Eight Insightful Upanishads with Sanskrit Verses Listing
Series: Wisdom Classics, Book 8
ISBN13: 9789392201493
Publisher: Harpercollins 360
Published: Aug 22 2021
Pages: 442
Weight: 1.42
Height: 0.98 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: English
termed as Upanishad.
Upanishad means essential guiding principle. It is a shrugging off of conflict, frustration, fear, & turmoil.
Upanishad means being in sync with Time and Ambience, and Understanding each other's Viewpoint.
This edition gives a crisp, tight rendering of original thought using words that are relevant and correctly understood in the modern times. It develops the concept of Brahman, a loving compassionate fluid that permeates all beings and the entire Creation. Only the inward senses can glimpse it, only a brave seeker can attempt the discovery.
Upanishads are masterly texts, meant for a sincere and serious aspirant. Basic qualifications include a command over language and neatness in attire. Prerequisites most needed to imbibe the knowledge are:
- Respectfulness
- Readiness to serve with cheerfulness
- Discipline for a year with frugal lifestyle
- Truthfulness and candor in communication
तस्माद् ऋचः साम यजूंषि दीक्षा यज्ञाश्च सर्वे क्रतवो दक्षिणाश्च । संवत्सरश्च यजमानश्च लोकाः सोमो यत्र पवते यत्र सूर्यः ॥ २.१.६
tasmād ṛcaḥ sāma yajūṃṣi dīkṣā yajñāśca sarve kratavo dakṣiṇāśca । saṃvatsaraśca yajamānaśca lokāḥ somo yatra pavate yatra sūryaḥ ॥ 2.1.6
- From Brahman emerge the energies - Rik that manifests cosmic laws, Sama that balances, Yajus that formulates individual emotions and thought processes.
- From Brahman emerges the special faculty of training, imparting skill, and education, especially from parents to children for all mammals.
- From Brahman the systems of manufacturing and gainful employment. Thereby the merits and earnings.
- Due to Brahman the yearly cycle of time comes into existence.
- Due to Brahman some assume authority and status and can thus govern and conduct affairs.
- Due to Brahman the galaxies got formed.
Excerpt from Aitareya Upanishad Verse 2.1.4
सोऽस्यायमात्मा पुण्येभ्यः कर्मभ्यः प्रतिधीयते । अथास्यायमितर आत्मा कृतकृत्यो वयोगतः प्रैति । स इतः प्रयन्नेव पुनर्जायते तदस्य तृतीयं जन्म ॥ २.१.४
so'syāyamātmā puṇyebhyaḥ karmabhyaḥ pratidhīyate । athāsyāyamitara ātmā kṛtakṛtyo vayogataḥ praiti । sa itaḥ prayanneva punarjāyate tadasya tṛtīyaṃ janma ॥ 2.1.4
The Undying Birth. The Soul travels through bodies. It also travels through traits and virtues. Since a Soul gets known and remembered through diverse ways,
- through physical lineage
- through propagation of ideals
- through celebration of festivals and anniversaries
- some other means
Contains original verses in Sanskrit with a Latin transliteration and a lucid commentary.
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