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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Spanish in 2024

Reflexiones políticas by Bolívar, Simón
El Crimen de la Guerra by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Cuaderno blanco by Sánchez Mejía, Rolando
Antología by Jesús, Santa Teresa de
Libro de buen amor by Hita, Arcipreste De
Viajes Y Descripciones by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Viajes by Miranda, Francisco De
Constitución de la Nación Argentina de 1994 by Varios, Autores
Tradiciones peruanas: Tomo I by Palma, Ricardo, Darío, Rubén
Tradiciones peruanas: Tomo II by Palma, Ricardo
Filipinas dentro de cien años by Rizal Y. Alonso, José
Vida de Juan Facundo Quiroga by Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
Recuerdos de la campaña de África by Núñez de Arce, Gaspar
Comedia de San Francisco de Borja by Bocanegra, Matías de
Poemas by Casal, Julián del
Recuerdos de provincia by Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino
Poemas by Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro II by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro III by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro IV by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro V by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro I by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro VIII by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles: Libro VI by Menéndez Y. Pelayo, Marcelino
La Araucana: Parte I by Ercilla Y. Zúñiga, Alonso de
Poemas by Rizal Y. Alonso, José
Gramática de la lengua castellana destinada al uso de los americanos by Bello, Andrés
Origen de los mexicanos by Tovar, Juan de
Historia de los indios de la Nueva España by Motolinía, Toribio de Benavente
Tradiciones peruanas: Tomo III by Palma, Ricardo
Los hijos de Sánchez: Tomo II by Lewis, Oscar
Cartas by Valdivia, Pedro De
La gitanilla by Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel De
Mozart ensayando su requiem by Medina, Tristán de Jesús
Escenas latinoamericanas by Martí Y. Pérez, José
Autobiografía de un esclavo by Manzano, Juan Francisco
Diario de un testigo de la guerra de África by Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de
Constituciones fundacionales de México by Varios, Autores
Constitución de México by Varios, Autores
Notas a la Gramática de la lengua castellana de don Andrés Bello by Cuervo, Rufino José
Filosofía fundamental by Balmes, Jaime
El criterio by Balmes, Jaime
Constitución Política de Bolivia de 1995 by Varios, Autores
Constitución de la primera República de Panamá de 1841 by Varios, Autores
Cántico espiritual by Cruz, San Juan De La
Junto al Pásig by Rizal Y. Alonso, José
Constitución de Bolivia de 1826 by Varios, Autores
Los primeros mártires de Japón by Vega Y. Carpio, Félix Lope de
Estudios críticos sobre historia y política by Valera, Juan
Nuestra América by Martí Y. Pérez, José
Evangelios apócrifos by Varios, Autores
La Inundación castálida by Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la
México libre by Ortega, Francisco
Poemas by Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la
Todas las Constituciones cubanas del siglo XX by Varios, Autores
Estudios críticos sobre historia y política by Valera, Juan
Autobiografía de un esclavo by Manzano, Juan Francisco
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation, Premium Fourth Edition by Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Conversation, Premium Fourth Edition by Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar, Premium Fifth Edition by Heminway, Annie
Spanish Verbalisations and the Internal Structure of Lexical Predicates by Fábregas, Antonio
Hispanic Adventures: Coloring and activity book (English-Spanish) by Malca, Shaiska
No Tears Spanish Grammar: Easy Learning: Essential Rules for Beginners by Bennett, Olivia
The Ultimate Learning Spanish Blueprint - 10 Essential Steps by Ramirez, Andres
Farm der Tiere / Rebelión en la Granja: Tranzlaty Deutsch Español by Orwell, George
La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) by
La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología: de la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) by
Mexican Spanish for Beginners: Your Guide to Speaking and Understanding the Language and Culture of Mexico with Confidence by Publishing, Lingo
501 Spanish Verbs, Tenth Edition by Kendris, Christopher, Kendris, Theodore, Barron's Educational Series
Spanish SENTENCE BUILDERS TRILOGY PART 2 - A SPEAKING BOOKLET by Viñales, Dylan, Conti, Gianfranco
Learn Beginner Medical Spanish in 30 Days: Become Fluent Faster with Essential Words, Phrases, and Real Life Dialogues for Healthcare Professionals to by Language Learning, Touri
The Belly of the Whale: Bilingual Edition by Prado, Claudia
Gramática analítica avanzada: Construyendo significados en español by Pérez-LeRoux, Ana Teresa, Álvarez-López, Yadira
Gramática analítica avanzada: Construyendo significados en español by Álvarez-López, Yadira, Pérez-LeRoux, Ana Teresa
Introducción a la lexicografía en español: Funciones y aplicaciones by Tarp, Sven, Nomdedeu-Rull, Antoni
Identity and Communicative Competence in Spanish for Specific Purposes: Critically Engaging the Community by Vollmer Rivera, Alexis A.
Introducción a la lexicografía en español: Funciones y aplicaciones by Tarp, Sven, Nomdedeu-Rull, Antoni
Expand Your Spanish Vocabulary!: Spanish Vocabulary for the Advanced, Intermediate, and/or Beginner Student by Fox, Bruce
Camino Lingo - English-Spanish Words and Phrases Edition 2 by Nóvoa, Reinette, Nilsen, Sylvia
Inclusiveness Beyond the (Non)Binary in Romance Languages: Research and Classroom Implementation by
Spanish for the Professions by Boris Tarre, Marta, Celaya, Lori
Spanish for the Professions by Celaya, Lori, Boris Tarre, Marta
La informalización del discurso digital público: Reflexiones sobre el inglés y el español by Pérez-Sabater, Carmen
Digital Flux, Linguistic Justice and Minoritized Languages by
Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria: Congo by Guevara, Ernesto Che
SPANISH SENTENCE BUILDERS - Triology 2 - ANSWER BOOK: Sentence Builder by Viñales, Dylan
Spanish Sentence Builder TRILOGY - Part 2 by Conti, Gianfranco, Viñales, Dylan
Data Representativity and Granularity in Spanish Syntax: Subjecthood Across Dialects and Methodologies in Spanish by Ortega-Santos, Iván
Beginners' Spanish by Gonzalez-Hevia, Angela
Beginners' Latin American Spanish: The Essential First Step to Learn Basic Latin American Spanish by Kattan-Ibarra, Juan
PRESAGIO A TI Entre versos by Tapia, Sergio
Sleeping Beauty (La Bella Durmiente) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Rapunzel (Rapunzel) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
The Three Little Pigs (Los Tres Cochinitos) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Las Tres Cabras Macho Y Gruff) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Little Red Riding Hood (Caperucita Roja) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Cinderella (Cenicienta) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
The Little Red Hen (La Gallinita Roja) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
The Gingerbread Boy (El Niño de Jengibr) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Jack and the Bamboo Stalk (Jack Y El Bambú Mágico) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ricitos de Oro Y Los Tres Osos) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Mama Goose Gets a Goose Egg (Mamá Ganso Anda Por Las Nube) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Beauty and the Beast (La Bella Y La Bestia) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Dos Meses en Madrid: Historias con Ejercicios para Estudiantes de Español by Galek, Daria
Dos Meses en Madrid: Opowieści z Ćwiczeniami dla Uczących się Hiszpańskiego by Galek, Daria
Sopa de Letras con Temática de Puerto Rico by Aponte, D.
Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino by
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology by
The Silent Princess and Other Stories: Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Kids, Artici
The Adventurous Lion: Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Kids, Artici
Spanish Stories for Beginners by Galek, Daria
El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: Un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas by
Tales of Mystery and Magic: Short Stories for Spanish Language Learners by Eleven, Norwood
Terminología del español: el término / Spanish Terminology: The Term by
The Brave Donkey And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
Spanske Fortællinger for Begyndere by Galek, Daria
Feliz Navidad: Bilingual Spanish-English Christmas Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
The Giant With A Sore Knee And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
The Flying Cat and Other Stories: Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
Atando los cabos: Curso intermedio de español by Rosso-O'Laughlin, Marta, González-Aguilar, María
Language Use and Language Attitudes in Juárez, Mexico by Hidalgo, Margarita
The Forest Of Dreams And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories For Children by Bilingual, Pomme
Introducción al estudio del discurso digital en español by
Introducción al estudio del discurso digital en español by
The Secret of the Enchanted Tree And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
Iberia negra: Textos para otra historia de la diáspora africana (siglos XVI y XVII) by
Iberia negra: Textos para otra historia de la diáspora africana (siglos XVI y XVII) by
Florilegio De Las Letras En Español En Los Estados Unidos by
Spanish Sentence Builder TRILOGY - Part 3 by Conti, Gianfranco, Viñales, Dylan
Spanish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary by DK
Sin Fronteras: Inclusive Spanish Grammar Guidebook by Castillo Larrea, Carolina, Stepanyan, Liana, Fages Agudo, María Mercedes
El Diario del Che En Bolivia by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Spelling in Spanish Heritage Language Education by Llombart-Huesca, Amàlia
The Three Little Pigs (Los Tres Cochinitos) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Spelling in Spanish Heritage Language Education by Llombart-Huesca, Amàlia
French Workbook for Spanish Speakers by Demontrond-Box, Estelle, Cabal, Belen
The Gingerbread Boy (El Niño de Jengibr) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
The Little Red Hen (La Gallinita Roja) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Little Red Riding Hood (Caperucita Roja) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Cinderella (Cenicienta) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Beauty and the Beast (La Bella Y La Bestia) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Sleeping Beauty (La Bella Durmiente) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ricitos de Oro Y Los Tres Osos) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Rapunzel (Rapunzel) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Mama Goose Gets a Goose Egg (Mamá Ganso Anda Por Las Nube) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Jack and the Bamboo Stalk (Jack Y El Bambú Mágico) Bilingual Eng/Spa by Anderson, Shannon
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: An Easy Way to Learn Latin American Spanish by Improving Your Reading Comprehension, Listening Skills and Growing by Fluency, Just
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: An Easy Way to Learn Latin American Spanish by Improving Your Reading Comprehension, Listening Skills and Growing by Fluency, Just
Spanish SENTENCE BUILDERS TRILOGY PART 3 - A SPEAKING BOOKLET by Viñales, Dylan, Conti, Gianfranco
The Litte Sun And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
The Little Fox And The Moon And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
Tales of Heart and Hope: Bilingual Spanish-English Short Stories for Spanish Language Learners by Bilingual, Pomme
The Whisper Of The Sea: Bilingual Spanish-English Short Stories for Spanish Language Learners by Bilingual, Pomme
Learn Spanish with TimeTravel Stories by Smith, Brian
Spanisch lernen: spanische Sprichwörter - Redewendungen - Ausdrücke by Mayer, Sabine
The Silence Of The Sand And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Spanish Language Learners by Bilingual, Pomme
Mutual Influence in Situations of Spanish Language Contact in the Americas by
Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in Spanish and English by
Qué Puedes Esperar En El Primer Año by Murkoff, Heidi
The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching: multimodalidad e interdisciplinariedad by
Step-by-Step Spanish: From Alphabet to Conversation by S, Valeria
Manual of Romance Word Classes by
Must-Know Spanish Travel Phrases For a Fun Trip: Learn How to Be Polite, Book a Table at the Restaurant, Ask for Directions, and much more in any Span by Alonso, Alina
The Cloud Dragon And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories for Kids by Bilingual, Pomme
Introducción a la literatura hispanofilipina by
Introducción a la literatura hispanofilipina by
Español académico esencial by Gil Fernández, Juana
Español académico esencial by Gil Fernández, Juana
Gramática Española: Variación Social by Shin, Naomi, Potowski, Kim
Cultura e interculturalidad en las clases de lengua y literatura españolas e hispanoamericanas: Materiales y reflexiones by
Gramática española: Variación social by Shin, Naomi, Potowski, Kim
Fonética Y Fonología Descriptivas de la Lengua Española: Volumes 1 and 2 by
The Routledge Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish by
The Routledge Companion to Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Forms by
Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics by
My Spanish Reading Book (Fluency) Grade 1-2: Learn to read in Spanish by Palacio, Maria
El Regalo de Navidad Que Era Demasiado Grande: Cuentos Bilingües Inglés-Español by Pommeline, My
Teaching to Read to Read in Spanish: A Guide Based on the Science of Reading: A Guide Based on the Science of Reading: A guide Based on the Science of by Palacio, Maria
Complete Spanish Workbook for Adults (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
Easy Spanish Short Stories for Beginners (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
ISBN: 979-8-9918995-3-6 (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
Learn Spanish Writing Workbook for Adults and DELE Exam (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
The Handbook for Spanish Beginners (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
The Spanish Verbs & Phrases Workbook For Adult Beginners (Large Print Edition) by Moon, Audrey
La Discreta Enamorada / The Cleverest Girl in Madrid: Lope de Vega by
The Acquisition of Spanish: A Research Overview in Multilingual Learning Contexts by Bowles, Melissa A., Zyzik, Eve
The Acquisition of Spanish: A Research Overview in Multilingual Learning Contexts by Zyzik, Eve, Bowles, Melissa A.
Art Therapy as Cumulative Trauma Repair: Expressive Therapies Continuum, Perry's Neurosequential Model, and Using Art Therapy Techniques to Inform Per by Albright Knash, Jennifer
Under the Jacaranda Tree And Other Bilingual Spanish-English Stories by Bilingual, Pomme
Manual del Español Incorrecto / A Manual of Incorrect Spanish by Chávez, Adrián
Luis y Sofía Spanish Stories for Primary School Pupils, Level 2: 7 Specially Written Short Stories for Developing Readers by Bell, Jenny, Scanes, Barbara
Leer Spaans Met Plezier - Voor Volwassenen: Gemakkelijk Tot Gevorderd - Bestudeer 100 Essentiële Onderwerpen Met Woordzoekers - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Apprendre l'Espagnol En s'Amusant - Pour Les Adultes: Niveau Facile À Avancé - Étudiez 100 Thématiques Essentielles Grâce Aux Mots Mêlés - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
Learn Spanish While Having Fun! - For Adults: Easy to Advanced - Study 100 Essential Thematics with Word Search Puzzles - Vol.1 by Linguas Classics
The Peer-Effect: Non-Traditional Models of Instruction in Spanish as a Heritage Language by Reznicek-Parrado, Lina M.
Word Search Puzzles in Spanish for Kids: Boys & Girls - Awesome! Vol.1 - Delta Classics by Delta Classics
Explorando Las Relaciones Intradiscursivas: Un Enfoque Multidimensional by
Dialectología hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Dialectology by
Understanding and Teaching the Indirect Object in Spanish by González, Luis H.
Sintaxis del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax by
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