• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Computer Model of Speckle Interference Patterns of Bioobjects by Abuamra, Mohanad, Bogomolov, Mykola
Biomass Gas Production Technicals by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian
Der Horizont der atomaren Theorien by Zarshenas, Pourya
L'horizon des théories atomiques by Zarshenas, Pourya
L'orizzonte delle teorie atomiche by Zarshenas, Pourya
O horizonte das teorias atómicas by Zarshenas, Pourya
Горизонт атомных теорий by Заршенас, &#
Chemical Adulteration In Jaggery by Patel, Ravi Bachubhai
Rheology of Honey by Stanciu, Ioana
Clay Science in Drilling and Drilling Fluids: Volume 11 by
Solvent-Induced Interactions and Forces in Protein Folding: Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Phenomena by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Atlas of Tropical Carbonates: As Exemplified by Facies of Venezuela: Past and Present by Méndez Baamonde, José, Méndez Dot, José A.
Phytochemical & Pharmacological Property Of Indian Medicinal Plants by Devanooru Krishnamurthy, Bhavya
Ultraschall-unterstützte Synthese neuer heterocyclischer Verbindungen by Turgut, Zuhal, Turhan, Kadir, Zeleke, Tamrat
Synthèse assistée par ultrasons de nouveaux composés hétérocycliques by Turgut, Zuhal, Turhan, Kadir, Zeleke, Tamrat
Sintesi assistita da ultrasuoni di nuovi composti etero-ciclici by Turhan, Kadir, Zeleke, Tamrat, Turgut, Zuhal
Síntese assistida por ultra-sons de novos compostos heterocíclicos by Turhan, Kadir, Zeleke, Tamrat, Turgut, Zuhal
Синтез новых гетероцикл& by Турхан, Ка&#, Зелеке, Та&#, Тургут, Зу&#
Vocational Skills Course (VSC): Applied Chemistry by Makhijani, Ritika M., Ranade, Prasanna B., Navale, Dinesh N.
Au Croisement des Métaux et de la Vie by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
The Chemistry of Ynamides: Development, Syntheses, and Applications in Organic Synthesis by Zhao, Junfeng, Evano, Gwilherm
Biosystems, Biomedical & Drug Delivery Systems: Characterization, Restoration and Optimization by
Multilayer Magnetic Nanostructures: Properties and Applications by Sigov, Alexander S.
C-C Cross Couplings with 3D Base Metal Catalysts by
Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows by Mauri, Roberto
Electrode and Corrosion Physics by Paxton, Anthony
Electrode and Corrosion Physics by Paxton, Anthony
Fundamentals of Forensic Biology by
The Challenge of CMC Regulatory Compliance for Biopharmaceuticals by Geigert, John
Geology, Petrography and Geochemistry of Basaltic Rock in Central India by Pande, Chaitanya B.
Alternative Energy Resources in the Mena Region by
50 Essential Facts About Climate Change by Barnett, Gloria
Molecular Properties Via Induced Current Densities by Summa, Francesco Ferdinando
Set: Spectrophotometric Determination Of: Copper and Iron + Nickel and Cobalt + Vanadium, Chromium and Manganese: Reagents and Methods by Goswami, Ajay Kumar
Síntese de derivados de 4H-pirano por um novo solvente eutéctico profundo by Avalani, Jemin, Vohra, Sujan
Synthese von 4H-Pyran-Derivaten mit einem neuartigen tief eutektischen Lösungsmittel by Avalani, Jemin, Vohra, Sujan
Synthèse de dérivés de 4H-Pyranne à l'aide d'un nouveau solvant eutectique profond by Vohra, Sujan, Avalani, Jemin
Sintesi di derivati del 4H-Pirano mediante un nuovo solvente eutettico profondo by Avalani, Jemin, Vohra, Sujan
Синтез производных 4h-пир&#107 by Авалани, Э&#, Вохра, Суя&#
Assessing Soil Pollution by Heavy Metal of Ugandan Cement Factory by Olwenyi, Henry
Spectrophotometric Determination of Vanadium, Chromium and Manganese: Reagents and Methods by Goswami, Ajay Kumar
Marine Biomass: Biorefinery, Bioproducts and Environmental Bioremediation by
Advanced Technology in Textiles: Fibre to Apparel by
Resonant Infrared Detectors and Emitters by Choi, Kwong-Kit
5-MeO-DMT Source and extraction: A Complete Guide to Finding and extracting 5-MeO-DMT by Turner, Trevor
Laboratory Manual for Chemistry Experiments by Sahni, Pushpa
Physico-Chemical Studies of Schiff Base Metal Complexes by Jagadish, T.
Laborübungen für Allgemeine Anorganische Chemie II by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia
Exercices de laboratoire pour la chimie inorganique générale II by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia
Esercitazioni di laboratorio per la Chimica Inorganica Generale II by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia
Exercícios laboratoriais de Química Inorgânica Geral II by Konstantinou, Evangelia, Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A.
Лабораторные упражнени&# by Панагиот&#10, Констант&#10
Reactive Species: Manipulations Toward Desired Outcomes in Biological Systems by Suraishkumar, G. K.
Carburising and Nitriding of Iron Alloys by Wolowiec-Korecka, Emilia
C*-Algebras and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics: An Introduction by Alberto de Siqueira Pedra, Walter, Bru, Jean-Bernard
Introduction to Biological Crystallography by Sirigu, Serena, Le Du, Marie-Hélène, Legrand, Pierre
Modeling Calcium Signaling: A Fractional Perspective by Kritika, Agarwal, Ritu, Purohit, Sunil Dutt
Drug Targets for Plasmodium Falciparum: Historic to Future Perspectives by Tarique, Mohammed
Electromagnetic Processes of Nuclear Excitation: From Direct Photoabsorption to Free Electron and Muon Capture by Gargiulo, Simone
Reatores by Isenmann, Armin
Neue Naphthoxazin-Derivate als Antitubulin- und Anti-HIV-Wirkstoffe by Gawali, Rakhi, Bhosale, Raghunath
Nouveaux dérivés de la naphtoxazine comme agents antitubuline et anti-VIH by Gawali, Rakhi, Bhosale, Raghunath
Nuovi derivati della naftossina come agenti antitubulina e anti-HIV by Bhosale, Raghunath, Gawali, Rakhi
Novos derivados de naftoxazina como agentes antitubulina e anti-HIV by Gawali, Rakhi, Bhosale, Raghunath
Новые производные нафто& by Бхосале, Р&#, Гавали, Ра&#
Le Poids Silencieux de l'Hypertension Artérielle by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Grüne Inhibitoren für die Korrosion von Metallen: Ein Überblick by Sukumaran, Monikandon, Devarayan, Kesavan
Inhibiteurs verts pour la corrosion des métaux: Une revue by Sukumaran, Monikandon, Devarayan, Kesavan
Inibitori verdi per la corrosione dei metalli: Una rassegna by Devarayan, Kesavan, Sukumaran, Monikandon
Inibidores verdes para a corrosão de metais: Uma revisão by Devarayan, Kesavan, Sukumaran, Monikandon
Зеленые ингибиторы корр& by Сукумара&#10, Девараян, &#
Aptamer Generation and Bioapplication by
Microstructure and Properties in Metals and Alloys, 2nd Volume by
Peptide and Peptide Mimicking Tools: Methods, Synthesis, Design & Applications by
The Ecph Encyclopedia of Mining and Metallurgy by
Modélisation d'Hybrides Hétérocycliques comme Agents Antipaludiques by Hadni, Hanine
Фракционирование тяжел&# by Рамзан, Ша&#, Бхат, Ауюб, Вани, Мушт&#
Fracionamento de metais pesados utilizando um esquema de extração sequencial by Ramzan, Shazia, Bhat, Auyoub, Wani, Mushtaq
Frazionamento dei metalli pesanti mediante schema di estrazione sequenziale by Wani, Mushtaq, Ramzan, Shazia, Bhat, Auyoub
Fractionnement des métaux lourds à l'aide d'un schéma d'extraction séquentielle by Bhat, Auyoub, Wani, Mushtaq, Ramzan, Shazia
Fraktionierung von Schwermetallen mit einem sequenziellen Extraktionsverfahren by Bhat, Auyoub, Wani, Mushtaq, Ramzan, Shazia
Grundlagen des Cloud Computing by Raghav, Yogita Yashveer, Chauhan, Aditi
L'essentiel de l'informatique en nuage by Chauhan, Aditi, Raghav, Yogita Yashveer
Fundamentos da computação em nuvem by Raghav, Yogita Yashveer, Chauhan, Aditi
Основы облачных вычисле& by Рагхав, Йо&#, Чаухан, Ад&#
Elementi essenziali del cloud computing by Chauhan, Aditi, Raghav, Yogita Yashveer
Incidencia de la hipoaclorhídria y nitritos en la mucosa gástrica by Robles, Javier
New Tide of Natural Product Chemistry by
Chemistry 101: Elements, Compounds, and Reactions by Publishing, Rwg
Nano-Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Fundamentals to Field Applications by
Fused Pyranones: Multifaceted Building Blocks for Molecular Diversity by Pratap, Ramendra, Yadav, Pratik, Ji Ram, Vishnu
Catalyseurs à base d'argent pour l'oxydation du toluène by Ismail, Rimeh
Efeito anti-inflamatório de um fosfonato by Ouksel, Louiza
Entzündungshemmende Wirkung eines Phosphonats by Ouksel, Louiza
Anti-inflammatory effect of phosphonates by Ouksel, Louiza
Effetto antinfiammatorio di un fosfonato by Ouksel, Louiza
Противовоспалительное &# by Оуксел, Ло&#
Substâncias tóxicas em nossos alimentos diários by Osmanova, Turana
Giftige Substanzen in unseren täglichen Lebensmitteln by Osmanova, Turana
Substances toxiques dans nos aliments quotidiens by Osmanova, Turana
Sostanze tossiche nei nostri alimenti quotidiani by Osmanova, Turana
Токсичные вещества в наш by Османова, &#
Nobel Lectures in Chemistry (2016-2020) by
Nielsen's Food Analysis Laboratory Manual by
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics by
Nanomaterial-Based Drug Delivery Systems: Therapeutic and Theranostic Applications by
Mass Spectrometry Based Single Cell Proteomics by
Soil Remediation Science and Technology by
Polystyrene Nanocomposites: synthesis, properties and applications by Moustafa Ahmed, Sahar, Saad Ali, Eman
Electrochemistry Enabled Natural Products Synthesis by Bandyopadhyay, Ayan
The Methylene Blue Bible: An All-Encompassing Guide To Its Applications, History, Science, Contemporary Applications, Benefits, Advancements And Beyon by Steven, Kyren
Green Nanoremediation: Sustainable Management of Environmental Pollution by
Textiles of Sri Lanka: Sustainable Innovations and Practices by
Bio-Based Superabsorbents: Recent Trends, Types, Applications and Recycling by
Advances Research of Volatile Compounds, Composition, Stability and Thermal Behavior of Foods by
Bio-Based Polymers' Application and Technology for Better Quality of Life by
Качество кокосовой воды, by Жозино Ли&#1, Мачадо, Ан&#
Qualität von Kokosnusswasser, das im Hinterland von Paraíba und Ceará vermarktet wird by Machado, Antônio Vitor, Josino Lima, Suziane Alves
Qualité de l'eau de coco commercialisée dans l'arrière-pays du Paraíba et du Ceará by Josino Lima, Suziane Alves, Machado, Antônio Vitor
Qualità dell'acqua di cocco commercializzata nell'entroterra di Paraíba e Ceará by Machado, Antônio Vitor, Josino Lima, Suziane Alves
Quality of coconut water sold in the hinterland of Paraíba and Ceará by Josino Lima, Suziane Alves, Machado, Antônio Vitor
Более экологичный подхо& by Мехта, Хар&#, Пармар, Дж&#
Abordagem mais ecológica para o Benzotiazol by Parmar, Jaysukh, Mehta, Hardik
Approccio più verde per il benzotiazolo by Mehta, Hardik, Parmar, Jaysukh
Une approche plus verte pour le benzothiazole by Mehta, Hardik, Parmar, Jaysukh
Grünerer Ansatz für Benzothiazol by Parmar, Jaysukh, Mehta, Hardik
Достижения азербайджан&# by Исмайлов&#10
Pioneers, Leaders and Followers in Multilevel and Polycentric Climate Governance by
Smith and Williams' Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design and Action by Smith, H. John, Williams, Hywel
Aromatherapy: Basic Mechanisms and Evidence Based Clinical Use by
Exploring Computational Pharmaceutics: AI and Modeling in Pharma 4.0 by
Shock-Induced Chemistry by Sekine, Toshimori
Entrelazamiento de mentes brillantes: Sorprendentes afinidades entre el inconsciente colectivo de Carl Jung y las teorías cuánticas de David Bohm para by del Medico, Bruno
Nielsen's Food Analysis by
Ausbeutung natürlicher Ressourcen by Jabli, Mahjoub, Sebeia, Nouha
Natural resource exploitation by Sebeia, Nouha, Jabli, Mahjoub
Sfruttamento delle risorse naturali by Sebeia, Nouha, Jabli, Mahjoub
Exploração dos recursos naturais by Jabli, Mahjoub, Sebeia, Nouha
Эксплуатация природных & by Себейя, Ну&#, Джабли, Ма&#
Oxidativer und nitrosativer Stress by Errafiy, Nadia, Moutaouakkil, Adnane
Oxidative and nitrosative stress by Moutaouakkil, Adnane, Errafiy, Nadia
Окислительный и нитроза& by ЭРРАФИЙ, Н&#, МУТАУАКК&#10
Stress ossidativo e nitrosativo by Errafiy, Nadia, Moutaouakkil, Adnane
Stress oxidativo e nitrosativo by Errafiy, Nadia, Moutaouakkil, Adnane
Metal-Organic Frameworks in Analytical Sample Preparation and Sensing by
Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery and Neurological Diseases Management by
The Essentials of Thermodynamics by Pekař, Miloslav
Advances in Sustainable Polymeric Materials II by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Chemical and Biological Approaches Volume 46 by
Hydrogen Production Processes in Refining Technology by Speight, James G.
Synthesis of Pyrrol-Based Bioconjugates: Perspectives and Applications by Dias, Lucas D., Pereira, Mariette M., Pinto, Sara M. a.
Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides (Mxenes) Handbook: Synthesis, Processing, Properties and Applications by
Micromachined Mixed-Potential-Type Ysz-Based Sensors for Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring in Automobile Exhaust by You, Rui
Study of Lipid Peroxidation in Pre-eclampsia by Kharb, Simmi
Classical Mechanics Limitations and Quantum Mechanics Developments by Arun, Vasudevan
Designing hydrogel based drug delivery devices by Sharma, Vikrant, Singh, Baljit
Adipositas und Regulierung der Nahrungsaufnahme by Latif, Yasmin Abdel, Hussein, Jihan, El-Khayat, Zakaria
Obésité et régulation de la prise alimentaire by Hussein, Jihan, El-Khayat, Zakaria, Latif, Yasmin Abdel
Obesità e regolazione dell'assunzione di cibo by Latif, Yasmin Abdel, Hussein, Jihan, El-Khayat, Zakaria
Obesidade e regulação da ingestão alimentar by El-Khayat, Zakaria, Latif, Yasmin Abdel, Hussein, Jihan
Ожирение и регуляция пот by Абдель Ла&#1, Хуссейн, Д&#, Эль-Хаят, З&
XYLANASE- Produktion und Optimierung by Singh, Nitin Kumar
XYLANASE - Production et optimisation by Singh, Nitin Kumar
XYLANASE - Produzione e ottimizzazione by Singh, Nitin Kumar
XYLANASE - Produção e otimização by Singh, Nitin Kumar
Ксиланаза - производство by Кумар Син&#1
CRISTALLOGRAPHIE für Vorbereitungsklassen by Badri, Abdessalem
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY for Preparatory Classes by Badri, Abdessalem
Entwicklung Der Biginelli-reaktion Unter Verwendung Eines Tief Eutektischen Lösungsmittels by Padhiyar, Hetal, Avalani, Jemin
CRISTALLOGRAFIA per le classi preparatorie by Badri, Abdessalem
CRISTALLOGRAFIA para as aulas preparatórias by Badri, Abdessalem
Développement De La Réaction De Biginelli À L'aide D'un Solvant Eutectique Profond by Avalani, Jemin, Padhiyar, Hetal
Desenvolvimento Da Reacção De Biginelli Utilizando Solvente Eutéctico Profundo by Padhiyar, Hetal, Avalani, Jemin
Разработка Реакции Бидж& by Авалани, Э&#, Падхияр, Х&#
Sviluppo Della Reazione Di Biginelli Utilizzando Un Solvente Eutettico Profondo by Avalani, Jemin, Padhiyar, Hetal
Inguinal Hernia Bioinorganic Chemistry by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Bioinorganische Chemie von Leistenbrüchen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Chimica bioinorganica dell'ernia inguinale by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Биоорганическая химия п& by Мимуни, Аб&#
Química Bioinorgânica da Hérnia Inguinal by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Biologically Active Substances Usable in Food, Pharmaceutical and Agrobiological Fields by Ilia, Gheorghe, Garban, Zeno
Fine-Tuning Life by Henshall, David C.
Battery Management in Electric Vehicles: Current Status and Future Trends by
Grundlagen der chemischen Kinetik by Bhalchandra, Amitkumar
Principes fondamentaux de la cinétique chimique by Bhalchandra, Amitkumar
Fondamenti di cinetica chimica by Bhalchandra, Amitkumar
Fundamentos da cinética química by Bhalchandra, Amitkumar
Основы химической кинет& by Бхалчанд&#10
Immune Biomarkers in Preeclampsia by Kharb, Simmi, Khandelwal, Aparna
AIIBVI-Chalkogenid-Filme: Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften by Sozanskyi, Martyn, Huminilovych, Ruslana, Stadnik, Vitalii
Chalcogénures à film AIIBVI: synthèse, structure et propriétés by Stadnik, Vitalii, Sozanskyi, Martyn, Huminilovych, Ruslana
Calcogenetos de película AIIBVI: síntese, estrutura e propriedades by Huminilovych, Ruslana, Stadnik, Vitalii, Sozanskyi, Martyn
Пленочные халькогениды A by Созанскы&#10, Стадник, В&#, Хуминило&#10
Synthèse d'Un Biosorbant À Base de Déchets Floraux Pour Le Traitement Des Déchets Industriels by Veerendra, G. T. N., Dey, Subhashish
СИНТЕЗ БИОСОРБЕНТА ИЗ ЦВ by Деы, Субха&#, Веерендр&#10
Síntese de Biossorvente de Resíduos Florais Para Tratamento de Resíduos Industriais by Veerendra, G. T. N., Dey, Subhashish
Биополимер, полученный и by Марсело Г&#1, Кампос Си&#1, &#1076&#1077 &#1054. &#1051&#1080&#1084&#1072, К&#1088
Aus Stärke gewonnenes Biopolymer by Campos Silva, João Eduardo, Marcelo Gomes, Vagner
Biopolymer obtained from starch by Campos Silva, João Eduardo, Marcelo Gomes, Vagner
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