• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Plays in 2012

!libertad!: Zarzuela En Tres Actos, Divididos En Seis Cuadros... by Perrin, Guillermo, Gimenez, Geronimo, Vives, Amadeo
The Drama: German Drama... by
The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: With a Life, Volume 3... by Shakespeare, William
O Pioneers! by Cather, Willa
The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus: Made Into a Farce by Mountford, with the Humours of Harlequin and Scaramouche, London, 1697... by Mountfort, William, Marlowe, Christopher
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the Corrected Copy Left by the Late George Steevens, Esq. with Glossarial Notes, by Steevens, George, Shakespeare, William
The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: With a Life, Volume 8... by Shakespeare, William
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Laws of Candy. False One. Little French Lawyer. Tragedy of Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas... by Beaumont, Francis, Fletcher, John
The Bee-Hive: A Musical Farce [by J.G. Millingen.].... by Millingen, John Gideon
The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: With a Life, Volume 2... by Shakespeare, William
Horace: Tragédie... by Corneille, Pierre
The Dramatic Works: In Six Volumes. Almanzor and Almahide: Or, the Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards [u.A.], Volume 3... by Dryden, John
The Horatii: Tragedy in Five Acts... by Corneille, Pierre
The Diverting History of John Gilpin, Illustr. by H. Fitz-Cook... by Cowper, William
Pecado Y Expiación: Comedia Original En Tres Actos Y En Verso... by Navarrete, Ramon De
Stairway to the Bottom by Haskins, Michael
The Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Comprising Queen Mab, The Revolt Of Islam, The Cenci...... by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
The Poetical Works Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning: With Two Prose Essays... by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Le Grand Mogol: Opéra-bouffe En Quatre Actes... by Audran, Edmond, Chivot, Henri, Duru, Alfred
The Dramatic Works: In Six Volumes. Containing: Secret Love or the Maiden Queen, Sir Martin Mar-All or the Feign'd Innocence, the Tempest by Dryden, John
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in Verse and Prose,: Alastor, and Other Poems. Mont Blanc. Laon and Cythna (or the Revolt of Islam) Rosalind and Hel by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Lessing's Minna Von Barnhelm: With Footnotes and Vocabulary... by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
The Works Of John Dryden: Now First Collected In Eighteen Volumes. Illustrated With Notes, Historical, Critical, And Explanatory, And A Life Of by Dryden, John
Guillermo Tell by Schiller, Federico
Experimental Irish Theatre: After W.B. Yeats by Walsh, I.
The Drama: British Drama... by
The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning: Red Cotton Night-Cap Country. Aristophanes' Apology. the Inn Album. Pacchiarotto and How He Worked i by Browning, Robert
Quo Vadis?: Opéra En 5 Actes Et 6 Tableaux... by Nougues, Jean
The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life, by Thomas Moore, Esq, Volume 16... by Moore, Thomas
Yo: Una historia relatada en forma muy simple, con un lenguaje completamente propio, de un personaje corriente que vivió u by Arriola Batres, Guillermo Ruben
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England by
Napoleon vs. the Turk, When the Master Warrior Met the Master Machine by Robertson, Tom
The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare: With a Life, and Glossary, Volume 6... by Shakespeare, William, Symmons, Charles
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
Death in High Heels by Harris, Richard
Widow's Weeds or for Years I Couldn't Wear My Black by Shaffer, Anthony, Shaffer, A.
The Lower Depths: Scenes from the Russian Life... by Gorky, Maksim
Sappho: Trauerspiel Von Franz Grillparzer, Edited by Walter Rippmann ...... by Grillparzer, Franz
Oeuvres Complètes de Molière, Volume 4... by
Lysistratè: Comédie D'aristophane... by
The Works of John Marston, Volume 1... by Marston, John
The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Samuel Daniel, Volume 4... by Daniel, Samuel
Love Sings like the Nightingale by Woollacott, Mark
Holy Gym by Hobbs, Louisa Rae
A Day at the Racists by Lustgarten, Anders
Nachlaßschriften Otto Ludwig's: Skizzen und Fragmente. by Ludwig, Otto, Heydrich, Moritz
The Works Of Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.: With Murphy's Essay, Volume 4... by Murphy, Arthur, Johnson, Samuel
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Littéraires ...: Correspondance Générale. 1826-28... by
Le Théâtre De Pierre Corneille... by Corneille, Pierre, Chatelain
The Lady with the Dagger... by Schnitzler, Arthur
Le Trame Deluse: Dramma Giocoso Per Musica... by Cimarosa, Domenico
The Dramatic Works: In Six Volumes. Containing Troilus and Cressida or Truth Found Too Late, the Spanish Fryar or the Double Discovery, th by Dryden, John
The Temple Shakespeare, Volume 12... by Shakespeare, William
Oeuvres De Molière... by
4000 Miles by Herzog, Amy
Répertoire de la Comédie-Française ...... by Gueullette, Charles
The Complete Writings of Oscar Wilde: Together with Essays and Stories by Lady Wilde, Volume 12... by Wilde, Lady, Wilde, Oscar
Salome: Tragoedie in Einem Akt... by Wilde, Oscar
Suite Du Répertoire Du Théâtre Français... by
The Complete Sonnets, Songs And Poems Of William Shakespeare by
Central And Flexible Staging: A New Theater In The Making by Boyle, Walden Philip
The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, And Poems Of William Shakspere: Histories... by Shakespeare, William
Poems [tr. by A. Lang, C. C. Hayden, Marie A. Clarke, George Santayana, Emily S. Forman... by Musset, Alfred De
An Outline Of Contemporary Drama by Dickinson, Thomas Herbert
The Plays of Euripides: Translator's Preface. Memoir of Euripides. Rhesus. Medea. Hippolytus. Alcestis. Heracleidae. the Suppliants. the Troja by
Underfoot In Show Business by Hanff, Helene
American Dramatic Literature: Ten Modern Plays In Historical Perspective by Miller, Jordan Yale
A Clearing in the Woods: A Play by Laurents, Arthur
Loving and Hating Charles Bukowski by King, Linda
Shakespeare's Library: A Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, Volume 2... by Collier, John Payne
The Drama: American Drama. Indexes. Books for Reference and Extra Reading (P. 327-334) V. 21-22. Addendum... by
The Commissary... by Foote, Samuel
The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With a Memoir... by Goldsmith, Oliver
Die Weber, Zweite Auflage by Hauptmann, Gerhart
L'avare: Comédie En Cinq Actes Et En Prose... by Masson, Gustave
Comedies of Plautus, Volume 2... by Thornton, Bonnell, Plautus, Titus Maccius
Touch Ten Souls in Ten Minutes: Ten-Minute Sketches Invoking Spiritural Growth in Youth Ministry by Baskin, April
The Mobile Media Reader by
Alabaster Box...Two Women One Struggle by Ayala, E. L.
Will You Be Made Whole: E.L. Ayala by Ayala, E. L.
Decade: Twenty New Plays about 9/11 and Its Legacy. by Various
Sophoclis Philoctetes... by
Sophocles: The Philoctetes. 4th Ed. 1894... by
La Somnambule: Drame Lyrique En Trois Actes... by Romani, Felice
The Spanish Fryar, Or, the Double Discovery: A Tragi-Comedy... by Dryden, John
ADA by Bailey, Zara Dawn
You Never Know by Jayne, Michael
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire: Theatre... by
Salomé: A Florentine Tragedy ... by Wilde, Oscar
Shakespeare's Play of the Winter's Tale, Arranged for Representation at the Princess's Theatre, with Historical and Explanatory Notes by C. Kean... by Shakespeare, William
Von Der Absicht Des Dramas by Savits, Jocza
Asphalt and Heroin by Amos, Tracy
The Persistence of Memory and Other Plays by
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
Greek Tragedy by Sheppard, J. T.
Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume 4... by Tilton, Theodore, Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Les Maitresses Parisiennes: Scènes De La Vie Modernes... by Frémy, Arnould
A House of Pomegranates: A Happy Prince and Other Tales... by Wilde, Oscar
Science and Fear (Slaves Do Not Repent) in Russian by Polyak, Ilya
Science and Fear (Slaves Do Not Repent) by Polyak, Ilya
In Africa's Honor: Dick Tiger Versus Gene Fullmer III-A Blast from Nigeria's Glorious Past by Ihetu, Justina
In Africa's Honor: Dick Tiger Versus Gene Fullmer III-A Blast from Nigeria's Glorious Past by Ihetu, Justina
Der vollendete Faust oder Romanien in Jauer by Baggesen, Jens
Hedda Gabler by Ibsen, Henrik
As Far as You Know by Plank, Carolann
Sir Jack, Ou Qui Est-Ce Qui Veut Se Faire Pendre?: Histoire Burlesque En Trois Épisodes... by Duvert, Felix-Auguste, Desvergers, Noel, Varin, Charles
Don Juan In Hell: From Man And Superman by Shaw, George Bernard
Las Travesuras De Juana: Comedia En Cuatro Actos... by Doncel, Carlos Garcia
Venceslas: Tragédie... by Rotrou, Jean De
Chemistry in Theatre: Insufficiency, Phallacy or Both by Djerassi, Carl
Marta Y Maria: Drama En Cinco Actos... by Diaz, Jose Maria
Chinese Theatre by Fu, Jin
David Mamet and American Macho by Holmberg, Arthur
Chemistry in Theatre: Insufficiency, Phallacy or Both by Djerassi, Carl
Répertoire Du Théâtre François: Recueil Des Tragédies Et Comédies Restées Au Théâtre Depuis Rotrou... by
Conflicto Entre Dos ingleses... by Garcia, Francisco Flores, Romea, Julian
Etudes Sur Les Tragiques Grecs: Eschyle... by Patin, M.
The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher: The Tragedy of Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas. the Chances. the Bloody Brother. the Wild-Goose Chase... by Beaumont, Francis, Fletcher, John
That Gentleman From China by Chu, Doris C. J.
Dramaturgie des Schauspiels. by Bulthaupt, Heinrich
The gods have spoken by Uduh, Vincent Okechukwu
When Red Is Blue by McLain, Sabrynne
Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: The Text of the First Edition, Volume 7... by Shakespeare, William, Heminge, John, Condell, Henry
Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: The Text of the First Edition, Volume 5... by Condell, Henry, Shakespeare, William, Heminge, John
Oedipe Rouge: La Traversée by Artigas, Roberto Gac
The Hippolytus of Euripides by
Gesammelte Schriften: Vermischte Gedichte: Mit Porträt... by Meinhold, Wilhelm
Dramatic Works and Minor Poems, Volume 2... by Smith, Henry John
Das Madl Aus Der Vorstadt by Nestroy, Johann
Grillparzer: A Critical Introduction by Yates, W. E.
Nestroy: Satire and Parody in Viennese Popular Comedy by Yates, W. E.
Le Joueur by Regnard, Jean Francois
Eleanor, Gone with the Storm, and Other Poems... by Griffiths, Charlotte M.
The Children's Hour: Four Short Stories by Crista, Sciantel
Le Médecin Malgré Lui: Comédie En Trois Actes, En Prose... by
Shakespere's Works, Volume 7... by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's Tragic Frontier: The World of His Final Tragedies by Farnham, Willard
The London Stage, V2, 1700-1729: A Calendar of Plays, Entertainments and Afterpieces, Together with Casts, Box Receipts and Contemporary Comment by
The Characterization Of Pilate In The Towneley Plays by Williams, Arnold
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Jurgen: A Play in Three Acts by Morlock, Frank J.
Goethe in Strassbourg: A Dramatic Nouvelette... by Humphreys, Henry Noel
Thamos, King of Egypt by Matson, Morry C.
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
The Plays Of William Shakespeare In Ten Volumes: With Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators, Volume 2... by Shakespeare, William
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
Thérèse Raquin: Drame En 4 Actes (Éd.1873) by Zola, Émile
Tite Et Bérénice: Comédie Héroïque (Éd.1671) by Corneille, Pierre
Théâtre de Voltaire: Édition Stéréotype, d'Après Le Procédé de Firmin Didot. Tome 11 (Éd.1801) by Voltaire
Saul Le Furieux, Tragédie Prise de la Bible (Éd.1572) by de la Taille, Jean
Tragédie de Sophocles Intitulée Electra (Éd.1537) by Sophocle
A Strange Way To Save You And Me: A Christmas Play For The Small Church by Juliuson, Eva
102 Monologues for Middle School Actors: Including Comedy and Dramatic Monologues by Young, Rebecca
Molière on Stage: What's So Funny? by Goldsby, Robert W.
Antigone, Tragédie de Mr. de Rotrou (Éd.1639) by Rotrou, Jean
Antigone, Ou La Piété (Éd.1580) by Garnier, Robert
Ajax Flagellifer Et Antigone, Ejusdem Electra, Georgio Rotallero Interprete (Éd.1550) by Sophocle
L'Avare, Comédie (Éd.1881) by Molière
Britannicus, Tragédie, (Éd.1836) by Racine, Jean
Bérénice, Tragédie (Éd.1671) by Racine, Jean
Die Technik Des Dramas, Von Gustav Freytag by Freytag, Gustav
Vorlesungen Uber Lessing's Nathan Gehalten an Der Universitat Zu Berlin... by Werder, Karl
More Short & Sweet Skits for Student Actors by Scriven, Maggie
Oeuvres Complètes D'alexis Piron... by Piron, Alexis
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Littéraires ...: Physique. 1828... by
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
Oeuvres Complètes De Voltaire... by Champagnac
The Plays and Poems, Volume 2... by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet: Drama En Tres Actes y En Vers... by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare's Tragic Perspective: The Development of His Dramatic Technique by Champion, Larry S.
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire Avec Des Remarques Et Des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques Et Litt Raires ...: Th Tre. 1828... by
The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell: In Two Volumes, Volume 1... by Campbell, Thomas
Oeuvres Completes de Voltaire... by
The Theatre and Films of Martin McDonagh by Lonergan, Patrick
100 Duet Scenes for Teens by Moore, Michael
Britannicus, Tragédie [De J. Racine] (Éd.1670) by Racine, Jean
Blue Heart Afternoon by Gearing, Nigel
Vera Vera Vera by Squires, Hayley
Disturbing Mind by Horn, Roy
Flashes of Lightning by Cronin, C. J.
Germaine: 2. Série Des Mariages de Paris... by About, Edmond
Libussa: Trauerspiel in Funf Aufzugen, Volume 10... by Grillparzer, Franz
"Vision In The Dark" by Jenkins, Linda
Humana Festival 2011: The Complete Plays by
Mojo and Other Plays by Butterworth, Jez
Next Swan Down the River Might Be Black by Burn, Sean
A Civil War Christmas: An American Musical Celebration by Vogel, Paula
The Post-Romantic Predicament by de Man, Paul
Tipping on a Tightrope: Divas in African American Literature by Lockridge, Aisha Damali
How to Set up and Run Your Own Amateur Production - Including Chapters on Learning to Move on Stage, Organization, Expression, Casting the Play and Mu by Campbell, Wayne
William Shakespeare's King Richard III - The Complete Script with Notes on Setting and Language by Shakespeare, William
The Film Camera - A Guide for the Amateur Film Maker in the Basic Control of a Camera by Pereira, Arthur
A Technical Study of Mime - Learning to Control your Body to Convey Emotion by Mawer, Irene
The Art of Film Criticism by Lindgren, Ernest
A Brief History of Pantomime by Alberti, Eva
See More