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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Anthology Freedom ? Paradise

Anthology Freedom ? Paradise



ISBN10: 1530408571
ISBN13: 9781530408573
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Apr 20 2016
Pages: 82
Weight: 0.27
Height: 0.17 Width: 5.98 Depth: 9.02
Language: English
At first these stories crushed my heart into millions of pieces because letting it out is not easy. It's full of sympathy mixed emotions, IT'S AN AMERICAN DREAM!!!!!! To turn it into a reality is what the American Dream is. Our stories are told in historical passages, in rooms where the elder gather with the younger. And now, it will be told here, in this anthology. It will show the suffering our elders endured to pass the border, either passing by bus, plane, boat, or foot, trying to get to their final destination: The Promise Land! While coming to the United States some got diseases, while others starved, or had to give up their children so they can eat well and they wouldn't die at a young age. Sacrifices were made. Somewhere teenagers looked for a better life to live in, to survive, to find a better life. Parents do not often tell their stories of how they immigrated; it's mostly a secret to them, hidden deep down dark in their heart. That's just one piece of sacredness feeling as they can't express how they feel for it's like losing someone in your life without knowing who they are and that's an enemy which you never take out of your heart, it's a feeling no one wants to feel but one day Freedom they will ask themselves, Should I pass on my own sad story to my child? Should I tell them about all the sacrifices I made just to move from one place to another? Should I tell them how difficult it was and that some people even died attempting it? These are the battles our elders must face before they could even share these stories with us. These are the stories that are collected here, told, listened to, written down, but never forgotten.

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