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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2016

California Legislative Scorecard 2015 (Civil Liberties) by California Civil Liberties Advocacy
Islam in Indonesia: The Contest for Society, Ideas and Values by Kersten, Carool
Elusive Promises: Planning in the Contemporary World by
Manchester Limited Edition: Making the Modern City by
Panchayati Raj Experience in India by Raman, K. Pillai
Constitutional Deliberative Democracy in Europe by
Community Development in Action: Putting Freire Into Practice by Ledwith, Margaret
Cities and Crisis by Konvitz, Josef W.
After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place by
Community Development in Action: Putting Freire Into Practice by Ledwith, Margaret
After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place by
Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America's Stealth Warfare by Horton, Scott
FY 2015 Police and Youth Engagement: Supporting the Role of Law Enforcement in Juvenile Justice Reform by United States Department of Justice
Divergent Paths: The Academy and the Judiciary by Posner, Richard A.
Governance for Development: Political and Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh by Islam, N.
Critical Government Documents on Health Care by Philpott, Don
Hamilton versus Jefferson in the Washington Administration by Holloway, Carson
Hamilton versus Jefferson in the Washington Administration by Holloway, Carson
Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition by Executive Office of the President of the
Optimization of Influenza Antiviral Response in Texas by Naval Postgraduate School
The Quotable Jefferson Davis: Selections from the Writings and Speeches of the Confederacy's First President by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Water Security, Justice and the Politics of Water Rights in Peru and Bolivia by Seemann, Miriam
Thorough Surveillance: The Genesis of Israeli Policies of Population Management, Surveillance and Political Control Towards the Palestinian M by Sa'di, Ahmad
Environmental Governance in Latin America by
Environmental Governance in Latin America by
Innovationen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Welches Prozessdesign führt zum Erfolg? by Schefcik, Leopold
Slavery and the Democratic Conscience: Political Life in Jeffersonian America by Riley, Padraig
Urban Planning: An Introduction by Couch, Chris
Urban Planning: An Introduction by Couch, Chris
Citizen's Right to the Digital City: Urban Interfaces, Activism, and Placemaking by
Truman, Congress, and Korea: The Politics of America's First Undeclared War by Blomstedt, Larry
The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln: The President's Quotes They Don't Want You to Know! by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Democratization from Above by Bohlken, Anjali Thomas
What every politician thinks about apart from power by Hancock, William
Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules by
Reinterpreting Sub-Saharan Cities Through the Concept of Adaptive Capacity: An Analysis of Autonomous Adaptation in Response to Environmental Changes by Ricci, Liana
Urban Pollution and Changes to Materials and Building Surfaces by
Urbanization and Public Health in China by
Abraham Lincoln: The Southern View by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Personal Liability of Public Officials in Virginia's Local Governments and Its Impact on Their Willingness to Serve by Urquhart, George O'Neil
St. Louis Currents 5th Edition by
Organisationsentwicklungsmaßnahmen in der strategischen Personalplanung von Schlüsselkompetenzen by Metzger, Markus
Personal Liability of Public Officials in Virginia's Local Governments and Its Impact on Their Willingness to Serve by Urquhart, George O'Neil
My Struggle by Hult, David
Urban Horticulture by Waliczek, Tina Marie, Zajicek, Jayne M.
Federal Resources for Sustainable Rural Communities by U. S. Department of Agriculture
The Conjugal Dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos by Mijares, Primitivo
Why Europe Matters for Britain: The Case for Remaining In by McCormick, John
Why Congress Needs Women: Bringing Sanity to the House and Senate by Paludi, Michele
The Affordable Care Act: Examining the Facts by Rawal, Purva
Guidance for Building Communities of Trust by U. S. Department of Homeland Security
Waldökologie: Einführung Für Mitteleuropa by Bartsch, Norbert, Röhrig, Ernst
Bernie Sanders versus the wolves of doom by West, Stephen Paul
Turning Texas Blue by Rogers, Mary Beth
Readings in Planning Theory by
Independent Politics by Klar, Samara, Krupnikov, Yanna
An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture by McKnight, John, Block, Peter, Brueggemann, Walter
Reasserting America in the 1970s: U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad by
Cities and Crisis by Konvitz, Josef W.
German Politics Today: Third Edition by Roberts, Geoffrey
Future Directions for the European Shrinking City by
The Politics of Rural Reform in China: State Policy and Village Predicament in the Early 2000s by Göbel, Christian
Urban Structure Matters: Residential Location, Car Dependence and Travel Behaviour by Naess, Petter
Parliamentary Opposition in Old and New Democracies by
Spatial Planning Systems of Britain and France: A Comparative Analysis by
Parliamentary Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1918 by Evans, Eric J.
Participolis: Consent and Contention in Neoliberal Urban India by
Urban Infrastructure and Governance by
Undermining Local Democracy: Parallel Governance in Contemporary South India by Chandrashekhar, Lalita
Independent Politics by Klar, Samara, Krupnikov, Yanna
The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America by Campello, Daniela
America Without a Compass by Fermoselle, Ph. D. Rafael
Traité du gouvernement civil: De sa véritable origine, de son étendue et de sa fin by Locke, John
Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia: Middle Power Democracies and Emerging Powers in a Troubled Region by
America's Most Sustainable Cities and Regions: Surviving the 21st Century Megatrends by Day, John W., Hall, Charles
Montcuq en Caleçon Blanc: Commune Nouvelle lotoise: Soumissions à Montcuq version 2 by Ternoise, Stephane
The President's New Clothes by Coleman, G. a. J.
Obamacare Wars: Federalism, State Politics, and the Affordable Care ACT by Waddan, Alex, Beland, Daniel, Rocco, Philip
Politicized Enforcement in Argentina by Amengual, Matthew
The Last Best Hope: The Greatest Speeches of Ronald Reagan by Reagan, Ronald
Cities in Transition: Power, Environment, Society by
Future Directions for the European Shrinking City by
Town Planning in the Netherlands: Since 1800 by Wagenaar, Cor
The Streets of San Francisco: Policing and the Creation of a Cosmopolitan Liberal Politics, 1950-1972 by Agee, Christopher Lowen
The Destroyers: Rachel Notley and the NDP's War on Alberta by Gunn Reid, Sheila
Reasserting America in the 1970s: U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad by
Restructuring Public Transport Through Bus Rapid Transit: An International and Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Politics, Power and Community Development by
Second Chambers by
The Great Reform Act of 1832 by Evans, Eric J.
German Politics Today: Third Edition by Roberts, Geoffrey
Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses by Greed, Clara, Roberts, Marion
Politics, Power and Community Development by
At Home with Autism: Designing Housing for the Spectrum by Ahrentzen, Sherry, Steele, Kim
Chinese Military Information Warfare Doctrine Development 1994 - 2016: People's Liberation Army Information Warfare by Hagestad, William T., II
The Phantom of a Polarized America: Myths and Truths of an Ideological Divide by Saeki, Manabu
Believer: My Forty Years in Politics by Axelrod, David
Renaturierung Von Ökosystemen in Mitteleuropa by
Gender, Institutions, and Change in Bachelet's Chile by
The Jury in America: Triumph and Decline by Hale, Dennis
The Obama Doctrine in the Americas by
Lynching Barack Obama: How Whites Tried to String Up the President by Asante, Molefi Kete
American Gridlock by
Crushing of O'Malley Marks Drive for War: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 6 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Remilitarization after Civil War by Daly, Sarah Zukerman
Masculinity, Media, and the American Presidency by Conroy, Meredith
Conspiracy Theories: The Roots, Themes and Propagation of Paranoid Political and Cultural Narratives by Gulyas, Aaron John
Parliamentary Administrations in the European Union by Christiansen, Thomas, Högenauer, Anna-Lena, Neuhold, Christine
The Many Types of Government: From Chaos to Control by Kisak, Paul F.
How to Survive Austerity: A Manager's Guide to Doing More with Less and Emerging as a Leader in the New Public Sector by Gill, Mike
The Nixon Effect: How Richard Nixon's Presidency Fundamentally Changed American Politics by Schoen, Douglas E.
Liberty's Nemesis: The Unchecked Expansion of the State by
Rise of the Tyrant - Volume 2 of Change to Chains: The 6,000 Year Quest for Global Power by Federer, William J.
Bilaterale Verhandlungen Der Vereinigten Staaten Über Freihandelsabkommen: Von Der Clinton-Ära Bis Zur Obama-Administration by Janusch, Holger
Concepts in Urban Transportation Planning: The Quest for Mobility, Sustainability and Quality of Life by Woldeamanuel, Mintesnot G.
Cities and Development by Goodfellow, Tom, Fox, Sean
Unlikely Environmentalists: Congress and Clean Water, 1955-1972 by Milazzo, Paul Charles
The Way of the American by Heath, Andy
Congress and Policy Making in the 21st Century by
Spring Training for the Major Leagues of Government by McDonough, Frank
Bill Clinton: New Gilded Age President by Maney, Patrick J.
Senator Pressler: An Independent Mission to Save Our Democracy by Pressler, Larry
Cong & Policy Making 21st Century by
Spring Training for the Major Leagues of Government by McDonough, Frank
Implementing and Working with the Youth Criminal Justice ACT Across Canada by
Success in Law Enforcement by Roberts, Shane
These Estimable Courts: Understanding Public Perceptions of State Judicial Institutions and Legal Policy-Making by Cann, Damon M., Yates, Jeff
Local Governance, Economic Development and Institutions by
Harnessing the Power of Collective Learning: Feedback, accountability and constituent voice in rural development by
The Moral Fitness to Survive: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 8 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Harnessing the Power of Collective Learning: Feedback, accountability and constituent voice in rural development by
Sir Peter Hall: Pioneer in Regional Planning, Transport and Urban Geography by
The Territories of the Russian Federation 2016 by
Polarized: The Rise of Ideology in American Politics by Eberly, Todd E., Schier, Steven E.
Polarized: The Rise of Ideology in American Politics by Eberly, Todd E., Schier, Steven E.
Murder at Camp Delta: A Staff Sergeant's Pursuit of the Truth about Guantanamo Bay by Hickman, Joseph
Unspoken Politics: Implicit Attitudes and Political Thinking by Pérez, Efrén O.
Campaigning in the Twenty-First Century: Activism, Big Data, and Dark Money by Johnson, Dennis W.
Cities and Development by Fox, Sean, Goodfellow, Tom
Living with Disasters: Communities and Development in the Indian Sundarbans by Mukhopadhyay, Amites
Campaigning in the Twenty-First Century: Activism, Big Data, and Dark Money by Johnson, Dennis W.
In God We Trust--Because We Sure Can't Trust Congress by Roberts, Haywood
America's Public Lands: From Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and Beyond by Wilson, Randall K.
Courting Justice: Landmark Supreme Court Case Can Offer Justice for U.S. Victims of Iranian Terror by Foundation for Defense of Democracies
The Europeanisation of Parliamentary Democracy by
Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia by
Facility Siting: Risk, Power and Identity in Land Use Planning by
Intra-Party Politics and Coalition Governments by
Politics and Government: " From" Aristocracy to Kakistocracy & Everything In Between " by Kisak, Paul F.
The U.S. Presidential Election Process by Kisak, Paul F.
Congress: Protecting Individual Rights by Fisher, Louis
Governing the North American Arctic: Sovereignty, Security, and Institutions by
Exploring the Production of Urban Space: Differential Space in Three Post-Industrial Cities by Leary-Owhin, Michael Edema
Actor Networks of Planning: Exploring the Influence of Actor Network Theory by
Economic Report of the President by Executive Office of the President
2016 UPDATE EdItion of The Citizens Manual.: Progress For The People by Lawhon, George Enice
The Ashley Cooper Plan: The Founding of Carolina and the Origins of Southern Political Culture by Wilson, Thomas D.
Blue in a Red State: The Survival Guide to Life in the Real America by Krebs, Justin
The Ashley Cooper Plan: The Founding of Carolina and the Origins of Southern Political Culture by Wilson, Thomas D.
The Rise of a Prairie Statesman: The Life and Times of George McGovern by Knock, Thomas
Frank by Frank, Barney
Twenty-First Century Us Water Policy by Christian-Smith, Juliet, Gleick, Peter H.
Vanishing Borders: Protecting the planet in the age of globalization by French, Hilary
Stadtökosysteme: Funktion, Management Und Entwicklung by Breuste, Jürgen, Haase, Dagmar, Pauleit, Stephan
Unspoken Politics by Pérez, Efrén O.
Applying an International Human Rights Framework to State Budget Allocations: Rights and Resources by O'Connell, Rory, Nolan, Aoife, Harvey, Colin
Elites and Governance in China by
Democracy or Alternative Political Systems in Asia: After the Strongmen by
The Imperiled Presidency: Leadership Challenges in the Twenty-First Century by MacKenzie, G. Calvin
The Imperiled Presidency: Leadership Challenges in the Twenty-First Century by MacKenzie, G. Calvin
Liberating Choices: Strategies for Dealing Effectively with Government by Rushing Jr, Robert William
China's New Urbanization: Developmental Paths, Blueprints and Patterns by Fang, Chuanglin, Yu, Danlin
The American Revolution, State Sovereignty, and the American Constitutional Settlement, 1765-1800 by Coleman, Aaron N.
Presidential Campaigns in Latin America by Boas, Taylor
Reason in Law: Ninth Edition by Burke, Thomas F., Carter, Lief H.
My Visit to a Better World by Hoffmann, Thomas
Vietnam Envy and the Emerging Iraq Syndrome: How the Modern Antiwar Protest Movement Prevents the United States from Winning Military Conflicts by Ginsberg, Michael E.
The Labour Party Under Ed Miliband: Trying But Failing to Renew Social Democracy by Goes, Eunice
The Labour Party Under Ed Miliband: Trying But Failing to Renew Social Democracy by Goes, Eunice
Presidential Power: Documents Decoded by Harward, Brian M.
The Model Arab League Manual: A Guide to Preparation and Performance by D'Agati, Philip A., Jordan, Holly
Economics of Urban Externalities: Analysis of Squatter Settlements in Kathmandu and Quito by Adhikari, Shiva Raj
Time, Temporality and Violence in International Relations: (De)fatalizing the Present, Forging Radical Alternatives by
The Heir Apparent Presidency by Zinman, Donald A.
Being Nixon: A Man Divided by Thomas, Evan
The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House by Brower, Kate Andersen
Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences by
Gestión Urbanística E Institucionalidad En América Del Sur by Mendoza Jaramillo, Alejandro
White House Vice Presidency: The Path to Significance, Mondale to Biden by Goldstein, Joel
The Indomitable Freedom Quest: Honoring America's Sacred Trust by Cheshire Ph. D., Richard D.
How Our Government Spending is Effecting Our Mentally Ill and Our Future: A Personal View by Todd M. S., Dawn
Producing Health Policy: Knowledge and Knowing in Government Policy Work by Maybin, Jo
The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy Volumes IV-VI: The Winds of Change: October 29, 1962 - February 7, 1963 by
The Life, Public Services, and Select Speeches of Rutherford B. Hayes by Howard, J. Q.
Presidents, Governors, and the Politics of Distribution in Federal Democracies: Primus Contra Pares in Argentina and Brazil by González, Lucas I.
The Cavalier Presidency: Executive Power and Prerogative in Times of Crisis by Deplato, Justin P.
Access, Property and American Urban Space by Brown, M. Gordon
The Politics of Staying Put: Condo Conversion and Tenant Right-to-Buy in Washington, DC by Gallaher, Carolyn
Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-Class Neighborhoods by Woldoff, Rachael A., Morrison, Lisa M., Glass, Michael R.
Priced Out: Stuyvesant Town and the Loss of Middle-Class Neighborhoods by Glass, Michael R., Woldoff, Rachael A., Morrison, Lisa M.
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