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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2012

Illustrator Foundations: The Art of Vector Graphics and Design in Illustrator by Elmansy, Rafiq
Xna 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide by Jaegers, Kurt
Webgl: Up and Running: Building 3D Graphics for the Web by Parisi, Tony
Hacker's Delight by Warren, Henry
Logic Program Synthesis from Incomplete Information by Flener, Pierre
Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB by MacDonald, Matthew
Service Virtualization: Reality Is Overrated by Michelsen, John, English, Jason
Computational Visual Media: First International Conference, Cvm 2012, Beijing, China, November 8-10, 2012, Proceedings by
Pro T-SQL 2012 Programmer's Guide by Shaw, Scott, Coles, Michael, Natarajan, Jay
Beginning CSS3 by Powers, David
Call-By-Push-Value: A Functional/Imperative Synthesis by Levy, P. B.
Computational Geometry: An Introduction by Preparata, Franco P., Shamos, Michael I.
Artificial Intelligence Through Search by Thornton, Chris, Du Boulay, Benedict
Requirements Engineering and Management for Software Development Projects by Chemuturi, Murali
The Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Language, Karl by Fensel, Dieter
Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing by
A Paradigm for Decentralized Process Modeling by Ben-Shaul, I., Kaiser, Gail E.
Statistical Methods in Software Engineering: Reliability and Risk by Wilson, Simon P., Singpurwalla, Nozer D.
CORBA Komponenten: Effektives Software-Design Und Programmierung by Neubauer, Bertram, Stoinski, Frank, Ritter, Tom
Progress in Cultural Heritage Preservation: 4th International Conference, EuroMed 2012, Lemessos, Cyprus, October 29 -- November 3, 2012, Proceedings by
Computational Physics: An Introduction by Vesely, Franz J.
Decision and Game Theory for Security: Third International Conference, Gamesec 2012, Budapest, Hungary, November 5-6, 2012, Proceedings by
A Practitioner's Handbook for Real-Time Analysis: Guide to Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Systems by Pollak, Bill, Klein, Mark, Ralya, Thomas
Multiprocessing: Trade-Offs in Computation and Communication by Naik, Vijay K.
C++ and Object-Oriented Numeric Computing for Scientists and Engineers by Yang, Daoqi
State-Space Search: Algorithms, Complexity, Extensions, and Applications by Zhang, Weixiong
Compiling Parallel Loops for High Performance Computers: Partitioning, Data Assignment and Remapping by Abraham, Santosh G., Hudak, David E.
Perspectives of Information Systems by Savolainen, Vesa
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Program Understanding by Abd-El-Hafiz, Salwa K., Basili, Victor R.
Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems: 6th International Symposium, Isica 2012, Wuhan, China, October 27-28, 2012. Proceedings by
Complexity Theory Retrospective II by
Dialogdarstellung für digitale Spiele: Eine Schnittstelle zwischen Game Writer und Entwicklerteam by Stolzenburg, Markus
Objektorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung Mit Der Postrelationalen Datenbank Caché by Kirsten, Wolfgang, Ihringer, Michael, Kühn, Mathias
Ansätze einer High-Level-Synthese in der Electronic Design Automation by Puga-Reichle, Siegfried
Calculus of Ideas, A: A Mathematical Study of Human Thought by Grenander, Ulf
The Functional Treatment of Parsing by Leermakers, René
Real-Time Unix(r) Systems: Design and Application Guide by Grostick, Dan, Gluch, David, Furht, Borko
Neural Information Processing: 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part II by
Chatbots in Der Kundenkommunikation by Braun, Alexander
Communicability, Computer Graphics, and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems: First International Symposium, Ccgidis 2011, Córdoba, Spain, June 2 by
Logic for Applications by Shore, Richard A., Nerode, Anil
Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2012 by Collins, Mark, Enterprises, Creative
Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance by Pomerleau, Dean A.
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: 4th International Symposium, Agtive 2011, Budapest, Hungary, October 4-7, 2011, Revis by
Systolic Computations by Frumkin, M. a.
Constraint and Integer Programming: Toward a Unified Methodology by
Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering: Second International Conference, Space 2012, Chennai, India, November 3-4, 2012, Proceedings by
Neural Information Processing: 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part I by
Neural Information Processing by
Programming the Ti-83 Plus/Ti-84 Plus by Mitchell, Christopher
Managing Third-Party Supplier Software Quality by Simms Citp, Tony
Personas - User Focused Design by Nielsen, Lene
Proper-Preserv Petri Net Proc Algebra .. by Huang, Hejiao, Jiao, Li, Cheung, To-Yat
Testing Object-Oriented Software: Life Cycle Solutions by Bashir, Imran, Goel, Amrit L.
On Concurrent Programming by Schneider, Fred B.
Applications and Developments in Grid, Cloud, and High Performance Computing by
Adaptive Web Services for Modular and Reusable Software Development: Tactics and Solutions by
Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments by
Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems: Methods and Techniques by
Beginning Jsp, Jsf and Tomcat: Java Web Development by Zambon, Giulio
Neural Information Processing: 19th International Conference, Iconip 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part III by
Fourier Analysis and Imaging by Bracewell, Ronald
Impact Mapping: Making a Big Impact with Software Products and Projects by Adzic, Gojko
Bitcoin: Geld ohne Banken. Ist das möglich? by Mölleken, Dirk
Program Verification: Fundamental Issues in Computer Science by
User-Developer Cooperation in Software Development: Building Common Ground and Usable Systems by O'Neill, Eamonn
Neural Information Processing: 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part V by
Advances on Digital Television and Wireless Multimedia Communications by
2D Game Collision Detection: An introduction to clashing geometry in games by Schwarzl, Thomas
The Web Designer's Roadmap: Your Creative Process for Web Design Success by Difeterici, Giovanni
Shipping Greatness: Practical Lessons on Building and Launching Outstanding Software, Learned on the Job at Google and Amazon by Mey, Chris Vander
Möglichkeiten zur Gestaltung verbindlicher Telekooperation by Strasser, Moritz
Regular Expressions Cookbook: Detailed Solutions in Eight Programming Languages by Levithan, Steven, Goyvaerts, Jan
Head First HTML and CSS: A Learner's Guide to Creating Standards-Based Web Pages by Freeman, Eric, Robson, Elisabeth
Lean Six Sigma als Instrument für die Messung von ITIL(R)-Prozessen by Theisen, Anja
Design of Speech-Based Devices: A Practical Guide by Edwards, Alistair, Pitt, Ian
Distributed and Parallel Database Object Management by
Image Segmentation and Compression Using Hidden Markov Models by Jia Li, Gray, Robert M.
Subrecursive Programming Systems: Complexity & Succinctness by Royer, James S., Case, John
Artificial Intelligence for Biology and Agriculture by
Crowd Simulation by Thalmann, Daniel, Musse, Soraia Raupp
Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision: Research Topics and Applications by
Computational Optimization: A Tribute to Olvi Mangasarian Volume I by
Parallel Language and Compiler Research in Japan by
Objects and Systems: Principled Design with Implementations in C++ and Java by Zeigler, Bernard P.
Data Structures and Algorithms: An Object-Oriented Approach Using ADA 95 by Beidler, John
The Interaction of Compilation Technology and Computer Architecture by
Handbook for Evaluating Knowledge-Based Systems: Conceptual Framework and Compendium of Methods by Adelman, Leonard, Riedel, Sharon L.
The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System by Rosenblum, Mendel
An Extreme Tagging System as a Game With a Purpose by Hartrampf, Dennis
Knowledge Visualization Currents: From Text to Art to Culture by
Fundamentals and Standards in Hardware Description Languages by
Producing iOS 6 Apps: The Ultimate Roadmap for Both Non-Programmers and Existing Developers by
Anwendungsintegration durch Webservices by Krischer, Benjamin
Intelligent Image Processing in PROLOG by Batchelor, Bruce G.
Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs by Gupta, Gopal
Soft Computing Approach to Pattern Classification and Object Recognition: A Unified Concept by Ray, Kumar S.
Designing Maintainable Software by Smith, Dennis D.
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Technology: Architectures, Tools, and Applications by
Telepresence by
Domain Modelling for Interactive Systems Design by
Parallel Computing on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors by
Intelligent Systems: Safety, Reliability and Maintainability Issues by
Designing a More Inclusive World by
Parameterized Complexity by Downey, Rodney G., Fellows, M. R.
Frontiers of Human-Centered Computing, Online Communities and Virtual Environments by
Directed Sonar Sensing for Mobile Robot Navigation by Durrant-Whyte, Hugh F., Leonard, John J.
Betriebliche Informationssysteme: Grundlagen Und Werkzeuge Der Methodischen Softwareentwicklung by Fähnrich, Klaus-Peter, Bullinger, Hans-Jörg
Total Vernetzt: Szenarien Einer Informatisierten Welt by
Business Process Oriented Implementation of Standard Software: How to Achieve Competitive Advantage Efficiently and Effectively by Kirchmer, Mathias
Software for Parallel Computation by
Intelligent Machine Vision: Techniques, Implementations and Applications by Waltz, Frederick, Batchelor, Bruce
SharePoint 2013 - Planet of the Apps by Malik, Sahil
Protocol Engineering by König, Hartmut
Software Product Lines: Experience and Research Directions by
Speech-To-Speech Translation: A Massively Parallel Memory-Based Approach by Kitano, Hiroaki
Pro Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 by Olausson, Mathias, Rossberg, Joachim
Discrete Tomography: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications by
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 7th International Haifa Verification Conference, Hvc 2011, Haifa, Israel, December 6-8, 2011, Revised by
Testing Software and Systems: 24th Ifip Wg 6.1 International Conference, Ictss 2012, Aalborg, Denmark, November 19-21, 2012, Proceedings by
Biomedical Imaging and Computational Modeling in Biomechanics by
Near-Rings and Near-Fields: Proceedings of the Conference on Near-Rings and Near-Fields, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 9-16, 1997 by
Constructing Predictable Real Time Systems by Stoyenko, Alexander D.
Real-Time Database Systems: Issues and Applications by
Multimedia Software Engineering by Shi-Kuo Chang
Image Technology: Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia and Machine Vision by
Produktvertrieb in Der It-Branche: Die Spin-Methode by
Contracts, Scenarios and Prototypes: An Integrated Approach to High Quality Software by Ploesch, Reinhold
Interior Point Approach to Linear, Quadratic and Convex Programming: Algorithms and Complexity by Den Hertog, D.
Data Correcting Approaches in Combinatorial Optimization by Goldengorin, Boris I., Pardalos, Panos M.
Fuzzy-Methoden: Praxisrelevante Rechenmodelle Und Fuzzy-Programmiersprachen by Biewer, Benno
Application-Driven Architecture Synthesis by
Intelligent Image Databases: Towards Advanced Image Retrieval by Yihong Gong
Compiler Technology: Tools, Translators and Language Implementation by Beng Kee Kiong, Derek
Fuzzy Evolutionary Computation by
Still Image Compression on Parallel Computer Architectures by Bevinakoppa, Savitri
Computers in Building: Proceedings of the Caadfutures'99 Conference. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Aided Arc by
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 15th International Workshop, Iwcia 2012, Austin, Tx, Usa, November 28-30, 2012, Proceedings by
Case Technology: A Special Issue of the Journal of Systems Integration by
Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems by
Multithreaded Computer Architecture: A Summary of the State of the Art by
Objects for Concurrent Constraint Programming by Henz, Martin
Trellises and Trellis-Based Decoding Algorithms for Linear Block Codes by Fujiwara, Toru, Shu Lin, Kasami, Tadao
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 38th International Workshop, WG 2012, Jerusalem, Israel, June 26-28, 2012, Revised Selcted Papers by
Near-Rings and Near-Fields: Proceedings of the Conference on Near-Rings and Near-Fields Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, July 18-24, 1993 by
Introducing .Net 4.5 by Krishnan, Mahesh, Mackey, Alex, Stewart Tulloch, William
Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 by Garber, Jason, Cook, Craig
Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide by Lee, Tsung-Hsien, Prakash, Amit, Aziz, Adnan
Einführung in SharePoint Service-Applications und Topologien by Zoller, Christoph
Foundations of Real-Time Computing: Formal Specifications and Methods by
Models in System Design by
Performance Evaluation, Prediction and Visualization of Parallel Systems by Xingfu Wu
Knowledge Representation and Relation Nets by Stetter, Franz, Geldenhuys, Aletta E., Van Rooyen, Hendrik O.
Text Retrieval and Filtering: Analytic Models of Performance by Losee, Robert M.
Principles of Verilog Pli by Mittra, Swapnajit
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Systems by
System Theory: Modeling, Analysis and Control by
Vision Chips by Moini, Alireza
Constraint-Based Design Recovery for Software Reengineering: Theory and Experiments by Woods, Steven G., Quilici, Alexander E., Qiang Yang
Languages, Compilers and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers by
Implementations of Logic Programming Systems by
Perceptual Organization for Artificial Vision Systems by
Motion in Games: 5th International Conference, MIG 2012, Rennes, France, November 15-17, 2012, Proceedings by
Pro Android Games by Silva, Vladimir
Software Defect and Operational Profile Modeling by Kai-Yuan Cai
Fundamentals of Information Systems by
Enterprise Integration and Modeling: The Metadatabase Approach by Hsu, Cheng
Physics-Based Deformable Models: Applications to Computer Vision, Graphics and Medical Imaging by Metaxas, Dimitris N.
Learn SQL by Examples: Examples of SQL Queries and Stored Procedures for MySQL and Oracle by Skudaev, Sergey
Functional Integration: Theory and Applications by Antoine, Jean-Pierre, Tirapegui, Enrique
SQL Server Execution Plans by Fritchey, Grant
Berechtigungskonzepte zur Sicherstellung von Prozess-Sicherheit in ERP-Systemen by Hübner, Benjamin
Formal Specification Techniques for Engineering Modular C Programs by Tan Yang Meng
Modeling, Verification and Exploration of Task-Level Concurrency in Real-Time Embedded Systems by Thoen, Filip, Catthoor, Francky
Guide to J2ee: Enterprise Java by Hunt, John, Loftus, Chris
Computer-Supported Calculus by Ben-Israel, A., Gilbert, R.
Logic of Computation by
New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods, and Practice by
Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: 5th International Conference, Idcs 2012, Wuyishan, Fujian, China, November 21-23, 2012, Proceedings by
Imageclef: Experimental Evaluation in Visual Information Retrieval by
Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications by
Scientific Data Analysis Using Jython Scripting and Java by Chekanov, Sergei V.
VLSI Planarization: Methods, Models, Implementation by Feinberg, V. Z., Levin, A. G., Rabinovich, E. B.
Automata and Computability by Kozen, Dexter C.
Advanced Statistical Steganalysis by Böhme, Rainer
Algebraic Systems of Equations and Computational Complexity Theory by Xu, S., Gao, T., Wang, Z.
Image Textures and Gibbs Random Fields by Gimel'farb, Georgy L.
Quality of Communication-Based Systems: Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at the Tu Berlin, Germany, September 1994 by
Avatare: Digitale Sprecher Für Business Und Marketing by
Image Mosaicing and Super-Resolution by Capel, David
3D Dynamic Scene Analysis: A Stereo Based Approach by Faugeras, Olivier, Zhang, Zhengyou
Connecting the Data: Data Integration Techniques for Building an Operational Data Store (ODS) by Bobak, Angelo
Augmented Reality Using Appcelerator Titanium Starter by Ward, Trevor
Oracle Apex Best Practices by Nuijten, Alex, Ellen-Wolff, Iloon, Nuijten, A.
Windows Azure Programming Patterns for Start-Ups by Becker, Riccardo
3ds Max Speed Modeling for 3D Artists by Mooney, Thomas O.
Blender Steps: Create Animations and Photoreal Images Using Blender 2.63, the Amazing Free 3D Art Tool by Crist Ph. D., Richard
Handbook of Finite State Based Models and Applications by
Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Critical Parameters by
The Field Programming Environment: A Friendly Integrated Environment for Learning and Development by Reiss, Steven P.
See More