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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2016

The Middle Class Comeback: Women, Millennials, and Technology Leading the Way by Moon, Munir
Trumped by Defiore, Anthony Edward
Political Campaigns: Concepts, Context, and Consequences by Panagopoulos, Costas
The Missing JFK Assassination Film: The Mystery Surrounding the Orville Nix Home Movie of November 22, 1963 by Jackson, Gayle Nix
Whistlestop: My Favorite Stories from Presidential Campaign History by Dickerson, John
Early Geological Maps of Europe: Central Europe 1750 to 1840 by Kozák, Jan, Čejchanová, Alena, Kukal, Zdeněk
Digital Photogrammetry: A Practical Course by Linder, Wilfried
The U.S. Congress: A Very Short Introduction by Ritchie, Donald A.
Deconstructing Placemaking: Needs, Opportunities, and Assets by Arefi, Mahyar
Heteroglossic Asia: The Transformation of Urban Taiwan by Lin, Francis Chia-Hui
Urban Studies and Transformation by
Pragmatic Conservatism: Edmund Burke and His American Heirs by Lacey, Robert J.
Reproductive Rights in the Age of Human Rights: Pro-Life Politics from Roe to Hobby Lobby by Mansbach, Daniela, Von Hagel, Alisa
The Middle Class Comeback: Women, Millennials, and Technology Leading the Way by Moon, Munir
Obama on the Home Front: Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks by Graham, John D.
Latinos and Local Representation: Changing Realities, Emerging Theories by Adams, Florence
Fluid City: Transforming Melbourne's Urban Waterfront by Dovey, Kim
E-Government for Public Managers: Administering the Virtual Public Sphere by Cropf, Robert A.
Common Cents by Haughey, Paul C.
Hillary Clinton: In a Nut Shell by Gangi, Rayna M.
Fear, Space and Urban Planning: A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe by Tulumello, Simone
Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America by Aleman, Eduardo
Essais sur le gouvernement populaire by Maine, Henry James Sumner
Das Tempelhofer Feld. Partizipationsprozess und Bewertung der Nachnutzungskonzepte by Leonhard, Seraphine
Mississippi Secession Convention: Delegates and Deliberations in Politics and War, 1861-1865 by Smith, Timothy B.
E-Government for Public Managers: Administering the Virtual Public Sphere by Cropf, Robert A.
The House of Lords, 1660-1715 5 Volume Hardback Set by
Watergate: The Presidential Scandal That Shook America?with a New Afterword by Max Holland by Olson, Keith W.
Race and the Politics of the Exception: Equality, Sovereignty, and American Democracy by McKnight, Utz
Integral Renewal: A Relational and Renewal Perspective by Lessem, Ronnie, Schieffer, Alexander
Presidents on Political Ground: Leaders in Action and What They Face by Miroff, Bruce
The Courts, the Ballot Box, and Gay Rights: How Our Governing Institutions Shape the Same-Sex Marriage Debate by Mello, Joseph
Getting It Done: A Guide for Government Executives by Abramson, Mark A., Chenok, Daniel, Kamensky, John M.
Watergate: The Presidential Scandal That Shook America?with a New Afterword by Max Holland by Olson, Keith W.
The First Modern Clash Over Federal Power: Wilson Versus Hughes in the Presidential Election of 1916 by Gould, Lewis L.
The Nature and Development of the Modern State by Gill, Graeme
Herbert Hoover and the Commodification of Middle-Class America: An American Promise by Agran, Edward Gale
Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space by Easterling, Keller
Getting It Done: A Guide for Government Executives by Abramson, Mark A., Chenok, Daniel, Kamensky, John M.
Shaping Terrain: City Building in Latin America by
In Defense of Housing: The Politics of Crisis by Madden, David, Marcuse, Peter
River Contracts and Integrated Water Management in Europe by Scaduto, Maria Laura
Mega-Urbanization in the Global South: Fast Cities and New Urban Utopias of the Postcolonial State by
Understanding Contemporary American Conservatism by Aberbach, Joel
Conspiracies and Controversies by San Juan, Erick a.
Celebrity in Chief: A History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom, With a New Epilogue on Hillary and "The Donald" by Walsh, Kenneth T.
Hazardous Duty by Hackworth, David H.
The Failure of Anarchism by Preston, Keith
Politics without Stories by Ricci, David
Ang Jeep Ni Erap by Reynaldo, Miguel Reyes
The Politics of African-American Education: Representation, Partisanship, and Educational Equity by Rutherford, Amanda, Meier, Kenneth J.
The Regeneration of East Manchester: A Political Analysis by Evans, Brendan, Blakeley, Georgina
Integrated Productivity in Urban Africa: Introducing the Neo-Mercantile Planning Theory by Okeke, Donald
Mad Men: The Death and Redemption of American Democracy by
America, It Was Just An Idea by Gangi, Rayna M.
A Guidebook for Riverside Regeneration: Artery - Transforming Riversides for the Future by
Sustainable Rural and Urban Ecosystems: Design, Implementation and Operation: Manual for Practice and Study by
Visualizing Sustainable Planning by
Adaptation to Climate Change: A Spatial Challenge by Roggema, Rob
Eco-Urban Design by Flannery, John A., Smith, Karen M.
Mountain Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction by
Jeju Island Geopark - A Volcanic Wonder of Korea by Sohn, Young Kwan, Yoon, Seok Hoon, Woo, Kyung Sik
High-Rise Living in Asian Cities by
Swarming Landscapes: The Art of Designing for Climate Adaptation by
Plants and Habitats of European Cities by
System of Open Spaces: Concrete Project Strategies for Urban Territories by Tardin, Raquel
Designing the Urban Renaissance: Sustainable and Competitive Place Making in England by Vescovi, Francesco
Handbook on Urban Sustainability by
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 4: Marine and Coastal Processes by
Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography by
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1: Climate Change and Engineering Geology by
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 7: Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology by
Natural Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific: Policy and Governance by
Communities and Livelihood Strategies in Developing Countries by
Handbook of Sustainable Travel by
Sustainable Communities: A Framework for Planning: Case Study of an Australian Outer Sydney Growth Area by Momtaz, Salim, Rauscher, Raymond Charles
Megacities: Our Global Urban Future by
Planning London for the Post-War Era 1945-1960 by Marmaras, Emmanuel V.
Alternative Types of Roundabouts: An Informational Guide by Tollazzi, Tomaz
Tohoku Recovery: Challenges, Potentials and Future by
Nature Policies and Landscape Policies: Towards an Alliance by
Changes in Production Efficiency in China: Identification and Measuring by Xu, Bing, Zeng, Juying, Watada, Junzo
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (If&gis 2013): Environmental and Urban Challenges by
Strategies for Urban Development in Leipzig, Germany: Harmonizing Planning and Equity by Garcia-Zamor, Jean-Claude
Spell of the Urubamba: Anthropogeographical Essays on an Andean Valley in Space and Time by Gade, Daniel W.
China's Regional Development and Tibet by Guo, Rongxing
Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in Siberia by
Transitions to Sustainability by
Mediterranean Urbanism: Historic Urban / Building Rules and Processes by Hakim, Besim S.
European Metropolitan Commercial Real Estate Markets by
The Development of an Integrated Planning and Decision Support System (Ipdss) for Land Consolidation by Demetriou, Demetris
Abulecentrism: Rapid Development of Society Catalyzed at the Local Community Level by Lafe, Olurinde
Vertebrates and Invertebrates of European Cities: Selected Non-Avian Fauna by
Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice: Pattern and Process by Turner, Monica G., Gardner, Robert H.
The Court and the World: American Law and the New Global Realities by Breyer, Stephen
Saving Our Cities: A Progressive Plan to Transform Urban America by Goldsmith, William W.
America Abroad: Why the Sole Superpower Should Not Pull Back from the World by Brooks, Stephen G., Wohlforth, William C.
Understanding Contemporary American Conservatism by Aberbach, Joel
Insecure Majorities: Congress and the Perpetual Campaign by Lee, Frances E.
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence: The Constitution of the United States of America by Skousen, Paul B.
Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics by Jeffries, Donald
The Politics of African-American Education: Representation, Partisanship, and Educational Equity by Meier, Kenneth J., Rutherford, Amanda
Between Politics and Antipolitics: Thinking about Politics After 9/11 by Howard, Dick
Adam Smith's Equality and the Pursuit of Happiness by Hill, John E.
Liking Ike: Eisenhower, Advertising, and the Rise of Celebrity Politics by Blake, David Haven
The United States Supreme Court: A Political and Legal Analysis, Second Edition by McKeever, Robert
Climate Change and American Policy: Key Documents, 1979-2015 by
Latino Politics in Massachusetts: Struggles, Strategies and Prospects by Hardy-Fanta, Carol, Gerson, Jeffrey
Towns in a Rural World by Vaz, Teresa De Noronha, Leeuwen, Eveline Van
The Architecture of Edwin Maxwell Fry and Jane Drew: Twentieth Century Architecture, Pioneer Modernism and the Tropics. Iain Jackson and Jessica Holla by Jackson, Iain, Holland, Jessica
Dominicans in New York City: Power From the Margins by Ricourt, Milagros
Hub Cities in the Knowledge Economy: Seaports, Airports, Brainports by Derudder, Ben, Witlox, Frank
Basic and Clinical Environmental Approaches in Landscape Planning by
Modeling of Land-Use and Ecological Dynamics by
Swarm Planning: The Development of a Planning Methodology to Deal with Climate Adaptation by Roggema, Rob
City Imaging: Regeneration, Renewal and Decay by
Constructing a Better Tomorrow: A Logical Look to Reform America by Bearns, Nicholas
Sailing the Water's Edge: The Domestic Politics of American Foreign Policy by Tingley, Dustin, Milner, Helen V.
Restore the USA: Start a Revolution to Restore the USA to Limited Government Within the Constitution. This Will Bring More Peace, Liber by Redick, David
Celebrity in Chief: A History of the Presidents and the Culture of Stardom, With a New Epilogue on Hillary and "The Donald" by Walsh, Kenneth T.
E-Government in Kazakhstan: A Case Study of Multidimensional Phenomena by Kassen, Maxat
How Karl Marx Can Save American Capitalism by Dworkin, Ronald W.
Arab Revolutions and Beyond: The Middle East and Reverberations in the Americas by
Scope and Theory of Public Administration: The Shaping Influences of Interdisciplinary Discourse by Baracskay, Daniel
The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies by
Dynasties and Interludes: Past and Present in Canadian Electoral Politics by Leduc, Lawrence, Pammett, Jon H.
The Paradox of the American Metropolis by Rabinowitz, Alan
Inaugural Visions: (1789 - 1989) by Nicholson, A. O., III
Conflict in Myanmar: War, Politics, Religion by
The Federalist Papers by Jay, John, Madison, James, Hamilton, Alexander
Contemporary Urban Planning by Levy, John M.
Resilience in the Post-Welfare Inner City: Voluntary Sector Geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney by Deverteuil, Geoffrey
Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Accessible, Green and Fair by
Twists of Fate: Multiracial Coalitions and Minority Representation in the US House of Representatives by Tyson, Vanessa C.
Nixon Tapes: 1973 by Brinkley, Douglas, Nichter, Luke
The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland by Klobuchar, Amy
Economic Voting by Hart, Austin
Sustainable Cities by Haughton, Graham, Hunter, Colin
Garden Cities of To-Morrow: Urban Planning by Howard, Ebenezer
Smart Economy in Smart Cities: International Collaborative Research: Ottawa, St.Louis, Stuttgart, Bologna, Cape Town, Nairobi, Dakar, Lagos, New Delh by
Traditional Wisdom and Modern Knowledge for the Earth's Future: Lectures Given at the Plenary Sessions of the International Geographical Union Kyoto R by
Earthquake Hazard Impact and Urban Planning by
Evolution of Dam Policies: Evidence from the Big Hydropower States by
Climate Adaptation Santiago by
Moving Objects Management: Models, Techniques and Applications by Ding, Zhiming, Xu, Jiajie, Meng, Xiaofeng
Another Day in the Empire: The Reign of George W. Bush and the Total War Neocons by Nimmo, Kurt
Planning and Designing Sustainable and Resilient Landscapes by
Quarterly Essay 63 Enemy Within: American Politics in the Time of Trump by Watson, Don
Seville: Through the Urban Void by Torres, Miguel
Federal Judiciary Appropriations, 1792-2010 by Federal Judicial History Office, Federal Judicial Center
Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China by Chung, Jae Ho
Neubau des deutschen Reiches by Spengler, Oswald
America First!: Its History, Culture, and Politics by Kauffman, Bill
Neubau des deutschen Reiches by Spengler, Oswald
Sisters in Law: How Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World by Hirshman, Linda
Balanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities by
Brooklyn Bridge Park: A Dying Waterfront Transformed by Krogius, Henrik, Witty, Joanne
Neubau des deutschen Reiches by Spengler, Oswald
The Democratic Party of Japan in Power: Challenges and Failures by
Religious Liberty by
Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought by
Developments in British Politics 10 by
Who Ran the Cities?: City Elites and Urban Power Structures in Europe and North America, 1750 1940 by Roth, Ralf
The Life of the City: Space, Humour, and the Experience of Truth in Fin-de-siècle Montmartre by Brigstocke, Julian
Permanence of Diplomacy, The: Studies of Us Relations with Korea, Pakistan and Afghanistan by Kleiner, Juergen
Developments in British Politics 10 by
Smart Development in Smart Communities by
Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought by
Culture and Planning by Abram, Simone
Terrorism, Risk and the City: Towards Urban Resilience by Coaffee, Jon
Re-mapping the Americas: Trends in Region-making by Knight, W. Andy, Castro-Rea, Julián
Managing Urban Futures: Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries by Keiner, Marco
Spatial Planning, Urban Form and Sustainable Transport by
State-led Privatisation and the Demise of the Democratic State: Welfare Reform and Localism in an Era of Regulatory Capitalism by Raco, Mike
Power at Ground Zero: Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan by Sagalyn, Lynne B.
Regional Science Matters: Studies Dedicated to Walter Isard by
E-Governance for Smart Cities by
Community Intervention: Clinical Sociology Perspectives by
Rethinking Place Branding: Comprehensive Brand Development for Cities and Regions by
Dealing with Dysfunction: Innovative Problem Solving in the Public Sector by Jong, Jorrit de
Digital Governance in Municipalities Worldwide 2015-2016: A Longitudinal Assessment of Municipal Websites Throughout The World by Manoharan, Aroon, Holzer, Marc
Politicking and Emergent Media: US Presidential Elections of the 1890s by Musser, Charles
Investigating the President: Congressional Checks on Presidential Power by Schickler, Eric, Kriner, Douglas L.
Investigating the President: Congressional Checks on Presidential Power by Kriner, Douglas L., Schickler, Eric
The Fifth Estate: Think Tanks, Public Policy, and Governance by McGann, James G.
The Fifth Estate: Think Tanks, Public Policy, and Governance by McGann, James G.
Politicking and Emergent Media: US Presidential Elections of the 1890s by Musser, Charles
The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government by Lofgren, Mike
Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S.-Saudi Connection by Benjamin, Medea
Survival despite the People: Democratic Destruction or Sustainable Meritocracy by Aydurmus, Didem
Monstrous Fictions: Reflections on John Calvin in a Time of Culture War by Rasmussen, Carl J.
Die Räumliche Wirkung Der Landschaftsplanung: Evaluation, Indikatoren Und Trends by
Farming on the Fringe: Peri-Urban Agriculture, Cultural Diversity and Sustainability in Sydney by James, Sarah
Supremely Partisan: How Raw Politics Tips the Scales in the United States Supreme Court by Zirin, James D.
America... A Myth of Nothingness by Abo Elella, Mohamed Hussein
America... A Myth of Nothingness by Abo Elella, Mohamed Hussein
Understanding the National Debt: What Every American Needs to Know by Lane, Carl
American Government 101: From the Continental Congress to the Iowa Caucus, Everything You Need to Know about US Politics by Sears, Kathleen
Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 11th Urban Environment Symposium (Ues), Held in Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2012 by
Land Use Impacts on Climate by
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