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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

The 8th International Conference on Advances in Construction Machinery and Vehicle Engineering: Icacmve 2023 by
Electrochemistry for Cultural Heritage by Doménech-Carbó, María Teresa, Doménech-Carbó, Antonio
Seismic Performance of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures Retrofitted with Frp by Shen, Dejian
Feed Additives and Supplements for Ruminants by
Recent Trends and Developments in Algal Biofuels and Biorefinery by
Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Methods and Protocols by
Sidnone: Ein Überblick Über Ihre Chemischen Und Antitumoralen Eigenschaften by Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana, Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula
Sidnones: A Review of Their Chemical and Antitumor Properties by Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana, Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula
Sidnones: Examen de Leurs Propriétés Chimiques Et Antitumorales by Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana, Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula
Sidnoni: Una Revisione Delle Loro Proprietà Chimiche E Antitumorali by Pereira Da Silva, Ana Paula, Borges Barreto Bezerra, Mariana
СИДНОНЫ: ОБЗОР ИХ ХИМИЧЕ&#1057 by Боргес Ба&#1, Переира д&#1
Applications of Biodegradable and Bio-Based Polymers for Human Health and a Cleaner Environment by
Laborübungen für Allgemeine Anorganische Chemie III by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia K.
Exercices de laboratoire pour la chimie inorganique générale III by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia K.
Esercitazioni di laboratorio per la Chimica Inorganica Generale III by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia K.
Exercícios de laboratório para Química Inorgânica Geral III by Konstantinou, Evangelia K., Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A.
Лабораторные упражнени&# by Панагиот&#10, Констант&#10
The Book on Alums and Salts of Pseudo-Rāzı̄ The Arabic and Hebrew Traditions: Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry: Sir Robert Mond Studies by Ferrario, Gabriele
Lipid Signalling: Methods and Protocols by
Elektrobiologische Chemie by Kelode, Sandip R.
Chimie électro-biologique by Kelode, Sandip R.
Chimica elettrobiologica by Kelode, Sandip R.
Química electrobiológica by Kelode, Sandip R.
Электробиологическая х&# by Келоде, &#1044&#1088. &#
Radioimmunoanalyse im Dienste der Tierproduktion by Iddar, Abdelghani, Moutaouakkil, Adnane, El Mzibri, Mohammed
Radioimmunoassay for animal production by Moutaouakkil, Adnane, El Mzibri, Mohammed, Iddar, Abdelghani
Test radioimmunologici per la produzione animale by Moutaouakkil, Adnane, El Mzibri, Mohammed, Iddar, Abdelghani
Radioimunoensaio para produção animal by Moutaouakkil, Adnane, El Mzibri, Mohammed, Iddar, Abdelghani
Радиоиммуноанализ для ж& by Иддар, Абд&#, МОУТАОУА&#10, ЕЛ МЗИБРИ, &
Allgemeine industrielle Praxis by Kachhot, Kanji, Bhola, Pravin
Pratica industriale generale by Bhola, Pravin, Kachhot, Kanji
Práticas industriais gerais by Kachhot, Kanji, Bhola, Pravin
Общая производственная & by Какххот, К&#, Бхола, Пра&#
Pratiques industrielles générales by Kachhot, Kanji, Bhola, Pravin
Laborhandbuch der Allgemeinen Chemie by Pathan, Naziyanaz, Ali, Parvez, Meshram, Jyotsna
Manuel de laboratoire de chimie générale by Ali, Parvez, Meshram, Jyotsna, Pathan, Naziyanaz
Manuale di laboratorio di chimica generale by Pathan, Naziyanaz, Ali, Parvez, Meshram, Jyotsna
Manual de Laboratório de Química Geral by Ali, Parvez, Meshram, Jyotsna, Pathan, Naziyanaz
Лабораторный справочни&# by Патхан, На&#, Али, Парве&#, Мешрам, Дж&#
Adsorption von Schwermetallen mit Hilfe von Schwämmen mit niedrigem Gussanteil by Parrey, Imtiyaz Rasool
Adsorbimento di metalli sostanziali utilizzando spugne comuni a bassa fusione by Parrey, Imtiyaz Rasool
Адсорбция значительных & by Паррей, Им&#
Adsorção de metais substanciais utilizando esponjas comuns de baixa fundição by Parrey, Imtiyaz Rasool
Adsorption de métaux substantiels à l'aide d'éponges communes à faible teneur en fonte by Parrey, Imtiyaz Rasool
Data Analysis and Chemometrics for Metabolomics by Brereton, Richard G.
Polymeric Materials and Their Application in 3D Printing by
Bite-Sized Chemistry Calculations: Mass, Mole and Stoichiometry by Lambert, John
Practical Clinical Chemistry by Rada, Feryal
Phytochemische und pharmakologische Eigenschaften indischer Arzneipflanzen by Devanooru Krishnamurthy, Bhavya
Propriétés phytochimiques et pharmacologiques des plantes médicinales indiennes by Devanooru Krishnamurthy, Bhavya
Удаление ионов меди с ис&#1087 by Оливейра &#1
Entfernung von Kupfer-Ionen mit Baru-Rinde und Zellstoff als Adsorptionsmittel by Oliveira Ferreira, Wallisson
Élimination des ions de cuivre en utilisant l'écorce et la pulpe de baru comme adsorbant by Oliveira Ferreira, Wallisson
Rimozione di ioni di rame utilizzando corteccia e polpa di baru come adsorbente by Oliveira Ferreira, Wallisson
Removal of copper ions using baru bark and pulp as an adsorbent by Oliveira Ferreira, Wallisson
Kiwis und Gesundheit by El-Banna, Mona, Hussein, Jihan, Abdel Latif, Yasmin
Kiwis e saúde by El-Banna, Mona, Hussein, Jihan, Abdel Latif, Yasmin
Киви и здоровье by Хуссейн, Д&#, Абдель Ла&#1, Эль-Банна, &
Le kiwi et la santé by El-Banna, Mona, Hussein, Jihan, Abdel Latif, Yasmin
Kiwi e salute by Hussein, Jihan, Abdel Latif, Yasmin, El-Banna, Mona
Proprietà fitochimiche e farmacologiche delle piante medicinali indiane by Devanooru Krishnamurthy, Bhavya
Propriedades fitoquímicas e farmacológicas das plantas medicinais indianas by Devanooru Krishnamurthy, Bhavya
Фитохимические и фармак& by Деваноор&#10
Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry by Cotton, Simon
Advanced Lignin Technologies by
Herbal Medicine Phytochemistry by
At the Crossroads of Metals and Life by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
An der Kreuzung der Metalle und des Lebens by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Na encruzilhada dos metais e da vida by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
На перекрестке металлов by Мимуни, Аб&#
All'incrocio tra metalli e vita by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Heterozyklische Verbindungen als Teil der medizinischen Chemie by Patel, Bonny Y., Bhatt, Malay J., Karkar, Tushar J.
Les composés hétérocycliques dans le cadre de la chimie médicinale by Karkar, Tushar J., Patel, Bonny Y., Bhatt, Malay J.
I composti eterociclici come parte della chimica medicinale by Bhatt, Malay J., Karkar, Tushar J., Patel, Bonny Y.
Compostos heterocíclicos no âmbito da química medicinal by Karkar, Tushar J., Patel, Bonny Y., Bhatt, Malay J.
Гетероциклические соед&# by Патель, Бо&#, Бхатт, Мал&#, Каркар, Ту&#
ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesis by Desai, Neha
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Chemical and Biological Sensing by
Te Lo Do IO Il Climate Change: Viaggio tra i Misteri di una Romagnola curiosa "alluvionata" dentro. by Sparkle, Parisian
Advances in Functional Rubber and Elastomer Composites by
Redox Biology in Plasma Medicine by
Geology, Petrochemistry and Ore Content of Carbonaceous Deposits of the Kumak Ore Field by
Chemische Verfälschungen in Jaggery by Patel, Ravi Bachubhai
Altération chimique du Jaggery by Patel, Ravi Bachubhai
Adulteração química no jaggery by Patel, Ravi Bachubhai
Химическая фальсификац&# by Пател, &#1044&#1088. Р&#
Técnicas de produção de gás de biomassa by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian
Technische Daten zur Gasproduktion aus Biomasse by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian
Techniques de production de gaz de biomasse by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian
Tecniche di produzione di gas da biomassa by Sekimonyo Shamavu, Christian
Технические данные по до by Секимонё &#1
Electromagnetic Wave Absorption and Shielding Materials by Lu, Wei, Guan, Hongtao
Protein Bioinformatics by
Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organs: Apsao: Making Breakthrough Via Multidisciplinary Approach by
Calcogenuri in film AIIBVI: sintesi, struttura e proprietà by Huminilovych, Ruslana, Stadnik, Vitalii, Sozanskyi, Martyn
Schiff Base Metal Complexes by S, Subramanian, T, Arun, S, Kamalesu
Mikrowellenunterstützte Synthese von Hydrazonderivaten von Isoindol by A, Nihath Nazleen
Synthèse assistée par micro-ondes de dérivés d'hydrazone de l'isoindole by A, Nihath Nazleen
Sintesi assistita da microonde di derivati idrazonici dell'isoindolo by A, Nihath Nazleen
Síntese assistida por micro-ondas de derivados de hidrazona do isoindole by A, Nihath Nazleen
Синтез гидразоновых про& by А, Нихатх Н&
Carbon Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Industrial Applications by Khovavko, Alexander, Strativnov, Eugene, Nebesnyi, Andrii
Modern Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: A Comprehensive Foundation by Puri, Ravinder R.
Inorganic Ultraviolet Filters in Sunscreen Products: Status, Trends, and Challenges by Ray, Suprakas Sinha, Kera, Nazia Hassan, Pillai, Sreejarani Kesavan
Advanced Polymers by
Algae as a Natural Solution for Challenges in Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Toward Carbon Neutrality by
Protein-Protein Interactions: Methods and Protocols by
Biophysical Chemistry: Techniques and Applications by Kalidas, C., Sangaranarayanan, M. V.
Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Anti-Plasmodien-Verbindungen by Pantami, Hamza Ahmed
Isolement et caractérisation de composés antiplasmodiaux by Pantami, Hamza Ahmed
Isolamento e caratterizzazione di composti antiplasmodiali by Pantami, Hamza Ahmed
Isolamento e Caracterização de Compostos Anti-Plasmodiais by Pantami, Hamza Ahmed
Изолирование и характер& by Пантами, Х&#
Циклоокисление азотных & by де Франка, &, Аморим Ка&#1
Cyclooxidation von Stickstoffderivaten von Lapachol by Amorim Câmara, Celso, de Franca, Jose Adonias
Cyclo-oxydation de dérivés azotés du lapachol by de Franca, Jose Adonias, Amorim Câmara, Celso
Ciclo-ossidazione di derivati azotati del lapacholo by Amorim Câmara, Celso, de Franca, Jose Adonias
Cyclo-oxidation of nitrogen derivatives of lapachol by de Franca, Jose Adonias, Amorim Câmara, Celso
White Wine Enology: Optimizing Shelf Life and Flavor Stability of White Wines - How Long-Lasting White Wines Are Produced by Schneider, Volker
Organometallik in Der Prozesschemie by
Introduction to Multivariate Calibration: A Practical Approach by Olivieri, Alejandro C.
Strong Interactions in the Standard Model: Massless Bosons to Compact Stars by
Elektrochemie ermöglicht die Synthese von Naturstoffen by Bandyopadhyay, Ayan
Synthèse de produits naturels par électrochimie by Bandyopadhyay, Ayan
Sintesi di prodotti naturali grazie all'elettrochimica by Bandyopadhyay, Ayan
Síntese de produtos naturais por eletroquímica by Bandyopadhyay, Ayan
Синтез натуральных прод& by Бандёпад&#10
Iron Metabolism: Methods and Protocols by
Modeling and State Estimation of Automotive Lithium-Ion Batteries by Qiao, Jialu, Wang, Shunli, Wu, Fan
Race for a Remedy: The Science and Scientists Behind the Next Life-Saving Cancer Medicine by Ahmed, Makhdum
Porous Polymer Chemistry: Synthesis and Applications by Yavuz, Cafer T.
Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials by
Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Coal and Shale by Vishal, Vikram, Hazra, Bodhisatwa, Chandra, Debanjan
Carbon Capture Science & Technology (CCST) by
Auf dem Weg von den Histonen zum Chromosom by Batool, Asiya, Aashaq, Sabreena, Bhat, Younus Ahmad
Sur la route des histones au chromosome by Aashaq, Sabreena, Bhat, Younus Ahmad, Batool, Asiya
Sulla strada dagli istoni al cromosoma by Batool, Asiya, Aashaq, Sabreena, Bhat, Younus Ahmad
No caminho das Histonas para o Cromossoma by Batool, Asiya, Aashaq, Sabreena, Bhat, Younus Ahmad
На пути от гистонов к хро&#108 by Аашак, Саб&#, Бхат, Юнус &, Батул, Аси&#
Синтез и характеристика by Хитендра &#1, Хадиял, Са&#
Synthese und Charakterisierung von 'N'- und 'O'-haltigen heterocyclischen Verbindungen by Hitendra Joshi, Nilesh Parmar, Hadiyal, Sanjay
Synthèse et caractérisation des composés hétérocycliques contenant des N et des O by Hadiyal, Sanjay, Hitendra Joshi, Nilesh Parmar
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di composti eterociclici contenenti N e O by Hadiyal, Sanjay, Hitendra Joshi, Nilesh Parmar
Síntese e caraterização de compostos heterocíclicos com 'N' e 'O' by Hadiyal, Sanjay, Hitendra Joshi, Nilesh Parmar
Unnützes Wissen Chemie: 66 unterhaltsame und interessante Fakten aus der Welt der Chemie by Moon, Lindsay
Bionic Recognition and Biosensors: A Theme Issue in Honor of Professor Hong-Yuan Chen by
Chemistry: Energy, Matter, and Change by Tucker, William B.
Chemistry: Energy, Matter, and Change by Tucker, William B.
Veterinary Molecular Immunology by Zheng, Shijun J.
Thermodynamic Measurement Techniques by Shamsuddin, Mohammad
Drinking Water in Sicily: Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Aspects by
Makrophagen & Stickstoffmonoxid: Bioinorganische Entschlüsselung by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Macrophages & Nitric oxide: Bioinorganic deciphering by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Macrofagi e ossido nitrico: decifrazione bioinorganica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Macrófagos e óxido nítrico: decifração bioinorgânica by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Макрофаги и оксид азота: &#107 by Мимоуни, А&#
Errungenschaften aserbaidschanischer Wissenschaftler bei der Entwicklung des katalytischen Krackens by Ismajlova, H. Ju
Achievements of Azerbaijani scientists in the development of catalytic cracking by Ismajlova, H. Ju
Réalisations des scientifiques azerbaïdjanais dans le développement du craquage catalytique by Ismajlova, H. Ju
Risultati degli scienziati azeri nello sviluppo del cracking catalitico by Ismajlova, H. Ju
Realizações dos cientistas do Azerbaijão no desenvolvimento do cracking catalítico by Ismajlova, H. Ju
Kurs für berufliche Fertigkeiten (VSC): Angewandte Chemie by Ranade, Prasanna B., Navale, Dinesh N., Makhijani, Ritika M.
Cours de compétences professionnelles (VSC): Chimie appliquée by Makhijani, Ritika M., Ranade, Prasanna B., Navale, Dinesh N.
Corso di competenze professionali (VSC): Chimica applicata by Makhijani, Ritika M., Ranade, Prasanna B., Navale, Dinesh N.
Curso de Competências Profissionais (VSC): Química Aplicada by Makhijani, Ritika M., Ranade, Prasanna B., Navale, Dinesh N.
Курс профессиональных н& by Макхияни, &#, Ранаде, Пр&#, Навале, Ди&#
Computermodell Der Speckle-Interferenzmuster Von Bioobjekten by Bogomolov, Mykola, Abuamra, Mohanad
Click Chemistry by Jaiswal, Manoj K., Rajkhowa, Sanchayita, Tiwari, Vinod K.
The Geopolitics of Hydrogen: Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective by
Nanometal Catalysis in Organic Synthesis by Feng, Xiujuan, Bao, Ming, Wang, Jiasheng
Sol-Gel-Synthese von dünnen Nickeloxidschichten by Lakel, Abdelghani, Benramache, Said, Belahssen, Okba
Synthèse Sol-Gel de films minces d'oxyde de nickel by Benramache, Said, Belahssen, Okba, Lakel, Abdelghani
Sintesi sol-gel di film sottili di ossido di nichel by Benramache, Said, Belahssen, Okba, Lakel, Abdelghani
Síntese Sol-Gel de filmes finos de óxido de níquel by Benramache, Said, Belahssen, Okba, Lakel, Abdelghani
Золь-гель синтез тонких &#1087 by Белахссе&#10, БЕНРАМАЧ&#10, ЛАКЕЛ, Абд&#
Modèle Informatique Des Patrons d'Interférence de Speckle Des Bioobjets by Bogomolov, Mykola, Abuamra, Mohanad
Modello Computerizzato Di Modelli Di Interferenza Speckle Di Biooggetti by Bogomolov, Mykola, Abuamra, Mohanad
Modelo Informático de Padrões de Interferência de Speckle de Bioobjectos by Bogomolov, Mykola, Abuamra, Mohanad
Advances in Textile Materials Chemistry by
X-Ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems: Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials by Braun, Artur
Methylene Blue Simplified: How methylene blue is extracted, Produced, and used in medicine by Stoney, Marvin
Supramolecular Chemistry: From Concepts to Applications by Kubik, Stefan
Sustainable Products: Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Management, Supply Chains, EcoDesign by Has, Michael
Besondere Eigenschaften von Elektrolyseblasen aus Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Propriétés particulières des bulles d'hydrogène et d'oxygène en électrolyse by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Proprietà speciali delle bolle di elettrolisi di idrogeno e ossigeno by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Propriedades especiais das bolhas de eletrólise do hidrogénio e do oxigénio by Shoikhedbrod, Michael
Особые свойства пузырьк& by Шойхедбр&#10
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Cerium-dotierten PVDF-Proben by Rodrigues Amorim, Marcio José
Synthesis and Characterization of Cerium-doped PVDF Samples by Rodrigues Amorim, Marcio José
Synthèse et caractérisation d'échantillons de PVDF dopés au cérium by Rodrigues Amorim, Marcio José
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di campioni di PVDF drogati con cerio by Rodrigues Amorim, Marcio José
Синтез и характеристика by Родригес &#1
Untersuchung der EOR-Dampfflut-Ölgewinnung mit Hilfe von Vorhersagemodellen by Abbasi, Mahdi, Madani, Mohammad, Abbasi, Peyman
Étude de la récupération du pétrole par injection de vapeur EOR à l'aide de modèles prédictifs by Madani, Mohammad, Abbasi, Peyman, Abbasi, Mahdi
Studio del recupero di olio da inondazione di vapore EOR mediante modelli predittivi by Abbasi, Mahdi, Madani, Mohammad, Abbasi, Peyman
Investigação da recuperação de petróleo por inundação de vapor EOR utilizando modelos preditivos by Madani, Mohammad, Abbasi, Peyman, Abbasi, Mahdi
Исследование нефтеотда&# by Мадани, Мо&#, Аббаси, Пе&#, Аббаси, Ма&#
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