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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2016

What Social Classes Owe to Each Other by Sumner, William Graham
Community Development in Action: Putting Freire Into Practice by Ledwith, Margaret
Empowerment Series: Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Assessment Model for Social Workers by Zide, Marilyn, Gray, Susan
Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives by Kirst-Ashman, Karen
Community Development in Action: Putting Freire Into Practice by Ledwith, Margaret
Women Rough Sleepers in Europe: Homelessness and Victims of Domestic Abuse by Singh, Paramjit, Moss, Kate
Social Entrepreneurship & Technology as a SOLUTION to Poverty: Peer Lending, Micro finance and Mobile banking all were good till 2015 by Premani, Farid
Social Work Macro Practice by McMurtry, Steve, Netting, F. Ellen, Kettner, Peter
Poverty is a Person: Human Agency, Women and Caribbean Households by Rajack-Talley, Theresa Ann
The Jungle: The Exploitation of Immigrants in the United States by Sinclair, Upton
The Winning Hand Workbook: Positive Youth Development in 6 Easy Lessons by Fest, Jt (Jerry)
Creating Social Cohesion in an Interdependent World: Experiences of Australia and Japan by Mizukami, Tetsuo
Socioeconomic Inequality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis by
The Economics of Poverty: History, Measurement, and Policy by Ravallion, Martin
Le Travail organisé et le Travail libre by Simon, Jules
Nation Builders Treatise: Political: Separatist Egression Initiative by Olds Mno, Mark Carven
Holistic Engagement: Transformative Social Work Education in the 21st Century by
Sicherheit: Ein (Un)Stillbares Grundbedürfnis by Frevel, Bernhard
Poverty in America: Urban and Rural Inequality and Deprivation in the 21st Century by Skidmore, Max J.
The Anarchist Expropriators: Buenaventura Durruti and Argentina's Working-Class Robin Hoods by Bayer, Osvaldo
Nation Builders Treatise: Sociology: A Theocratic Interdependent Peaceful Society by Olds Mno, Mark Carven
Erwerbslosigkeit Und Gesundheit: Das Gesundheitsförderungsprogramm Des Zentrums Für Arbeit/Jobcenter Des Landkreises Leer by Tielking, Knut, Rühle, Elke
George Muller of Bristol: His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God by Pierson, Arthur T.
Brave: A Memoir by Thompson, Stephanie Bennett
Der Zugang Zum Fall: Beobachtungen, Deutungen, Interventionsansätze by
We Shall Not Be Moved: How Liverpool's Working Class Fought Redundancies, Closures and Cuts in the Age of Thatcher by Marren, Brian
Skills for Helping Professionals by Geroski, Anne M.
The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age by Cantacuzino, Marina
Respectability and the London Poor, 1780-1870: The Value of Virtue by MacKay, Lynn
The Personal and the Political (RLE Social Theory): Social Work and Political Action by Halmos, Paul
Doing Gender, Doing Geography: Emerging Research in India by
Rebuilding Local Communities in the Wake of Disaster: Social Recovery in Sri Lanka and India by Nadarajah, Yaso, Mulligan, Martin
Developing Human Service Leaders by Harley-McClaskey, Deborah
Feminist Perspectives on Social Work and Human Sexuality by
Social Work and Social Policy: An Introduction by Dickens, Jonathan
Inspirational Stories of the Homeless: Dignity, Nobility, Decency by Williams, Michael
Social Media: Master Social Media Marketing - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram by Kennedy, Grant
The People of the Abyss: Life in the East End of London by London, Jack
Great Groups: Creating and Leading Effective Groups by Hutchinson, David R.
International Perspectives on Group Work: Leadership, Practice, Research, and Teaching by
Social Class on British and American Screens: Essays on Cinema and Television by
The Great Inequality by Yates, Michael D.
The Great Inequality by Yates, Michael D.
The World is Out of Joint: World-Historical Interpretations of Continuing Polarizations by
Crafting Collectivity: American Rainbow Gatherings and Alternative Forms of Community by Schelly, Chelsea
Stadtgeschichten - Soziales Dortmund Im Spiegel Von Biografien by
Working-Class Life in Northern England, 1945-2010: The Pre-History and After-Life of the Inbetweener Generation by Blackshaw, Tony
The Communist Manifesto (Chiron Academic Press - The Original Authoritative Edition) by Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich
Social Welfare and Social Development by Patel, Leila
Direct Payments and Personal Budgets: Putting Personalisation Into Practice by Littlechild, Rosemary, Glasby, Jon
Politics, Power and Community Development by
Contemporary Feminisms in Social Work Practice by
A Policy Travelogue: Tracing Welfare Reform in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Canada by Kingfisher, Catherine
Practice Placement in Social Work: Innovative Approaches for Effective Teaching and Learning by
Direct Payments and Personal Budgets: Putting Personalisation Into Practice by Glasby, Jon, Littlechild, Rosemary
Politics, Power and Community Development by
Practice Placement in Social Work: Innovative Approaches for Effective Teaching and Learning by
What's Wrong with the Poor?: Psychiatry, Race, and the War on Poverty by Raz, Mical
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
Nation Builders Treatise: Theology: A Contemporary Revelation Of The Abraham - Sarah Covenants by Olds Mno, Mark Carven
Treating Complex Trauma in Children and Their Families: An Integrative Approach by Briere, John N., Lanktree, Cheryl B.
Dispatches from the War Zone by Rhodes, Mike
Stop Homelessness..Forever!: A Practical Guide With Tips and Secrets For Volunteers-Organizations-Government + You To Help And Show Homeless Men or by Anderson Jr. M. S., Herbert C.
Spectrum of Family Caregiving for Adults and Elders with Chronic Illness by
Moving Beyond Assessment: A Practical Guide for Beginning Helping Professionals by Grady, Melissa D., Dombo, Eileen A.
Inside Out and Outside in: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and Psychopathology in Contemporary Multicultural Contexts by
Case Management 101: Non-Clinical Tactics to Guide Your Client to Adequate Care: Developmental Disabilities Edition by Venzant, Laketria R.
Ethnographie - Pädagogik - Geschlecht: Projekte Und Perspektiven Aus Der Kindheits- Und Jugendforschung by
Essential Theory for Social Work Practice by Beckett, Chris, Horner, Nigel
Basic Groupwork by Douglas, Tom
Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research by
Statistics for Intl Social Work P by Lee, Serge, Lowe, Lois, Dinis, Maria Cesaltina Da Silveira Nunes
Creating Social Cohesion in an Interdependent World: Experiences of Australia and Japan by Mizukami, Tetsuo
Being Fair, Faring Better: Promoting Equality of Opportunity for Marginalized Roma by Karacsony, Sandor, Anan, Kosuke, Gatti, Roberta
New Directions in Social Work Practice by Hatton, Kieron
Essential Theory for Social Work Practice by Beckett, Chris, Horner, Nigel
Tightening Noose of Poverty: Abridged by Rezvi, Masood
Equalities Solutions Business Model Social Care Guide: How to Set Up a Social Justice Agency in Your Local Community by Lowe, Leon
Behavioral Health Promotion and Intervention in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities by
Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Critical Issues in Clinical, Forensic and School Settings by Willard, Marcy, Huckabee, Helena, Kroncke, Anna P.
Stadtteil in Der Schule: Planung Eines Modellprojekts Zur Kindsbezogenen Und Stadtteilorientierten Armutsprävention by
Annihilation of Caste: The Annotated Critical Edition by Ambedkar, B. R.
Elites, Race and Nationhood: The Branded Gentry by Smith, D.
Handbook of Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder by
Wohnen by
Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing by Staples, Lee
Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing by Staples, Lee
Contextuele Hulpverlening by Van Ieperen-Schelhaas, Karlan
Angestellte Revisited: Arbeit, Interessen Und Herausforderungen Für Interessenvertretungen by
Social Welfare for a Global Era: International Perspectives on Policy and Practice by Midgley, James
Youth-Community Partnerships for Adolescent Alcohol Prevention by
The Human Cost of Welfare: How the System Hurts the People It's Supposed to Help by Conyers, Lisa, Harvey, Phil
The Political Logic of Poverty Relief: Electoral Strategies and Social Policy in Mexico by Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto, Estévez, Federico, Magaloni, Beatriz
Labor and Class Identities in Hong Kong: Class Processes in a Neoliberal Global City by Lee, C.
Gender-Based Perspectives on Batterer Programs: Program Leaders on History, Approach, Research, and Development by Gondolf, Edward W.
Kreditkarten und ihre Gefahren by Jordan, Andreas
Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers by Cormier, Sherry, Nurius, Paula, Osborn, Cynthia
AIDS: Individual, Cultural And Policy Dimensions by
The Adopted Child: Family Life with Double Parenthood by Hoffmann-Riem, Christa
Play in Family Therapy by Gil, Eliana
The Well-Being of Children in the UK by
Supporting Adult Care-Leavers: International Good Practice by Murray, Suellen
The Well-Being of Children in the UK by
Connected and Disconnected in Viet Nam: Remaking Social Relations in a Post-socialist Nation by
Poverty & Despair Vs. Education & Opportunity: Breaking Down the Barriers & Building Bridges by Colella, Albert, Crowley, Joseph H.
Supporting Adult Care-Leavers: International Good Practice by Murray, Suellen
Solidarity Forever?: Race, Gender, and Unionism in the Ports of Southern California by Alimahomed-Wilson, Jake
Chasing the American Dream: Understanding What Shapes Our Fortunes by Hirschl, Thomas A., Foster, Kirk A., Rank, Mark Robert
A Dialectical Pedagogy of Revolt: Gramsci, Vygotsky, and the Egyptian Revolution by De Smet, Brecht
The Vernacularization of Labour Politics by
Young People, Welfare and Crime: Governing Non-Participation by Fergusson, Ross
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Desmond, Matthew
Memoirs of an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor by Peterson, Milton V.
Therapeutic Farms: Recovery from Mental Illness by Loue, Sana
Suppe, Beratung, Politik: Anforderungen an Eine Moderne Wohnungsnotfallhilfe by
Seven Social Sins: The Contemporary Relevance by
Klassenlage Und Transnationales Humankapital: Wie Eltern Der Mittleren Und Oberen Klassen Ihre Kinder Auf Die Globalisierung Vorbereiten by Hans, Silke, Carlson, Sören, Gerhards, Jürgen
The A-to-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals by
Encountering Poverty: Thinking and Acting in an Unequal World Volume 2 by Opoku-Agyemang, Kweku, Roy, Ananya, Negrón-Gonzales, Genevieve
Goals and Means: Anarchism, Syndicalism, and Internationalism in the Origins of the Federación Anarquista Ibérica by Garner, Jason
London Lives by Hitchcock, Tim, Shoemaker, Robert
London Lives by Hitchcock, Tim, Shoemaker, Robert
Encountering Poverty: Thinking and Acting in an Unequal World Volume 2 by Opoku-Agyemang, Kweku, Roy, Ananya, Negrón-Gonzales, Genevieve
Sociology a Step by Step Guide Book and Manual to Social Care and Criminology: Part 1 by Lowe, Leon
Bürgerinnen Und Bürger Im Wandel Der Zeit: 25 Jahre Wahl- Und Einstellungsforschung in Deutschland by
Supporting Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-Based and Emerging Practices by Wang, Mian, Singer, George H. S.
Social Work with Children and Families by O'Loughlin, Maureen, O'Loughlin, Steve
Social Work with Children and Families by O'Loughlin, Maureen, O'Loughlin, Steve
Professionalität Und Organisation by
Elites, Race and Nationhood: The Branded Gentry by Smith, D.
Social Security and Wage Poverty: Historical and Policy Aspects of Supplementing Wages in Britian and Beyond by Grover, Chris
Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism by Muhammad, Umair
Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending Rti and Pbis by McIntosh, Kent, Goodman, Steve
Catching a Case: Inequality and Fear in New York City's Child Welfare System by Lee, Tina
The Social Work Skills Workbook by Cournoyer, Barry
Catching a Case: Inequality and Fear in New York City's Child Welfare System by Lee, Tina
Practising Insight Mediation by Picard, Cheryl A.
The Rent Trap: How we Fell into It and How we Get Out of It by Walker, Rosie
Normative Orientierungen in Berufs- Und Lebensentwürfen Junger Frauen by Geipel, Karen, Micus-Loos, Christiane, Plößer, Melanie
Dynamic Welfare State by Stoesz, David
Linguistic Diversity Social Jus P by Piller, Ingrid
Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs by Rivera, Lauren A.
Wenn Heimerziehung Scheitert Oder Schwierige Jugendliche Nicht Mehr Können by Mueller, Karl
Klinische Soziale Arbeit Und Psychiatrie: Entwicklungslinien Einer Handlungstheoretischen Wissensbasis by Sommerfeld, Peter, Dällenbach, Regula, Rüegger, Cornelia
The UK Regional-National Economic Problem: Geography, globalisation and governance by McCann, Philip
Sparen Für Unsichere Zeiten: Die Schwierige Organisation Privater Altersvorsorge by Wilke, Felix
Zur Aktualität Von Jacques Rancière: Einleitung in Sein Werk by Claviez, Thomas, Wetzel, Dietmar J.
Human Rights Education Through Ciné Débat: Film as a Tool to Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation in Burkina Faso by Richter, Johanna
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Putnam, Robert D.
Handbook of Human Behavior and the Social Environment: A Practice-Based Approach by Schriver, Joe M., Greene, Roberta R.
Anerkennende Beziehung in Der Sozialen Arbeit: Ein Beitrag Zu Sozialer Gerechtigkeit Zwischen Anspruch Und Wirklichkeit by Riegler, Anna
Handbook of Human Behavior and the Social Environment: A Practice-Based Approach by Schriver, Joe, Greene, Roberta R.
Counselling in India: Reflections on the Process by
Techniques in Adlerian Psychology by Slavik, Steven, Carlson, Jon
Le Vrai et l'Unique Secret de la Réussite by Veillard, Lenine
Introduction to Social Work by Schenk, Rinie, Mbedzi, Paul, Qalinge, Lulama
Gotta Find a Home 2: More Conversations with Street People by Cardiff, Dennis
Supporting Struggling Students on Placement: A Practical Guide by Finch, Jo
The Practice of Social Work in North America: Culture, Context, and Competency Development by Coggins, Kip
Baby Boomers: Time and Ageing Bodies by Woodspring, Naomi
Social Work Field Directors: Foundations for Excellence by
Solving Poverty: Innovative Strategies from Winnipegâ (Tm)S Inner City by Silver, Jim
Baby Boomers: Time and Ageing Bodies by Woodspring, Naomi
Why We Can't Afford the Rich by Sayer, Andrew
The King of Skid Row: John Bacich and the Twilight Years of Old Minneapolis by Shiffer, James Eli
Broken Three Times: A Story of Child Abuse in America by Kaufman, Joan
Ensayo sobre mi generación by Ortín de Juana, Miriam
Poverty to Empowerment by Dutta, Indira
Socio-Economic Foundations of the Russian Post-Soviet Regime: The Resource-Based Economy and Estate-Based Social Structure of Contemporary Russia by Kordonsky, Simon
Aggression as a Challenge: Theory and research- Current Problems by
Brummie Girls Do Social Work: 1. A Collection of Stories by Brown, Nicola, King, Shari
Third Wave Capitalism: How Money, Power, and the Pursuit of Self-Interest Have Imperiled the American Dream by Ehrenreich, John
A Rights-Based Approach to Social Policy Analysis by Gatenio Gabel, Shirley
Social Action, Advocacy and Agents of Change:: Howard University School of Social Work in the 1970s by Brown, Annie W., Gourdine, Ruby M.
Social Workers: Finding Real Solutions for Real Problems by Brennan, Frances
Social Work and Social Justice: Concepts, Challenges, and Strategies by Reisch, Michael, Garvin, Charles D.
Blacks and Poverty by Chukwu, Raymond L.
Blacks and Poverty by Chukwu, Raymond L.
Facebook by Kennedy, Grant
The People of the Abyss by London, Jack
Narrative Design: The Designer as an Instigator of Changes by Cordin, Giulia
New Rules for Global Justice: Structural Redistribution in the Global Economy by
A Minha Loja Sou Eu by Medrado, Danton
Detaining the Immigrant Other: Global and Transnational Issues by
Gloom to Glory by Dutta, Indira, Lal, Meera
Teilhabe Im Alter Gestalten: Aktuelle Themen Der Sozialen Gerontologie by
An Introduction to the Social History of Nursing by Rafferty, Anne Marie, Webster, Charles, Dingwall, Robert
Yokohama Street Life: The Precarious Career of a Japanese Day Laborer by Gill, Tom
Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries: Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles by
Poverty and Inequality in Middle Income Countries: Policy Achievements, Political Obstacles by
The Stories Clothes Tell: Voices of Working-Class Japan by Horikiri, Tatsuichi
Proactive Child Protection and Social Work by Davies, Liz, Duckett, Nora
Proactive Child Protection and Social Work by Duckett, Nora, Davies, Liz
Celebrating Urban Community Life: Fairs, Festivals, Parades, and Community Practice by Delgado, Melvin
Social Work Practice and Psychopharmacology: A Person-in-Environment Approach by Jacinto, George A., Dziegielewski, Sophia F.
Securing the Right to Employment: Social Welfare Policy and the Unemployed in the United States by Harvey, Philip
Neighborhood Organization and Interest-Group Processes by O'Brien, David J.
The Poverty of Revolution: The State and the Urban Poor in Mexico by Eckstein, Susan Eva
Unequal Gains: American Growth and Inequality Since 1700 by Williamson, Jeffrey G., Lindert, Peter H.
See More