• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2012

Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication: 9th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2011, Athens, Greece, May 2 by
Information Security and Cryptology: 7th International Conference, Inscrypt 2011, Beijing, China, November 30 -- December 3, 2011. Revised Selected Pa by
Digital Preservation Technology for Cultural Heritage by Wu, Zhongke, Zhou, Mingquan, Geng, Guohua
Beginning IOS Storyboarding: Using Xcode by Lewis, Rory, McCarthy, Yulia, Moraco, Stephen M.
Biometrics and Kansei Engineering by
Systems Development Methods for the Next Century by
Computerizing Large Integrated Health Networks: The Va Success by
Direct Adaptive Control Algorithms: Theory and Applications by Kaufman, Howard, Barkana, Itzhak, Sobel, Kenneth
Domain Modeling-Based Software Engineering: A Formal Approach by Ruqian Lu, Zhi Jin
Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Instruction Parallelism to Cluster Computing by
The Construction of Spin Eigenfunctions: An Exercise Book by Pauncz, Ruben
Pro HTML5 Performance by Jones, Mike, Bryant, Jay
Beginning R: An Introduction to Statistical Programming by Pace, Larry
Beginning Windows 8 Application Development - XAML Edition by Burns, Kyle
Exploring Randomness by Chaitin, Gregory J.
Knowledge Asset Management: Beyond the Process-Centred and Product-Centred Approaches by Apostolou, Dimitris, Abecker, Andreas, Mentzas, Gregoris
The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems: Specification by Manna, Zohar, Pnueli, Amir
Specification and Development of Interactive Systems: Focus on Streams, Interfaces, and Refinement by Stølen, Ketil, Broy, Manfred
Handbook of Semidefinite Programming: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by
Vivo: A Semantic Portal for Scholarly Networking Across Disciplinary Boundaries by Conlon, Mike, Borner, Katy, Ding, Ying
Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, Ami 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13-15, 2012, Proceedings by
Advances in Cryptology -- Asiacrypt 2012: 18th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Beijing, by
QTP Descriptive Programming Unplugged: Master Object Identification Techniques by Lalwani, Tarun, Arora, Anshoo
Publishing and Using Cultural Heritage Linked Data on the Semantic Web by Hyvonen, Eero
Digital Game Based Learning: Konzept zur Integration in eine universitäre Lernplattform by Kaiser, Philip
Multiple Access Communications: 5th International Workshop, Macom 2012, Maynooth, Ireland, November 19-20, 2012, Proceedings by
Advances in Signal Processing for Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials by
Computer Vision -- Eccv 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, Florence, Italy, October 7-13, 2012. Proceedings, Part IV by
Algorithmic and Combinatorial Algebra by Kukin, G. P., Bokut', L. a.
Computer-Aided Geometric Design: A Totally Four-Dimensional Approach by Yamaguchi, Fujio
AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th International Australasian Joint Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 4-7, 2012, Proceedings by
Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms: Theory and Computation by Roosta, Seyed H.
Projektmanagement: Mit Dem Rational Unified Process by Versteegen, Gerhard
Kryptographie in C Und C++: Zahlentheoretische Grundlagen, Computer-Arithmetik Mit Großen Zahlen, Kryptographische Tools by Welschenbach, Michael
Search Computing: Broadening Web Search by
Systems Thinking in Europe by
Writing Testbenches: Functional Verification of Hdl Models by Bergeron, Janick
Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: 23rd International Symposium, Ifl 2011, Lawrence, Ks, Usa, October 3-5, 2011, Revised Selected by
Arithmetik: Aus Der Reihe the Art of Computer Programming by Knuth, Donald E.
Projektleiter-PRAXIS: Optimale Kommunikation Und Kooperation in Der Projektarbeit by Hansel, Jürgen, Lomnitz, Gero
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: First Mediterranean Conference on Algorithms, Medalg 2012, Kibbutz Ein Gedi, Israel, December 3-5, 2012, Proceeding by
Advances in Information Technology: 5th International Conference, Iait 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, December 6-7, 2012, Proceedings by
Information Processing in Cells and Tissues by
Solving Higher-Order Equations: From Logic to Programming by Prehofer, Christian
Software Reuse: Guidelines and Methods by Hooper, James W., Chester, Rowena O.
Journal of Green Engineering Vol 3-1 by
Microsoft .Net 4.5 QuickStart by Latorre, Jose Luis, Luis Latorre, Jose
Andengine for Android Game Development Cookbook by Schroeder, Jayme, Jamison Broyles, Brian
Programming Microsoft Dynamics Nav 2013 by Studebaker, David, Studebaker, Christopher
Html5 Graphics & Data Visualization Cookbook by Fhala, Ben
Gradle Effective Implementation Guide by Klein Ikkink, Hubert
Learning Highcharts by Kuan, Joe (Joseph)
Box2d for Flash Games by Feronato, Emanuele
Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 Services by Deforche, Klaas, Saelen, Kenny
Progress and New Trends in 3D Geoinformation Sciences by
Advanced Relational Programming by Cacace, F., Lamperti, G.
Image Description and Retrieval by
4 Farben -- Ein Bild: Grundwissen Für Die Farbbildbearbeitung Von Der Eingabe Bis Zum Proof Mit Photoshop, Quarkxpress, Indesign Und Pdf/X by Nyman, Mattias
Developing with Google+: Practical Guide to the Google+ Platform by Murphy, Jennifer
ASYNC in C# 5.0: Unleash the Power of ASYNC by Davies, Alex
Civic Apps Competition Handbook: A Guide to Planning, Organizing, and Troubleshooting by Carlson, Virginia, Eyler-Werve, Kate
Adobe Edge Animate Preview 7: The Missing Manual by Grover, Chris
Rough-Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words by
Numerical Fracture Mechanics by Aliabadi, M. H., Rooke, D. P.
Contemporary Trends in Systems Development by
Virtual Space: Spatiality in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds by
Konfigurationsmanagement by Versteegen, Gerhard, Weischedel, Guido
Number by Colors: A Guide to Using Color to Understand Technical Data by Meyer, Theodore E., Fortner, Brand
Object-Oriented Software for Manufacturing Systems by Adiga, S.
Methodenhandbuch Für Softwareschulungen by Gerlach, Stefanie, Squarr, Inga
Change Management Bei Software Projekten by Versteegen, Gerhard, Salomon, Knut, Heinold, Rainer
Brain Informatics: International Conference, Bi 2012, Macau, China, December 4-7, 2012, Proceedings by
Evolutionary Algorithms for Embedded System Design by
PHP and MySQL Manual: Simple, Yet Powerful Web Programming by Stobart, Simon, Vassileiou, Mike
Efficient and Accurate Parallel Genetic Algorithms by Cantú-Paz, Erick
Fourier Vision: Segmentation and Velocity Measurement Using the Fourier Transform by Vernon, David
Computational Methods for Linear Integral Equations by Puri, Pratap, Kythe, Prem
Structured Matrices and Polynomials: Unified Superfast Algorithms by Pan, Victor Y.
Data Structure Programming: With the Standard Template Library in C++ by Bergin, Joseph
Games and Full Abstraction for a Functional Metalanguage with Recursive Types by McCusker, Guy
Programming and Meta-Programming in Scheme by Pearce, Jon
.Net Test Automation Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by McCaffrey, James D.
Softwarearchitektur Für Die PRAXIS by Dunkel, Jürgen, Holitschke, Andreas
Lindenmayer Systems: Impacts on Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Graphics, and Developmental Biology by
Depth from Defocus: A Real Aperture Imaging Approach by Rajagopalan, A. N., Chaudhuri, Subhasis
Video-Based Surveillance Systems: Computer Vision and Distributed Processing by
Tex Reference Manual by Bausum, David
On the Way to the Web: The Secret History of the Internet and Its Founders by Banks, Michael
Systems Engineering for Business Process Change: New Directions: Collected Papers from the Epsrc Research Programme by
Software Failure Risk: Measurement and Management by Sherer, Susan A.
Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms by
Fundamente der Informatik by Hubwieser, Peter, Mühling, Andreas, Aiglstorfer, Gerd
Cloud Enterprise Architecture by Raj, Pethuru
Topics in Knot Theory by
Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education by
Production Methods: Behind the Scenes of Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds by
Cloud Computing im IT-Controlling by Graja, Dennis
Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering by Yu, Eric, Chung, Lawrence, Nixon, Brian A.
Computer-Supported Collaboration: With Applications to Software Development by Deek, Fadi P., McHugh, James A. M.
Compositional Verification of Concurrent and Real-Time Systems by Tsai, Jeffrey J. P., Juan, Eric Y. T.
Multimedia Database Management Systems by Prabhakaran, B.
Face Image Analysis by Unsupervised Learning by Bartlett, Marian Stewart
Efficient Polymorphic Calls by Driesen, Karel
Formal Semantics and Proof Techniques for Optimizing VHDL Models by Wilsey, Philip A., Umamageswaran, Kothanda, Pandey, Sheetanshu L.
Object-Oriented Computer Simulation of Discrete-Event Systems by Tyszer, Jerzy
Analog and Mixed-Signal Hardware Description Language by
Konzeption eines Standardprozesses zur Dokumentendigitalisierung by Theophil, Wolfgang
Entwicklung von Apps für Android: Effiziente Entwicklung, Guidelines und Generatoren by Oberhumer, Dominik
Data Mining - a search for knowledge by Rahama, Mohamed
Informatik-Management: Aufgabengebiete - Lösungswege - Controlling by Moll, Karl-Rudolf
Geometric Constraint Solving and Applications by
Kommunikation Unter Echtzeitbedingungen: Echtzeit 2012 by
Handbuch Digitaler Bild- Und Filtereffekte: 1500 Beispiele Elektronischer Bildbearbeitung by Baumann, Hans D.
Graph Drawing Software by
Trends in Intelligent Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing: First International Conference, Iram 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 28-30, 2012 by
Topology in Process Calculus: Approximate Correctness and Infinite Evolution of Concurrent Programs by Ying, Mingsheng
Definitions for Hardware and Software Safety Engineers by Meulen, M. J. P. Van Der
Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction by Wohlin, Claes, Runeson, Per
Visualization and Mathematics: Experiments, Simulations and Environments by
Numpy Cookbook by Idris, Ivan, Cookbook, Numpy
3D Surface Reconstruction: Multi-Scale Hierarchical Approaches by Ferrari, Stefano, Bellocchio, Francesco, Borghese, N. Alberto
The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective by Zhou, Honbo
Computational Logic by
Networks and Systems Management: Platforms Analysis and Evaluation by Ghetie, Iosif G.
Multi-Threaded Object-Oriented Mpi-Based Message Passing Interface: The Arch Library by Adamo, Jean-Marc
Coding Approaches to Fault Tolerance in Combinational and Dynamic Systems by Hadjicostis, Christoforos N.
Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems by Burkhard Schmitt, Jens
Enterprise Modeling: Improving Global Industrial Competitiveness by
Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2012: 12th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Chennai, India, December 11-14, 2011, Proceedings13th I by
Biometric Recognition: 7th Chinese Conference, Ccbr 2012, Guangzhou, China, December 4-5, 2012, Proceedings by
Programming Languages and Systems: 10th Asian Symposium, Aplas 2012, Kyoto, Japan, December 11-13, 2012, Proceedings by
Computer Applications for Modeling, Simulation, and Automobile: International Conferences, Mas and Asnt 2012, Held in Conjunction with Gst 2012, Jeju by
Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems by
Data Visualization: The State of the Art by
Integrales Informationsmanagement: Informationssysteme Für Geschäftsprozesse -- Management, Modellierung, Lebenszyklus Und Technologie by Schönsleben, Paul
Exploration of Visual Data by Xiang Zhou, Sean, Yong Rui, Huang, Thomas S.
The Colour Image Processing Handbook by
Genetic Programming and Data Structures: Genetic Programming + Data Structures = Automatic Programming! by Langdon, William B.
Inheritance Relationships for Disciplined Software Construction by Gardner, Tracy A.
Modern Software Tools for Scientific Computing by
Computer Applications for Security, Control and System Engineering: International Conferences, Sectech, Ca, Ces3 2012, Held in Conjunction with Gst 20 by
Computer Applications for Web, Human Computer Interaction, Signal and Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition: International Conferences, Sip, Wse, by
Phigs by Example by Giovinazzo, William A., Gaman, William A.
Computer Applications for Software Engineering, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity: International Conferences, Asea and Drbc 2012, Held in Con by
Handbook of Formal Languages: Volume 3 Beyond Words by
Textmate How-To by J. Mears, Christopher
Perceptual Digital Imaging: Methods and Applications by
Image and Video-Based Artistic Stylisation by
Computer Algebra Handbook: Foundations - Applications - Systems by
Software Architectures and Component Technology by
Data Management for Mobile Computing by Pitoura, Evaggelia, Samaras, George
Scatter Search: Methodology and Implementations in C by Laguna, Manuel, Martí, Rafael
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: A New Tool for Evolutionary Computation by
Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective by
Unix-Systemadministration: Linux, Solaris, Aix, Freebsd, Tru64-UNIX by Heuer, Konrad, Sippel, Reinhard
Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices by Bossy, Carlos, Fritchey, Grant, Shaw, Chris
Information and Database Quality by
C Programming: The Essentials for Engineers and Scientists by Brooks, David R.
Compression and Coding Algorithms by Moffat, Alistair, Turpin, Andrew
Studies in Computer Science: In Honor of Samuel D. Conte by
Algorithms and Computation: 23rd International Symposium, Isaac 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, December 19-21, 2012. Proceedings by
Introduction to Programming Concepts with Case Studies in Python by Üçoluk, Göktürk, Kalkan, Sinan
Java Ee 6 Pocket Guide: A Quick Reference for Simplified Enterprise Java Development by Gupta, Arun
Programming ASP.NET MVC 4: Developing Real-World Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC by Snyder, Todd, Panda, Hrusikesh, Chadwick, Jess
Programming Hive: Data Warehouse and Query Language for Hadoop by Capriolo, Edward, Rutherglen, Jason, Wampler, Dean
Pro Android Web Game Apps: Using Html5, CSS3 and JavaScript by Bura, Juriy, Coates, Paul
Imaging Spectroscopy for Scene Analysis by Robles-Kelly, Antonio, Huynh, Cong Phuoc
Conceptual Modelling of Multi-Agent Systems: The Comomas Engineering Environment by Glaser, Norbert
Identifying Relevant Information for Testing Technique Selection: An Instantiated Characterization Schema by Vegas, Sira, Juristo, Natalia, Basili, Victor R.
Windows 8 XAML Primer: Your Essential Guide to Windows 8 Development by Liberty, Jesse
Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence by
Evolutionary Optimization in Dynamic Environments by Branke, Jürgen
Expert F# 3.0 by Syme, Don, Granicz, Adam, Cisternino, Antonio
Perspectives on Software Requirements by
Multimedia and Signal Processing: Second International Conference, Cmsp 2012, Shanghai, China, December 7-9, 2012, Proceedings by
Integrated Information and Computing Systems for Natural, Spatial, and Social Sciences by
Enterprise Resource Planning Models for the Education Sector: Applications and Methodologies by
Aligning Enterprise, System, and Software Architectures by
Open-Source Technologies for Maximizing the Creation, Deployment, and Use of Digital Resources and Information by
Multimedia Information Hiding Technologies and Methodologies for Controlling Data by
Hadoop Essentials: A Quantitative Approach by Liu, Henry H.
ADA 95: The Lovelace Tutorial by Wheeler, David A.
Subject-Oriented Business Process Management by Stary, Christian, Schmidt, Werner, Fleischmann, Albert
Virtual Clothing: Theory and Practice by Volino, Pascal, Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia
Learning to Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines by Joachims, Thorsten
High Integrity Software by
ISO 9000-3: A Tool for Software Product and Process Improvement by Jarvis, Alka, Kehoe, Raymond
Notizen Zu C++ by Thömmes, Peter
Pro JavaScript Performance: Monitoring and Visualization by Barker, Tom
Collectives and the Design of Complex Systems by
Verilog -- 2001: A Guide to the New Features of the Verilog(r) Hardware Description Language by Sutherland, Stuart
The Limits of Mathematics: A Course on Information Theory and the Limits of Formal Reasoning by Chaitin, Gregory J.
Digitale Gesichtserkennung: Theoretischer Überblick und praktische C++-Implementierung by Ranftl, Andreas G.
Pro SharePoint 2010 Development for Office 365 by McDonough, Bart, Stork, Paul, Milner, Dave
Foundation iPhone App Development: Build an iPhone App in 5 Days with IOS 6 SDK by Kuh, Nick
The Dsssl Book: An XML/SGML Programming Language by Farreres, Javier
Robust Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems by Jie Chen, Patton, R. J.
The Object-Z Specification Language by Smith, Graeme
Variational Object-Oriented Programming Beyond Classes and Inheritance by Mezini, Mira
Resilience Assessment and Evaluation of Computing Systems by
See More