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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Electrochemical Interfaces for the Detection of Agricultural Pollutants by
Drug Delivery Systems Using Quantum Computing by
Crossroad of Maxwell Demon by
Biomechanical Study and Analysis for Cardiovascular/Skeletal Materials and Devices by
Processus de Corrosion et Anticorrosion by Beniken, Mustapha
Molecular Docking and ADME Insights by S, Kamalesu, R, Subramanian, T, Arun
Photoluminescence analysis of some blue emitting phosphor by Panse, Swati V., Panse, Vishal R., Saregar, Antomi
Uv-Visible Et Chromatographie: Théorie Et Travaux Pratiques by Nait Abdellah, Zahra
3D Bioprinting from Lab to Industry by
The Handbook of Graphene Electrochemistry by Banks, Craig E., Crapnell, Robert D.
Hydrogel-Based Novel Biomaterials: Achievements and Prospects by
S-Heterocycles: Retrospect, Prospects, and Biological Applications by
Ultrafast Electronic and Structural Dynamics by
Biophysique Cours et QCM corrigées by Mir, Youssef
Производство амилазы пр& by &#1055. &#1044&#1079&#1086&#1075&#1073&#1077&#1092&#1080&#11, Кватиа, Са&#
Amylase-Produktion in Feststoff-Fermentation mit Aspergillus niger by Kwatia, Samuel, P. Dzogbefia, Victoria
Production d'amylase en fermentation en milieu solide par Aspergillus niger by Kwatia, Samuel, P. Dzogbefia, Victoria
Produzione di amilasi nella fermentazione allo stato solido con Aspergillus niger by Kwatia, Samuel, Kwatia, Samuel, P. Dzogbefia, Victoria, P. Dzogbefia, Victoria
Produção de amilase em fermentação em estado sólido usando Aspergillus niger by Kwatia, Samuel, P. Dzogbefia, Victoria
Merkmale des Olivenöls einiger algerischer Kultivare by Noura, Benrachou
Caractéristiques de l'huile d'olive de quelques cultivars d'Algérie by Noura, Benrachou
Características do azeite de algumas cultivares da Argélia by Noura, Benrachou
Характеристики оливков&# by Нура, Бенр&#
Caratteristiche dell'olio di oliva di alcune cultivar dell'Algeria by Noura, Benrachou
Tecnologia do álcool e das leveduras by Stanciu, Ioana
Technologie de l'alcool et de la levure by Stanciu, Ioana
Tecnologia dell'alcol e del lievito by Stanciu, Ioana
Технология производств&# by Станциу, И&#
Alkohol- und Hefetechnologie by Stanciu, Ioana
Science of Ice Cream by Cox, Andrew, Clarke, Chris
Student Lab Notebook: Chemistry - 100 Duplicate Sets by Hayden-McNeil
Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials Used to Improve the Environment and Human Health by
Rheology of Linseed, Hemp and Cotton Oils by Stanciu, Ioana
Manipulative-Based Instructional Tool by Espiritu, Jeffrey L.
Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics by Stanciu, Ioana
Metal-Containing Molecules and Nanomaterials: From Diagnosis to Therapy by
Rasa Shastra: The Ayurvedic Art of Medicine Making and Alchemy by Mason, Andrew
Energie Aus Biomasse: Bio-Chemische Und Physikalisch-Chemische Konversion by
Proteomics for Drug Discovery by
Polymer Supported Organic Catalysts by
Synthese von Sulfonamid durch metallkatalysierte Sulfonamidierung by Abdelazeem, Nagwa
Synthèse de sulfonamide par sulfonamidation catalysée par des métaux by Abdelazeem, Nagwa
Sintesi di sulfonammide mediante sulfonamide catalizzata da metallo by Abdelazeem, Nagwa
Síntese de sulfonamida por sulfonamidação catalisada por metal by Abdelazeem, Nagwa
Синтез сульфонамида мет& by Абделазе&#10
Advances in Green Chemistry and Pharmacy by Jevtovic, Violeta
Nanomaterials in Industrial Chemistry by
Synthetic Promoters: Methods and Protocols by
Diagnose, Behandlung und Wiederverwendung der Abwässer des Schlachthofs von Pombal by Novaes, Rafael, Maracaja, Patricio B., Machado, Antônio Vitor
Pombal Slaughterhouse Effluent Diagnosis, Treatment and Reuse by Maracaja, Patricio B., Machado, Antônio Vitor, Novaes, Rafael
Diagnostic, traitement et réutilisation des effluents de l'abattoir de Pombal by Novaes, Rafael, Machado, Antônio Vitor, Maracaja, Patricio B.
Diagnosi, trattamento e riutilizzo degli effluenti del macello di Pombal by Machado, Antônio Vitor, Novaes, Rafael, Maracaja, Patricio B.
Диагностика, очистка и п&#1086 by Маракайя, &#, Мачадо, Ан&#, Новаес, Ра&#
Nanotechnology in Therapeutics: Basics and Trends by Demetzos, Costas
Editorial Board Members' Collection Series: Polymer Physics and Theory by
Chemistry 101: Elements, Compounds, and Reactions by Publishing, Rwg
Antimicrobial activities of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole moieties by Parmar, Pro Kokila, Shukla, Maharshi, Sutaria, Shashikant
Einführung des Themas "Arzneimittel als Vermittler" in den Chemieunterricht by Arthur Corrêa, Taís, Rocha Carias, Tatiane
Introducing the theme of medicines as a mediator in chemistry teaching by Rocha Carias, Tatiane, Arthur Corrêa, Taís
Introduire le thème du médicament comme médiateur dans l'enseignement de la chimie by Rocha Carias, Tatiane, Arthur Corrêa, Taís
Внедрение темы Лекарств& by Роча Кари&#1, Артур Кор&#1
Introdurre il tema dei farmaci come mediatori nell'insegnamento della chimica by Rocha Carias, Tatiane, Arthur Corrêa, Taís
Chasseurs embusqués by Ndong -. Ondo, Sergys -. Romaric
RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics by
Microbes Based Approaches for the Management of Hazardous Contaminants by
Entwurf von Geräten zur Verabreichung von Medikamenten auf Hydrogelbasis by Singh, Baljit, Sharma, Vikrant
Conception de dispositifs d'administration de médicaments à base d'hydrogel by Singh, Baljit, Sharma, Vikrant
Разработка устройств до& by Сингх, Бал&#, Шарма, Вик&#
Espectroquímica descodificada: Grupos duplos e suas aplicações by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Entschlüsselte Spektrochemie: Doppelgruppen und ihre Anwendungen by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Spectrochemistry Decoded: Double Groups and Their Applications by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Spettrochimica decodificata: gruppi doppi e loro applicazioni by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Расшифрованная спектро&# by Мимоуни, А&#
Yerba mate als Biosorptionsmittel für Schadstoffe in der Wasseraufbereitung by Vargas, Fernanda, Cassel Meurer, Mariana
Yerba mate as a biosorbent for contaminants in water treatment by Vargas, Fernanda, Cassel Meurer, Mariana
Yerba mate comme biosorbant pour les contaminants dans le traitement de l'eau by Cassel Meurer, Mariana, Vargas, Fernanda
Йерба мате как биосорбен by Кассель М&#1, Варгас, Фе&#
Yerba mate come biosorbente per i contaminanti nel trattamento delle acque by Cassel Meurer, Mariana, Vargas, Fernanda
"Antagonisme d'orexine et adénosine sur la vigilance" by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Cytochrome P450: Exploration des Enzymes Métaboliques by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Glycation: Volume 125 by
5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2025: Practice AP Tests + AP Content Review + Digital Exams by Moore, John T.
1D and 2D Nanomaterials for Sensor Applications by
Studie über die Risikofaktoren der westlichen Diät für die Niere by Habib, Dawoud Fakhry, Ashraf Mohamed, Rehab, Farag Abdel Hamid, Fatma
Étude des facteurs de risque du régime alimentaire occidental sur les reins by Ashraf Mohamed, Rehab, Farag Abdel Hamid, Fatma, Habib, Dawoud Fakhry
Studio dei fattori di rischio della dieta western style sul rene by Ashraf Mohamed, Rehab, Farag Abdel Hamid, Fatma, Habib, Dawoud Fakhry
Estudo dos factores de risco da dieta ocidental para os rins by Farag Abdel Hamid, Fatma, Habib, Dawoud Fakhry, Ashraf Mohamed, Rehab
Исследование факторов р& by Фараг Абд&#1, Хабиб, Дав&#, Ашраф Мох&#1
Eine neue Anti-Krebs-Verbindung aus der Eremurus-Pflanze by Ahmed, Karzan
Un nouveau composé anticancéreux de la plante Eremurus by Ahmed, Karzan
Un nuovo composto antitumorale dalla pianta di Eremurus by Ahmed, Karzan
Um novo composto anti-cancerígeno da planta Eremurus by Ahmed, Karzan
Новое противораковое со& by Ахмед, Кар&#
Synthesis and characterization of Derivatives of Isoxazole by Joshi, Mayuri Ravindra
Das stille Gewicht des Bluthochdrucks by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
The Silent Weight of Hypertension by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Il peso silenzioso dell'ipertensione by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
O peso silencioso da hipertensão by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Безмолвный вес гипертон& by Мимоуни, А&#
Проектирование системы & by Майна Киа&#1
Conceção de um sistema de observação do carbono e da água by Maina Kiama, Stephen
Progettazione di un sistema di osservazione del carbonio e dell'acqua by Maina Kiama, Stephen
Conception d'un système d'observation du carbone et de l'eau by Maina Kiama, Stephen
Entwurf eines Systems zur Beobachtung von Kohlenstoff und Wasser by Maina Kiama, Stephen
Ácidos Terpénicos Modificados de Boswellia serrata: Atividade Biológica by Shenvi, Suvarna, Reddy, G. Chandrasekara
Acidi terpenici modificati dalla Boswellia serrata: Attività biologica by Shenvi, Suvarna, Reddy, G. Chandrasekara
Acides terpéniques modifiés de Boswellia serrata: Activité biologique by Shenvi, Suvarna, Reddy, G. Chandrasekara
Модифицированные терпе&# by Шенви, Сув&#, Редди, &#1043. Ча&
Modifizierte Terpensäuren aus Boswellia serrata: Biologische Aktivität by Shenvi, Suvarna, Reddy, G. Chandrasekara
Green Solutions for Degradation of Pollutants by Agarwal, Neha
Preparation and Processing Technology of Advanced Magnesium Alloys by
Sustainability, Circular Economy and Waste Recycling: Advances in Materials Research by
On Snake-Poison Its Action And Its Antidote by Mueller, A.
Green H2 Transport Through Lh2, Nh3 and Lohc: Opportunities and Challenges by Pellegrini, Laura A., Spatolisano, Elvira, Restelli, Federica
Различные методы увелич& by Мехта, Джи&#, Патель, Те&#, Натх, Кауш&#
Verschiedene Techniken zur Verbesserung des Flusses in einem Membrantrennverfahren by Patel, Tejal, Nath, Kaushik, Mehta, Jigesh
Diverses techniques d'amélioration des flux dans les procédés de séparation par membrane by Nath, Kaushik, Patel, Tejal, Mehta, Jigesh
Varie tecniche di miglioramento del flusso nei processi di separazione a membrana by Patel, Tejal, Nath, Kaushik, Mehta, Jigesh
Lysine Décryptée by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Várias técnicas de aumento do fluxo em processos de separação por membrana by Patel, Tejal, Nath, Kaushik, Mehta, Jigesh
Heavy Metal Toxicity: Human Health Impact and Mitigation Strategies by
Elektrotechnik Und Elektronik: Für Maschinenbauer Und Verfahrenstechniker by Busch, Rudolf, Beck, Michael
Green Chemistry Avant La Lettre: The Pine Institute and Resin Chemistry in Aquitaine (1900-1970) by Krasnodebski, Marcin
Functionalized Nanomaterials and Structures for Biomedical Applications by
Microbial Bioremediation and Multiomics Technologies for Sustainable Development: Recent Trends by
Qualitative Analysis of Zintl Ions by Kiremire, Prof Enos Masheija Rwantale
Chemical Clusters from Skeletal Numbers to Capping Indices by Kiremire, Prof Enos Masheija Rwantale
Réparation de l'ADN: Vitamines B et Fer by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Синтез и физико-химическ by Николайч&#10, Купчик, Ли&#, Kapтeль, Нико&#108
In Silico Docking of Tannins for the Management of Alzheimer's Disease by M, Vijayabaskaran, S, Ishfaq, A, Madeswaran
Cinética Química de las Reacciones Sencillas - Nueva Versión by Magallanes, Nattasha, Riera, Elio Alexis, Hidalgo, Belkys
Electron Transfer in Biomacromolecules by
Quantum Chemistry: Classical to Computational by Singh, Chayannika, Dua, Amita
Advanced Experimental Inorganic Chemistry by Ahluwalia, V. K., Dhingra, Sunita
Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry by Straumanis, Andrei
Semiclassical Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics: Theory and Simulation with and Without Classical Trajectories by Zhu, Chaoyuan
S-Heterocycles: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation by
Electron Nano-Imaging: Basics of Imaging and Diffraction for Tem and Stem by Tanaka, Nobuo
Sustainable Radiation Technologies in Waste-Biomass Valorization: Greener Energy and High-Value Product Generation by
Sustainability of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies by Ofori-Boateng, Cynthia
Organic Chemistry: A Two-Semester Course of Essential Organic Chemistry by Zhdankin, Viktor, Grundt, Peter
Organic Chemistry: A Two-Semester Course of Essential Organic Chemistry by Zhdankin, Viktor, Grundt, Peter
Síntese de nanopartículas de ZnO by Desai, Neha
Synthese von ZnO-Nanopartikeln by Desai, Neha
Synthèse des nanoparticules de ZnO by Desai, Neha
Sintesi delle nanoparticelle di ZnO by Desai, Neha
Синтез наночастиц ZnO by Десаи, &#1044&#1088. Н&#
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Study of Novel Benzothiophene Derivatives by Patel, Bharatbhai, Shukla, Maharshi, Joshi, Prakash
Biophysik - I by Prabhavathi, G., Devi, B. Suriya, Chitra, S. R.
Biophysique - I by Prabhavathi, G., Devi, B. Suriya, Chitra, S. R.
Biofisica - I by Devi, B. Suriya, Chitra, S. R., Prabhavathi, G.
Biofísica - I by Devi, B. Suriya, Chitra, S. R., Prabhavathi, G.
БИОФИЗИКА - I by Прабхава&#10, Деви, Г-жа Б, Читра, &#1044&#1088. &#1057.&#
Grundlegende Biophysik by Saritha, P., Maheswari, M.
Biophysique de base by Maheswari, M., Saritha, P.
Biofisica di base by Maheswari, M., Saritha, P.
Основы биофизики by Махесвар&#10, Саритха, &#1055.
Biofísica básica by Maheswari, M., Saritha, P.
Bioinorganique et RNR: Un Décryptage Spécialisé by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Organic Syntheses, Volume 100 by
Mixed-Matrix Membranes: Preparation Methods, Applications, Challenges and Performance by Su, Chia-Hung, Tehrani, Mozhan Rostami, Pirouzfar, Vahid
Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 124 by
Rheology of Flour Pasta by Stanciu, Ioana
Sonochemical Water and Wastewater Decontamination by
Carbon-Based Composites and Nanocomposites: Adsorbents and Membranes for Environmental Remediation by
Biopolymer Conjugates: Industrial Applications by
Biological Clocks, Rhythms, and Oscillations: The Theory of Biological Timekeeping by Forger, Daniel B.
Ernährung Im Alter: Praxishandbuch Mit Checklisten Für Pflege Und Betreuung by Pleyer, Brigitte, Raidl, Alexandra
Computational Studies: From Molecules to Materials by
Princeton Review AP Chemistry Premium Prep, 26th Edition: 7 Practice Tests + Digital Practice Online + Content Review by The Princeton Review
Activated carbon and its Preparation by Raut, Ekta
Immunbiomarker Bei Präeklampsie by Kharb, Simmi, Khandelwal, Aparna
Biomarqueurs Immunitaires Dans La Prééclampsie by Kharb, Simmi, Khandelwal, Aparna
Biomarcatori Immunitari Nella Preeclampsia by Kharb, Simmi, Khandelwal, Aparna
Biomarcadores Imunitários Na Pré-Eclâmpsia by Kharb, Simmi, Khandelwal, Aparna
ИММУННЫЕ БИОМАРКЕРЫ ПРИ by Кханделв&#10, Кхарб, Сим&#
Manganèse: Les Secrets Bioinorganiques by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Grenzen der klassischen Mechanik und Entwicklungen in der Quantenmechanik by Arun, Vasudevan
Limites de la mécanique classique et développements de la mécanique quantique by Arun, Vasudevan
Limiti della meccanica classica e sviluppi della meccanica quantistica by Arun, Vasudevan
Limitações da mecânica clássica e desenvolvimentos da mecânica quântica by Arun, Vasudevan
Ограничения классическ&# by Арун, Васу&#
Specialized Plant Metabolites as Cosmeceuticals by
Mxenes: From Research to Emerging Applications by
Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phases: Relaxation, Transfer, and Reactions in Condensed Molecular Systems by Nitzan, Abraham
Organic Chemistry: Structure, Function, and Practice by Tucker, William B.
Advances in Natural Polymers: Extraction Methods and Applications by
Organic Chemistry: Structure, Function, and Practice by Tucker, William B.
Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular-Metabolic Diseases by
Neuer Weg zur Synthese von chiralen 1,2,4-Oxadiazin-5-onen by Tka, Najeh
New route to the synthesis of chiral 1,2,4-oxadiazin-5-ones by Tka, Najeh
Nuova via per la sintesi di 1,2,4-ossadiazina-5-oni chirali by Tka, Najeh
Nova via para a síntese de 1,2,4-oxadiazina-5-onas quirais by Tka, Najeh
Новый путь к синтезу хир&#1072 by ТКА, Надже&#
Öl-Biomarker by Acuña, Adrián, Tomas, Germán
Oil biomarkers by Acuña, Adrián, Tomas, Germán
Biomarqueurs du pétrole by Tomas, Germán, Acuña, Adrián
Biomarcatori dell'olio by Tomas, Germán, Acuña, Adrián
Biomarcadores do petróleo by Tomas, Germán, Acuña, Adrián
Биомаркеры нефти by Томас, Гер&#, Акунья, Ад&#
See More