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Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
What is WRong with those CRAZY Christians?: (A Self-Examination of the Heart of the Body of Good Government!)

What is WRong with those CRAZY Christians?: (A Self-Examination of the Heart of the Body of Good Government!)


Metaphysical General

ISBN10: 1545086958
ISBN13: 9781545086957
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Mar 31 2017
Pages: 122
Weight: 0.90
Height: 0.32 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.00
Language: English
What is WRong with those CRAZY Christians? is not just a Mockery of False Religions; but, also of True Christian Religions, whose Leaders will no doubt find it most Difficult to Prove the Elected King of The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) to be WRong in his Assessments. After all, few People on this Earth know their Holy Bibles as well as our Elected King, who has spent much of his entire Life Studying it. Therefore, it would not be Wise to get on the Side of Losers, who do not have a Leg to Stand on. Chances are that much of the Holy Bible was an Edomite Fabrication, just to Sell more Books. After all, the Holy Bible is the single Most Sold Book in World History, and in more than 200 English Translations, which is Proof that someone Discovered Mistakes that Needed to be Corrected, whereby they Invented a New Translation. However, the New MAGNIFIED Version is NOT a Translation of any Kind; but, it is an Inspired Version, against which there are NO Rational Arguments: beCause it Reveals Provable Truths that no one can Rightly Argue against! In Fact, it is the Version that was Written by our Elected King, himself, who Decided to just Listen to the Holy Spirit, and Write whatever came into his Mind, which is quite Amazing Literature, if you Study it Carefully, as you should. Sorry to say, but this Book does not contain many Quotations from the New MAGNIFIED Version (NMV); but, it does contain one that is most Amazing, which is several Pages long, and Directly from God, himself! Therefore, this is a must read Book, which points out many Foolish Traditional Non-Christian Doctrines, which should be done away with. Nevertheless, you are Welcome to Keep your own Traditional Myths: because it is God's Way of Weeding Out the Unbelievers from the Believers, who will eventually be Separated from one another, even as they should be: beCause it is not Riit that Righteous People should have to Support Wicked People. But, it would not be a Bad Idea if Wikid People had to Support Riichus People. Nevertheless, Justice Demands that Wicked People should be SEPARATED from Riichus People: so as to not have the Atrocities that are Committed in the Middle East, for Example. And this Inspired Book Reveals HOW to Do that without going to War, and also HOW to make all Righteous People Moderately RICH, without Telling any Lies, nor Selling any Trash! Trust us, you will Love it!

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Revolution!, Worldwide People's

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Metaphysical General