Ancient China: An Enthralling Overview of Chinese History, Starting from the Settlement at the Yellow River through the Xia, Shang, Z
Ancient History GeneralChinese History
Publisher Price: $26.99
Publisher: Billy Wellman
Published: Jun 15 2023
Pages: 130
Weight: 0.76
Height: 0.38 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: English
It has become a common theme in today's world to talk about the incredible technological and economic development of modern China. However, there are very strong historical roots to the exponential growth of modern China going back thousands and thousands of years.
Today, people stand in awe of China's achievements, such as lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty or becoming a global power. But have you ever wondered how the ancient people from the Far East developed so much while being virtually independent of other civilizations?
Not everything in China's history is tied to growth, improvement, and development. There were many periods riddled with internal strife, which plagued China and its numerous dynasties. However, the Chinese empires were somewhat shielded from external dangers, partially thanks to the ingeniousness of the Chinese and the famous Great Wall of China and partially thanks to the country's geographic position.
In this book, we look into how and why the historical pendulum of China sometimes turned one way and then the other.
Discover the following about ancient China:
- The deep, virtually unfathomable paleolithic roots of Chinese civilization;
- Neolithic China and the formation of the Yellow River and Yangtze settlements;
- The Age of Metal in China, a glorious but increasingly violent period that resulted in the emergence of the first hegemons in China;
- The mythical Xia dynasty and its fantastic Yu the Great, credited with taming the Yellow River;
- The birth of China's fascinating writing system during the Shang dynasty;
- The rise of the Zhou, who finally overthrew the Shang, thanks to their military prowess and ability to keep numerous Chinese states tied in a loose feudal system;
- Confucius, the Chinese Socrates, who promoted peace, harmony, and wisdom;
- The absolute dissolution of the Zhou state during the Warring States Period;
- The formation of a ruthless yet efficient Qin Empire under the watchful eye of Qin Shi Huangdi;
- The rebellion against the Qin and the final victory of Liu Bang and the Han dynasty;
- And so much more!
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