The History of the Church of Crosthwaite, Cumberland
General ChristianityBritish History
ISBN13: 9781019241219
Publisher: Legare Street Pr
Published: Oct 27 2022
Pages: 172
Weight: 0.92
Height: 0.44 Width: 6.14 Depth: 9.21
Language: English
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1 different editions
Also available
The History of the Church of Crosthwaite, Cumberland
Ins, Manders Henry
Collection, Wordsworth
Henry, Manders
Also from
Collection, Wordsworth
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The Treasury of Modern Biography: A Gallery of Literary Sketches of Eminent men and Women of the Nineteenth Century
Robert, Cochrane
Collection, Wordsworth
The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, ed. With Textual and B
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The History of the Church of Crosthwaite, Cumberland
Ins, Manders Henry
Collection, Wordsworth
Henry, Manders
Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher: With Letters and Other Family Memorials
Collection, Wordsworth
Oxford Lectures on Poetry
St John, Cynthia Morgan
Collection, Wordsworth
Bradley, A. C. 1851-1935
Capella de Gerardegile: Or, the Story of a Cumberland Chapelry (Garrigill)
Caesar, Caine
Collection, Wordsworth
An Accompt of the Most Considerable Estates and Families in the County of Cumberland, from the Conquest Unto the Beginning of the Reign of K. James
Collection, Wordsworth
A Companion to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire: In a Descriptive Account of a Family Tour and Excursions on Horseback and on Foo
Collection, Wordsworth
A Descriptive Guide to the English Lakes and Adjacent Mountains; With Notices of the Botany, Mineralogy, and Geology of the District
1766-1856, Otley Jonathan
Collection, Wordsworth
The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Including Poems and Versions of Poems Now Published for the First Time, Ed. with Textual and B
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The Echoes of the Lakes and Mountains: Or, Wonderful Things in the Lake District (Being a Companion to the Guides) ...
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The Older Nonconformity in Kendal: A History of the Unitarian Chapel in the Market Place with Transcripts Fo the Registers and Notices of the Nonconfo
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The Hurricane: A Theosophical and Western Eclogue. To Which is Subjoined, A Solitary Effusion in A Summer's Evening
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Wordsworth's Prefaces and Essays on Poetry; With a Letter to Lady Beaumont. (1798-1845.)
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The Wye Tour, or Gilpin on the Wye, with Picturesque Additions, from Wheatley, Price, &C. and Archaeological Illustrations
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Wordsworth's Prefaces and Essays on Poetry; With a Letter to Lady Beaumont. (1798-1845.)
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Wordsworth, William
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Collection, Wordsworth
Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and Other Essays
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Masson, David
Collection, Wordsworth
The Older Nonconformity in Kendal: A History of the Unitarian Chapel in the Market Place With Transcripts fo the Registers and Notices of the Nonconfo
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Ernest, Axon
Collection, Wordsworth
An Accompt of the Most Considerable Estates and Families in the County of Cumberland, From the Conquest Unto the Beginning of the Reign of K. James
Collection, Wordsworth
The Older Nonconformity in Kendal: A History of the Unitarian Chapel in the Market Place With Transcripts fo the Registers and Notices of the Nonconfo
Collection, Wordsworth
Francis, Nicholson
Ernest, Axon
The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry for ...; Volume 1
Collection, Wordsworth
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Persons and Places; With the Familiar Quotations From his Works (including Full Index) and a Chronologically-arranged Lis
St John, Cynthia Morgan
Tjutin, J. R. 1855-1913
Collection, Wordsworth
Capella de Gerardegile: Or, The Story of a Cumberland Chapelry (Garrigill)
Collection, Wordsworth
Caesar, Caine
A Companion to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire: In a Descriptive Account of a Family Tour and Excursions on Horseback and on Foo
Collection, Wordsworth
Capella de Gerardegile: Or, The Story of a Cumberland Chapelry (Garrigill)
Collection, Wordsworth
Caesar, Caine
Oxford Lectures on Poetry
Bradley, A. C. 1851-1935
St John, Cynthia Morgan
Collection, Wordsworth
Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher: With Letters and Other Family Memorials
Collection, Wordsworth
The Great Triumphs of Great Men: [warriors, Statesmen, Merchants, Engineers]
Collection, Wordsworth
A Concise Poetical Concordance to the Principal Poets of the World, Embracing Titles, First Lines, Characters, Subjects, and Quotations
Collection, Wordsworth
The Treasury of Modern Biography: A Gallery of Literary Sketches of Eminent men and Women of the Nineteenth Century
Robert, Cochrane
Collection, Wordsworth
Chapel Island; or, An Adventure on Ulverstone Sands
Collection, Wordsworth
1817-1890, Waugh Edwin
A Companion to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire: In a Descriptive Account of a Family Tour and Excursions on Horseback and on Foo
Collection, Wordsworth
The Poetic Wreath: Consisting of Select Passages From the Works of English Poets From Chaucer to Wordsworth, Alphabetically Arranged
Collection, Wordsworth
Oxford Lectures on Poetry
St John, Cynthia Morgan
Collection, Wordsworth
Bradley, A. C. 1851-1935
A Descriptive Guide to the English Lakes and Adjacent Mountains; With Notices of the Botany, Mineralogy, and Geology of the District
Collection, Wordsworth
1766-1856, Otley Jonathan
The conspirators; or, The romance of military life ...
Quillinan, Edward
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Poems in the modern spirit. With The secret of content: a song for the hour
Charles, Catty
Fmo, Maundy-Gregory J.
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Thoughts on inclosing Yanwath Moor and Round Table. Addressed to the claimants thereon
1751-1836, Wilkinson Thomas
Collection, Wordsworth
The Maccabees and the church; or, The history of the Maccabees considered with reference to the present condition and prospects of the church. Two ser
1807-1885, Wordsworth Christopher
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The tourist's picturesque guide to Furness Abbey and Windemere district ..
Collection, Wordsworth
Publisher, Shaw George
Some representative poets of the nineteenth century; a syllabus of University extension lectures
Collection, Wordsworth
Literary pamphlets chiefly relating to poetry from Sidney to Byron
Rhys, Ernest
Collection, Wordsworth
The book of gems. In two volumes. The poets and artists of Great Britain
Collection, Wordsworth
Afternoon lectures on English literature. Delivered by members of the Council from January to June 1893
Collection, Wordsworth
Poetical works, including the dramas of Wallenstein, Remorse, and Zapolya
Collection, Wordsworth
De Quincey memorials. Being letters and other records, here first published. With communications from Coleridge, the Wordsworths, Hannah More, Profess
Collection, Wordsworth
Journal of a tour in Italy, with reflections on the present condition and prospects of religion in that country
1807-1885, Wordsworth Christopher
Collection, Wordsworth
A Concise Poetical Concordance to the Principal Poets of the World, Embracing Titles, First Lines, Characters, Subjects, and Quotations
Collection, Wordsworth
A Guide to the Lakes: Dedicated to the Lovers of Landscape Studies, and to all who Have Visited, or Intend to Visit, the Lakes in Cumberland
Sgn, Robinson Sarah
Collection, Wordsworth
The Echoes of the Lakes and Mountains: Or, Wonderful Things in the Lake District (being a Companion to the Guides) ...
Collection, Wordsworth
The Poetical Register, and Repository of Fugitive Poetry for ...; Volume 1
Collection, Wordsworth
The Poetic Wreath: Consisting of Select Passages From the Works of English Poets From Chaucer to Wordsworth, Alphabetically Arranged
Collection, Wordsworth
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