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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 1994

Unhealthy Alliances: Bureaucrats, Interest Groups, and Politicians in Health Reform by Butler, Henry N.
The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Volume 9: Records of the Executive Council, 1755-1775 by
International Perspectives on Church and State by Mor, Menachem
Deregulating the Public Service: Can Government be Improved? by Diiulio, John J.
Presidential Economics:: The Making of Economic Policy from Roosevelt to Clinton, 3rd Edition by Stein, Herbert
Kentucky Politics and Government: Do We Stand United? by Miller, Penny M.
The Politics of Redistributing Urban Aid by Montjoy, Robert S., Watson, Douglas J.
Fetal Protection in the Workplace: Women's Rights, Business Interests, and the Unborn by Blank, Robert H.
Alone with the President by Strausbaugh, John
Contracting for Property Rights by Libecap, Gary D.
Statehouse Democracy by Wright, Gerald C., Jr., Erikson, Robert S., McIver, John P.
Northern Ireland and the Politics of Reconciliation by
Statehouse Democracy by Wright, Gerald C., Jr., McIver, John P., Erikson, Robert S.
Edv-Einsatz in Umweltschutz Und Landschaftsplanung: Datengrundlagen, Landschaftsplanung, Abfallentsorgung, Integration by
Race Against the Court: The Supreme Court and Minorities in Contemporary America by Spann, Girardeau A.
Alaska Politics and Government by McBeath, Gerald A., Morehouse, Thomas A.
An American Half Century by
Die Illusion Der Wunderwaffen: Die Rolle Der Düsenflugzeuge Und Flugabwehrraketen in Der Rüstungsindustrie Des Dritten Reiches by Schabel, Ralf
American Presidency: An Intellectual History by McDonald, Forrest
Communities and Caring: The Mixed Economy of Welfare by Mayo, Marjorie
Statecraft and Power: Essays in Honor of Harold W. Rood by Harmon, Christopher
Biographical Directory of the Governors of the United States 1988-1994 by Mullaney, Marie M.
The Johnson Years, Volume Three: LBJ at Home and Abroad by
Spin Control: The White House Office of Communications and the Management of Presidential News by Maltese, John Anthony
Alone with the President by Strausbaugh, John
The 1992 Presidential Election in the South by
Rule and Order Dutch Planning Doctrine in the Twentieth Century by Faludi, A., Van Der Valk, A. J.
The Future of Rural Development: Between the Adjustment of the Project Approach and Sectoral Programme Desig by Gsanger, Hans
Lincoln and Black Freedom: A Study in Presidential Leadership by Cox, Lawanda
The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy by Guinier, Lani
The Real Anita Hill: The Untold Story by Brock, David
History of Urban Form Before the Industrial Revolution by Morris, A. E. J.
How Women Legislate by Thomas, Sue
Taking Parts: Ingredients for Leadership, Participation, and Empowerment by Rinehart, Jane A., Buker, Eloise, Leiserson, Michael A.
Altlastensanierung: Sicherung, Sanierung Und Folgenutzung Kontaminierter Flächen by
The Power of the Purse Strings: Do Congressional Budget Procedures Restrain? by Forgette, Richard
Canada: The State of the Federation 1994: Volume 6 by Hiebert, Janet L., Brown, Douglas M.
The Quickening of America: Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives by Lappe, Frances Moore, Du Bois, Paul Martin
Living on the Edge: The Realities of Welfare in America by Rank, Mark Robert
The White House Speaks: Presidential Leadership as Persuasion by Smith, Craig Allen
The Supreme Court and Constitutional Theory, 1953-1993 by Kahn, Ronald
Latin America In A New World by Lowenthal, Abraham F., Treverton, Gregory F.
Consumer Politics: Protecting Public Interests on Capitol Hill by Maney, Ardity
America in the Great War: The Rise of the War Welfare State by Schaffer, Ronald
The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations by Gaddis, John Lewis
Presidential Elections in the Television Age: 1960-1992 by Dover, E. D.
The Budget Puzzle: Understanding Federal Spending by Cogan, John F., Muris, Timothy J., Schick, Allen
The Hidden-Hand Presidency: Eisenhower as Leader by Greenstein, Fred I.
The Presidency in a Separated System by Jones, Charles O.
The Conscience of a Conservative by Goldwater, Barry
Comparative Public Management: Putting U.S. Public Policy and Implementation in Context by
Southern Democrats by Rae, Nicol C.
Lincoln, the War President: The Gettysburg Lectures by
Public Policy and the Two States of Kansas by
For the Defense of Themselves and the State: The Original Intent and Judicial Interpretation of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms by Cramer, Clayton E.
Issues in Urban Earthquake Risk by
Congress, the President and Policymaking: A Historical Analysis: A Historical Analysis by Schroedel, Jean Reith
Less Than Meets the Eye: Foreign Policy Making and the Myth of the Assertive Congress by Hinckley, Barbara
Community of the Streets by
Gun Control and the Constitution: The Courts, Congress, and the Second Amendment by
Claytie and the Lady: Ann Richards, Gender, and Politics in Texas by Tolleson-Rinehart, Sue
Local Government: Policy and Management in Local Authorities by Elcock, Howard
The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns by Popkin, Samuel L.
Quiet Revolution in the South: The Impact of the Voting Rights Act, 1965-1990 by
Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy by Leonardi, Robert, Nanetti, Raffaella Y., Putnam, Robert D.
How Women Executives Succeed: Lessons and Experiences from the Federal Government by Little, Danity
Choice and Democratic Order: The French Socialist Party, 1937 1950 by Graham, B. D., Graham, Bruce Desmond
Abortion Politics in the United States and Canada: Studies in Public Opinion by
Proceedings of the Assembly of the Lower Counties on Delaware 1770-1776, of the Constitutional Convention of 1776 and of the House of Assembly of the by
Research in Urban Policy, Volume 5: Local Administration in the Policy Process: An International Perspective by
The American Political Nation, 1838-1893 by Silbey, Joel H.
Karl Wilhelm Von Heideck: Ein Bayerischer General Im Befreiten Griechenland (1826-1835) by Seewald, Berthold
Women and Planning: Creating Gendered Realities by Greed, Clara H.
Women and Planning: Creating Gendered Realities by Greed, Clara H.
A History of Federal Crime Control Initiatives, 1960-1993 by Marion, Nancy E.
New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920 1935 by Gordon, Colin
The Social Production of Urban Space by Gottdiener, M.
Plagues, Products, and Politics: Emergent Public Health Hazards and National Policymaking by Foreman, Christopher H.
Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy by Lindsay, James M.
Still an Open Door?: U.S. Immigration Policy and the American Economy by Moore, Stephen, Briggs, Vernon M.
The Disappearance of Childhood by Postman, Neil
Reckoning with Reagan: America and Its President in the 1980s by Schaller, Michael
Theories of Comparative Politics: The Search for a Paradigm Reconsidered, Second Edition by Chilcote, Ronald H.
Governing Rural England: Tradition and Transformation in Local Government 1780-1840 by Eastwood, David
New Deals: Business, Labor, and Politics in America, 1920 1935 by Hottel, Gordon, Colin
Minority Representation and the Quest for Voting Equality by Grofman, Bernard N.
Constitutional Change in the United States: A Comparative Study of the Role of Constitutional Amendments, Judicial Interpretations, and Legislative an by Vile, John R.
The Electoral College and the Constitution: The Case for Preserving Federalism by Hardaway, Robert
'The President Has Been Shot': Confusion, Disability, and the 25th Amendment by Abrams, Herbert L.
American Republicanism: Roman Ideology in the United States Constitution by Sellers, Mortimer N.
Playing the Field: Why Sports Teams Move and Cities Fight to Keep Them by Euchner, Charles C.
North Carolina Government and Politics by Fleer, Jack D.
The City Beautiful Movement by Wilson, William H.
Congress, the Press, and the Public by
The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion by Carter, Stephen L.
Losing Parties: Out-Party National Committees, 1956-1993 by Klinkner, Philip A.
Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in Urban America: Status and Prospects for Politics and Activism by Jennings, James
The Myth of the Modern Presidency by Nichols, David K.
Urban Planning And The Development Process by Adams, David
Land Policy and Boom-Bust Real Estate Markets by
Women and Government: New Ways to Political Power by
The Formation of American Local Governments: Private Values in Public Institutions by Burns, Nancy
Blacks, Latinos, and Asians in Urban America: Status and Prospects for Politics and Activism by Jennings, James
Women and Government: New Ways to Political Power by
Electing Jimmy Carter: The Campaign of 1976 by Anderson, Patrick
Arguing Immigration: The Controversy and Crisis Over the Future of Immigration in America by Mills, Nicolaus
Abortion Politics in American States by Byrnes, Timothy a., Segers, Mary C.
Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and the Passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 by Hatamiya, Leslie T.
Taken by Storm: The Media, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War by
Human Geography: Society, Space and Social Science by Gregory, Derek, Martin, Ron, Smith, Grahame
Planning London by Simmie, James
Politics and Space: Image Making by NASA by Byrnes, Mark E.
The Transformation of American Politics: The New Washington and the Rise of Think Tanks by Ricci, David M.
Managing Chaos Complexity Government by Kiel, L. Douglas
How Political Parties Work: Perspectives from Within by Lawson, Kay
Local Power and Post-Soviet Politics by Hahn, Jeffrey W., Friedgut, Theodore H.
Labor and Politics in the U.S. Postal Service by Baxter, Vern K.
Wasting America's Future: The Children's Defense Fund Report on the Costs of Child Poverty by Edelman, Marian Wright
Electoral Structure and Urban Policy: Impact on Mexican American Communities by Longoria, Tomas, Polinard, J. L., Wrinkle, Robert D.
Electoral Structure and Urban Policy: Impact on Mexican American Communities by Wrinkle, Robert D., Longoria, Tomas, Polinard, J. L.
Congressional Dynamics: Structure, Coordination, and Choice in the First American Congress, 1774-1789 by Jillson, Calvin, Wilson, Rick K.
Organizing the South Bronx by Rooney, Jim
Nemesis of Reform: The Republican Party During the New Deal by Weed, Clyde
Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima And Potsdam by Alperovitz, Gar
Environmental Impact Assessment: Cutting Edge for the 21st Century by Gilpin, Alan
The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford by Greene, John Robert
The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford by Greene, John Robert
Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd: Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths by Roberts, Ronald Suresh
Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times by
New Visions for Metropolitan America by Downs, Anthony
Die Wehrpflicht: Entstehung, Erscheinungsformen Und Politisch-Militärische Wirkung by
Black Politics and Black Political Behavior: A Linkage Analysis by
Third World in the First: Development and Indigenous Peoples by Young, Elspeth
Third World in the First: Development and Indigenous Peoples by Young, Elspeth
Boundaries of the City: The Architecture of Western Urbanism by Waterhouse, Alan
Liberty and Equality 1920-1994 by Handlin, Oscar
Communication Efficiency and Rural Development in Africa: The Case of Cameroon by Ngwainmbi, Emmanuel K.
Black Politics and Black Political Behavior: A Linkage Analysis by Walton, Hanes, Jr.
Democracy Without Democrats?: Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World by