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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Technology & Engineering in 1998

Microelectromechanical Systems: Advanced Materials and Fabrication Methods by National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
BMW 5 Series Service Manual: 1989-1995 by Bentley Publishers
Atlantic Security: Contending Visions by Kupchan, Charles
Grundlagen Der Optoelektronischen Halbleiterbauelemente by Schmidt, Andreas, Wagemann, Hans-Günther
Management Von Informationssystemen: Analyse, Bewertung, Auswahl, Bereitstellung Und Einführung Von Informationssystemkomponenten Am Beispiel Von Kran by Haux, Reinhold, Lagemann, Anita
Wavelets: Theorie Und Anwendungen by Maaß, Peter, Rieder, Andreas, Louis, Alfred K.
Gewässerschutz Im Einzugsgebiet Der Elbe: 8. Magdeburger Gewässerschutzseminar by
Entwurf Selbsttestbarer Schaltungen by Ströle, Albrecht P.
Metapopulationsanalyse Auf Rasterdatenbasis: Möglichkeiten Des Modelleinsatzes Und Der Ergebnisumsetzung Im Landschaftsmaßstab Am Beispiel Von Tagfalt by Settele, Josef
Einführung in Die Elementare Zahlentheorie: Interaktives Buch Mit CD-ROM by Schwarz, Friedrich
Psyche - Seele - anima by
Euripides Satyrographos: Ein Kommentar Zu Den Euripideischen Satyrspielfragmenten by Pechstein, Nikolaus
Corrosion and Scale Handbook by Becker, J. R.
Damping of Vibrations by
Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology by Fox, Robert
Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Second Edition by
Ship Collision Analysis: Proceedings of the international symposium on advances in ship collision analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-13 May 1998 by
Introduction to Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems by Cox, Paul, Driggers, Ronald G., Edwards, Timothy
Hochfrequenzmesstechnik: Verfahren Und Messsysteme by Thumm, Manfred, Wiesbeck, Werner, Kern, Stefan
Multiskalen- Und Wavelet-Matrixkompression: Analysisbasierte Methoden Zur Effizienten Lösung Großer Vollbesetzter Gleichungssysteme by
Revetment Systems Against Wave Attack - A Design Manual by McConnell, Kirsty
Parametrisierte Spezifikation Von Schaltkreisen: Graphischer Entwurf Regulärer Strukturen by
Seismicity Associated with Mines, Reservoirs and Fluid Injections by Talebi, Shahrian
Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie in Fragen Und Übungsaufgaben by Schmieder, Roland
Physik Mit Dem PC by
Ingenieurmathematik Mit Computeralgebra-Systemen: Axiom, Derive, Macsyma, Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, MATLAB Und Mupad in Der Anwendung by Benker, Hans
Starthilfe Chemie by
Grundwissen Umweltrecht: Ein Studienmaterial Für Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker Und Für Die Verwaltungspraxis by Süss, Wolfgang
Starthilfe Graphikfähige Taschenrechner Und Numerik by Pönisch, Gerd
Interaktion Im Web -- Innovative Kommunikationsformen by
Finite-Volumen- Und Mehrgitter-Verfahren Für Elliptische Randwertprobleme by
Objektmodellierung: Eine Einführung in Die Objektorientierte Analyse Und Das Objektorientierte Design by Vetter, Max
Bioavailability and Analysis of Vitamins in Foods by Ball, G. F. M.
Indicibus AD Theognidem Adiectis by Theognis Megarensis
Integriertes Geschäftsprozeßmanagement: Effektive Organisationsgestaltung Mit Workflow-, Workgroup- Und Dokumentenmanagement-Systemen by Gierhake, Olaf
Programmierkurs Turbo-Pascal Version 7.0: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Mit Mehr ALS 220 Programmen by
Informationssysteme Und Datenbanken by
Geomed '97: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geomedical Systems Rostock, Germany, September 1997 by
Aggregate Resources: A Global Perspective by
Damping of Vibrations by
Bases and Foundations of Building Under Reconstruction by Konovalov, P. A.
Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles - BAP III by
Igneous Petrology: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 15 by
Stratigraphy: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 11 by
Physics and Mechanics of Amorphous Polymers by Perez, Jo
Graphenbasierte Funktionsdarstellung: Boolesche Und Pseudo-Boolesche Funktionen by Drechsler, Rolf, Becker, Bernd
Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1996: Im Auftrag Der Gl Herausgegeben Durch Den Nominierungsausschuß by
Grundwissen Zur Mikrobiellen Biotechnologie: Grundlagen, Methoden, Verfahren Und Anwendungen by Leuchtenberger, Andreas
Vorgehensmodelle Für Die Betriebliche Anwendungsentwicklung by
Sonnenkollektoren: Thermische Solaranlagen by Fox, Ulrich
Professor Dr.-Ing. E.H. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Beitz Zum Gedenken: Sein Wirken Und Schaffen by Beitz, Wolfgang
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 98 by Ricken, Detlef E., Gessner, Wolfgang
C++ Für C-Programmierer by
Betriebliches Umweltmanagement: Grundlagen - Methoden - Praxisbeispiele by Roth, K., Lutz, U., Dottinger, K.
Shallow Groundwater Systems: Iah International Contributions to Hydrogeology 18 by Dillon
Quaternary Deserts and Climatic Change by
Basic Vacuum Technology, 2nd edition by Chambers, A.
Advanced Tactical Fighter to F-22 Raptor: Origins of the 21st Century Air Dominance Fighter by D. Aronstein, M. Hirschberg, Aronstein, David C.
Learning about Materials by
Athens Weg in Die Niederlage by Bleckmann, Bruno
Poetologische Bildersprache in Der Frühgriechischen Dichtung by Nünlist, René
Fleissige Thrakerinnen und wehrhafte Skythen by Bäbler, Balbina
Untersuchungen Zum Sophokleischen Philoktet: Das Auslösende Ereignis in Der Stückgestaltung by Visser, Tamara
Die antiken Traktate über das Drama by Bagordo, Andreas
Ansichten griechischer Rituale by
Rom und das Reich in der Hohen Kaiserzeit, Band I, Die Struktur des Reiches by Jacques, François, Scheid, John
Die römische Literatur by Norden, Eduard
Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors 1997: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Defect Recognition and Image Processing, Berl by Doneker, J., Rechenberg, I.
Project Management for Environmental, Health and Safety Professionals: 18 Steps to Success by Pierce, F. David
Underground Storage Tank Management: A Practical Guide by Rizzo, Joyce A.
Deep-Level Geodynamics by Kirdyashkin, A. G., Dobretsov, N. L.
Hot Air Rises and Heat Sinks by ASME Press, Kordyban, Tony, Asme Press
Subsurface Conditions: Risk Management for Design and Construction Management Professionals by
Quasioptical Systems: Gaussian Beam Quasioptical Propogation and Applications by Goldsmith, Paul F.
Industrial Research and Innovation Indicators: Report of a Workshop by Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
Principles of Process Research and Chemical Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Repic, Oljan
Introduction to Electromagnetic and Microwave Engineering by Colef, Gabriel D., Camisa, Raymond L., Karmel, Paul R.
Simulation und Herstellung siliziumbasierter integriert-optischer Sternkoppler by Henke, Christian
Transportation Engineering: Planning and Design by Ashford, Norman J., Stammer, Robert J., Wright, Paul H.
Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach by Goebel, Randy G., Mackworth, Alan K., Poole, David I.
Assessment of the U.S. Army Natick Research, Development, and Engineering Center by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
The Origins Of Western Warfare: Militarism And Morality In The Ancient World by Dawson, James D., Dawson, Doyne
Untersuchung eines optischen Halbleiterverstärkers mittels Simulation im Hinblick auf den Einsatz in Systemen: Unter Verwendung von Wellenlängenmultip by Körschen, Götz
Tele-Stress: Relief for Call Center Stress by Coscia, Stephen
Blockcopolymers, Polyelectrolytes, Biodegradation by
An Introduction to Thermal-Fluid Engineering by Warhaft, Zellman
An Introduction to Thermal-Fluid Engineering by Warhaft, Z., Warhaft, Zellman
Digitale Erzeugung eines Sweepsignals für einen FM-CW-Radar by Seemann, Rolf
Die Rolle der Ernährung in der Pathogenese der Arteriosklerose by Nürnberger, Christine
Concepts in Polymer Thermodynamics, Volume II by Van Dijk, Menno A., Wakker, Andre
Guidance Manual on Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes by Well
Artificial Knowing: Gender and the Thinking Machine by Adam, Alison
Artificial Knowing: Gender and the Thinking Machine by Adam, Alison
On-Plot Sanitation for Low-Income Urban Communities: Guidelines for Selection by Cotton, Andrew
Strategic Sanitation Approach: A Review of the Literature by Saywell, Darren
Soviet Strategic Thought, 1917-91 by Kokoshin, Andrei A.
Distributed Computer Control Systems 1997 by
Funding Transport Systems: A Comparison Among Developed Countries by Nakagawa, Dai, Matsunaka, Ryoji
Übungsbuch Zur Numerischen Mathematik: Typische Aufgaben Mit Ausgearbeiteten Lösungen Zur Numerik Und Zum Wissenschaftlichen Rechnen by Herzberger, Jürgen
Termersetzungssysteme: Theorie, Implementierung, Anwendung by
Verbrennungsmotoren: Prozesse, Betriebsverhalten, Abgas by Merhof, Wolfgang, Hackbarth, Ernst-Michael
Implementierung der ISO 9000 ff. im vieh- und fleischverarbeitenden Gewerbe und deren Auswirkungen by Hollenberg, Klaus
Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen Elektronischer Geräte: Leitfaden Für Design Und Schaltungstechnik by Lanz, Herwig, Baumann, Konrad
Makromodellierung parasitärer Substrateffekte von Bipolartransistoren einer BiCMOS-Technologie by Fischer, Roland
Ein Verfahren zur Detektion der Kommutierung von Gleichstrommotoren auf der Basis von Wavelets by Fischer, Roland
Occupational Injury: Risk, Prevention And Intervention by
Introduction to Logic Design by
Occupational Injury: Risk, Prevention And Intervention by
The Design Analysis Handbook: A Practical Guide to Design Validation by Walker, N. Edward
Leistungsanalyse Von Produktionssteuerungssystemen by Gstettner, Stefan
Nonlinear System Techniques and Applications by Bendat, Julius S.
Scale Invariance and Beyond: Les Houches Workshop, March 10-14, 1997 by
The Wired Neighborhood by Doheny-Farina, Stephen
Methodisches Konstruieren von Leichtbauelementen mit Hilfe von FE-Berechnungen: Am Beispiel einer Rohrkerndoppelplatte by Krauß, Thomas
Leprosy in Nepal: Curriculum for Agricultural Rehabilitation by Jenny, Andreas
Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes by Miller, Claudia S., Ashford, Nicholas A.
Page to Screen: Taking Literacy into the Electronic Era by
Nuclear Tests: Long-Term Consequences in the Semipalatinsk/Altai Region by
Robust Control Design 1997 by Banyasz, Cs
After the Event: From Accident to Organisational Learning by Hale, Andrew, Frietag, M., Wilpert, Bernhard
Cumulative Sum Charts and Charting for Quality Improvement by Hawkins, Douglas M., Olwell, David H.
The Art of Insurgency: American Military Policy and the Failure of Strategy in Southeast Asia by Hamilton, Donald W.
Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook, Second Edition by Cheryan, Munir
Analyse von Finleitungen mit Hilfe der Orthogonalreihenentwicklung und der transversalen Resonanz by Gerhard, Michael-Peter
Design in Nature: Learning from Trees by Mattheck, Claus
Soil and Aquifer Pollution: Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids - Contamination and Reclamation by
Communication, Commerce and Power: The Political Economy of America and the Direct Broadcast Satellite, 1960-2000 by Comor, Edward A.
Entwicklung eines Oszillatorschaltkreises mit Schleifenverstärkungsregelung für kapazitive Näherungssensoren by Eckl, Christoph
An Almost Practical Step Toward Sustainability by Solow, Robert M.
Time Out: Using Visible Pull Systems to Drive Process Improvement by Smith, Wayne K.
Mathematica: Vom Problem Zum Programm: Modellbildung Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Heinrich, Elkedagmar, Janetzko, Hans-D
Multiple Stresses in Ecosystems by Wilson, Barry W., Crosby, Donald G., Cech, Jr.
Theoretical Fluid Dynamics by Shivamoggi, Bhimsen K.
Licensed to Kill?: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant by Aron, Joan
Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Flourine-19 and Nitrogen-15 by
The Human Exploration of Space by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Space Studies Board, National Research Council
Control of Indefinite Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Induced Internal Feedback by
Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology by
Modern Aspects of Colloidal Dispersions: Results from the Dti Colloid Technology Programme by
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems by
Chapman & Hall's Complete Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review Workbook by Professional Engineer Review Course
Applications of Photonic Technology 2: Communications, Sensing, Materials, and Signal Processing by
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services by
Score '96: Solar Convection and Oscillations and Their Relationship by
Optical Interconnections and Parallel Processing: Trends at the Interface by
Practical Spectroscopy of High-Frequency Discharges by Kazantsev, Sergi, Khutorshchikov, Vyacheslav I., Guthöhrlein, Günter H.
Commercial Polymer Blends by Utracki, L. a.
Advanced Multilayered and Fibre-Reinforced Composites by
Technik, Studium Und Geschlecht: Was Verändert Sich Im Technik- Und Selbstkonzept Der Geschlechter? by Walter, Christel
Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest Planning by
Produktionsstrukturen Des Ostdeutschen Maschinenbaus in Der Transformation by Ostendorf, Barbara
Reliability, Yield, and Stress Burn-In: A Unified Approach for Microelectronics Systems Manufacturing & Software Development by Way Kuo, Wei-Ting Kary Chien, Taeho Kim
Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 39 by
Organizing the Extended Enterprise: Ifip Tc5 / Wg5.7 International Working Conference on Organizing the Extended Enterprise 15-18 September 1997, Asco by
Advances in Production Management Systems: Perspectives and Future Challenges by Fujii, Susumu, Okino, Norio, Tamura, Hiroyuki
Technikethik Und Wirtschaftsethik: Fragen Der Praktischen Philosophie by
VHDL Answers to Frequently Asked Questions by Cohen, Ben
The Microbiology of Activated Sludge by
Acoustical Imaging 23 by International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging 23rd 1997
Solar System Ices: Based on Reviews Presented at the International Symposium "solar System Ices" Held in Toulouse, France, on March 27-30, 1995 by
Entwicklung eines Realzeit-Multitasking-Betriebsystemes und Erprobung anhand selbstgewählter Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Automatisierungstechnik by Müller, Mathias
Rechtsfragen Im Baubetrieb: Ein Leitfaden Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Seeling, Reinhard
Contractor's Portable Handbook by Woodson, R. Dodge
Risk Taking and Decision Making: Foreign Military Intervention Decisions by Vertzberger, Yaacov Y. I.
Pflanzenernährung, Wurzelleistung Und Exsudation: 8. Borkheider Seminar Zur Ökophysiologie Des Wurzelraumes. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung in Schmer by
Improving Efficiency by Shrinkage: The James--Stein and Ridge Regression Estimators by Gruber, Marvin
Teachers' Pack on Experiments in Materials Science by Davis, C.
The Downsized Warrior: America's Army in Transition by McCormick, David H.
Advances in Soil and Water Conservation by Pierce, Francis J.
Hazwoper: Incident Command by Einolf, David M.
Vitamin C Fortification of Food Aid Commodities: Final Report by Committee on International Nutrition--Vitamin C in Food Aid, Institute of Medicine
Rotordynamics Prediction in Engineering by Ferraris, Guy, Lalanne, Michel
Contemporary Hydrology: Towards Holistic Environmental Science by
Integrated Circuit Failure Analysis: A Guide to Preparation Techniques by Beck, Friedrich
Experimental Reversal of Acid Rain Effects: The Gårdsjön Roof Project by
Estuaries: A Physical Introduction by Dyer, Keith R.
Chirality in Industry II: Developments in the Commercial Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds by
Verstärkung von Biegeträgern aus Holz mit Lamellen aus kohlenstofffaserverstärktem Kunststoff by Holst, Alexander
The QFD Handbook by Moran, John W., Revelle, Jack B., Cox, Charles A.
Technologische Untersuchungen zum Senkerodieren von polykristallinem Diamant by Karagiannis, Georgios
Buckling Experiments: Experimental Methods in Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 1: Basic Concepts, Columns, Beams and Plates by Weller, Tanchum, Singer, Josef, Arbocz, Johann
Hydraulic Engineering by Cassidy, John J., Chaudhry, M. Hanif, Roberson, John A.
Birefringent Thin Films & Polarizing... by Hodgkinson, Ian J., Qi, Hong Wu
Industrial Perspectives of Safety-Critical Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Birmingham 1998 by
The Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Shells by Libai, A., Simmonds, J. G.
Engineering, Ethics, and the Environment by Vesilin, P. Arne
Introduction to Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Fluids and Solids by Drumheller, Douglas S., Drumheller, D. S.
Engineering, Ethics, and the Environment by Vesilin, P. Arne
The Future of War: Power, Technology and American World Dominance in the Twenty-First Century by Friedman, George, Friedman, Meredith
Energie Und Umweltbelastung by Wagner, Hermann-Josef, Borsch, Peter
Simulation in Produktion Und Logistik: Fallbeispielsammlung by
Von Der Abfallwirtschaft Zur Ökologischen Stoffwirtschaft: Wege Zu Einer Ökonomie Der Reproduktion by Hofmeister, Sabine
Aktive Funktionsbauweisen: Eine Einführung in Die Struktronik by Elspass, W. J., Flemming, Manfred
Digitale Meßtechnik: Grundlagen, Geräte, Bussysteme by Pfeiffer, Wolfgang
Technische Mechanik Für Ingenieure: Band 3: Dynamik by Berger, Joachim
TQM Der Softwareentwicklung: Mit Prozeßverbesserung, Kundenorientierung Und Change Management Zu Erfolgreicher Software by Herzwurm, Georg, Mellis, Werner
Arbeitshilfen Und Formeln Für Das Technische Studium: Konstruktion by Böge, Alfred
Methoden Zur Planung Zeit- Und Kostenoptimaler Produktion Und Lagerhaltung: Anwendung Der Theorie Optimaler Prozesse by Warschat, Joachim
What Will Be: How the New World of Information Will Change Our Lives by Dertouzos, Michael L.
Risk Assessment and Management in the Context of the Seveso II Directive: Volume 6 by Christou, Michalis D., Papadakis, Georgios A.
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