• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1994

Goodyear Invades Backcountry by Palmer, Bryan D.
Advanced Technology for Road Transport by
Advanced Silicon & Semiconducting Silicon-Alloy Based Materials & Devices by
Rock Mechanics in Salt Mining by Jeremic, M. L.
Developments in Geotechnical Engineering: from Harvard to New Delhi 1936-1994 by
Asymmetric Deregulation: The Dynamics of Telecommunications Policy in Europe and the United States by Noam, Eli, Pogorel, Gerard
Marktwirtschaftliche Umweltpolitik Aus Ökologischer Sicht: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen by
Architektur in München Seit 1900: Ein Wegweiser by Fischer, Gerd
Topics in the Calculus of Variations by Fuchs, Martin
Dielektrische Werkstoffe Der Elektronik Und Photonik by
Mathematik Für Physiker: Basiswissen Für Das Grundstudium Der Experimentalphysik Lehrbuch Band 2 by
CIM-Lehrbuch: Grundlagen Der Rechnerintegrierten Produktion by
Trotzdem Modern: Die Wichtigsten Texte Zur Architektur in Deutschland 1919-1933 by
Höhere Analysis Mit Derive: Mit Zahlreichen Abbildungen, Beispielen Und Übungsaufgaben Sowie Mustersitzungen Mit Derive by Koepf, Wolfram
Die Elbe Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Ökologie Und Ökonomie: 6. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar Internationale Fachtagung in Cuxhaven Vom 8. Bis 12. No by
Untersuchungen Zu Giannozzo Manetti, de Dignitate Et Excellentia Hominis: Ein Renaissance-Humanist Und Sein Menschenbild by Glaap, Oliver
Schülkes Formeln: Mathematische Formelsammlung Für Den Unterricht by Schülke
Am Stereo and the FCC: Case Study of a Marketplace Shibboleth by Braun, Mark Jerome
Handbook of Techniques for Aquatic Sediments Sampling by Mudroch, Mudroch, Mudroch, Mudroch, Alena
Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory and String Theory by Bailin, D., Love, Alexander
Algebra by Kunz, Ernst
Werkstoffkunde Und Werkstoffprüfung: Unter Mitarbeit Von Uwe Bleyer by Weißbach, Wolfgang
Physik in Übungsaufgaben by Stolz, Werner, Deus, Peter
Abwasserkonzepte: Terratec '94. Kongreß West-Ost-Transfer Umwelt Vom 8. Bis 12. März 1994 by
Advances in Telematics, Volume 2 by Hanson, Jarice
Sequentielle Systeme: Binäre Und Fuzzy Automatisierung Mit Arithmetischen Polynomen by Franke, Dieter
Steuern - Regeln - Automatisieren: Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch by
Parsing: Eine Einführung in Die Maschinelle Analyse Natürlicher Sprache by Hohagen, Fritz
Analysis: Eine Einführung Für Mathematiker Und Informatiker by Schmieder, Gerald
Fahrerlose Transportsysteme: Automatische Bahnplanung in Dynamischen Umgebungen by Gutsche, Ralf
Einführung in Die Umwelttechnik: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen Aus Technik Und Recht by
Schweißtechnik: Verfahren Und Werkstoffe by Fahrenwaldt, Hans J.
Was Ist Los Mit Dem Treibhaus Erde by
Wasserstoff -- Energie Mit Zukunft by
Energie: Terratec '94. Kongreß West-Ost-Transfer Umwelt Vom 8. Bis 12. März 1994 by
Programmieren Mit Modula-2 Grundkurs Angewandte Informatik I by Stucky, Wolffried
Graphen Und Algorithmen by
Aussagenlogik: Deduktion Und Algorithmen: Deduktion Und Algorithmen by Lettmann, Theodor
Grundlagen Der Funktionalen Programmierung by
Rechnernetze: Konzepte Und Techniken Der Datenübertragung in Rechnernetzen by Burke, Manfred
Symmetrie Und Struktur: Eine Einführung in Die Gruppentheorie by
Einführung in Die Fuzzy-Logik by Traeger, Dirk H.
Qualitätsmanagement in Der PRAXIS: Din ISO 9000 Lean Production Total Quality Management. Einführung Eines Qm-Systems Im Unternehmen by Wittig, Klaus-Jürgen
Stochastische Analysis: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Der Stetigen Semimartingale by Thalmaier, Anton
Ökologische Krise Und Marktmechanismen: Umweltökonomie in Evolutionärer Perspektive by
Hochfrequenztechnik in Funk Und Radar by Unger, Hans-Georg
Farbfernsehtechnik by Morgenstern, Bodo
Software Engineering Im Unterricht Der Hochschulen Seuh '94 by
Mobilfunk Und Intelligente Netze: Grundlagen Und Realisierung Mobiler Kommunikation by Biala, Jacek
Multilevel Finite Element Approximation: Theory and Applications by
Lean Production: Vergleich Mit Anderen Konzepten Zur Produktionsplanung Und -Steuerung by Jeziorek, Olaf
Prozeßsicherung in Der Mechanischen Fertigung by Kranich, Gerhard
Roboter Mit Tastsinn by Müller, Matthias
Aufgaben Zum Skriptum Informatik by Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen, Ludewig, Jochen
Datenbanken in Verteilten Systemen: Konzepte, Lösungen, Standards by Lamersdorf, Winfried
Photonik: Eine Einführung in Die Integrierte Optoelektronik Und Technische Optik by
Nichtlineare Physik in Aufgaben by
Mathematik Für Informatiker by Schwarz, Friedrich
Rockbursts in Coal Mines and Their Prevention by Braeuner, Gerhard
Discharge Characteristics: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 8 by
The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks: Proceedings of the 13th IAVSD Symposium by
Current Directions in Dyslexia Research by Van, Den Bos Et
Pollution Abatement Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe by Toman, Michael a.
Regelungstechnik Und Simulation: Ein Arbeitsbuch Mit Visualisierungssoftware by Makarov, Anatoli
Bussysteme in Der Automatisierungstechnik by
Betriebliche Und Überbetriebliche Vernetzung Von Arbeitsplätzen by
Grundgedanken Der Lean Production by Traeger, Dirk H.
Numerical Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at Heidelberg, October 25-28, 1993 by Hebeker, Friedrich-Karl
An Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundations by Scott, C. R.
Struktur Der Materie: Grundlagen, Mikroskopie Und Spektroskopie by Ziegler, Christiane
Georgius Agricola by
Bestimmung Von Entfernungsbildern Durch Aktive Stereoskopische Verfahren by Sasse, Ralph
Mining Latin America by Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, IMM
Caribbean Maritime Security by Morris, Michael A.
Parallele Digitale Optische Recheneinheiten: Modellierung, Simulation Und Bewertung by Fey, Dietmar
Quantum Mechanics on the Macintosh(r) by Brandt, Siegmund, Dahmen, Hans Dieter
Leitfaden Für Den Bau Von Kleinwasserkraftanlagen by
Research Into Secondary School Curricula by
Business Communication: Concepts and Applications in an Electronic Age by Hudson, Randolph H.
Fundamental Principles of Manufacturing Processes by Allen, Dell K., Todd, Robert H., Alting, Leo
Geology of Western Gondwana (2000 - 500 Ma): Pan-African-Brasiliano Aggregation of South America and Africa (Translated by A.V.Carozzi, Univ.of Illino by Trompette, Roland
Manifolds and Modular Forms by Berger, Thomas, Hirzebruch, Friedrich
Miscellaneous Foods: Supplement to the Composition of Foods by
The American Patented Brace 1829-1924: An Illustrated Directory of Patents by Pearson, Ronald W.
Non verba sed vim by Lennartz, Klaus
Einleitung Und Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 1-73 by Hillgruber, Michael
Three Studies in Athenian Dramaturgy by Scullion, Scott
Physiognomonica Pseudaristotelis, Graece Et Latine, Adamantii Cum Epitomis Graece, Polemonis E Recensione Georgii Hoffmanni Arabice Et Latine Continen by
Die Äußerungen Des Aristoteles Über Dichter Und Dichtung Außerhalb Der Poetik by Moraitou, Despina
Taufe Und Versuchung Jesu in Den Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor Des Bibeldichters Juvencus (1, 346-408) by Fichtner, Rudolf
Introduction to Sedimentology by Sengupta, Supriya
Rock Breakage by Blasting by Petrosyan, M. I.
Managing New Technology Development by Souder, William E.
The Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents & Reports by Childress, David Hatcher
Wind-Excited Vibrations of Structures by
Dynamic Motion: Chaotic and Stochastic Behaviour by
Multivariate Environmental Statistics: Volume 6 by
The Western Security Community 1948-1950: Common Problems and Conflicting National Interests During the Foundation Phase of the North Atlantic by
Design and Fabrication of Acousto-Optic Devices by Goutzoulis
Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes by Castells, Manuel
The DAT Technical Service Handbook by Maddox, Richard
Electromigration and Electronic Device Degradation by
Construction of Fills by Monahan, Edward J.
The Spice Book by Vladimirescu, Andrei
Observations of Solid Waste Management in Bombay, 1992 by Coad, Adrian
Handbook of Expert Systems Applications in Manufacturing: Structures and Rules (Intelligent Manufacturing, No 4) by Mital, A., Anand, S.
Multiphase Flow and Fluidization: Continuum and Kinetic Theory Descriptions by Gidaspow, Dimitri
Fetal Protection in the Workplace: Women's Rights, Business Interests, and the Unborn by Blank, Robert H.
Spices, Herbs and Edible Fungi: Volume 34 by
Three-Dimensional Elasticity: Volume 20 by
Umweltwissen: Daten, Fakten, Zusammenhänge by Bossel, Hartmut
Fluid- And Gasdynamics: Festschrift for Jürgen Zierep on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by
Power System Operation by Malinowski, James H., Miller, Robert H.
Schaum's Outline of Digital Principles by Tokheim, Roger L.
An Introduction to Ultrasonic Motors by Sashida, Toshiiku, Kenjo, Takashi
DV-Unterstützung Beim Planen Und Einführen Von CIM-Lösungen by Schüle, Hubert
Rotodynamic Pump Design by Turton, R. K.
The Science of Polymer Molecules by Boyd, Richard H., Phillips, Paul J., Richard H., Boyd
From Polaris to Trident: The Development of Us Fleet Ballistic Missile Technology by Spinardi, Graham
American Samurai: Myth and Imagination in the Conduct of Battle in the First Marine Division 1941 1951 by Cameron, Craig M., Craig M., Cameron, Cameron, Rondo Etc
Teletraffic Technologies in ATM Networks by Saito, Hiroshi
North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs -- III: Proceedings of the 3rd North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs Conference Organized and Hosted by the Norwegian Inst by
The Application of Economic Techniques in Environmental Impact Assessment by
VLSI Design Methodologies for Digital Signal Processing Architectures by
Analog Device-Level Layout Automation by Rutenbar, Rob A., Cohn, John M., Garrod, David J.
Mechanics of Solder Alloy Interconnects by Morgan, Harold S., Frear, Darrel R., Burchett, Steven N.
Field-Programmable Gate Array Technology by
Telecommunications Demand in Theory and Practice by Taylor, L. D.
Telecommunications Demand in Theory and Practice by Taylor, L. D.
Analog Circuit Design: Mixed A/D Circuit Design, Sensor Interface Circuits and Communication Circuits by
Modeling and Simulation of High Speed VLSI Interconnects: A Special Issue of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing an International Journal by
Fuel Cell Systems by
Defects and Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids by
Sol-Gel Optics: Processing and Applications by
Digital Signal Processing in Communications Systems by Frerking, Marvin
Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes by
New Advances in Polyolefins by
An Introduction to Broadband Networks: Lans, Mans, Atm, B-Isdn, and Optical Networks for Integrated Multimedia Telecommunications by Acampora, Anthony S.
Acoustical Imaging 20 by
A Formal Approach to Hardware Design by Staunstrup, Jørgen
Analog-To-Digital and Digital-To-Analog Converters by Plassche, Rudy J. Van De, Van de Plassche, Rudy J.
Computer-Aided Graphics and Design, Third Edition, by Ryan, Daniel L., Ryan, Ryan L., Ryan, Una S.
Protective Clothing Systems and Materials by
Geschwindigkeitsbestimmende Strahleigenschaften Und Einkoppelmechanismen Beim Co2-Laserschneiden Von Metallen by Mohr, Ursula
Optimierung Von Hf-Gasentladungen Für Schnell Längsgeströmte Co2-Laser by
Grammatik Und Sprachverarbeitung: Zur Verarbeitung Syntaktischer Ambiguitäten by
A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination by Fritzsche, Peter
Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure: Band IV Vektoranalysis Und Funktionentheorie by Haf, Herbert
Windkraftanlagen Im Netzbetrieb by Heier, Siegfried
Plasmamodifikation Von Kunststoffoberflächen Zur Haftfestigkeitssteigerung Von Metallschichten by Mann, Dieter A.
Allgemeine Toxikologie Für Chemiker: Einführung in Die Theoretische Toxikologie by Fuhrmann, Günter Fred
Solving Partial Differ Eqn on Parallel by Zhu, Jian Ping
The Evolution of Useful Things: How Everyday Artifacts-From Forks and Pins to Paper Clips and Zippers-Came to Be as They Are. by Petroski, Henry
Flow and Rheology in Polymer Composites Manufacturing: Volume 10 by
Theories and Mechanism of Phase Transitions, Heterophase Polymerizations, Homopolymerization, Addition Polymerization by
Mos-Feldeffekttransistoren by Paul, Reinhold
Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation by Jones, D. S. J.
Handbook of Vapor Pressure: Volume 3: Organic Compounds C8 to C28 by Yaws, Carl L.
The Wiley Project Engineer's Desk Reference: Project Engineering, Operations, and Management by Heisler, Sanford I.
Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineer by Unger, Stephen H.
Feminine Ingenuity: Women and Invention in America by MacDonald, Anne L.
Simulation Von Meßschaltungen: Praktische Beispiele Mit PSPICE Berechnen by Pfeiffer, Wolfgang
Softwareentwicklung Für Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen Im Integrierten, Rechnergestützten Konstruktionsprozeß by Hengel, Kornelius
Vorrichtungssysteme Für Die Flexibel Automatisierte Montage by Willy, Armin
Technology and Assessment of Safety-Critical Systems: Proceedings of the Second Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Birmingham, Uk, 8-10 February 1994 by
Robotics in Alpe-Adria Region: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop (Raa '93), June 1993, Krems, Austria by
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Elemente Der Mechanik II: Elastostatik by Bruhns, Otto T., Lehmann, Theodor
Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms by Mallik, Asok Kumar
Trends in Flavour Research: Volume 35 by
Strategic Industrial Sourcing: The Japanese Advantage by Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
Acceptable Evidence by Mayo
Technische Mechanik Für Ingenieure: Band 2: Festigkeitslehre by Berger, Joachim
Introduction to Modern Colloid Science by Hunter, Robert J., Hunter
Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity by Marsden, Jerrold E., Hughes, Thomas J. R.
Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik: Band 2 by Stiess, Matthias
U.S. Domestic and National Security Agendas: Into the Twenty-First Century by
An Introduction to Mining Seismology: Volume 55 by Kijko, Andrzej, Gibowicz, Slawomir Jerzy
Baubetrieb 1: Einführung, Rahmenbedingungen, Bauverfahren by Bauer, Hermann
Advances in Design Optimization by
NMR Techniques in Catalysis by Bell, Alexis T.
Electronic Structure of Refractory Carbides and Nitrides by Ivanovsky, A. L., Zhukov, V. P., Gubanov, V. A.
Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environments by Barrow, Christopher J., Barrow, C. J.
Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-To Approach by Leo, William R.
Microwave Scattering and Emission Models and their Applications by Fung, Adrian K.
Cooling of Electronic Systems by
Systems Design with the Mc68020, Mc68030, Mc68040 32-Bit Microprocessors by Noor, Asghar, Noor, Ashgar I.
Metalloporphyrins Catalyzed Oxidations by
Fuzzy Reasoning in Information, Decision and Control Systems by
Reliability and Safety Assessment of Dynamic Process Systems by
Coping with Floods by
Circuit Synthesis with VHDL by Bergé, Jean-Michel, Airiau, Roland, Olive, Vincent
Work and Health: Risk Groups and Trends Scenario Report Commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios by Scenario Committee on Work and Health
Fractal Surfaces by Russ, John C.
Boiler Operators Handbook by Nifes Ltd
Photonic Aspects of Modern Radar by Zmuda, Henry
New Wave Manufacturing Strategies: Organizational and Human Resource Management Dimensions by
Computational Optimal Control by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 32 by
A Century in the Works: Freese and Nichols Consulting Engineers, 1894-1994 by Freese, Simon W.
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