• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2008

Analyse des besoins: La gestion des projets par étape - 1ère étape by Marchat, Hugues
Alpabachat Niyojan by Prof Mulani, M. U.
Reforming Public Enterprises by Kumari, Lakshmi
The Secret Language of Business by Hogan, Kevin
Créer un cours en ligne by Delaby, Anne
Les Hedge Funds by Henry Gérard Marie
Stress et burnout au travail: Identifier, prévenir, guérir by Grebot, Elisabeth
L'écriture thérapie: Mieux penser pour mieux vivre by Bah, Hélène
Le marketing des émotions: Pourquoi Kotler est obsolète ? by Chétochine, Georges
Pour une mise en oeuvre rapide et maîtrisée: De la stratégie au terrain by Moulinier, René, Berlot, Jean-Christophe, Bustamante, José-Luis
Le portage salarial by Le Du, Dany
Coacher avec le boudhisme: Pacifier sa relation au pouvoir by Renaud-Boulart, Martine
La bataille du pouvoir d'achat: Comment la gagner by Perri, Pascal
Ecrire un discours by Jusseaux, Patrick
Organisation 2.0: Le Knowledge management nouvelle génération by Roulleaux-Dugage, Martin
Gérer les conflits dans vos formations: Identifier, prévenir, guérir by Lataste, Dominique
La pratique du SMED: Obtenir des gains importants avec le changement d'outillage rapide by LeConte, Thierry
Womenomics by Wittenberg-Cox, Avivah, Maitland, Alison
Faire passer un entretien de recrutement: Méthode à l'usage de tous les managers by Villemus, Philippe
Vivre avec philosophie: Mieux penser pour mieux vivre by Casini, Bérangère
Communiquer et convaincre dans un projet by Cayatte, Ramez
Développer son charisme et son leadership: Mieux penser pour mieux vivre by Rodach, Gérard
Assistantes pro by Bercovici, Geneviève, Harache, Christine
Manager avec les ERP: Architecture Orientée Services (SOA) by Lequeux, Jean-Louis
Trading et contrats futures by Prats-Desclaux, Bernard
Négocier avec son employeur: Techniques de négociation commerciale appliquées au marché de l'emploi by Krief, Thierry
La conduite de projet by Marchat, Hugues
Maîtriser les processus de l'entreprise by Idrissi, Nathalie, Knockaert, Patrick, Cattan, Michel
Exercices pratiques de communication: 30 exercices pour acquérir les bons réflexes by Fustier, Michel
Former par les contes: Recueil de contes et mode d'emploi pour les formations by Coste, Philippe, Bigeard, Martine
Adopter l'accueil-attitude by Gelin, Sandrine, Truong, Khuê-Linh, Abis Formation
La stratégie du courage: Quand le courage fait vendre by Mercier, Patrick
Le bonheur est dans l'équipe by Thévenet, Maurice
Learning from Work: Designing Organizations for Learning and Communication by Beamish, Anne
Learning from Work: Designing Organizations for Learning and Communication by Beamish, Anne
Over 50 Killer Ideas for Delivering Successful Projects by Morreale, Richard
Actions to Achieve Peace: What Every Citizen Can Do by Dyer, Daniel
The Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement by Cunningham, William
Capturing Wealth from Tuna: Case Studies from the Pacific by Barclay, Kate, Cartwright, Ian
The Elusive Lean Enterprise (2nd Edition) by Gilpatrick, Keith, Furlong, Brian
How the University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation by Nelson, Cary, Bousquet, Marc
Moving Beyond Founder's Syndrome to Nonprofit Success by McLaughlin, Thomas A.
Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the Forging of a Company Town by Alanen, Arnold R.
L'Efficacité du Commercial: Les 14 clés de la réussite by Moulinier, René
202 Great Cover Letters by Betrus, Michael
Be Your Own Mentor by Bruce, Anne
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Hiring and Building the Team by Tanner, Ken
The Spaces of Organisation and the Organisation of Space: Power, Identity and Materiality at Work by Dale, Karen, Burrell, Gibson
Exploring Identity: Concepts and Methods by
Roi Fundamentals: Why and When to Measure Return on Investment by Phillips, Patricia Pulliam, Phillips, Jack J.
Geo-Business: GIS in the Digital Organization by Pick, James B.
Model Policies and Procedures for Not-For-Profit Organizations by McMillan, Edward J.
Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism by Rogers, Martha, Peppers, Don
Technology Company w/URL by Miller, Edwin L.
Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings by Ford, C.
High Technology, Productivity and Networks: A Systemic Approach to SME Development by Sugden, Roger, Bianchi, Patrizio
Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments: The Complexity of Adaptation by
Powerful Finance and Innovation Trends in a High-Risk Economy by
Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth Be Sustained? by
The Flowchart Approach to Industrial Cluster Policy by
East Asia's Economic Integration: Progress and Benefit by
The Elephant Hunters: Chronicles of the Moneymen by Kakabadse, A., Lake, A.
Knowledge Matters: Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters by Carayannis, Elias G., Formica, Piero
Productivity, Efficiency and Economic Growth in China by Wu, Y.
Quantification of Operational Risk Under Basel II: The Good, Bad and Ugly by Moosa, I.
The Economics of Organizational Design: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Evidence by Colombo, M., Delmastro, M.
The Banking Sector in Hong Kong: Competition, Efficiency, Performance and Risk by
Building Credible Central Banks: Policy Lessons for Emerging Economies by Tshiani, N.
Institutional Change and Economic Behaviour by
The Rise and Fall of Privatization in the Russian Oil Industry by Sim, S.
The Theory and Practice of Local Governance and Economic Development by
The Rise of Neoliberalism in Advanced Capitalist Economies: A Materialist Analysis by Howard, M., King, J. E.
Bridging the Equity Gap for Innovative SMEs by
Economic Integration in Asia and India by
Eco-Standards, Product Labelling and Green Consumerism by Boström, M., Klintman, M.
Growth Versus Security: Old and New EU Members Quest for a New Economic and Social Model by
Globalisation and Employment in South Asia: The South Asian Experience by
Recapturing Democracy: Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures by Purcell, Mark
Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries by
Business, Occupations, Professions, & Vocations in the Bible by Brott, Rich
The Nanosecond Networlders: Changing Lives in An Instant Forever - A Modern Business Fairytale by Stover, David, Giovagnoli, Melissa
The Entrepreneurial Investor: The Art, Science, and Business of Value Investing by Orfalea, Paul, Helfert, Lance, Lowe, Atticus
Mergers and Acquisitions by
Gesundheitsökonomie / Health Economics by
Agent Based Models for Economic Policy Advice: Sonderausgabe Von Heft 2]3/Bd. 228 Jahrbücher Für Nationalökonomie Und Statistik by
Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability by
China's Emerging Cities: The Making of New Urbanism by
Managing Your Boss by Kotter, John P., Gabarro, John J.
Critical Representations of Work and Organization in Popular Culture by Westwood, Robert, Rhodes, Carl
Leadership Lessons: 10 Keys to Success in Life and Business by Thorpe, Julie K., Swartz, Jim
Greenspan Counsel by Jones, Sidney L.
Comparative Elite Sport Development by
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by
The Indian Economy Sixty Years After Independence by
The Chinese Economic Renaissance: Apocalypse or Cornucopia? by Das, D.
Global Financial Warriors: The Untold Story of International Finance in the Post-9/11 World by Taylor, John B.
The Language of Success: Business Writing That Informs, Persuades, and Gets Results by Sant, Tom
Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get You the Job by Beshara, Tony
Finding the Next Starbucks: How to Identify and Invest in the Hot Stocks of Tomorrow by Moe, Michael
It's Called Work for a Reason!: Your Success Is Your Own Damn Fault by Winget, Larry
The Fine Art of the Big Talk: How to Win Clients, Deliver Great Presentations, and Solve Conflicts at Work by Fine, Debra
Les techniques de vente by Moulinier, René
Velocity: From the Front Line to the Bottom Line by Pollak, Dale
Finding Funding: Grantwriting From Start to Finish, Including Project Management and Internet Use by Brewer, Ernest W., Achilles, Charles M.
Selling Security-Reactive Based Service To Proactive Marketing And Sales by Wise Cpp, Bill
Governance, Management, and Accountability in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Volume 127 by World Bank
Curricula, Examinations, and Assessment in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Volume 128 by World Bank
Economics of the Caspian Oil and Gas Wealth: Companies, Governments, Policies by Kalyuzhnova, Y.
Culture and Consensus in European Varieties of Capitalism: A Common Sense Analysis by Bruff, I.
Transitions in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Equity and Efficiency Issues Volume 125 by World Bank
Recapturing Democracy: Neoliberalization and the Struggle for Alternative Urban Futures by Purcell, Mark
15 Hot Tips That Will Supercharge Your Sales Career by Henry, Carl
365 Ways to Become a Millionaire: (Without Being Born One) by Koslow, Brian
A Noble Calling: Devotions and Essays for Business Professionals by
The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research by
Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction by Binmore, Ken
The 33 Strategies of War by Greene, Robert, Elffers, Joost
Complete MBA for Dummies by Allen, Kathleen, Economy, Peter
The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service by Cutting, Donna
What's Your Point? by Boylan, Bob
Managing Your Boss by Gabarro, John J., Kotter, John P.
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy: With Special Reference to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy by Tesla, Nikola
Pflichten und Haftungsrisiken des Geschäftsführers in der Krise der GmbH by Elbert, Markus
Von der Information zum Service?: Auswahlkriterien von Nachrichten bei öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Fernsehsendern in Deutschland: Ein Vergleic by Tautz, Christoph
The Dirty Secrets The Mortgage Industry Doesn't Want You To Know by Savage, Marc
Understanding Jan-San Redistribution: A Guide for Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Distributors in the Sanitary Supply Industry by Sanitary Supply Wholesaling Association
Japan and China in East Asian Integration by Lim, Hua Sing, Sing, Lim Hua
Business Opportunities in Turkey in the Prospect of EU Membership by Monelletta-Candemir, Ebru
Mavericks at Work: Why the Most Original Minds in Business Win by Labarre, Polly G., Taylor, William C.
Cost Reduction Strategies by Halloum, Ammar
Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to Go from Everyday to Extraordinary by Cottrell, David
Krieg um Rohstoffe und die ökologischen Folgen der Rohstoffausbeutung am Beispiel der DR Kongo by Wicke, Michael
Collaboration 2.0: Technology and Best Practices for Successful Collaboration in a Web 2.0 World by Levine, Stewart, Coleman, David
How to Say It to Sell It: Key Words, Phrases, and Strategies to Build Relationships, Boost Revenue, andBea t the Competition by Hershkowitz-Coore, Sue
Zielsetzung und Wirkung der Reform des Insolvenzrechts für Unternehmen in Deutschland - Eine Zwischenbilanz by Wichter, Friederike
Stadtumbau Ost - Gibt es eine Alternative zum Abriss?: Eine Bewertung der Aufwertungspraxis am Beispiel ausgewählter sächsischer Kommunen by Michelsen, Claus
Il Venditore Autonomo Delle PMI Nel Nuovo Millennio by Tremolada, Alberto Claudio
Consumption Behaviour and Economic Growth by Slowik, Michael
The Sales Operator-Insider's Guide to Successful Selling by Bieler, Brian J.
Economics of the Environment: Theory and Policy by Siebert, Horst
Pressefreiheit gleich Verlegerfreiheit? Pressefreiheit in der Bundesrepublik by J. Kreppel, Krisztina
Excellence in Supply Chain Management by Emmett, Stuart
The Angry Black Mans Success Guide (RAW) by Farrell, George
Ten Acres Enough - The Classic 1864 Guide to Independent Farming by Morris, William
Excellence in Procurement by Emmett, Stuart
Beyond Effective: Practices in Self-Aware Leadership by Peck, David
Avoiding Culture Shock- Exposure to unfamiliar cultural environments and its effects on exchange students by Skierlo, Armin
Beyond Effective: Practices in Self-Aware Leadership by Peck, David
The Subjective Dimension of Human Work: The Conversion of the Acting Person According to Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and Bernard Lonergan by Savage, Deborah
Continuing Care Retirement Communities in Northern New England: A Directory by Keller, Robert M.
How to Start a Lawn Care Business a Whole New Way! by Lavoie, Kenneth
Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective by
Break or Weld?: Trade Union Responses to Global Value Chain Restructuring by
Sports Leagues Scheduling: Models, Combinatorial Properties, and Optimization Algorithms by Briskorn, Dirk
Bond Portfolio Optimization by Puhle, Michael
Product Customization by Riis, Jesper, Hvam, Lars, Mortensen, Niels Henrik
REITS in Deutschland: Chancen und Risiken für die Wohnungswirtschaft by Maas, Michael
Massenentlassungen, Betriebsstilllegungen, Unternehmensinsolvenzen: Umfang und Bedeutung der arbeitsrechtlichen Vorschriften bei Sanierung insolventer by Aslan, Hulusi
Erfolgsfaktor Immobilienmarketing: Eine Zusatzqualifikation für Architekten by Bruss, Sophie, Quade, Sandra
Tourismus und Freizeit im Hochschwarzwald: Eine empirische Studie zum Freizeitverhalten der Schwarzwaldbesucher, dargestellt anhand der Tourismus-Geme by Schopp, Matthias
Der digitale Musikmarkt: Erfolgsfaktoren für Onlinemusikdienste by Kouretsidis, Takis
Identity Theft: The Personal Guide by Priganc, Mark A.
Secrets To Success: 27 Requirements To Becoming Successful by Sinclair, Edwin H., Jr.
Integrating Operational Energy Implications into System-Level Combat Effects Modeling by Marquis, Jefferson P.
The Handbook of Experiential Learning and Management Education by
Risk measures - value at risk and beyond by Höfler, Bernhard
The Thinking Room: A New System for Success by Tunick, Ron
Tanker Freight Rate Modelling by Dikos, George
Decision Making under Uncertainty by Keltie, Denise
Environmental Law, the Economy and Sustainable Development: The United States, the European Union and the International Community by
Test-Drive Your Dream Job: A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding and Creating the Work You Love by Kurth, Brian
Public Private Partnership in European Road Infrastructure by Strauch, Lukas
Managing Oneself by Drucker, Peter F.
Managing Oneself by Drucker, Peter Ferdinand
The Power of Unreasonable People: How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets That Change the World by Hartigan, Pamela, Elkington, John
Corporate Risk Management by
Politics & Economics by Paulaha, Dennis F.
Does CE Exist? - An Investigation of Corporate Entrepreneurship Practices within the Service Sector by Brizek, Michael G.
Corporate Risk Management by
Fighting for Air: The Battle to Control America's Media by Klinenberg, Eric
Legal Guide to Purchasing and Contracting for North Carolina Local Governments: 2004 Edition & 2007 Supplement by Bluestein, Frayda S.
Boeing Versus Airbus: The Inside Story of the Greatest International Competition in Business by Newhouse, John
The Little Gold Book of Money and Happiness: A Guide to Your Financial Success by Parrotta, Joanne B.
No One Knows Everything - Open Source and the Crisis in Public Opinion by Dickens, Risa
Winning Gifts by Wilson, Thomas C.
The Flowchart Approach to Industrial Cluster Policy by
The New Human Capital Strategy: Improving the Value of Your Most Important Investment--Year After Year by Hall, Bradley W.
Electrician's Book Control Circuits by Barbu, Cornel
Who's Negotiating Your Next Vehicle Purchase/Lease by Nichol, Scott J.
The Consultant as an Instrument of Change by Edwards, Jacqueline M.
Regional Innovation Systems (Ris) in Regional Development by Lee, Doohee
Metaphor and Meaning - Converting Tacit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge in a Non-profit Organization by Briggs, Alexa
Terminal Cost Data (1919) by Crandall, Bruce Verne
Immigrants In Industries: Diversified Industries V2: Also The Floating Immigrant Labor Supply (1911) by United States Immigration Commission
An Account Of The Systems Of Husbandry V1: Adopted In The More Improved Districts Of Scotland (1813) by Sinclair, John
Immigrants In Industries: Recent Immigrants In Agriculture V2 (1911) by United States Immigration Commission
Immigrants In Industries: Japanese And Other Immigrant Races In The Pacific Coast And Rocky Mountain States: Diversified Industries (1911) by United States Immigration Commission
Business Systems and Organizational Capabilities: The Institutional Structuring of Competitive Competences by Whitley, Richard
Business Systems and Organizational Capabilities: The Institutional Structuring of Competitive Competences by Whitley, Richard
Die Effektivität Der Telekommunikationsregulierung in Europa: Befunde Und Perspektiven by
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