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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2011

From Vulnerability to Resilience: A Framework for Analysis and Action to Build Community Resilience by Pasteur, Katherine
Henry A. Wallace: His Search for a New World Order by Maze, John, White, Graham
Integrated Force Projection by India by Sangwan
Liberal Peace in Question: Politics of State and Market Reform in Sri Lanka by
House of Lords Reform Since 1911: Must the Lords Go? by Kelso, A., Dorey, P.
The Politics of Tourism Development: Booms and Busts in Ireland by O'Brien, A.
Innovation in the Public Sector: Linking Capacity and Leadership by
Parliamentary Socialisation: Learning the Ropes or Determining Behaviour? by Rush, M., Giddings, P.
Governance Ecosystems: CSR in the Latin American Mining Sector by
Development Beyond Politics: Aid, Activism and NGOs in Ghana by Yarrow, Thomas
Don't Tread On Me: An American Patriot's Book of Quotes by Wilson, R. Blake
The National Security Enterprise: Navigating the Labyrinth by
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities by
Company Towns in the Americas: Landscape, Power, and Working-Class Communities by
Kabuki Democracy: The System vs. Barack Obama by Alterman, Eric
An Average Joe with a Few Things to Say: A Common Man's Guide to Taking Back Our Country by American, A. J.
Sarah Palin Uncut by Palin, Sarah
Insurgencies: Essays in Planning Theory by Friedmann, John
Insurgencies: Essays in Planning Theory by Friedmann, John
New Directions in Campaigns and Elections by
New Directions in Campaigns and Elections by
Issues in EU and Us Foreign Policy by
How Green Are the Gorons?: Liberal Propaganda Out of Control by Westbrook, Gerald
How Green Are the Gorons?: Liberal Propaganda Out of Control by Westbrook, Gerald
The Paradox of Urban Space: Inequality and Transformation in Marginalized Communities by
The Paradox of Urban Space: Inequality and Transformation in Marginalized Communities by
A Question of Security: The British Defence Review in an Age of Austerity by
Upholding the Rule of Law: in the Social Security Administration, an Agency at War with Itself by Borowiec, Frank B.
Upholding the Rule of Law: in the Social Security Administration, an Agency at War with Itself by Borowiec, Frank B.
Promise: President Obama, Year One by Alter, Jonathan
New Labour and Planning: From New Right to New Left by Allmendinger, Phil
New Labour and Planning: From New Right to New Left by Allmendinger, Phil
How Not to Be Governed: Readings and Interpretations from a Critical Anarchist Left by
How Not to Be Governed: Readings and Interpretations from a Critical Anarchist Left by
Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt by Hollander, Justin
Poverty and Politics: The Rise and Decline of the Farm Security Administration by Baldwin, Sidney
The Parlement of Paris, 1774-1789 by Stone, Bailey S.
Bloomberg's New York: Class and Governance in the Luxury City by Brash, Julian
Bloomberg's New York: Class and Governance in the Luxury City by Brash, Julian
Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism: Towards Hybrid Modes of Inquiry by
Courts in Latin America by
The Politics of Income Inequality in the United States by Kelly, Nathan J.
Constructing Democracy in Transitioning Societies of Africa: Constitutionalism and Deliberation in Mali by Wing, S.
Where Does the Money Go? REV Ed: Your Guided Tour to the Federal Budget Crisis by Bittle, Scott, Johnson, Jean
Claiming Lincoln by Jividen, Jason
Metropolis and Region by Scott, William Richard, Lieberson, Stanley, Duncan, Otis Dudley
New Deal Planning: The National Resources Planning Board by Clawson, Marion
Rules in the Making: A Statistical Analysis of Regulatory Agency Behavior by Harrington, Winston, Krupnick, Alan J., Magat, Wesley
A Policy Approach to Political Representation: Lessons from the Four Corners States by McCain, John R., Ingram, Helen M., Laney, Nancy K.
Acting Presidents: 100 Years of Plays about the Presidency by Altschuler, B.
The Forest Service: A Study in Public Land Management by Robinson, Glen O.
Regional Conflict and National Policy by Price, Kent a.
Steel Production: Processes, Products, and Residuals by Vaughn, William J., Russell, Clifford S.
Barack Obama, the Aloha Zen President: How a Son of the 50th State May Revitalize America Based on 12 Multicultural Principles by Haas, Michael
Barack Obama, The Aloha Zen President: How a Son of the 50th State May Revitalize America Based on 12 Multicultural Principles by Haas, Michael
Acting Presidents: 100 Years of Plays about the Presidency by Altschuler, B.
Cities and Space: The Future Use of Urban Land by Wingo Jr, Lowdon
Local Government Consolidation in the United States by Faulk, Dagney Gail, Hicks, Michael
Ibb - Smart But Foolish: The Fall of a Goliath by Abejide, Olusegun
Derelict Paradise: Homelessness and Urban Development in Cleveland, Ohio by Kerr, Daniel R.
Making Room for a Planet of Cities by Civco, Daniel L., Angel, Shlomo, Parent, Jason
Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State by Wills, Garry
The Purpose of Planning: Creating Sustainable Towns and Cities by Rydin, Yvonne
Fundamentalism, Politics, and the Law by
Fundamentalism, Politics, and the Law by
The French Parlements and the Crisis of the Old Regime by Stone, Bailey S.
Wirtschaftsaufschwung durch Tourismus? Die Dominikanische Republik und Haiti im Vergleich by Steinbach, Eugenia
Revolutionary War Pensions, Awarded by State Governments 1775-1874, the General and Federal Governments Prior to 1814, and by Private Acts of Congress by Bockstruck, Lloyd De Witt
The Presidential Dilemma: Revisiting Democratic Leadership in the American System by Genovese, Michael a.
Counter Realignment: Political Change in the Northeastern United States by Reiter, Howard L., Stonecash, Jeffrey M.
Chinese Democracy and Elite Thinking by Lu, R.
Judicial Independence and Human Rights in Latin America: Violations, Politics, and Prosecution by Skaar, E.
Chinese Democracy and Elite Thinking by Lu, R.
Counter Realignment by Stonecash, Jeffrey M., Reiter, Howard L.
Congress in Black and White by Grose, Christian R.
Vote Thieves: Illegal Immigration, Redistricting, and Presidential Elections by Rodriguez, Orlando J.
Family of Freedom: Presidents and African Americans in the White House by Walsh, Kenneth T.
Good Places to Live: Poverty and Public Housing in Canada by Silver, Jim
Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities by Durrett, Charles, McCamant, Kathryn
Appalachians All: East Tennesseans and the Elusive History of an American Region by Banker, Mark T.
Manual for the united States Republic: An Introductory Review by Robinson, David E.
In the Shadow of the Oval Office: Profiles of the National Security Advisers and the Presidents They Served--From JFK to George W. Bush by Destler, I. M., Daalder, Ivo H.
Unraveling Internal Conflicts in East Asia and the Pacific: Incidence, Consequences, and Resolutions by Derouen, Karl, Bercovitch, Jacob
The European Landscape Convention: Challenges of Participation by
Semi-Presidentialism Outside Europe: A Comparative Study by
The People's Congresses and Governance in China: Toward a Network Mode of Governance by Xia, Ming
Wandlungsbereitschaft von Organisationen by Kluess, Jana
Democracy Promotion in the Middle East by Erlwein, Hannah
Congress in Black and White by Grose, Christian R.
Justices and Journalists by Davis, Richard
Justices and Journalists by Davis, Richard
Das Kreuz mit dem Kreuz: Darf Papst Benedikt XVI. an die Wahlurne? by März, Manuel
Governing the States and the Nation: The Intergovernmental Policy Influence of the National Governors Association by Herian, Mitchel N.
Ethnicity, Class and Aspiration: Understanding London's New East End by Butler, Tim, Hamnett, Chris
The Road to Renewal: Private Investment in the U.S. Transportation Infastructure by Geddes, R. Richard
Honored Guests: Citizen Heroes and the State of the Union by Frantzich, Stephen
Die Entwicklung von Better Regulation in Europa - Etablierung als eigenständiges Politikfeld vollzogen? by Danken, Thomas
High-Rise Living in Asian Cities [With CDROM] by
Images of the Future City: Time and Space for Sustainable Development by Höjer, Mattias, Gullberg, Anders, Pettersson, Ronny
The Next-To-Last American President by O'Reilly, Shawn
The Next-To-Last American President by O'Reilly, Shawn
Ceremony and Ritual in Parliament by
The Plurality of Power: An Archaeology of Industrial Capitalism by Cowie, Sarah
Rethinking the Judicial Settlement of Reconstruction by Brandwein, Pamela
Handbook on the Construction and Interpretation of the Laws by Black, Henry Campbell
Bashing Sarah Palin by Meinders, Thomas R.
Bashing Sarah Palin by Meinders, Thomas R.
Blood, Money, & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK by McClellan, Barr
Barack Obama's Ultimate End Game: And the Imposition of Obamacare - When Political Payback and a President's Legacy Ambitions Consume the Decision-M by Patterson, Gary
Urban Coding and Planning by
The Anti-Politics Machine in India: State, Decentralization and Participatory Watershed Development by Chhotray, Vasudha
Ethics As Foreign Policy: Britain, The EU and the Other by Bulley, Dan
Collective Terms: Race, Culture, and Community in a State-Planned City in France by Epstein, Beth S.
Notes from the Cracked Ceiling: What It Will Take for a Woman to Win by Kornblut, Anne E.
You, the People: American National Identity in Presidential Rhetoric Volume 10 by Beasley, Vanessa B.
LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests by Farrell, Joseph P.
The Politics of Policy in Local Government: The Making and Maintenance of Public Policy in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea by Dearlove, John
Law and Governance in Postnational Europe: Compliance Beyond the Nation-State by
The Fate of Cities: Urban America and the Federal Government, 1945-2000 by Biles, Roger
Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America by
Growing Closer: Density and sprawl in the Boise Valley by Burke, Larry
Fellow Nigerians, I Wish You Good Luck: Reflections on Cleverness, Good Governance and Good Luck by Oyetomi, Temitope O.
Development in Practice (Routledge Revivals): Paved with good intentions by Allen, Bryant, Thompson, Gaye, Porter, Doug
American Government: Readings and Cases by Woll, Peter
Hegemony and Democracy by Russett, Bruce
After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves: 17 Conversations by Endler, Tobias
Hegemony and Democracy by Russett, Bruce
Founding Philosophers: Using the Wisdom of America's First Generation to Solve Today's Problems by Scaglione, Frank
Designing Our Future: Local Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems and Humanity by
General Benjamin Smith: A Biography of the North Carolina Governor by Watson, Alan D.
St. Louis Currents: The Bi-State Region After a Century of Planning by
Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court by Shesol, Jeff
Smedley D. Butler, USMC: A Biography by Strecker, Mark
From Votes to Victory: Winning and Governing the White House in the 21st Century by Meena, Bose
Trysts with Democracy: Political Practice in South Asia by
Citizens, Context, and Choice: How Context Shapes Citizens' Electoral Choices by
Representation and Institutional Design by Herrick, Rebekah L.
Keeping U.S. Intelligence Effective: The Need for a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs by Lahneman, William J.
Roppongi Crossing: The Demise of a Tokyo Nightclub District and the Reshaping of a Global City by Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian
Roppongi Crossing: The Demise of a Tokyo Nightclub District and the Reshaping of a Global City by Cybriwsky, Roman Adrian
Personality and Politics: Obama For and Against Himself by Wayne, Stephen J.
Building Competences for Spatial Planners: Methods and Techniques for Performing Tasks with Efficiency by Perdicoulis, Anastassios
Epic Journey: The 2008 Elections and American Politics: Post 2010 Election Update by Ceaser, James W.
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung und die Folgen für die Raumordnung: Am Beispiel des ehemaligen Landkreises Annaberg by Benedict, Jens
Dawn of Unity: Guide to a New Prosperity by Leonard, John B.
Building Competences for Spatial Planners: Methods and Techniques for Performing Tasks with Efficiency by Perdicoulis, Anastassios
Dawn of Unity: Guide to a New Prosperity by Leonard, John B.
Policies, Procedures & Protocols: of the National Republic by Robinson, David E.
U.S. DOT FY 2012 Research, Development and Technology Budget: Meeting with Staff from the Technology & Innovation Subcommittee by U. S. Department of Transportation
People, Power and Place: Perspectives on Anglo-American politics by Hoggart, Keith
Dynamisch verhandelte Online-Ausschreibungen im Bereich der öffentlichen Hand: Kommunale Ausschreibungen am Beispiel der Stadt Mainz - Chancen, Proble by Koch, Björn
Global Urbanization by
A Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical: Exhibiting Its Resources and Capabilities, Etc. by Schomburgk, Robert Hermann
Community Quality-Of-Life Indicators: Best Cases V by
Developments in Spatial Data Handling: 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling by
Third Party Blues: The Truth and Consequences of Two-Party Dominance by Schraufnagel, Scot
The Politics of Community Building in Urban China by Göbel, Christian, Heberer, Thomas
Third Party Blues: The Truth and Consequences of Two-Party Dominance by Schraufnagel, Scot
Urban Models and Public-Private Partnership by
Obama in Office: The First Two Years by Thurber, James a.
Obama in Office: The First Two Years by Thurber, James a.
Shenanigans: Volume I Public Sector Personnel Practices Case Study by Dukes, Bea
Role Theory in International Relations: Approaches and Analyses by
Radicalism, Revolution, and Reform in Modern China: Essays in Honor of Maurice Meisner by Pickowicz, Paul G., Lynch, Catherine, Marks, Robert B.
Tortured Logic: A Verbatim Critique of the George W. Bush Presidency by Russomanno, Joseph
Sovereignty and the Limits of the Liberal Imagination by Nelson, Scott G.
Why Obamacare Is Wrong for America: How the New Health Care Law Drives Up Costs, Puts Government in Charge of Your Decisions, and Threatens Your Const by Capretta, James C., Miller, Thomas P., Turner, Grace-Marie
Cointelshow: A Patriot ACT by Bogad, L. M.
New Ways and Means: Reform and Change in a Congressional Committee by Strahan, Randall
American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies That the Government Tells Us by Ventura, Jesse
House of Lords Reform Since 1911: Must the Lords Go? by Kelso, A., Dorey, P.
Dezentralisierung Des Staates in Europa: Auswirkungen Auf Die Kommunale Aufgabenerfüllung in Deutschland, Frankreich Und Großbritannien by Kuhlmann, Sabine, Bogumil, Jörg, Ebinger, Falk
Spatial Data Infrastructures in Context: North and South by
Woodrow Wilson: A Biography by Cooper, John Milton
The Fires: How a Computer Formula, Big Ideas, and the Best of Intentions Burned Down New York City--and Determined the Future of by Flood, Joe
The Citizen's Constitution by Lipsky, Seth
Territorial Governance: Local Development, Rural Areas and Agrofood Systems by
Revolt of the Rednecks: Mississippi Politics, 1876-1925 by Kirwan, Albert D.
The Development and Antidevelopment Debate: Critical Reflections on the Philosophical Foundations by Rabbani, Martha Jalali
The Judicialization of Politics in Latin America by
Die Parteien Nach Der Bundestagswahl 2009 by
The Supreme Court in American Politics by Unah, I.
The Supreme Court in American Politics by Unah, I.
Basic Brown by Brown, Willie L.
The Legislative Legacy of Congressional Campaigns by Sulkin, Tracy
American Due Process by Jones, Paul a.
Local Government in the United Kingdom by Wilson, David, Game, Chris
Local Government in the United Kingdom by Wilson, David, Game, Chris
Innovation in the Public Sector: Linking Capacity and Leadership by
Innovation in the Public Sector: Linking Capacity and Leadership by
Hiring and Firing Public Officials: Rethinking the Purpose of Elections by Buchler, Justin
Small Town China: Rural Labour and Social Inclusion by Garcia, Beatriz Carrillo
Political Communication in Britain: The Leader's Debates, the Campaign and the Media in the 2010 General Election by Mortimore, Roger, Atkinson, Simon
The Creation of American Common Law, 1850-1880: Technology, Politics, and the Construction of Citizenship by Schweber, Howard
Regional Planning in America: Practice and Prospect by
The Complete Book of Presidential Trivia by Lang, J. Stephen
Political Parties, Party Systems and Democratization in East Asia by
From Studies to Streams: Managing Evaluative Systems by
Presidential Lessons in Leadership: What Executives (and Everybody Else) Can Learn from Six Great American Presidents by Felber, Ron
The Idea of Greater Britain: Empire and the Future of World Order, 1860-1900 by Bell, Duncan
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