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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Russian History in 2009

Peoples and Settlement in Anatolia and the Caucasus, 800-1900 by Bryer, Anthony
Orthodoxy and the Cold War: Religion and Political Power in Romania, 1947-65 by Leustean, L.
Terror by Quota: State Security from Lenin to Stalin (an Archival Study) by Gregory, Paul R.
The Soviet Volunteers: Modernization and Bureaucracy in a Public Mass Organization by Odom, William E.
Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia's Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold W ar by Earley, Pete
The Bolsheviks and the Red Army 1918 1921 by Benvenuti, Francesco
The Soviets, the Munich Crisis, and the Coming of World War II by Ragsdale, Hugh
Detecting the Bomb: The Role of Seismology in the Cold War by Romney, Carl
A Paraguayan Treasure: The Search And The Discovery (1887) by Baillie, Alexander Francis
The Three Romes: Moscow, Constantinople, and Rome by Fraser, Russell
The Human Tradition in Imperial Russia by
Argentina And The Argentines: Notes And Impressions Of A Five Years' Sojourn In The Argentine Republic, 1885-1890 (1892) by Turner, Thomas A.
The Great Cold War: A Journey Through the Hall of Mirrors by Barrass, Gordon S.
Soviet Veterans of the Second World War: A Popular Movement in an Authoritarian Society, 1941-1991 by Edele, Mark
The Russian Civil War by Mawdsley, Evan
Federalism and Local Politics in Russia by
Russian Theoretical Thought in Music by
A Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev by Zubok, Vladislav M.
A History of Russian Cinema by Beumers, Birgit
Spymaster: My Thirty-Two Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West by Kalugin, Oleg
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands by Seacole, Mary
Caucasian Boundaries 1802-1946 Hardback Document and Boxed Map Set: Documents and Maps by
One Soldier's War by Babchenko, Arkady
Bibliothek Russischer Denkwurdigkeiten (1895) by
The Unknown Gulag: The Lost World of Stalin's Special Settlements by Viola, Lynne
Compte Sommaire De L'Etat Actuel De La Colonie De Saint-Domingue (1792) by De Mirbeck, Ignace Frederic
Beschreibung Aller Nationen Des Russischen Reichs: Ihrer Lebensart, Religion, Gebrduche, Wohnungen (1777) by Georgi, Johann Gottlieb
The Corporation: Russia and the KGB in the Age of President Putin by Felshtinsky, Yuri
T-80 Standard Tank: The Soviet Army's Last Armored Champion by Zaloga, Steven J.
Russian Battleship Vs Japanese Battleship: Yellow Sea 1904-05 by Forczyk, Robert
Gender Violence in Russia: The Politics of Feminist Intervention by Johnson, Janet Elise
Two Suns in the Heavens: The Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy, 1962-1967 by Radchenko, Sergey
Here, There Are No Sarahs: A Woman's Courageous Fight Against the Nazis and Her Bittersweet Fulfillment of the American Dream by Rosenbaum, Fred, Orbuch, Sonia Shainwald
The Territories of the Russian Federation 2009 by
Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity by Kantor, Jean-Michel, Graham, Loren
How Ukraine Became a Market Economy and Democracy by Åslund, Anders
Imagining Armenia: Orientalism, Ambiguity and Intervention, 1879-1925 by Laycock, Joanne
After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation by MacDonogh, Giles
Heroes and Villains: Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine by Marples, David R.
Description Du Royaume De Siam V1 (1700) by Loubere, M. De La
Du Gouvernement Et Des Loix de La Pologne, Part 2 (1790) by Mably, Gabriel Bonnot De
Francia: A Tale Of The Revolution Of Paraguay, From Authentic Sources (1851) by Shepard, E. Clarence
Campaign in the Crimea: The Recollections of an Officer of the 20th Regiment of Foot by Peard, George Shuldham
Campaign in the Crimea: The Recollections of an Officer of the 20th Regiment of Foot by Peard, George Shuldham
Holy Russia And Other Poems (1918) by Matheson, Percy Ewing
Jewish Philanthropy and Enlightenment in Late-Tsarist Russia by Horowitz, Brian J.
The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War by
Western Intellectuals and the Soviet Union, 1920-40: From Red Square to the Left Bank by Stern, Ludmila
Between Stalin and Hitler: Class War and Race War on the Dvina, 1940-46 by Swain, Geoffrey
Peopling the Russian Periphery: Borderland Colonization in Eurasian History by
Soviet Karelia: Politics, Planning and Terror in Stalin's Russia, 1920-1939 by Baron, Nick
A Companion to Andrei Platonov's the Foundation Pit by Seifrid, Thomas
Anti-Imperial Choice: The Making of the Ukrainian Jew by Petrovsky-Shtern, Yohanan
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union: A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates Since 1917 by Van Der Linden, Marcel
A Russian Schoolboy by Aksakov, Sergei
The Russian General Staff and Asia, 1860-1917 by Marshall, Alex
The Soviet Union: Empire, Nation, and System by Katsenelinboigen, Aron
Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary Under Stalin by Hellbeck, Jochen
A Companion to Andrei Platonov's the Foundation Pit by Seifrid, Thomas
Journal Des Revolutions De L'Europe V5-6: En 1780 Et 1790 (1790) by Neuwied
Leo N. Tolstoi: Sein Leben, Seine Werke, Seine Weltanschauung (1901) by Lowenfeld, Raphael
On the Corruption of Morals in Russia by Shcherbatov, Prince M. M., Shcherbatov, M. M.
Soviet State and Society Under Nikita Khrushchev by
Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 1598-1725: Manipulation, Rebellion and Expansion into Siberia by Witzenrath, Christoph
Democracy and Myth in Russia and Eastern Europe by
Marshman's History Of India, From Remote Antiquity To The Accession Of The Mogul Dynasty: Done Into Hindi (1846) by Marshman, John Clark
The Nations Of Russia And Turkey And Their Destiny (1854) by Golovin, Ivan
The Memoirs Of Constantine Dix (1905) by Pain, Barry
The Perils Of Greatness: The Story Of Alexander Menschikoff (1865) by Menshikov, Aleksandr Danilovich
The History Of The Revolutions Of Russia, To The Accession Of Catharine I (1804) by Card, Henry
Memoires Historiques Et Geographiques Sur La Valachie (1778) by Bauer, Friedrich Wilhelm Von
The Entry of the Slavs Into Christendom: An Introduction to the Medieval History of the Slavs by Vlasto, A. P.
Dictatorship of the Air by Palmer, Scott W.
Jewish Public Culture in the Late Russian Empire by Veidlinger, Jeffrey
The Curse of the Romanovs - A Study of the Lives and the Reigns of Two Tsars Paul I and Alexander I of Russia 1754-1825 by Rappoport, Angelo S.
The Odd Man Karakozov by Verhoeven, Claudia
The Soviet View of the Indonesian Revolution: A Study in the Russian Attitude Towards Asian Nationalism by McVey, Ruth T.
The Patriotism of Despair: Nation, War, and Loss in Russia by Oushakine, Serguei Alex
The Patriotism of Despair: Nation, War, and Loss in Russia by Oushakine, Serguei Alex
Putin's Labyrinth: Spies, Murder, and the Dark Heart of the New Russia by Levine, Steve
Reform in Revolutionary Times: The Civil-Military Relationship in Early Soviet Russia by Vourkoutiotis, Vasilis
To the Gates of Stalingrad: Soviet-German Combat Operations, April-August 1942, the Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume I by Glantz, David, House, Jonathan M.
Ukraine on its Meandering Path Between East and West by
Tolstoyana: Studier Och Minnen (1906) by Stadling, Jonas Jonsson
Russland Als Grossmacht (1913) by Trubetzkoi, Furst G.
Democratic Revolution in Ukraine: From Kuchmagate to Orange Revolution by
Revelations Of Russia V1: Or The Emperor Nicholas And His Empire, In 1844 (1844) by Henningsen, Charles Frederick
Patriotism And Government (1901) by Tolstoy, Leo
The Life Of Field Marshal Souvarof: With Reflections Upon The Principal Events, Political And Military (1814) by Laverne, Leger Marie Philippe
Remarks On A Gold Currency For India: And Proposal Of Measures For The Introduction Of The British Sovereign (1868) by Smith, John Thomas
Tolstoy: The Man (1903) by Steiner, Edward Alfred
The History Of South America: From Its Discovery To The Present Time (1899) by Deberle, Alfred Joseph, An American
Quaker Pioneers In Russia (1902) by Benson, Jane
Russia Before Europe (1876) by Austin, Alfred
Russia On The Pacific And The Siberian Railway (1899) by Vladimir, Volpicelli, Zenone
Russia Under The Autocrat, Nicholas The First V1 (1846) by Golovin, Ivan
Russian Chit Chat: Or Sketches Of A Residence In Russia (1856) by A. Lady
Russian Foreign Policy In The East (1916) by Stanoyevich, Milivoy Stoyan
Russlands Wald (1893) by Arnold, Friedrich Von
Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Soviet Russia by Boobbyer, Philip
Katyn and the Soviet Massacre of 1940: Truth, Justice and Memory by Sanford, George
Russian and Soviet Film Adaptations of Literature, 1900-2001: Screening the Word by
Late Stalinist Russia: Society Between Reconstruction and Reinvention by Fürst, Juliane
Russian Constitutionalism: Historical and Contemporary Development by Medushevsky, Andrei
The Transformation of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Russia by Bondarchuk, Evgenij, Brade, Isolde, Axenov, Konstantin
Russian Literary Culture in the Camera Age: The Word as Image by Hutchings, Stephen
News Media and Power in Russia by Koltsova, Olessia
The Gorbachev Regime: Consolidation to Reform by Kimura, Hiroshi
The Crimean War: As Seen by Those Who Reported It by Russell, William Howard
Political Warfare Against the Kremlin: US and British Propaganda Policy at the Beginning of the Cold War by Schwartz, Lowell H.
Political Warfare Against the Kremlin: US and British Propaganda Policy at the Beginning of the Cold War by Schwartz, Lowell H.
Tobacco in Russian History and Culture: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present by
Shtetl Finder Gazetteer: Jewish Communities in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Pale of Settlement of Russia and Poland, and in Lithuan by Cohen, Chester G.
The Revolution Betrayed by Trotsky, Leon
The Revolution Betrayed by Trotsky, Leon
For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia by Crews, Robert D.
Zehn Monate Kriegskorrespondent Beim Heere Kuropatkins (1906) by Schwartz, Oscar Von
Travels Through Several Provinces Of The Russian Empire: With A Historical Account Of The Zaporog Cossacks (1808) by Campenhausen, Pierce Balthasar
Zbornik Za Narodni Zivot I Obicaje Juznih Slavena (1903) by Maretic, T., Boranic, D.
White Nights: And Other Russian Impressions (1917) by Ruhl, Arthur Brown
Within The Pale: The Story Of Anti-Semitic Persecutions In Russia (1903) by Davitt, Michael
Tout Est Au Mieux Car On Le Dit: Etrennes Aux Liegeois (1790) by Deleau
The Soul Of Russia (1916) by
Tales Of The East V3: Comprising The Most Popular Romances Of Oriental Origin (1812) by
South American Neighbors (1916) by Stuntz, Homer Clyde
The Colonies Of Santa Fe: Their Origin, Progress And Present Condition, With General Observations On Emigration To The Argentine Republic (1864) by Perkins, William
Chile, Paginas De Historia: La Revolucion Y La Condenacion Del Ministerio Vicuna, Noviembre, 1893 (1893) by Nemo
Popular Religion in Russia: 'Double Belief' and the Making of an Academic Myth by Rock, Stella
The Dilemmas of De-Stalinization: Negotiating Cultural and Social Change in the Khrushchev Era by
Political and Social Thought in Post-Communist Russia by Kaehne, Axel
Defending Human Rights in Russia: Sergei Kovalyov, Dissident and Human Rights Commissioner, 1969-2003 by Gilligan, Emma
Russia's Protectorates in Central Asia: Bukhara and Khiva, 1865-1924 by Becker, Seymour
Russia in the Shadows by Wells, H. G.
Khrushchev's Cold Summer: Gulag Returnees, Crime, and the Fate of Reform After Stalin by Dobson, Miriam
My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter by Palazchenko, Pavel
Contemporary Ukraine on the Cultural Map of Europe by Rewakowicz, Maria G., Zaleska Onyshkevych, Larissa M. L.
State Service in Sixteenth Century Novgorod: The First Century of the Pomestie System by Hammond, Vincent E.
The Soviet Famine of 1946-47 in Global and Historical Perspective by Ganson, N.
The Winter War: Russia's Invasion of Finland, 1939-1940 by Edwards, Robert
Voluntary Associations in Tsarist Russia: Science, Patriotism, and Civil Society by Bradley, Joseph
The Russian Revolution, 1900-1927 by Service, Robert
Lev Shternberg: Anthropologist, Russian Socialist, Jewish Activist by Kan, Sergei A.
Czech and Slovak Cinema: Theme and Tradition by Hames, Peter
An Englishman in the Court of the Tsar by Benagh, Christine
One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War by Dobbs, Michael
Brezhnev's Folly: The Building of BAM and Late Soviet Socialism by Ward, Christopher
Portraits of Early Russian Liberals: A Study of the Thought of T. N. Granovsky, V. P. Botkin, P. V. Annenkov, A. V. Druzhinin, and K. D. Kavelin by Offord, Derek
This Meager Nature by Ely, Christopher
Six Red Months In Russia: An Observer's Account Of Russia Before And During The Proletarian Dictatorship (1918) by Bryant, Louise
Critique De L'Histoire Des Flagellans (1703) by Thiers, Jean Baptiste
Beschreibung Zur Arzeney Dienlicher Pflanzen Welche In Den Reichen Des Mittagigen America (1756) by Feuillee, Ludwig, Huth, Georg Leonhard
By Order Of The Czar: The Tragic Story Of Anna Klosstock, Queen Of The Ghetto (1890) by Hatton, Joseph
Beschreibung Der Ukraine, Der Krim, Und Deren Einwohner (1780) by Vasseur, Guillaume Le
Dialogus Chronologico-Charitativus De Origine, Profectu, Et Divisione (1743) by Matare, Johann
Six Red Months In Russia: An Observer's Account Of Russia Before And During The Proletarian Dictatorship (1918) by Bryant, Louise
The English Prisoners In Russia: A Personal Narrative Of The First Lieutenant Of H.M.S. Tiger (1854) by Royer, Alfred
The History Of The Life Of Peter I, Emperor Of Russia V2 (1739) by Mottley, John
Observations Respecting The Circar Of Mazulipatam: In A Letter From John Sullivan, To The Court Of Directors Of The East-India Company (1780) by Sulivan, John
Characteristic Features Of Russian And Slavic Poetry: With Specimens (1854) by de Radius, J. S. C.
Beytrage Zu Der Reformationsgeschichte In Polen Und Litthauen Besonders (1786) by Friese, Christian Gottlieb Von
Lectiones Mosquenses V1 (1779) by Matthaei, Christian Friedrich
Catherine V4: Imperatrice De Toutes Les Russies, Seconde Femme De Pierre-Le-Grand (1819) by Gottis, Augustine
Catherine II (1835) by Abrantes, Laure Junot
Abrege De L'Histoire De La Hollande V3: Et Des Provinces-Unies, Depuis Les Tems Les Plus Anciens Jusqu'a Nos Jours (1778) by Kerroux, Louis Gabriel Florence
Anecdotes Originales De Pierre Le Grand (1787) by Staehlin, Jakob Von
Annales De La Petite-Russie V1: Ou Histoire De Cosaques-Saporogues Et Des Cosaques De L'Ukraine (1788) by Scherer, Jean Benoit
A Short Popular History Of Crete (1897) by Freese, John Henry
A Brief History Of Russia: From The Small Beginnings Of The Nation To The Present Vast Proportions Of The Empire (1877) by Shaw, Frances Anna
The Captive and the Gift: Cultural Histories of Sovereignty in Russia and the Caucasus by Grant, Bruce
The Captive and the Gift by Grant, Bruce
Reinventing Russia: The Formation of a Post-Soviet Identity by Piveronus, Peter J.
Beyond Stalingrad: Manstein and the Operations of Army Group Don by Sadarananda, Dana V.
Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War by Cohen, Stephen
The End of Our Time by Berdyaev, Nikolai
Bolshevik Sexual Forensics by Healey, Dan
Misinterpreting Modern Russia: Western Views of Putin and His Presidency by Sergi, Bruno S.
Female Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth-Century Russia by Ulianova, Galina
Grand Theater: Regional Governance in Stalin's Russia, 1931-1941 by Holmes, Larry E.
Contested and Shared Places of Memory: History and politics in North Eastern Europe by
Dealing with Josef Stalin by
Russia's Penal Colony in the Far East: A Translation of Vlas Doroshevich's Sakhalin by Doroshevich, Vlas Mikhalovich
Petrified Utopia: Happiness Soviet Style by
Poland and European Integration: The Ideas and Movements of Polish Exiles in the West, 1939-91 by Wolanski, M., Lane, T.
East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture by
The Guns of August 2008: Russia's War in Georgia by Cornell, Svante E., Starr, S. Frederick
The Guns of August 2008: Russia's War in Georgia by Cornell, Svante E., Starr, S. Frederick
The Soldier And Death: A Russian Folk Tale Told In English (1922) by Ransome, Arthur
Life Of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin: Prince And Priest (1873) by Brownson, Sarah M.
Life Of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin: Prince And Priest (1873) by Brownson, Sarah M.
Diem Felicem Augustissimo Nomini Elisabetae Petri Magni Filiae Autocratoris (1755) by Grischow, August Nathaniel, Braunii, J. A.
L'Asiatique Tolerant: Traite A L'Usage De Zeokinizul Roi Des Kofirans, Surnomme Le Cheri (1748) by Beaumelle, Laurent Angliviel De La
Gedichten Van Joachim Oudaan (1724) by Poot, Hubert Korneliszoon
The Young Muscovite V2: Or The Poles In Russia (1834) by Zagoskin, Mikhail Nikolaevich
Descrizione Istorica Del Sacro Real Monastero Di Monte Casino (1775) by Fratelli Raimondi Publisher
La Hollande Au Dix Huitieme Siecle, Ou Nouvelles Lettres (1779) by L'Honore, Samuel Francois
Instruction Donnee Par Catherine II (1769) by Ekaterina II
Des Interets Et Des Devoirs D'Un Republicain (1770) by Mallet, Paul Henri
Foreign Commerce Of The American Republics And Colonies (1891) by Bureau of the American Republics
Etat Present de La Grande Russie Ou Moscovie (1718) by Perry, John
History Of The Viceroyalty Of Buenos Aires: Containing The Most Accurate Details Relative To The Topography (1807) by Wilcocke, Samuel Hull
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