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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2019

The Catholic Omission by McCrudden, S. L.
The Passion Suffered by the Heart of Jesus: Prayerful Reflections on the Stations of the Cross by Durant, Laura Marie
The Story of Civilization: Vol. 4 - The History of the United States One Nation Under God Text Book by Campbell, Phillip
Instruct Me in Your Ways, Lord by Fonseca D. Min, Michael
50 Books for Life: A Concise Guide to Catholic Literature by Peachey, Roy
50 Books for Life: A Concise Guide to Catholic Literature by Peachey, Roy
The Two Babylons: or the Papal Worship Proved to Be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife: With Sixty-One Wood-cut Illustrations from Ninev by Hislop, Alexander
The Two Babylons: or the Papal Worship Proved to Be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife: With Sixty-One Wood-cut Illustrations from Ninev by Hislop, Alexander
Easter with Captain Catholic by Hogan, James
The Holy Rosary through the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Go Forth: Toward a Community of Missionary Disciples by Francis, Pope
The Final Colossus - In the Light of Her Majesty: Ad 2013-2015 by Roth, William L., Parsons-Heather, Timothy
Catholic Manifesto: A Trilogy by Van Tran, Khoat
Spiritual Direction: Principles and Praxis by Anaeto, Dominic
The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Lemna, Keith
The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Lemna, Keith
The Quiet Revolution of Pope Francis: A Synodal Catholic Church in Ireland Revised Edition by O'Hanlon, Gerry
The Secrets of Peacemaking by Stone, Greg
The Ridgefield Letters by Williamson, Richard N.
The Winona Letters - Book One by Williamson, Richard N.
The Winona Letters - Book Two by Williamson, Richard N.
The Winona Letters - Book Three by Williamson, Richard N.
Possessed by the Virgin: Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, and Marian Possession in South India by Bloomer, Kristin C.
Western Culture Today and Tomorrow: Addressing Fundamental Issues by Ratzinger, Joseph
Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality by Von Hildebrand, Dietrich
American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism by
American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism by
E Satana si fece trino: Relativismo, individualismo, disubbidienza by Levi Di Gualdo, Ariel Stefano
The History of the Sacred Passion: new edition with enhanced text by De La Palma, Luis
Pastoral Ministry in Changing Times: The Past, Present & Future of the Catholic Church in Ireland by Ryan, Aidan
Defending Catholicism: A Concise Defense of Catholicism from the Bible Against Classic Protestant Objections by Anderson, James S.
Defending Catholicism: A Concise Defense of Catholicism from the Bible Against Classic Protestant Objections by Anderson, James S.
Passion of St. Anthony the Neomartyr by
Never Doubt Thomas: The Catholic Aquinas as Evangelical and Protestant by Beckwith, Francis J.
Spiritual But Not Religious: The Search for Meaning in a Material World by Bartunek, John
The World's Greatest Secret: How the greatest teaching of Jesus was preserved by Haffert, John M.
Collection of christian catholic prayers (french edition) by Michel, Paul
Das katholische Milieu im 19. Jahrhundert. Bonifatius und die Erinnerungskultur by Anonym
Educare alla libertà: L'esperienza di don Giancarlo Ugolini, sacerdote della Chiesa riminese by
Letters of Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury: Volume I by
Why should the Mass be celebrated in Latin? by Jenkins, John
On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima: Second Printing by Symonds, Kevin
Annunciation: A Call to Faith in a Broken World by Read, Sally
The Life of a Sufi by Faap, Ahmad Javid (Sarwari Qaderi)
Prayer Book for Widows by Cozad, Kay M.
The House of the Lord: A Catholic Biblical Theology of God's Temple Presence in the Old and New Testaments by Smith, Stephen C.
Newman at Littlemore by Basset Sj, Bernard
Triple Decker by Nelson, D-L
Sveta Misa. Najsvetiji događaj na svijetu by Loncar, Josip
Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis for Sundays and Solemnities Year a (2020) by Macalintal, Diana, Schmisek, Brian, Rice, Katy Beedle
The French Revolution by Belloc, Hilaire
Single & Raising Saints: Forming Single Parents as They Lead Their Children to God by Holt, Jo
Marketing God: Inspired Strategies for Building the Kingdom by Heckler, Donna A.
Spiritual Complement: The Heart of Christianity by de Corde, Orison
Mass Exodus: Catholic Disaffiliation in Britain and America Since Vatican II by Bullivant, Stephen
The Rosary Mosaic Coloring Book by Catholic Family Games
Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis's Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World by
Love, Joy, and Sex: African Conversation on Pope Francis's Amoris Laetitia and the Gospel of Family in a Divided World by
Cardinal Newman: Trojan Horse in the Church by Kimball, Paul M.
France: A Pilgrimage with Mary by Roesch, Joseph, MIC
Teaching Discernment A Pedagogy for Presenting Ignatian Discernment of Spirits by Gallagher, Timothy M.
Vatican I: The Council and the Making of the Ultramontane Church by O'Malley, John W.
After Suicide: There's Hope for Them and for You by Alar, Fr Chris, MIC
Catholique et fasciste toujours by Le Carpentier, Louis
The History of the Sacred Passion: new edition with enhanced text by De La Palma, Luis
Portraits of Jesus Christ: How Christian Artists Depicted Jesus Through the Ages by Prayer Books, Benedict
Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy by Christmyer, Sarah
A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul by Hendey, Lisa M.
My Journey With The Queen Of Peace: 28 Days In Medjugorje by de Santiago, Jose
The Pope by McCarten, Anthony
Bounty Now and Forever: Vitality of Formation - a parent's guide to Catholic Catechism by Bennett, Kathleen
Convent Autobiography: Early Modern English Nuns in Exile by Van Hyning, Victoria
Spirit of Vatican II: Western European Progressive Catholicism in the Long Sixties by Horn, Gerd-Rainer
The Fruits of Fatima: A Century of Signs and Wonders by Pronechen, Joseph
Psalms Coloring Book For Adults: A Beautiful Coloring Book For Creative Adults by Book Almighty
The Teutonic Knights and Livonian Brothers of the Sword: The History and Legacy of the Holy Roman Empire's Famous Military Orders by Charles River
The Teutonic Knights and Livonian Brothers of the Sword: The History and Legacy of the Holy Roman Empire's Famous Military Orders by Charles River
Paul, a New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology by Barber, Michael P., Kincaid, John A., Pitre, Brant
Happiness in God: Memories and Reflections of the Father Abbot of La Trappe Volume 58 by DuBois, Marie-Gérard
Christ Wants More: Ignatian Principles and Ideals on Prayer and Action by Holland, S. J. Frank
A Church of Islam: The Syrian Calling of Father Paolo Dall'oglio by O'Neill, Shaun
A Church of Islam: The Syrian Calling of Father Paolo Dall'oglio by O'Neill, Shaun
Light of Heaven Saints Coloring Book by
A Ritual for Laypersons: Rites for Holy Communion and the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying by Various
Models of Priestly Formation: Assessing the Past, Reflecting on the Present, and Imagining the Future by
Breve Historia de la Iglesia Católica En Cuba (Large Print Edition) by Maza Miguel, S. J. Manuel Pablo
Abuse of Trust: Healing from Clerical Sexual Abuse by Hébert, Denae L.
Communities of Saint Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours by Farmer, Sharon
Lionheart Catholic: How To Become a Saint In These Dark Times by Rose, Devin
Rediscover the Saints: Twenty-Five Questions That Will Change Your Life by Kelly, Matthew
The Amazing Life of Rita Rizzo: The Early Years of Mother Mary Angelica by Gaskell, Barbara a.
Encontrarnos con Jesús Sacramentado: "El Amor de los Amores" by De Castro, Claudio
The Priests We Need to Save the Church by Wells, Kevin
Habits for a Healthy Marriage: A Handbook for Catholic Couples by Fitzgibbons, Richard
Bring The Children: A story of faith, family and perseverance by Bowler, Steve
The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by Chalippe, Candide
Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue by
Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue by
Abandonment to God: The Way of Peace of St. Therese of Lisieux by Guibert, Joel
Christ's Church: Dogmatic Theology (Volume 2) by Van Noort, Msgr G.
The Two Babylons by Hislop, Alexander
Extraordinary Celebrations, Extraordinary Growth!: Ideas for Independent & Old Catholic Communities during the Year of Matthew 2020 by Mathias, Jayme
Lives of The Saints: For Everyday in the Year by Butler, Alban
The Vision of Vatican II: Its Fundamental Principles by Rush, Ormond
The American Experiment in Ordered Liberty by Pinheiro, John C.
Signos y Prodigios: Encuentro con Jesús de Nazaret by Catholic, Evangelical
Saint Padre Pio: Man of Hope by Allegri, Renzo
Catholic Social Activism: Progressive Movements in the United States by Nepstad, Sharon Erickson
Catholic Social Activism: Progressive Movements in the United States by Nepstad, Sharon Erickson
Europe by Piccolomini, Aeneas Silvius
La Palabra Contemplada by Moreno Ma, Jc
Fatima and the Great Conspiracy: Ultimate edition by Manifold, Deirdre
Pray the Holy Rosary (Large Print Edition) by St Jude, Mary
Vida de la Virgen (1): Según María Jesús de Ágreda en la Mística Ciudad de Dios by de Ágreda, María Jesús
Vida de la Virgen (2): Según María Jesús de Ágreda en la Mística Ciudad de Dios by de Agreda, Maria Jesus
Faith and Science at Notre Dame: John Zahm, Evolution, and the Catholic Church by Slattery, John P.
The Path of Spiritual Happiness by Erb, Heather M.
Abuse and Cover-Up: Refounding the Catholic Church in Trauma by Arbuckle, Gerald a.
Catholicity and Emerging Personhood: A Contemporary Theological Anthropology by Horan, Daniel P.
The Virgin of Prince Street: Expeditions Into Devotion by Livingston, Sonja
Getting Back on Mission: Reforming our Church Together by Catholics for Renewal
The Creed: The Heraldic Device and Symbolic Object of Christianity by Vento, Anthony T.
America's Most Famous Catholic (According to Himself): Stephen Colbert and American Religion in the Twenty-First Century by Brehm, Stephanie N.
61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a True Story of the Impossible by Engstrom, Bonnie L.
St. Dominic's Successor: The Life of Blessed Jordan of Saxony by Aron, Marguerite
The Sound of Beauty: A Classical Composer on Music in the Spiritual Life by Kurek, Michael
St. Dominic's Successor: The Life of Blessed Jordan of Saxony by Aron, Marguerite
The Battle of Grunwald: The History and Legacy of the the Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War's Decisive Battle by Charles River
The Battle of Grunwald: The History and Legacy of the the Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War's Decisive Battle by Charles River
Catholic Charismatic Renewal And Life In The Spirit: Understanding the Holy Spirit, His Gifts, the Pentecost Experience and Building an Ever-Deepening by Attah Onuh, Michael
The Sources of Revelation/Divine Faith: Dogmatic Theology (Volume 3) by Van Noort, Msgr G.
Yes, And...: Daily Meditations by Rohr, Richard
The True Religion: Dogmatic Theology (Volume 1) by Van Noort, Msgr G.
EXAMEN of Evil Courses Wicked Ways: "Fight, Children of Light" by Kardas, Psy D. Th D. Dorothy K.
A Church In Peril: Watching Catholicism Collapse by Sonnichsen, Richard
Prayers to the Saints (Updated) by Kurt, James H.
The Day Is Now Far Spent by Diat, Nicolas, Sarah, Robert
Scriptural Rosary: 1000 Bible Verses by Michael, Charles
Euthanasie im Nationalsozialismus und die Reaktion der katholischen Kirche by Semper, Yvonne
The Better Voice by Trindade, Robert Manuel
The Way of Simple Love: Inspiring Words from Therese of Lisieux by Caster, Gary
Biblia de Jerusalén: Quinta Edición, Revisada Y Aumentada by Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem, Various
Biblia de Jerusalén: Manual Con Funda de Cremallera by Various
¿Por qué el celibato?: Reclamando la paternidad del sacerdote by Griffin, Carter
The Universe and Mr. Chesterton (Second, revised edition) by Paine, Scott Randall
Poemario a la Virgen del Carmen de Huelin by Campos, Carmen
The Universe and Mr. Chesterton (Second, revised edition) by Paine, Scott Randall
Catholic All Year Christmas Novena: Nine days of prayer and scripture to prepare our hearts for Jesus by Tierney, Kendra
Catholic All Year Hymns and Carols for Advent and Christmas: Traditional and classic sing- along-songs to prepare for and celebrate the birth of Jesus by Tierney, Kendra
La setta neocatecumenale: L'eresia si fece Kiko e venne ad abitare in mezzo a noi by Levi Di Gualdo, Ariel S.
Roadmap to Heaven: A Catholic Plan of Life by Broom, Ed
Abide in the Heart of Christ: A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Ignatius Loyola by Laramie Sj, Fr Joe
Phenomenology: A Basic Introduction in the Light of Jesus Christ by Wallenfang, Donald
Phenomenology: A Basic Introduction in the Light of Jesus Christ by Wallenfang, Donald
Into Your Hands...: Distillation of the Letters of Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade by Kurt, James H.
Meeting the Protestant Challenge by Broussard, Karlo
Debt of Love by Montemuro, Ariane Trifunovic
Come Alive in Jesus!: Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel by Hermann, Robert J.
Wrestling with God: Finding Hope and Meaning in Our Daily Struggles to Be Human by Rolheiser, Ronald
The Irony of Modern Catholic History: How the Church Rediscovered Itself and Challenged the Modern World to Reform by Weigel, George
A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living by Lopez, Kathryn Jean
John Henry Newman and the Imagination by Dive, Bernard
Orthodoxy (Noll Library) by Chesterton, G. K.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society: An Empirical Study of the Value Systems of Roman Catholics by Obirek, Stanislaw, Tausch, Arno
Laudato Si' and the Environment: Pope Francis' Green Encyclical by
Memorize the Latin Mass: How to Remember and Treasure its Rites by Vost, Kevin
Economic Science and St. Thomas Aquinas: On Justice in the Distribution and Exchange of Wealth by Boland, Donald
Refractions of Light: 201 Answers on Apparitions, Visions and the Catholic Church by Symonds, Kevin
TURN and Become like Children: Refuting the Presumed Contradictions in the Jerusalem Bible Old Testament Commentary by Kurt, James H.
Father, Can You Teach Me How to Live?: How This Tech-Savvy Catholic Priest Guided Me to Spiritual Joy by Alford, Kathleen
Mystics: Twelve Who Reveal God's Love by Bodo, Murray
Sul sentiero degli Angeli: Verso il cammino di una teologia angelica by Stanzione, Marcello
When Silence Speaks. The Life and Spirituality of Elisabeth Leseur by Moorcroft, Jennifer
Visualized Church History: New Edition by Vath, O. P. Sister Mary Loyola
Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of the Jewish Philosopher Who Became a Catholic Saint by Charles River
Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of the Jewish Philosopher Who Became a Catholic Saint by Charles River
Catholicism and Protestantism by Bartholomew, John B.
Newman on Worship, Reverence, and Ritual: A Selection of Texts by Newman, John Henry
A Life of Conversion: Meeting Christ in the Gospels by Rotty, Derek
Purgatory 101: Everything You Wanted To Know About Purgatory by Cyprich, D. J.
Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know by Fraune, Charles D.
Christus Vincit: Christ's Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age by Schneider, Bishop Athanasius, Montagna, Diane
Christus Vincit: Christ's Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age by Schneider, Bishop Athanasius, Montagna, Diane
Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know by Fraune, Charles D.
The lives of the British saints; the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain (Volume II) by Fisher, John, Baring-Gould, S.
The Life of St. Francis of Assisi by Bonaventure, Saint
Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II by Crowe, Gretchen R.
The Life of Saint Ambrose: A Translation of the Vita Sancti Ambrosii by Paulinus of Milan by Of Milan, Paulinus
Our Friend Faustina: Life Lessons in Divine Mercy by
Building Bridges in Sarajevo: The Plenary Papers from Ctewc 2018 by
Rev. William Netstraeter: A Life in Three Parts by Jolls, Michael, Jolls, Daniel
The Passion of St. Eustathius of Mtskheta by
The Catholic Catalogue: A Field Guide to the Daily Acts That Make Up a Catholic Life by Keating, Anna, Musick, Melissa
All God's Animals: A Catholic Theological Framework for Animal Ethics by Steck, Christopher
All God's Animals: A Catholic Theological Framework for Animal Ethics by Steck, Christopher
St. Francis of Assisi: His Life, Teachings, and Practice (the Essential Wisdom Library) by Sweeney, Jon M.
Saints Who Transformed Their World by Weddell, Sherry
The Mystery of Love by Hume, Basil
Saints at Heart: How Fault-Filled, Problem-Prone, Imperfect People Like Us Can Be Holy by Ghezzi, Bert
God: What Every Catholic Should Know by Klein, Elizabeth
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