond
The Works Of The Right Honourable Edmund Burke: Charge Against Warren Hastings Concluded. Political Letters... by Burke, Edmund
L. is for Sayers: A Play in Five Acts by Nelson, Victoria
The Poetical Works of James Montgomery, Volume 5... by Carruthers, Robert, Montgomery, James
Schwierigkeiten Der Shakspere-Ubersetzung: Erlauterung Zweifelhafter Stellen... by Conrad, Hermann
Teatro in Versi: Il Conte Rosso. 1880... by Giacosa, Giuseppe
Temper: A Comedy in Five Acts... by Bell, Robert
Les Enfants de Janus: Chroniques d'un enfant de guerre by La Planeta, Rene D.
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
The Works Of Francis Beaumont And John Fletcher: Variorum Ed, Volume 2... by Beaumont, Francis
The Works Of Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.: With Murphy's Essay, Volume 5... by Murphy, Arthur, Johnson, Samuel
A Dos Vientos: Críticas Y Semblanzas: Literatura Castellana [y] Literatura Catalana... by Peres, Ramon Domingo
Jennie Gerhardt by Dreiser, Theodore
The Odyssey of Homer: Translated Into Blank Verse, Volumes 1-2... by
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell: With Notes, and Biographical Sketch... by Campbell, Thomas
The Tragedies Of Vittorio Alfieri: Complete, Including His Posthumous Works, Volume 2... by Alfieri, Vittorio
Dramatic Works, Volume 2... by Shakespeare, William
The Works Of Shakespeare, Volume 5... by Shakespeare, William
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
No Foreigners Beyond This Point by Leight, Warren
Don't Hug Me, I'm Pregnant by Olson, Phil, Olson, Paul
Die Verführung: Eine Tragödie in 5 Aufzügen... by Kornfeld, Paul
Ralph Roister Doister: A Comedy, Volume 3... by Norton, Thomas, Udall, Nicholas
Rabagas: Comedia En Cinco Actos... by Sardou, Victorien
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of by Dryden, John
Il Decameron Di Messer Giovanni Boccacci, Tratto Dall' Ottimo Testo Scritto Da Francesco d'Ameretto Mannelli Sull'originale Dell'autore... by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Rosario's Getting Out: It's Payback Time by Schnitzer, Stephen
Rosario's Getting Out: It's Payback Time by Schnitzer, Stephen
The Truth Behind Truth: What Lies Beyond... by El-Mawardy, Sherif A.
The Truth Behind Truth: What Lies Beyond... by El-Mawardy, Sherif A.
Two Women, Same Place, Same Man by Chase, Julie, Whitock, Billy
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
Paper Gods: Comedy in one act by Chiarle, Duilio
Children's War Stories by Wright, Martha Anne
Greek Drama IV: Texts, Contexts, Performance by
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