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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2016

Shanghai Urbanism at the Medium Scale by Wu, Jiang, Sha, Yongjie, Ji, Yan
Eco-Landscape Design by Flannery, John A., Smith, Karen M.
Managing Geo-Based Challenges: World-Wide Case Studies and Sustainable Local Solutions by Baban, Serwan M. J.
Urbanisation, Unlimited: A Thematic Journey by Fiedler, Johannes
Brooklyn's Bushwick - Urban Renewal in New York, USA: Community, Planning and Sustainable Environments by Momtaz, Salim, Rauscher, Raymond Charles
Globalized Water: A Question of Governance by
Climate Change and United States Forests by
Intersecting Interregionalism: Regions, Global Governance and the EU by
Smart City: How to Create Public and Economic Value with High Technology in Urban Space by
Atlas America: America Is Atlas To The World. America Matters! by Galt, Jon
Planes, Steak & Water: Defending Donald J. Trump by Pruitt, Autry J.
M² Models and Methodologies for Community Engagement by
The City-State Solution by Langford, Bryan
Industrialising Rural India: Land, policy and resistance by
United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy by Shahid, Shabbir A., Abdelfattah, Mahmoud A., Wilson, Michael A.
Planes, Steak & Water: Defending Donald J. Trump by Pruitt, Autry J.
The Brooklyn Wars by Demause, Neil
Integrated Studies of Social and Natural Environmental Transition in Laos by
Urban Innovation and Upgrading in China Shanty Towns: Changing the Rules of Development by Ni, Pengfei, Oyeyinka, Banji, Chen, Fei
Debating the Obama Presidency by
Debating the Obama Presidency by
Salafism in Nigeria by Thurston, Alexander
Urban Poverty in Turkey: Development and Modernisation in Low-Income Communities by Sentürk, Burcu
Post-Tsunami Hazard: Reconstruction and Restoration by
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 3: River Basins, Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources by
Thermal and Mineral Waters: Origin, Properties and Applications by
Urban Transportation Planning in the United States: History, Policy, and Practice by Weiner, Edward
Joint Fact-Finding in Urban Planning and Environmental Disputes by
Joint Fact-Finding in Urban Planning and Environmental Disputes by
America On The Brink...: Will Democracy Be Saved Or Swept Away? by Burns, Patricia Ann
Landscape Ecology and Water Management: Proceedings of Igu Rohtak Conference, Vol. 2 by
Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega Cities by
Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama (Large Print Edition) by Savage, Michael
Hydrogeological and Environmental Investigations in Karst Systems by
The Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities: Challenges and Opportunities for Peri-Urban Futures by
Beltway Bible by Nelson, Eliot
Conservative Bias: How Jesse Helms Pioneered the Rise of Right-Wing Media and Realigned the Republican Party by Thrift, Bryan Hardin
Law, Lawyering and Legal Education: Building an Ethical Profession in a Globalizing World by Breakey, Hugh, Sampford, Charles
Presidential Transitions: Issues Involving Outgoing and Incoming Administrations by Congressional Research Service, L. Elaine Halchin
Urban Issues: Selections from CQ Researcher by Cq Researcher
Domestic Extremism and the Case of the Toronto 18 by Kowalski, Jeremy
The Reagan Manifesto: "A Time for Choosing" and Its Influence by
Stalinist City Planning: Professionals, Performance, and Power by DeHaan, Heather
The Beltway Beast: Stealing from Future Generations and Destroying the Middle Class by Moon, Munir
Class, Inequality and Community Development by
Class, Inequality and Community Development by
The Obama Illusion Unravels: Progressive Policies on Display at Home and Abroad by Strickland, Gayle
The Obama Illusion Unravels: Progressive Policies on Display at Home and Abroad by Strickland, Gayle
The Space-Economic Transformation of the City: Towards Sustainability by Bachtold, Peter
Budget of the U.S. Government: Fiscal Year 2017 by Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President
The Powers of the U.S. Congress: Where Constitutional Authority Begins and Ends by Hallett, Brien
Presidential Healthcare Reform Rhetoric: Continuity, Change & Contested Values from Truman to Obama by Schimmel, Noam
American Hometown Renewal: Policy Tools and Techniques for Small Town Officials by Mattson, Gary A.
Stretching Beyond the Horizon: A Multiplanar Theory of Spatial Planning and Governance by Hillier, Jean
The Federalist Pages: A Constitutional Path to Restoring America's Greatness by Gonzalez, M. D. J. D.
Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Sector by Sudha, V., Reddy, Krishna
City Power: Urban Governance in a Global Age by Schragger, Richard
Buyer's Remorse: How Obama Let Progressives Down by Press, Bill
Flame and Fortune in the American West: Urban Development, Environmental Change, and the Great Oakland Hills Fire Volume 1 by Simon, Gregory L.
First Ladies: Presidential Historians on the Lives of 45 Iconic American Women by C-Span, Swain, Susan
Flame and Fortune in the American West: Urban Development, Environmental Change, and the Great Oakland Hills Fire Volume 1 by Simon, Gregory L.
Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age - Second Edition by Bartels, Larry M.
What Washington Gets Wrong: The Unelected Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their Misconceptions about the American People by Bachner, Jennifer, Ginsberg, Benjamin
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin's Cyberspies and Wikileaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Nance, Malcolm
Die Einführung der elektronischen Vergabe am Beispiel des Landkreises Vorpommern-Rügen by Birk, Steven
The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics by Judis, John B.
Honourable Friends?: Parliament and the Fight for Change by Lucas, Caroline
Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science by Malczewski, Jacek, Rinner, Claus
Population Mobility, Urban Planning and Management in China by
Computational Approaches for Urban Environments by
Landscape Analysis and Planning: Geographical Perspectives by
Spatial Mobility of Migrant Workers in Beijing, China by Liu, Ran
U.S. Official Propaganda During the Vietnam War, 1965-1973: The Limits of Persuasion by Page, Caroline
Regional Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters and Metropolitan Policies by
Land Rights and Expropriation in Ethiopia by Ambaye, Daniel W.
NGOs, Political Protest, and Civil Society by Boulding, Carew
Community Development in an Uncertain World by Ife, Jim
Curbing Clientelism in Argentina by Weitz-Shapiro, Rebecca
Disasters and the American State by Roberts, Patrick S.
Digital Urban Acupuncture: Human Ecosystems and the Life of Cities in the Age of Communication, Information and Knowledge by Persico, Oriana, Iaconesi, Salvatore
The Federal Management Playbook: Leading and Succeeding in the Public Sector by Goldstein, Ira
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8: Preservation of Cultural Heritage by
How to Demolish Racism: Lessons from the State of Hawai'i by Haas, Michael
No Simple Solutions: Transforming Public Housing in Chicago by Popkin, Susan J.
Woodrow Wilson and World War I: A Burden Too Great to Bear by Striner, Richard
Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems by
Global Sustainability, Cultural Perspectives and Challenges for Transdisciplinary Integrated Research by
Postcolonial Encounters in International Relations: The Politics of Transgression in the Maghreb by Sajed, Alina
Uncovering the Unconscious Dimensions of Planning: Using Culture as a Tool to Analyse Spatial Planning Practices by Othengrafen, Frank
House Standing Committees' Rules on Legislative Activities: Analysis of Rules in Effect in the 114th Congress: R41605 by Michael L. Koempel, Judy Schneider
The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars: Drugs, Immigration, and Homeland Security by Payan, Tony
The Last of the President's Men by Woodward, Bob
A History of Brooklyn Bridge Park: How a Community Reclaimed and Transformed New York City's Waterfront by Shirley, David, Webster, Nancy
Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience by Kirkpatrick, Melanie
Assembling the Centre: Architecture for Indigenous Cultures: Australia and Beyond by McGaw, Janet, Pieris, Anoma
The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception by Cox, Kevin R.
Landscape Bionomics Biological-Integrated Landscape Ecology by Ingegnoli, Vittorio
American Hometown Renewal: Policy Tools and Techniques for Small Town Officials by Mattson, Gary
The Federalist Papers by Madison, James, Hamilton, Alexander, Jay, John
Inside the Clinton White House: An Oral History by Riley, Russell L.
The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception by Cox, Kevin R.
Designing Gotham: West Point Engineers and the Rise of Modern New York, 1817-1898 by Logel, Jon Scott
Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Australia: City of Sydney Urban Planning by Rauscher, Raymond Charles, Momtaz, Salim
Beyond Ethnic Politics in Africa by Koter, Dominika
Challenges of Party-Building in Latin America by
Green Roof Ecosystems by
Emergent Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of the City: Habitus and Urban Rhythms by Neuhaus, Fabian
Trump Effect by Korostelina, Karina V.
Unexpected Treason: Barack Hussein Obama by McCormack, James
Southern Progressivism: The Reconciliation of Progress and Tradition by Grantham, Dewey
The Framers' Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution by Klarman, Michael J.
Osteoarthritis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Available Treatments, Drug Safety, Regenerative and Precision Medicine by
The Obama Legacy: His Presidency According to FACTS by Ducheine, Mike
The US Republican Constitution: A Nonfiction Constitutional Thriller by Brisson, N. L.
For Fear of an Elective King: George Washington and the Presidential Title Controversy of 1789 by Bartoloni-Tuazon, Kathleen
The Swiss Labyrinth: Institutions, Outcomes and Redesign by
Chinese Urban Design: The Typomorphological Approach. by Fei Chen and Kevin Thwaites by Thwaites, Kevin, Chen, Fei
Heritage, Pilgrimage and the Camino to Finisterre: Walking to the End of the World by
Building Resilient Cities in China: The Nexus Between Planning and Science: Selected Papers from the 7th International Association for China Planning by
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (If&gis' 2015): Deep Virtualization for Mobile GIS by
Citizens Divided: Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution by Post, Robert C.
Citizenship Agendas in and beyond the Nation-State by
Fractured Parties: How Recent Elections Have Exposed Weaknesses in American Political Parties by Stasi, Anthony
Timeless Writings - 28 by Elizes Pub, Tatay Jobo
The US-Iran Relationship: The Impact of Political Identity on Foreign Policy by Kinch, Penelope
A History of Housing in New York City by Plunz, Richard
The Mereological City: A Reading of the Works of Ludwig Hilberseimer by Köhler, Daniel
Cities of Love: Roadmap for Sustaining Future Cities by Tai, Lee Siang, Ang, Valerie
Cities of Love: Roadmap for Sustaining Future Cities by Ang, Valerie, Tai, Lee Siang
A History of Housing in New York City by Plunz, Richard
The Politics of Energy Crises by Carlisle, Juliet E., Feezell, Jessica T., Michaud, Kristy E. H.
The State at The Service of the Citizen: Reflections for the 21st century by Vegas, Jeffrey Morales
Regional Resilience, Economy and Society: Globalising Rural Places by Tamásy, Christine, Diez, Javier Revilla
Contemporary Perspectives on Jane Jacobs: Reassessing the Impacts of an Urban Visionary by Schubert, Dirk
International Migration and Crisis: Transition Toward a New Migratory Phase by Jardón Hernández, Ana Elizabeth
State Building in Latin America by Soifer, Hillel David
2016 Presidential Election Guide Update by Cox Han, Lori, Heith, Diane
Latinos in the Legislative Process by Rouse, Stella M.
A Responsive Technocracy?: EU Politicisation and the Consumer Policies of the European Commission by Rauh, Christian
Geographies of Urban Governance: Advanced Theories, Methods and Practices by
Land Use Changes in the Czech Republic 1845-2010: Socio-Economic Driving Forces by Bičík, Ivan, Kupková, Lucie, Jeleček, Leos
Recent Developments in Chinese Urban Planning: Selected Papers from the 8th International Association for China Planning Conference, Guangzhou, China, by
By The People, For The People: American Politics. A lost cause? Or A Time For Change? by Elder II, Francis
Impacts of Land-Use Change on Ecosystem Services by
Budget of the U.S. Government FISCAL YEAR 2017 by And Budget, Office of Management
Ruptured Landscapes: Landscape, Identity and Social Change by
American Justice 2016: The Political Supreme Court by Caplan, Lincoln
Virginia Politics & Government in a New Century: The Price of Power by Thomas, Jeff
The United States Supreme Court: A Political and Legal Analysis, Second Edition by McKeever, Robert
Alibi Koning: De illusie van het koningshuis by Brouwer, Cornelis
Alabama: The Making of an American State by Bridges, Edwin C.
Contested Transformation by Hardy-Fanta, Carol, Lien, Pei-Te, Pinderhughes, Dianne M.
Contested Transformation by Hardy-Fanta, Carol, Lien, Pei-Te, Pinderhughes, Dianne M.
Poststructural Policy Analysis: A Guide to Practice by Bacchi, Carol, Goodwin, Susan
The Stockholm Syndrome President: How Trump Triggered Obama's Hidden Confession by Hodges, Andrew G.
Dutch Land-use Planning: The Principles and the Practice by Needham, Barrie
Social Regionalism in the Global Economy by
New Principles in Planning Evaluation by Khakee, Abdul, Hull, Angela
State Tax Policy: A Primer by Brunori, David
State Tax Policy: A Primer by Brunori, David
Changing Us Foreign Policy Toward India: Us-India Relations Since the Cold War by Van De Wetering, Carina
Judicial Politics in Mexico: The Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy by
Building the City of Spectacle: Mayor Richard M. Daley and the Remaking of Chicago by Spirou, Costas, Judd, Dennis R.
Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front by Atkinson, Rowland, Blandy, Sarah
Presidents, Pandemics, and Politics by Skidmore, Max J.
Comparing Rural Development: Continuity and Change in the Countryside of Western Europe by
Social Innovation and Territorial Development by Haddock, Serena Vicari, MacCallum, Diana
The Contract Clause: A Constitutional History by Ely, James W. Jr.
Insect Conservation and Urban Environments by New, Tim R.
Timeless Writings - 29 by Elizes Pub, Tatay Jobo
Governing in a Polarized Age: Elections, Parties, and Political Representation in America by
Urban Water Trajectories by
Housing Politics in the United Kingdom: Power, Planning and Protest by Lund, Brian
Mending the Broken Dialogue: Military Advice and Presidential Decision-Making by Brooking, Emerson T., Fernandes, Benjamin J., Davidson, Janine a.
Housing Politics in the United Kingdom: Power, Planning and Protest by Lund, Brian
Rising Powers and Global Governance: Changes and Challenges for the World's Nations by Burki, Shahid Javed
Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do about It by Fullilove, Mindy Thompson
Fatal Politics: The Nixon Tapes, the Vietnam War, and the Casualties of Reelection by Hughes, Ken
Environmental Sustainability and American Public Administration: Past, Present, and Future by Martinez, J. Michael
Sustaining Russia's Arctic Cities: Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change by
A Black Man in the White House: Barack Obama and the Triggering of America's Racial-Aversion Crisis by Belcher, Cornell
Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do about It by Fullilove, Mindy Thompson
The Death and Life of the Single-Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City by Lauster, Nathanael
Political Psychology: New Explorations by
U.S.-Cuba Relations: Charting a New Path by Kassab, Hanna Samir, Rosen, Jonathan D.
The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics by
Rhetoric, Humor, and the Public Sphere: From Socrates to Stephen Colbert by Benacka, Elizabeth
Domestic Fortress: Fear and the New Home Front by Blandy, Sarah, Atkinson, Rowland
Urban Water Trajectories by
DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE Additional Steps Could Better Integrate Intelligence Input into DOD's Acquisition of Major Weapon Systems by Office, U. S. Government Accountability
Democracy Against Domination by Rahman, K. Sabeel
Shattered Consensus: The Rise and Decline of America's Postwar Political Order by Piereson, James
Trumpocracy: Drain The Swamp by Mathiesen, Michael
Governance in South Asia by
Democracy in America: A New Abridgment for Students by de Tocqueville, Alexis
Pharmacovigilance: Critique and Ways Forward by
Canadian Perspectives on Immigration in Small Cities by
The Politics of Technology in Africa by Gagliardone, Iginio
Rhetoric in Neoliberalism by
The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority: The 'Trials' of Same-Sex Desire by Zanghellini, Aleardo
See More