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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Programming in 2015

Learn Ruby Programming by Examples by Zhan, Courtney, Zhan, Zhimin
A Brief Introduction to System Analysis & Design (in Arabic) by Anwar, Ashraf
Android firmware customization by Choudhary, Arvind
Computational Game Dynamics: Principles & Practice by Kenwright
Introduction To Python Programming by Banerjee, Arnab
High Performance Linux Shell Programming Reference, 2015 Edition by Smeltz, Edward J.
Selenium WebDriver Recipes in Ruby: The problem solving guide to Selenium WebDriver in Ruby by Zhan, Zhimin
USB Complete: The Developer's Guide by Axelson, Jan
Learn Swift Programming by Examples by Zhan, Zhimin
Selenium WebDriver Recipes in Java: The problem solving guide to Selenium WebDriver in Java by Zhan, Zhimin
Sofsem 2015: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Pec by
Transactional Memory. Foundations, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications: Cost Action Euro-TM Ic1001 by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XVI: Selected Papers from Acomp 2013 by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume I) by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume II) by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume III) by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume IV) by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume V) by
Circuits and Systems: Design and Applications (Volume VI) by
Digital and Discrete Geometry: Theory and Algorithms by Chen, Li M.
VB Scripting for CATIA V5: How to Program CATIA Macros by Ross, Emmett
Mobile Payment. Verfahren und Akzeptanz in Deutschland und im weltweiten Vergleich by Herreiner, Fabian
Konzeption und Entwicklung eines webbasierten Kartenclients zur Ressourcenplanung im operativen Hochwassermanagement by Portenlänger, Clemens
Entwurf und Implementierung eines Bootloader-Konzepts zur Programmierung eines Embedded Systems auf Basis der Texas Instruments MSP430 Mikrocontroller by Salzwedel, Sven
Learn Unity Programming with C# by Weinberger, Jonathan
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 11th International Conference, Icdcit 2015, Bhubaneswar, India, February 5-8, 2015. Proceedings by
Progress and Applications of Mobile Computing by
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 16th International Conference, Vmcai 2015, Mumbai, India, January 12-14, 2015, Proceedings by
Spinal Imaging and Image Analysis by
Papierloses Büro. Ein Ding der (Un-)Möglichkeit by Keidl, Stephan
Virtualisierung. Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel der Servervirtualisierung by Schulter, Sven
Learn Python in One Day and Learn It Well: Python for Beginners with Hands-on Project. The only book you need to start coding in Python immediately by Chan, Jamie
MAXON CINEMA 4D R16 Studio: A Tutorial Approach by Purdue Univ, Prof Sham Tickoo
Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 11th International Conference, Gecon 2014, Cardiff, Uk, September 16-18, 2014. Revised Selected Pap by
Evernote For Beginners: Evernote Essential Tips to Accomplish Your Goals, Remember Everything, Organize and Simplify Your Life by Blake, Dale
Konzeptaufbau zur Einführung eines Wissenspools: Empirische Analyse zum Aufbau eines Wissenspools am Beispiel der IT Projekt Ressourcen Manager im deu by Wälti, Beatrice
E-Business Standards. Vorstellung von EDI, XML und eCl@ss by Dordel, Christian
Swift Quick Syntax Reference by Campbell, Matthew
Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: First International Conference, Caldam 2015, Kanpur, India, February 8-10, 2015. Proceedings by
Intelligent Computation in Big Data Era: International Conference of Young Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, Icycsee 2015, Harbin, China, by
The Hash Function Blake by Phan, Raphael C. -W, Aumasson, Jean-Philippe, Meier, Willi
Scientific Computation: Python Hacking for Math Junkies by Shapiro, Bruce E.
Arduino Sketches: Tools and Techniques for Programming Wizardry by Langbridge, James A.
Produktinformationsmanagement im Möbelhandel by Polig, Benjamin
Professional Wordpress: Design and Development by Damstra, David, Stern, Hal, Williams, Brad
The Uncertain Web: Web Development in a Changing Landscape by Larsen, Rob
Introducing IOS 8: Swift Programming from Idea to App Store by Derico, Steve
Designing for Performance: Weighing Aesthetics and Speed by Hogan, Lara Callender
Simulink: Diverse Engineering Applications by
Pro Design Patterns in Swift by Freeman, Adam
Programming Python: Start Learning Python Today, Even If You've Never Coded Befo by Goodin, Damien
Risikominimierung im IT-Outsourcing: Maßnahmen unter Berücksichtigung regulatorischer Vorgaben by Zakierski, Nils
Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture by Hinton, Andrew
Trends in Functional Programming: 15th International Symposium, Tfp 2014, Soesterberg, the Netherlands, May 26-28, 2014. Revised Selected Papers by
Multiresolution Approach to Processing Images for Different Applications: Interaction of Lower Processing with Higher Vision by Vujovic, Igor
Curso de Programación con Java by Durango, Alicia, Gracia, Juan Esteban, Arias, Angel
Algorithms for Energy Efficient Load Balancing in Cloud Environments by Peitek, Norman
Practical Empathy: For Collaboration and Creativity in Your Work by Young, Indi
Advanced Training for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches by Tousignant, Dan
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 10th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robot by
Start Programming with Visual Basic: An Introduction to Visual Basic.NET by Kelley, James
Learning Cocos2d-JS Game Development by Feronato, Emanuele
Mastering CMake by Hoffman, Bill, Martin, Ken
JavaScript Programming: A Beginners Guide to the Javascript Programming Language by Prescott, Preston
Java Programming: A Beginners Guide to Learning Java, Step by Step by Dimes, Troy
Getting Started with Electronic Projects by Pretty, Bill
A Framework for Efficient Modular Heap Analysis by Vaswani, Kapil, Madhavan, Ravichandhran, Ramalingam, G.
Fundamentals of Adaptive Signal Processing by Uncini, Aurelio
Learn Ruby On Rails For Web Development: Learn Rails The Fast And Easy Way! by Elder, John
Industrial Software Applications: A Master's Course for Engineers by Geisler, Rainer
Getting Started with Lazarus and Free Pascal: A Beginners and Intermediate Guide to Free Pascal Using Lazarus Ide by Abiola-Ellison, Menkaura
Python Programming Fundamentals by Lee, Kent D.
Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction: Third Iapr Tc3 Workshop, Mprss 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24, 201 by
A Python Primer for ArcGIS(R): Workbook I by Jennings, Nathan
A Python Primer for ArcGIS(R): Workbook II by Jennings, Nathan
Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des strategischen IT-Business-Alignment auf die Gestaltung der IT-Architektur by Kaden, Alexander
Exist: A Nosql Document Database and Application Platform by Siegel, Erik, Retter, Adam
The Art of Application Performance Testing: From Strategy to Tools by Molyneaux, Ian
COBOL Software Modernization: From Principles to Implementation with the Blu Age Method by Barbier, Franck, Recoussine, Jean-Luc
Parallele Programmierung by Brands, Gilbert
C Quick Syntax Reference by Olsson, Mikael
Software Quality. Software and Systems Quality in Distributed and Mobile Environments: 7th International Conference, Swqd 2015, Vienna, Austria, Janua by
CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints by Foster, Rob
Wissensschutz. Maßnahmen und Schadensfälle by Jambor, Raffael
Feature Coding for Image Representation and Recognition by Tan, Tieniu, Huang, Yongzhen
Logging and Simulation using Aspect Oriented Software: AOP and AspectJ by Meetei, Mutum
Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-Based Animation by Niebe, Sarah, Erleben, Kenny
MATLAB Scripting & File Processing by Nwokolo, Eric, Okoh, Daniel
Advanced Concepts in Image Segmentation by
Process Assessment and Improvement: A Practical Guide by Van Loon, Han
Lo-Dash Essentials by Boduch, Adam
A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security by Challener, David, Arthur, Will
C# Programming for Beginners: An Introduction and Step-by-Step Guide to Programming in C# by Dimes, Troy
C++ Better Explained: The intuitive beginner's guide by Bora, Sahil
Content Management im Rahmen des SAP NetWeaver by Browne, Lyubov
From Requirements to Java in a Snap: Model-Driven Requirements Engineering in Practice by Nowakowski, Wiktor, Śmialek, Michal
Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science: 9th International Doctoral Workshop, Memics 2014, Telč, Czech Republic, October 17--19, by
Machine Vision and Mechatronics in Practice by
ServiceStack Cookbook by Reid, Darren
Agile Leadership: A leader's guide to Orchestrating Agile Strategy, Product Quality and IT Governance by Adams, Tony
Programmieren lernen für Kinder - Einsteiger by Hardy, Dirk
Untersuchung des Einsatzes und der Auswirkungen von Enterprise Social Software im agilen Projektumfeld by Linner, Thomas
Full Stack JavaScript Development with Mean: Mongodb, Express, Angularjs, and Node.Js by Bretz, Adam, Ihrig, Colin J.
Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 17th Brazilian Symposium, Sbmf 2014, Maceió, Al, Brazil, September 29--October 1, 2014. Proceedings by
Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the Jvm by Swartz, Jason
Knockout.Js: Building Dynamic Client-Side Web Applications by Munro, Jamie
Designing and Developing for Google Glass: Thinking Differently for a New Platform by Firstenberg, Allen, Salas, Jason
Programming Chrome Apps: Develop Cross-Platform Apps for Chrome by Rochkind, Marc
Swift Development with Cocoa: Developing for the Mac and IOS App Stores by Nugent, Tim, Manning, Jonathon, Buttfield-Addison, Paris
Practicing Software Engineering in the 21st Century by Pechman, Joan, Lloyd, Scott J.
ArcGIS for Desktop Cookbook by Cristiana Docan, Daniela
Php: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development by Nixon, Robin
The Internet of Things: Do-It-Yourself at Home Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone Black by Norris, Donald
Html5: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development by Nixon, Robin
Javascript: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development by Nixon, Robin
CSS & Css3: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development by Nixon, Robin
Material Selections by a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach by D'Errico, Fabrizio
Android Quick APIs Reference by Cinar, Onur
Surviving as a "Software as a Service" (SaaS) Startup by Birch, Nick
Software Cost Estimation, Benchmarking, and Risk Assessment: The Software Decision-Makers' Guide to Predictable Software Development by Trendowicz, Adam
Ontology-Driven Software Development by
Learning Java by Building Android Games by Horton, John
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VI by
On Fuzziness: A Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh - Volume 2 by
A Biologically Inspired CMOS Image Sensor by Sarkar, Mukul, Theuwissen, Albert
Wordpress For Beginners: How to Create and Set Up Your Own Website or Blog Using Wordpress by Joyner, Joseph
Learning Apex Programming by Kaufman, Matt
Kivy Blueprints by Vasilkov, Mark
Solr Cookbook - Third Edition by Kuc, Rafal
Cocos2D Game Development Essentials by Trengrove, Ben
Mastering Unity Scripting: Learn advanced C# tips and techniques to make professional-grade games with Unity by Thorn, Alan
GameSalad Essentials by Dequadros, Miguel
Retaining Ruby: Start Learning Ruby Today, Even If You've Never Coded Before (A Beginner's Guide) by Crosby, Jeffrey
Go Programming Blueprints by Ryer, Mat
Concurrent Programming: Algorithms, Principles, and Foundations by Raynal, Michel
Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python by Karumanchi, Narasimha
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World by Burd, Stephen D., Jackson, Robert, Satzinger, John
Entwurf und Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur automatischen Generierung von Routingnetzen aus Gebäudemodellen by Portenlänger, Clemens
Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Einführung von mobilen Endgeräten bei vorhandener IT-Infrastruktur in mittelständischen Unternehmen by Meyer, Sven
Active Directory with PowerShell by Pamarthi, Sitaram
OpenCV for Secret Agents by Howse, Joseph
Learning LEGO Mindstorms EV3: Build and create interactive, sensor-based robots using your LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 kit by Garber, Gary
Learning Ceph by Singh, Karan
Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents - Second Edition by Sjogelid, Stefan
OpenJDK Cookbook by Kasko, Alex
Software im Vergleich. Google Docs(c) vs. Microsoft Office 2010(c): Textverarbeitung, Tabellenkalkulation und Bildschirmpräsentation by Dordel, Christian
Exploration of Competitive Market Behavior Using Near-Real-Time Sentiment Analysis by Peitek, Norman
Research and Applications in Global Supercomputing by
Learning NServiceBus Sagas by Helton, Rich
Three.js Cookbook by Dirksen, Jos
Less Web Development Cookbook by Jobsen, Bass
Cocos2d Game Development Blueprints by Jordán, Jorge
Building Single-page Web Apps with Meteor by Vogelsteller, Fabian
R High Performance Programming by Tjhi, William, Lim, Aloysius
Mastering Python Design Patterns by Kasampalis, Sakis
Unity 3D UI Essentials by Jackson, Simon
Learning LibGDX Game Development - Second Edition: Wield the power of the LibGDX framework to create a cross-platform game by Balakrishnan, Suryakumar
ElasticSearch Cookbook Second Edition by Paro, Alberto
Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook- Second Edition by Rochester, Eric
Apache ZooKeeper Essentials by Haloi, Saurav
Learning NServiceBus - Second Edition by Boike, David
WiX Cookbook by Ramirez, Nick
Penetration Testing with Raspberry Pi by Lakhani, Aamir, Muniz, Joseph
Functional Python Programming: Create succint and expressive implementations with functional programming in Python by Lott, Steven F.
Python Penetration Testing Essentials by Mohit
Python for Google App Engine by Pippi, Massimiliano
Oauth 2.0: Getting Started in Web-API Security by Biehl, Matthias
Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design by Welchman, Lisa
Migrating to Swift from Android by Liao, Sean
Graph Analysis and Visualization: Discovering Business Opportunity in Linked Data by Jonker, David, Brath, Richard
Computer Algebra and Polynomials: Applications of Algebra and Number Theory by
Mastering Gephi Network Visualization: Produce advanced network graphs in Gephi and gain valuable insights into your network datasets by Cherven, Ken
Coaching. Die moderne Führungsmethode by Zimmermann, Lars
Motion Estimation for Video Coding: Efficient Algorithms and Architectures by Chakrabarti, Indrajit, Batta, Kota Naga Srinivasarao, Chatterjee, Sumit Kumar
Linux: Linux Command Line - A Complete Introduction To The Linux Operating System And Command Line (With Pics) by Brown, M. J.
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Bartels, Sören
Microsoft Hyper-V PowerShell Automation by Menon, Vinith
Drush for Developers by Pablo Novillo, Juan
Aufbau und Zusammenhang der drei Service Level Management Vertragstypen SLA, OLA, UC by Tyurin, Nikolay
Exploring Typography by Rabinowitz, Tova
Land a Job as a Video Game Tester by Bay, Jason W.
Software, Services, and Systems: Essays Dedicated to Martin Wirsing on the Occasion of His Retirement from the Chair of Programming and Software Engin by
Unifying Theories of Programming: 5th International Symposium, Utp 2014, Singapore, May 13, 2014, Revised Selected Papers by
Python Programming in a Day: Beginners Power Guide to Learning Python Programming from Scratch by Key, Sam
Computer Vision in Sports by
Beginning iOS Development with Swift: Create Your Own iOS Apps Today by Technologies, Pawprints Learning
EDSAC Decoded: Codepoints by Gurtowski, Francis
EDSAC Decoded: Programming and Metaprogramming by Gurtowski, Francis
EDSAC Decoded: Programming and Metaprogramming by Gurtowski, Francis
EDSAC Decoded: Programming and Metaprogramming by Gurtowski, Francis
Web Coding Bible (18 Books in 1 -- HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, XML, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Java Applet, ActionScript, htaccess, jQuery, WordPress, S by Lip Phang, Chong
Walcom: Algorithms and Computation: 9th International Workshop, Walcom 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 26-28, 2015, Proceedings by
Pro Android Games: L Edition by Silva, Vladimir, Nardone, Massimo
Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide: a php[architect] guide by Ramsey, Ben, Bruce, Kevin
Java EE 7 Development with NetBeans 8 by R. Heffelfinger, David
Learning Axure RP Interactive Prototypes by Henry Krahenbuhl, John
Database e linguaggio SQL: Imparare in breve tempo le nozioni fondamentali sui database e a lavorare con il linguaggio SQL by Cervelli, Riccardo
Simple Kanban for Software Development Teams: Implementing Kanban using Scrum and other Agile techniques by Tousignant, Dan
Mastering Scientific Computing with R by Gerrard, Paul
Android Programming in a Day!: The Power Guide for Beginners in Android App Programming by Key, Sam
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