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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

United States Politics in 2020

The Battle for Public Opinion: The President, the Press, and the Polls During Watergate by Lang, Gladys Engel, Lang, Kurt
Impeachment of Donald J. Trump President of the United States (Hrpt 116-346) by
Bluster: Donald Trump's War on Terror by Neumann, Peter R.
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory: Iaeg XII Congress Volumes by
Starboard Tack: The Free Nation makes a Course Correction by Capages, Martin, Jr.
Insiders Talk: How to Successfully Lobby State Legislatures: Guide to State Legislative Lobbying, 4th Edition - Revised, Updated, Expanded by Guyer, Robert Lawrence
Insiders Talk: How to Get and Keep Your First Lobbying Job: Preparation, Potential Employers, and First-Day Performance by Guyer, Robert L.
Neoendogenous Development in European Rural Areas: Results and Lessons by
Immigration and the American Ethos by Wright, Matthew, Levy, Morris
Immigration and the American Ethos by Levy, Morris, Wright, Matthew
The County Diagnostic: A Regional Environmental Footprint Framework for the USA by Lawrence, Bryce
Progressive Challenges to the American Constitution by
Neo-race Realities in the Obama Era by
John Marshall's Constitutionalism by Ray, Clyde H.
One America?: Presidential Appeals to Racial Resentment from LBJ to Trump by Angelo, Nathan
Dangerously Divided: How Race and Class Shape Winning and Losing in American Politics by Hajnal, Zoltan L.
Selling Sex in Kenya: Gendered Agency Under Neoliberalism by Česnulyte, Egle
Business and Social Crisis in Africa by Handley, Antoinette
Business and Social Crisis in Africa by Handley, Antoinette
Dangerously Divided by Hajnal, Zoltan L.
Politics for Dummies by Delaney, Ann M.
Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America by Drutman, Lee
Do Morals Matter?: Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump by Nye, Joseph S.
The 21st Century Voter Guide to Candidate Assessment by Gunn, Howard J.
Building and Dwelling by Sennett, Richard
Transformative Planning: Radical Alternatives to Neoliberal Urbanism by
Recovering American Liberty: Volume 1: Rediscovering the Principles of Just Government by Lowry, Robert, Florine, Dagne
The AOC Way: The Secrets of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Success by Fredrickson, Caroline
Recovering American Liberty: Volume 1: Rediscovering the Principles of Just Government by Florine, Dagne, Lowry, Robert
America Recovered by Jordan H., Carver, Ress, Chad
A Dictionary of the European Union by Haastrup, Toni
We Own the Future: Democratic Socialism--American Style by
A Time for U.S: "Living In The Surveillance State!" by Ball, Dennis Andrew
Role of Regional Development Agencies in Entrepreneurial and Rural Development: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Vemic, Milan B.
The New Nation Party: A Humanitarian's Fantasy by Hillstrom, J. K.
Democracy's Troubles: Twelve Threats to the American Ideal and How We Can Overcome Them by Miller, John E.
The Soils of India by
Defending American Values by Villegas, Robert
The Authorised History of British Defence Economic Intelligence: A Cold War in Whitehall, 1929-90 by Davies, Peter
City of Children by Tonucci, Francesco
Strategies for Governing: Reinventing Public Administration for a Dangerous Century by Roberts, Alasdair
Strategies for Governing: Reinventing Public Administration for a Dangerous Century by Roberts, Alasdair
Retirement Migration from the U.S. to Latin American Colonial Cities by
Labor in the Time of Trump by
Scaling Up Sdgs Implementation: Emerging Cases from State, Development and Private Sectors by
The Growth and Collapse of One American Nation: The Early Republic 1790 - 1861 by Fraser, Donald J.
The First Hundred Years: The US Presidents, the Federal Census, and current events that influenced the lives of your ancestors 1790-1890 by Leonard, Carolyn B.
The Mendacity of Hope by Hodge, Roger D.
Say We Won and Get Out: George D. Aiken and the Vietnam War by Terry, Stephen C.
The Good Fight: Why Liberals---And Only Liberals---Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again by Beinart, Peter
Labor in the Time of Trump by
Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security by Savage, Michael
The Backlash by Bunch, Will
Documenting Americans by Krajewska, Magdalena
Parliament the Mirror of the Nation by Conti, Gregory
Ecological Rationality in Spatial Planning: Concepts and Tools for Sustainable Land-Use Decisions by Rega, Carlo
Japanese Machizukuri and Community Engagement: History, Method and Practice by Satoh, Shigeru
Political Party Dynamics and Democracy in Sweden: Developments since the 'Golden Age' by Moller, Tommy
Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City by
Good Places for All by Bjelland, Mark D.
The Power of Accountability: Offices of Inspector General at the State and Local Levels by Kempf, Robin J.
Selbstverteidigungs- und Selbstbehauptungskurse als Prävention sexuellen Missbrauchs by Peterek, Alicia
Trump's World: Geo Deus by Malloch, Theodore Roosevelt, Cuello, Felipe J.
Bau- Und Infrastrukturprojekte: Dialogorientierte Kommunikation ALS Erfolgsfaktor by
Veteran Care and Services: Essays and Case Studies on Practices, Innovations and Challenges by
The Game of Urban Regeneration: Culture & Community in London 2012 and Berlin's Mediaspree by Weber-Newth, Francesca
Hope On Hold: Navigating the Shameless World of Donald J Trump by Whittemore, Maureen E.
Hope for Democracy: How Citizens Can Bring Reason Back Into Politics by Knobloch, Katherine, Gastil, John
Doing Justice: A Prosecutor's Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law by Bharara, Preet
Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite by Schweizer, Peter
What You Should Know about Politics . . . But Don't, Fourth Edition: A Nonpartisan Guide to the Issues That Matter by Conrad, Jessamyn
Zoning: A Guide for 21st-Century Planning by
The Legacy of Mayor Anthony Williams: Economic Development in the Federal City by Crawford, Ray
Los Angeles and the Summer Olympic Games: Planning Legacies by Kassens Noor, Eva
Neue Koalitionen - Alte Probleme: Lokale Entscheidungsprozesse Im Wandel by
John William McCormack: A Political Biography by Nelson, Garrison
The Political Economy of European Security by Schilde, Kaija
Tsunami Watch: Power, Pain and Progress in the American Narrative by Kosten, Daniel, Howard, Barry
An Illusive Phantom of Hope: A Critique of Reformism by Rearden, Kyle
Tsunami Watch: Power, Pain and Progress in the American Narrative by Kosten, Daniel, Howard, Barry
Defeating Conservative Republicanism: If God Is Dead Trump Is Right by Demaree, Eric S.
From the Editor 2019: Pacific Daily Times Editorials by Steele, Jesse
Political Psychology Invasions by Bergantino Ed D., Len
Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future by Krugman, Paul
Accidental Presidents: Eight Men Who Changed America by Cohen, Jared
Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics by Christie, Chris
Threat by McCabe, Andrew G.
Calm Before The Storm by Hayes, Dave
Team of Vipers by Sims, Cliff
Firms, Farms, and the State in Colombia: A Study of Rural, Urban, and Regional Dimensions of Change by Helmsing, A. H. J.
Schwierigkeiten in der Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Entbürokratisierung in der öffentlichen Verwaltung by Wiegand, Mira
The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism by Elkin, Rick
Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal by Skowronek, Stephen
Changing Urban Renewal Policies in China: Policy Transfer and Policy Learning Under Multiple Hierarchies by Romano, Giulia C.
Foolish Naive or Just Plain Stupid by Bernson, Victor
The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism by Elkin, Rick
Debating Reform: Conflicting Perspectives on How to Fix the American Political System by
A Century of Votes for Women: American Elections Since Suffrage by Wolbrecht, Christina, Corder, J. Kevin
Presidential Leadership in Political Time: Reprise and Reappraisal by Skowronek, Stephen
Gimme! Gimme!!: The Welfare System in Pennsylvania by Kendal, Barbara
Real House Lives: Former Members of Parliament on How to Reclaim Democratic Leadership by Al, Michael Morden Et
Real House Lives: Former Members of Parliament on How to Reclaim Democratic Leadership by Al, Michael Morden Et
Satan, Socialism and the Democrat Party: What do they have in common? Pain and Suffering! Unfortunately, it's intended for you! by Ferguson, Richard
Our Disunited States of America: The Struggle Between Conservatives and Liberals by Jansiewicz, Donald
The Politics of the Presidency by Pika, Joseph A., Maltese, John Anthony, Rudalevige, Andrew
In Defense of America by Hutcheson, Matthew D.
Supreme Inequality: The Supreme Court's Fifty-Year Battle for a More Unjust America by Adam Cohen
Gathering to Save a Nation: Lincoln and the Union's War Governors by Engle, Stephen D.
Saving American Democracy: How We the People Can Be Truly Represented in Our Own Government by Orenstein, Jeffrey Robert
Post-Suburbia: Government and Politics in the Edge Cities by Teaford, Jon C.
Legislative Decline in the 21st Century: A Comparative Perspective by
A U-Turn to the Future: Sustainable Urban Mobility Since 1850 by
Revelaciones de Un Misionero (Revelations of a Missionary - Spani: Mi Vida Itinerante (My Itinerate Life) by Solalinde, Alejandro
The United States, Russia and Nuclear Peace by Cimbala, Stephen J.
Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents by Kimberley, Margaret
Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World by Hannan, Daniel
Smokescreens by Patino, Henry
Why Place Matters: Geography, Identity, and Civic Life in Modern America by
Conventional Wisdom, Parties, and Broken Barriers in the 2016 Election by
American Presidents and Jerusalem by Talhami, Ghada Hashem
The Politics of Transitional Justice in Latin America by Gonzalez-Ocantos, Ezequiel A.
Dependency in the Twenty-First Century? by Stallings, Barbara
American Politics: A Graphic Guide by Locker, Laura
Acquitted: A Chronology of the Trump Years: Part Three by Harding, John T.
Rural Revitalization Through State-Led Programs: Planning, Governance and Challenge by Shen, Mingrui
Welfare Doesn't Work: The Promises of Basic Income for a Failed American Safety Net by Hamilton, Leah
Trump's Unfinished Business: 10 Prophecies to Save America by Cioccolanti, Steve
Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action: The Struggle to Create Neighborhoods that Serve Human Needs by
Urban Systems Design: Creating Sustainable Smart Cities in the Internet of Things Era by
Rhetoric, Persuasion, and Modern Legal Writing: The Pen Is Mightier by Porto, Brian L.
Urban and Regional Planning and Development: 20th Century Forms and 21st Century Transformations by
Water Security, Justice and the Politics of Water Rights in Peru and Bolivia by Seemann, Miriam
Unclassified: My Life Before, During, and After the CIA by Kerr, Richard J.
A violent crimes determination model applied over the most violent cities of the world by Nepomuceno, Thyago Celso C.
A Century of Votes for Women by Corder, J. Kevin, Wolbrecht, Christina
Innovating Development Strategies in Africa by Signé, Landry
Coups, Rivals, and the Modern State by Rabinowitz, Beth S.
Regime Support Beyond the Balance Sheet by Rhodes-Purdy, Matthew
Uneven Trajectories by Kessler, Gabriel, Benza, Gabriela
Trump and Us by Hart, Roderick P.
rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights by Anthony, James
rConstitution Papers: Offsetting Powers Secure Our Rights by Anthony, James
Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen by Hart, Roderick P.
The Assistant President: South Carolina's James F. Byrnes by Smith, Jeffrey K.
Against Urbanism by La Cecla, Franco
American Plutocracy: The Decline of Democracy and Freedom by Martin, James
Culture, Community, and Development by
Why States Matter: An Introduction to State Politics by Squire, Peverill, Moncrief, Gary F.
Secrets and Spies: UK Intelligence Accountability after Iraq and Snowden by Gaskarth, Jamie
The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future by Green, Ben
Golden Gates: Fighting for Housing in America by Dougherty, Conor
Defending the Constitution: Alan Dershowitz's Senate Argument Against Impeachment by Dershowitz, Alan
Smart Cities by Halegoua, Germaine
The Apprentice: Trump, Mueller and the Subversion of American Democracy by Miller, Greg
Smart Urban Development by
Journalists Are Not the Enemy of the People by Hutson, Gerald L.
George Washington and Political Fatherhood: The Endurance of a National Myth by Tschachler, Heinz
Japan's New Ruralities: Coping with Decline in the Periphery by
Koproduktion im SGB II. Zusammenarbeit zwischen SGB II Leistungsbeziehern und Arbeitsverwaltung by Groh, Verena
The Italian Parliament in the European Union by
Balancing Nature and Civilization - Alternative Sustainability Perspectives from Philosophy to Practice by
Sdg10 - Reduce Inequality Within and Among Countries by Ayanore, Martin, Pandey, Umesh Chandra, Kumar, Chhabi
Urban Governance and Smart City Planning: Lessons from Singapore by Allam, Zaheer
Making Young Voters by Holbein, John B., Hillygus, D. Sunshine
Rejecting Compromise by Harbridge-Yong, Laurel, M. Butler, Daniel, Anderson, Sarah E.
Making Young Voters by Hillygus, D. Sunshine, Holbein, John B.
Close to Home by Fitzgerald, Jennifer
Die Einschränkung von Grundrechten auf Grundlage des Feuerwehrgesetzes Baden-Württemberg by Anonymous
Clinton's Elections: 1992, 1996, and the Birth of a New Era of Governance by Nelson, Michael
Satellite Towns in Neo-Metropolitan Development in India: Lessons from Selected Cities by Chatterjee, Amit, Chattopadhyay, R. N.
The Integration of Church & State: How We Transform "In God We Trust" From Motto To Reality by Lewallen, Nolan
Lessons from Trump's Political Communication: How to Dominate the Media Environment by Morini, Marco
Blockchain-Technologie für öffentliche Verwaltungen. Potenziale und Herausforderungen by Groh, Verena
The Administrative Threat by Hamburger, Philip
Let the People Rule: How Direct Democracy Can Meet the Populist Challenge by Matsusaka, John G.
Uneven Innovation: The Work of Smart Cities by Clark, Jennifer
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Revolution: Trump, Washington and We the People by McFarland, Kt
Uneven Innovation: The Work of Smart Cities by Clark, Jennifer
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Neoliberalism on the Ground: Architecture and Transformation from the 1960s to the Present by
America's Public Lands: From Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and Beyond by Wilson, Randall K.
Public Expenditure Governance in Uganda: Inputs, Processes and Outcomes by
Which Impact does Small Arms Proliferation Have on South Sudan's National Security?: Analysis of the Emergence of Unknown Gunmen by Mayom, Dennis Marial Muorwel
The Groundhog Effect by Odom, Christopher Darrick
The Politics of Cycling Infrastructure: Spaces and (In)Equality by
The Bible According to Trump by Craig, Brian
Why Associations Matter: The Case for First Amendment Pluralism by Sheahan, Luke C.
Cairo Collages: Everyday Life Practices After the Event by Abaza, Mona
The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama's Legacy and the Trump Transition by
Us Versus Them: Race, Crime, and Gentrification in Chicago Neighborhoods by Doering, Jan
If I Ran: I Would Be Elected President in 2020 by Desrocher, Jim
The Politics of Recall Elections by
The Trifecta in Voting Barrier Causation: Economics, Politics, and Race by Reilly, Shauna
Local Governance, Economic Development and Institutions by
Political Parties, Parliaments and Legislative Speechmaking by Debus, M., Bäck, H.
Politics and Policy Knowledge in Federal Education: Confronting the Evidence-Based Proverb by Putansu, Steven
The Life of North American Suburbs by
America's Public Lands: From Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and Beyond by Wilson, Randall K.
Kennzahlsysteme für kommunale Jobcenter. Strategische und operative Ziele by Groh, Verena
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