• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Yoga in 2016

Initiation into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality: A Workbook For Beginners and Advancing Aspirants by Ashby, Muata
Goraksha Samhita by Vishnuswaroop, Swami
True Yoga: Practicing with the Yoga Sutras for Happiness & Spiritual Fulfillment by Lee, Jennie
Yoga Basics: A Beginner's Guide To Attaining Inner Peace, Living A Stress-Free Life And Achieving Your Weight Goals by Faunillan, Fhilcar
Mandala Yoga by
Yoga: Essential Yoga Tips and Techniques to Achieve Maximum Stress Relief and Weight Loss by Roldan, Taylor C.
Opposition in Pilates and Yoga: Newton's Third Law Meets Mindfulness by Prettyman, Marie-Claire
Yoga Teddy Bear & Friends Too: Coloring Book by Copham, K. M.
Kriya Yoga: Four Spiritual Masters and a Beginner by Wyder, Heidi
Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands by Hirschi, Gertrud
Bombs, Bliss and Baba: The Spiritual Autobiography Behind the Hilton Bombing Frame Up by Alister, Paul Narada
Yoga Teddy Bear Things & Stuff: Coloring Book by Copham, K. M.
Props for Yoga - Volume 2: Sitting Asanas and Forward Extensions by Shifroni, Eyal, Sela, Michael
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man by Johnston, Charles, Maharishi, Patanjli
Mindfulness per principianti: per una profonda percezione e consapevolezza, rallentare, respirare, liberare la mente, piccolo libro per meditare, me by Pellegrino, P. L.
Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom (Persian Translation) by Yogani
Safe Stretch: A comprehensive guide to stretching which takes into account the similarities and differences between people by Benjamin, Rowland Paul
Yoga Sex Coupons: Are You Flexible Enough? by Grey, Katie Stormy
Yoga: Yoga for Beginners: The Essential Poses for All Beginners, with Pictures: Yoga for Weight Loss, Anxiety and Stress Rel by Brocobe, John
Ashtanga Yoga: Yoga in the Tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois: The Primary Series Practice Manual by Räisänen, Petri
Yoga: For Curvy Girls Guide - Easy Beginner's Poses for Women with Curves by Reeves, Carmen
Art of Attention: A Yoga Practice Workbook for Movement as Meditation by Brower, Elena, Jago, Erica
Orange Yoga: Yoga Soul & Vibrations by Gill, Tj
YOGA VEGAN Diet: Includes 50 Vegan Recipes to Accomplish your BEST Yoga Poses by Correa, Mariana
Yoga 101: The Ultimate Yoga Guide by Green, Janet
Yoga & Progressive Relaxation Response: Before Transcendence - Savasana & Beyond by Ganley, Tim, Binga, Vie
VEGAN PROTEIN YOGA Smoothies: Contains 50 Smoothie Recipes to Build a STRONG and HEALTHY Body from the Inside Out by Correa, Mariana
The Practice of Skanda Yoga by Von Roenn, Kenneth F., III
YOGA VEGANE Ernahrung: Inklusive 50 Veganen Rezepten fur deine BESTEN Yogaposen by Correa, Mariana
Regime ALIMENTAIRE YOGA Vegetalien: Comprend 50 Recettes Vegan pour Accomplir vos Meilleures Postures de Yoga by Correa, Mariana
DIETA VEGANA Per YOGA: Include 50 Ricette Vegane per Raggiungere il tuo Miglior Yoga by Correa, Mariana
DIETA VEGANA De YOGA: Incluye 50 Recetas Veganas para Conseguir tus MEJORES Poses de Yoga by Correa, Mariana
The LaLa Sutras of The Dolly Alanna by Zabel, Alanna
Yoga For Beginners: An Easy Yoga Guide To Relieve Stress, Lose Weight, And Heal Your Body by Cannon, Sophia
Yoga 101: A Beginner's Step-By-Step Easy to Follow Guide to Understanding and Practicing Yoga by Griffin, Erin
Yoga for Beginners: The Best Yoga Poses and Techniques for 6-Pack Abs by Russell, George
Yoga Mama: The Practitioner's Guide to Prenatal Yoga by Sparrowe, Linda
VEGAN PROTEIN YOGA Smoothies: Inklusive 50 Smoothie Rezepten um Einen STARKEN und GESUNDEN Korper von Innen Heraus zu Bekommen by Correa, Mariana
Tantra - Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex (Arabic Translation) by Yogani
RECETTES VEGAN YOGA Smoothie PROTEINE: Comprend 50 Recettes Smoothie pour Construire un Corps Sain et Solide a l'interieur comme a l'exterieur by Correa, Mariana
Yoga Fairies Coloring Book by Aldridge, Adele
Yoga Basics For Beginners: A Simple Guide To Yoga For Beginners For Health, Fitness And Happiness by Allen, Ntathu
BATIDOS De PROTEINAS VEGANOS PARA YOGA: Incluye 50 Recetas de Batidos, para Desarrollar un cuerpo FUERTE y SALUDABLE de Dentro a Fuera by Correa, Mariana
Yoga for Happy Mums: Simple techniques for getting your spark back and enjoying parenthood again by Martin, Emma
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 3 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 2 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 4 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 6 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 8 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 5 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Astadala Yogamala (Collected Works) Volume 7 by Iyengar, B. K. S.
Radically Simple Yoga: For Now by Dodd, David
Teaching Rainbow Kids Yoga: The Complete Toolbox for all Children and Family Yoga Teachers by Yaffa, Gopala Amir, Yaffa, Angel
Yogi Cats by Hodges, Paige
An Introduction to Yoga: Essential Yoga Poses That Will Help You to Achieve Inner Peace and Happiness by Fishner, Erik
Trish's Fall Photography: A Kids Yoga Autumn Book by Shardlow, Giselle
Yoga: Beginners Guide - For Yoga Poses - Easy Steps And Pictures by Jones, Rogan
Every Body Yoga: Adult Coloring Book by Churchill, Genevieve
The Mindbody Cleanse: A 14-Day Detox and Rejuvenation Program from Ancient Ayurveda by Blau, Ronly, Nowland, Adrian
Yoga for Beginners: Yoga For Beginners by Adams, Jamie
Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space (Persian Translation) by Yogani
Yoga Teddy Bear Moons, Stars & Earthly Delights: Coloring Book by Copham, K. M.
Yoga Teddy Bear Warriors: Coloring Book by Copham, K. M.
Yoga Teddy Bear Balance & Bend: Coloring Book by Copham, K. M.
The Yoga Beginner's Bible: Top 63 Illustrated Poses for Weight Loss, Stress Relief and Inner Peace by Morello, Tai
The Tenth Door: A Yoga Adventure by Hebert, Michele
ALKALISCHE DIAT Fur YOGA: Basische Lebensmittel und Rezepte, die Deinem Yoga-Workout einen Kick geben by Correa, Mariana
REGIME ALCALIN Pour YOGA: Nourriture Alcaline avec Recettes pour BOOSTER votre Entrainement by Correa, Mariana
DIETA ALCALINA Per YOGA: Cibo Alcalino e Ricette per MIGLIORARE il tuo Allenamento Yoga by Correa, Mariana
DIETA ALCALINA para YOGA: Comidas Alcalinas y Recetas Alcalinas para Optimizar tu Entrenamiento de Yoga by Correa, Mariana
The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers by Teresa Anne Power
Yoga and Eating Disorders: Ancient Healing for Modern Illness by
Ready To Teach Yoga: Volume 2: 12 More Class Sequences to Take and Teach by Vachon, Anga
Yoga for Healthy Feet: Practice from the Ground Up by Moyer, Donald
Kokoro Yoga: Maximize Your Human Potential and Develop the Spirit of a Warrior--The Sealfit Way: Maximize Your Human Potential and Develop the Spirit by Divine, Catherine, Divine, Mark
Your Body, Your Yoga: Learn Alignment Cues That Are Skillful, Safe, and Best Suited to You by Clark, Bernie
Yoga is Fun: Yoga for children by Knox, Eugenie
Yoga: Top Yoga Poses From Beginner To Master by Godwin, Thatcher D.
Marine on the Mat: Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga - from Parris Island to Mysore India by Infanti, Rishi Eric
Die Heldin geht weiter: - zu einem Leben in der eigenen Kraft by Frank, Ute
Yoga and Eating Disorders: Ancient Healing for Modern Illness by
Essential Oils for Meditation and Yoga: Increase Your Spirituality, Mental Clarity and Relieve Stress Using Essential Oils by Willis, Sandra
The Yoga Facelift by Nadeau, Marie Veronique
Story and Stretch: A Guide to Teaching Kids Yoga Using Seasonal Stories by Gribble-Dates, Michel L.
Yoga for Climbers: How to Stretch, Strengthen and Climb Higher by Tsong, Nicole
Yoga for Hikers: How to Stretch, Strengthen, and Hike Farther by Tsong, Nicole
Zen Yoga: Science of Teaching Manual by Inman, Colleen
Die Yoga-Diät: 12 leichte Übungen, um Diäterfolge aller Art zu unterstützen by Gupta, Anand
AcroYoga: Baby Edition by Yen, Karolina, Seydel, Andrea
Yoga: The 30 Greatest Yoga Poses For Beginners by Thomas, Mark
Kid Power Yoga Teacher Training Manual: Teaching Kids to Go With the Flow by Gates, Mariam
The Goddess Pose: The Audacious Life of Indra Devi, the Woman Who Helped Bring Yoga to the West by Goldberg, Michelle
Yoga of the Subtle Body: A Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Yoga by Little, Tias
Yoga for a Happy Back: A Teacher's Guide to Spinal Health Through Yoga Therapy by Krentzman, Rachel
The Dale Carnegie Omnibus (How To Win Friends And Influence People/Develop Self-Confidence, Improve Public Speaking/The Quick & Easy Way To Effective by Carnegie, Dale
Therapeutic Answers to Common Yoga Pose Questions by Perkunas, Jaimie
Yog-Ethos by Rao, Geeta
Really Real Yoga: A Path To Living And Teaching Authentic Yoga by Wells, Marianne
Hypnobirth: Evidence, practice and support for birth professionals by Gavin-Jones, Teri, Handford, Sandra
Stretching Your Faith: Practicing Postures of Prayer to Create Peace, Balance and Freedom by Thielen, Michelle
The Ecstasy of Practice: Forty-four ecstatic yoga practices by Shehab, Shelley Cummins
Yoga & Life Empowerment: A Six-week, Self-study Practice Using Asana, Meditation & Diet to Achieve Happiness & Peace by McNairy, Sid
Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli - Yogic Nutrition & Cleansing for Health and Spirit (Persian Translation) by Yogani
Yoga: Easy Beginners Yoga Poses Guide, Reduce Anxiety, Stress, Sharpen Your Mind, Learn Yoga, Benefits of Yoga by Donovan, Simon
AcroYoga: Mommy and Me Edition by Yen, Karolina, Seydel, Andrea
The Beginners Guide to Tone Your Butt by Furlong, Josie
Yoga for Men: Top 30 Illustrated poses for a Stronger Body and a Sharper Mind by Morello, Tai
Harmonic Movement: Vinyasa Yoga for Strength, Flexibility & Mind-Body Harmony by Kroeker, Brian James
Roam: Movement as Medicine: ROAM stands for Range of Active Movement and is an East meets West guide that helps you improve by Eathorne, Ross
Yin Yoga: How to Enhance Your Modern Yoga Practice With Yin Yoga to Achieve an Optimal Mind-Body Connection by Summers, Olivia
More alive with Yoga: Your complete Yoga guide to more aliveness by Denke, Janine
The Illustrated Five Tibetan Rites: Anti-Aging Secrets for Vitality, Strength, Well-Being and Health by Witt, Carolinda
An Introduction to Yoga by Besant, Annie
An introduction to Yoga by Besant, Annie
Bathroom Stall Yoga by Kosinski, Rosie, Clark, Grant
A Step By Step Guide to Getting a Fuller Butt by Garcia, Penelope
Angels and Ascension: Integrate Celestial Energy for a Benevolent Life by Rae, Chandran
Yoga for Better Bones: Safe Yoga for People with Osteoporosis by Martin, Margaret
Gong Therapy by Benton, Mehtab
Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep by Holecek, Andrew
Gong Therapy by Benton, Mehtab
Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga by Machliss, Bianca Elizabeth, Borg-Olivier, Simon Andrew
Empowered Body: Yoga & Mindfulness practices to transform the way you show up in your body and life by Theoret, Michele
Empowered Body: Yoga & Mindfulness practices to transform the way you show up in your body and life by Theoret, Michele
Yoga: 20 Essential Yoga Poses for Improving Your Health, Reducing Stress & Anxiety, Increasing Your Energy, and Losing Weigh by Walker, Catherine
Meditation Made Easy: With Singing Bowls by Lahner, Regina
Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini (Persian Translation) by Yogani
Spice Up Your Wall Yoga: Instructional Manual by Baresic, K. S.
Chair Vinyasa: Yoga Flow for Every Body by Quigley, Delia
Yoga: Your Ultimate Beginner's Guide On How To Use Yoga To Maximize Weight Loss And Live The Stress-Free Life Of Your Dreams by Harris, Debeena
The Innate Design: Implementing Self-Healing Techniques for the Modern Patient by Aguirre, Melissa, Hoedebecke, Kyle
The Innate Design: Implementing Self-Healing Techniques for the Modern Patient by Aguirre, Melissa, Hoedebecke, Kyle
The body rescue maintenance plan: For Life by Christianne, Wolff J.
Medical Therapeutic Yoga by Garner, Ginger
Die freie Mens - Leas COMIC-TAGEBUCH für eine schmerzfreie Regel ohne Binden, Tampons und Co by Oblasser, Caroline
The Path of Modern Yoga: The History of an Embodied Spiritual Practice by Goldberg, Elliott
Yinsights: A Journey Into the Philosophy & Practice of Yin Yoga by Clark, Bernie
The Three Questions: An Approach to Yoga by Rice, Stuart M.
De Stress with Beth by Wieczerzak, Beth
Guide to Yoga for Stress and Addictions: A Simple Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle by Rich Dr, Katie, Lhanang, Lama, Rego, Tachi
From the Vedas to Vinyasa: An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Yoga by Vaughn, Amy
Go Go Yoga for Kids: A Complete Guide to Yoga With Kids by Weis, Sara J.
Yoga for Beginners by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
Yoga Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis by Danford, Jean
The Toolbox: Tools for Teaching Bikram Yoga by Almquist, Teri
Move Feel Think: Yoga for Brain Injury, PTSD, and Other Forms of Trauma by Balawejder, Emily, Leyde, Janna M.
How to lose 10 pounds in 10 DAYS with Yoga? by Hermans, Sammy
Restorative Yoga: Reduce Stress, Gain Energy, and Find Balance by Norberg, Ulrica
Rhema Yoga: Stretchers, Book 1 by Marks, Adam T.
Essential Yoga Practice: Your Guide to the New Yoga Experience with Essential Oils by Atkinson, Asti, Flynn, E.
Yoga and Floral Mandala Adult Coloring Book: With Yoga Poses and Mandalas (Arts On Coloring Books) by Yoga Publishing
Yoga poses, teaching yoga, benefits of yoga, yin yoga: How to look younger, happier and more beautiful by Penrose, Lily
El poder sanador del Chi Kung by Bayona, Pedro
23 & 1/2 Ways To Make A Girl Fall For You by Broacha, Cyrus
Mindfulness With Yoga: Stress-Free Life And Inner Peace by Francisco, John
Die rosarote Yogawolke: Zauber Kundalini Yoga - nach Yogi Bhajan by Raubold, Inka
Yoga gegen das Altern: Das Geheimnis für ein jüngeres und gesünder aussehendes Du by Gupta, Anand
Yoga, the Body, and Embodied Social Change: An Intersectional Feminist Analysis by
Yoga: 4-Week Step By Step Guide for Beginners by Hesson, Jill
Kundalini yoga: El poder está en ti by Har-Zion, Prabhuji David Ben Yosef
The Power and Limitation of Kriya Yoga: Described in Upanishad by Pandey, Amrendra Narayan
Fusion Workouts: Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, and Barre by Vanderburg, Helen
Yoga Essentials 101: A Beginner's Handbook To The Practice Of Yoga by McDaniels, Essence
Yoga Affect: A Primer for a Beautiful Life by Zuidema, Sandra
Yoga Tantric Jin Gang Zen by Yu, Xiangchun
Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy by Sadhguru
Scoliosis, Yoga Therapy, and the Art of Letting Go by Krentzman, Rachel
Finding Your Yoga: Essential Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle with Yoga and Ayurveda by Bunting, Urszula
Yogastha Sadhana: The Comprehensive Guide to a Modern Raja Vinyasa Yoga Practice by Geiser, Todd
Alchemy of Yoga: Living yoga off the mat by Reese, Wendy
Yoga Resource Practice Manual by Rhodes, Darren
Change Your Magnetism, Change Your Life: How to Eliminate Self-Defeating Patterns and Attract True Success by Rush, Naidhruva Sheila
Kundalini yoga: The power is in you by Har-Zion, Prabhuji David Ben Yosef
Classical Hatha Yoga: 84 Classical Asanas and their variations by Giri, Jnandev Yogachariya, Saini, Surender Kumar
Yoga-a Path for Happy Life by Aggarwal, Manan
Yoga for Stress by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
Samyama - Cultivating Stillness in Action, Siddhis and Miracles (Persian Translation) by Yogani
Karma Yoga by Vivekananda, Swami
Yoga Beyond the Mat: How to Make Yoga Your Spiritual Practice by Kaivalya, Alanna
Bhakti yoga: The path of love by Har-Zion, Prabhuji David Ben Yosef
Bhakti-yoga: El sendero del amor by Har-Zion, Prabhuji David Ben Yosef
Hatha Yoga Poses Chart: 60 Common Yoga Poses and Their Names - A Reference Guide to Yoga Asanas (Postures) 8.5 x 11" Full-Color 4-Panel Pamphl by
Zero Minute Yoga: Cutting the Roots of Diseases by Singh, Bidhya Bhusan
Dear You: Messages From the Yoga Mat by Fletcher, Jacquelyn B.
Dear You: Believe the Wisdom of Your Heart by Fletcher, Jacquelyn B.
Yoga Secrets: 52 Life-Changing Secrets: Calm Your Pain, Stress, and Anxiety and Find More Energy, Happiness, and Meaning in Your Lif by Heptig, Ken
BreatheYourOMBalance: Writings about Yoga by Women by
Kundalini Yoga Meditation Awakening Guide for Beginners by Rodgers, Alyson
Namaslay: Rock Your Yoga Practice, Tap Into Your Greatness, and Defy Your Limits by Moore, Candace
Elemental Yin Yang Yoga: A Practice to Fuel Your Life by Aquin, Erin
Yoga Teddy Bear: The Big Little Coloring Book of 108 Yoga Poses by Copham, K. M.
Get a Grip and Stay Sane: Self-Healing with the Nadi Technique by Roberts, Billy
Yoga for Flexibility by Joiner Siedlak, Monique
Relax Into Yoga for Seniors: A Six-Week Program for Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Pain Relief by Krucoff, Carol, Carson, Kimberly
Meridian Qigong Exercises: Combining Qigong, Yoga, & Acupressure by Yang, Jwing-Ming
The Suspension Yoga Instructional Handbook by Montanile, Beatrix
How to Regenerate Your Failing Health: No 1 Yoga and Fitness Expert by Obi Ao, Amaechi
Daksha Yoga: Mis primeros pasos para el yoga by Rojas, Roberto Walter
The Yoga Beginner's Bible by Morello, Tai
Yoga for Beginners: A Guide to Starting a Healthy Life, Calming Your Mind, and Strengthening Your Body by Carter, Adam
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