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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Segregated Species: Pests, Knowledge, and Boundaries in South Africa, 1910-1948 by Skotnes-Brown, Jules
The Diagrammatics of 'Race': Visualizing Human Relatedness in the History of Physical, Evolutionary, and Genetic Anthropology, ca. 1770-2020 by Sommer, Marianne
Regional Dimensions of Human Development in India and South Africa: Through Sustainable Development Goals by Singh, Utsav Kumar
Environmental Challenges and Conservation Strategies by Chahal, Manpreet Kaur
Интеграция экологическ&# by Аллен-Тей&#1, Аллен-Тей&#1
Integrazione dell'educazione ambientale come materia unica in Nigeria by Allen-Taylor, Kehinde Oladipupo
Intégration de l'éducation à l'environnement en tant que matière unique au Nigeria by Allen-Taylor, Kehinde Oladipupo
Entwicklung von Pflanzenkläranlagen für die Behandlung häuslicher Abwässer by Sharma, Guncha, Pandey, Asha
Développement de zones humides artificielles pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques by Pandey, Asha, Sharma, Guncha
Sviluppo di una zona umida costruita per il trattamento delle acque reflue domestiche by Sharma, Guncha, Pandey, Asha
Desenvolvimento de uma zona húmida construída para o tratamento de águas residuais domésticas by Sharma, Guncha, Pandey, Asha
Создание искусственных & by Шарма, Гун&#, Пандей, Аш&#
Engineering Geology: An Introduction by Genske, Dieter D.
Verkehr(t): Der Mobile Mensch Am Limit by Schwedes, Oliver
Nuclear Is Not the Solution: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change by Ramana, M. V.
Into the Clear Blue Sky: The Path to Restoring Our Atmosphere by Jackson, Rob
The Heart of the Woods by Menmuir, Wyl
Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography: Fourth Edition by Thomson, Richard E., Emery, William J.
Nature's Ghosts: The World We Lost and How to Bring It Back by Yeo, Sophie
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security: Ic4s'05 Volume 1 by
Climate Change and Eye Disease: Eye Health and Blindness in a Hostile Environment by Fraser, Scott
The Construction of Ecological Civilization in China by
Exploring New Methods for Teaching and Learning Human Geography by Ye, Chao
Sustainability: Bausteine Für Eine Wirkungsvolle Und Nachhaltige Transformation by Bogaschewsky, Ronald
Cooperatives in an Uncertain World: Perspectives from Switzerland and Its Neighbors by
Advancements in Bio-Systems and Technologies for Wastewater Treatment by
Validation and Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Land Surface Temperature Products by Han, Xujun, Yu, Wenping, Li, Yuechen
Ecosystems Without Borders 2024: Opportunities and Challenges by
The U.S. Administrative State and the Protection of Environmental Crime Victims by Jarrell Ozymy, Melissa, Ozymy, Joshua
Effects of Illegal Gold-Mining on the Environment by Dumeh, Florence, Tackie, Yasser Arafat, Tamatey, Felix
Impacts du trafic routier sur la qualité de l'air à Bamako by Dagno, Bakary
La pollinisation des plantes cultivées par les abeilles by Korichi, Yamina
Rio Huangpu: a evolução e o tratamento da poluição da água by Chang, Yueya
Der Huangpu-Fluss: Entwicklung und Behandlung der Wasserverschmutzung by Chang, Yueya
Rivière Huangpu: évolution et traitement de la pollution de l'eau by Chang, Yueya
Fiume Huangpu: evoluzione e trattamento dell'inquinamento idrico by Chang, Yueya
Река Хуанпу: эволюция и л&#107 by Чанг, Юея
Влияние изменения клима& by Баша, Кхал&#
Impactos das alterações climáticas no coberto vegetal da floresta de Yerramalais by Basha, Khaleel
Impatti del cambiamento climatico sulla copertura vegetale della foresta di Yerramalais by Basha, Khaleel
Impacts du changement climatique sur la couverture végétale de la forêt de Yerramalais by Basha, Khaleel
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Vegetationsdecke des Yerramalais-Waldes by Basha, Khaleel
Soil Organisms: Deciphering the Life Beneath Our Feet by Dervash, Moonisa Aslam, Bhat, Mohammad Amin, Yousuf, Abrar
A Practical Analysis of Sea Breeze Effects on Coastal Areas: (with Implications Associated with Renewable Energy Applications and Environmental Assess by Dunk CCM, Rich
Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities by
Platypus Matters: The Extraordinary Story of Australian Mammals by Ashby, Jack
Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation in India: Proceedings of the National Conference, November 01-02, 2022, New Delhi, India by
Ireland Weather Almanac 2025 (Paperback) by Ring, Ken
Ireland Weather Almanac 2025 (Hardback) by Ring, Ken
Underwater Worlds: An Ethnography of Waste, Pollution, and Marine Life by Rodineliussen, Rasmus
Fire Whirls: Tornadoes of Flame by Jones, Ripley
The Bible and Sustainability: Bringing Biblical Passages and Practices Into the Ecological Debate by Abubakar, John
Technologische Fahrpläne zur Erreichung des Netto-Null-Emissionsziels bis 2030 und 2050 by Mahmoud, Karima, Soliman, Fouad
Feuilles de route technologiques pour atteindre l'objectif d'émissions nettes zéro d'ici 2030 et 2050 by Mahmoud, Karima, Soliman, Fouad
Tabella di marcia tecnologica verso l'obiettivo di emissioni nette zero entro il 2030 e il 2050 by Soliman, Fouad, Mahmoud, Karima
Roteiros tecnológicos para o objetivo de emissões líquidas nulas até 2030 e 2050 by Mahmoud, Karima, Soliman, Fouad
Технологические дорожн&# by Солиман, Ф&#, Махмоуд, К&#
Heavy Metal Toxicity: Human Health Impact and Mitigation Strategies by
Trespassing Natures: Species Migration and the Right to Space by Sackey, Donnie Johnson
Polar and Climate Change Education: Citizen Science and Sustainability by
Wild North Carolina: Discovering the Wonders of Our State's Natural Communities by Schafale, Michael P., Blevins, David
Fire on the Mountain: Living with Wildfire in the Santa Lucia Mountains of Big Sur by Maehr, Theo
Rewilding the Urban Frontier: River Conservation in the Anthropocene by
Treewilding: Our Past, Present and Future Relationship with Forests by Robinson, Jake
Pathways to a New Environmental Ethic: Decentering the Human Subject by Alford, Steven E.
What the River Knows: Essays from the Heart of Alaska by Engelhard, Michael
Trespassing Natures: Species Migration and the Right to Space by Sackey, Donnie Johnson
The Bible and Sustainability: Bringing Biblical Passages and Practices Into the Ecological Debate by Abubakar, John
Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture in the Himalaya by Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Moonbows: Nighttime Rainbows by Jones, Ripley
The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainable Digitalization for Business, Industry, and Society by
Making Things Happen: Community Participation and Disaster Reconstruction in Pakistan by Thomas, Jane Murphy
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 187 by
Proceedings of the 52nd American Solar Energy Society National Solar Conference 2023: Transforming the Energy Landscape for All by
Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: Conservation Histories, Policies and Practices in North-west Namibia by Dieckmann, Ute, Lendelvo, Selma, Sullivan, Sian
Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment Technology: Recent Developments in India by
2023 the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science: Icees 2023 by
Noemotion: Mobility, Hazard, and Risk Analysis of Selected Landslides in Lower Austria by Lima, Pedro, Donato, Alejandra J., Arango, Maria I.
Sustainability of Thermochemical Waste Conversion Technologies by Ofori-Boateng, Cynthia
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: Central and South Asia by
A History of Ecological Economic Thought by Vianna Franco, Marco P., Missemer, Antoine
Animal Kingdom Secrets: IncredibleFacts and Stories About the World's Most Amazing Creatures by Baker, Andy
The Presidents and the Planet: Climate Change Science and Politics from Eisenhower to Bush by Hakes, Jay
Urban Transportation Energy Supply Network: Research on the Negative Effects Assessment and Load Reduction Mechanism by Ge, Xianlong
Smart Water Resource Management: A Practical Introduction by Haghi, A. K., Ribeiro, Ana Cristina Faria
Plague: The Ecology of Natural Foci by
Battling Thor by Schwartzlow, Eugene Dale
Restoring Climate by Preda, Dorin
Battling Thor by Schwartzlow, Eugene Dale
Discovering Nature's Wild Wonders: Discover the Fascinating Lives of Earth's Most Amazing Creatures by Rose, Alf
Sustainable Management Through Knowledge and Innovation: How to Develop a Strong Strategy in the Wine Industry by Martínez-Falcó, Javier, Millán-Tudela, Luis A., Sánchez-García, Eduardo
Umfrage über die Honigproduktion und ihre Beschränkungen in Bokkos L.G.A., Nigeria by Kambai, Collina
Enquête sur la production de miel et ses contraintes dans l'A.G.L. de Bokkos, Nigeria by Kambai, Collina
Indagine sulla produzione e sui vincoli del miele a Bokkos L.G.A., Nigeria by Kambai, Collina
Inquérito sobre a produção de mel e os condicionalismos em Bokkos L.G.A., Nigéria by Kambai, Collina
Исследование производс&# by Камбай, Ко&#
Privatisierung und Wasserraub by Juárez Zapatero, Luis Rubén
Privatisation et accaparement de l'eau by Juárez Zapatero, Luis Rubén
Privatizzazione e accaparramento dell'acqua by Juárez Zapatero, Luis Rubén
Приватизация и захват во by Юáрез Запа&#
Privatização e apropriação da água by Juárez Zapatero, Luis Rubén
Biosurveillance de la pollution métallique par les mousses by Menaiaia, Khaoula, Bouzahouane, Hana
Sonochemical Water and Wastewater Decontamination by
Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia: Climate and Land Use Change Implications by
Transizione Energetica e Impatti Ambientali: Un'Analisi Critica by Lancia, Paolo Maria
Run the Alps' Trail Running Chamonix-Mont Blanc: 30 Must-Do Trail Runs by Run the Alps, Mayer, Doug, Edwards, Charlie
Reclaiming Our Planet: How Environmental History Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis by Gates, Alexander
The Green Camping Book: How to Camp Sustainably, Ethically and Responsibly by Dorey, Martin
Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics by Henderson, Chelsea
The New Beachcomber's Guide to the Pacific Northwest: Second Revised Edition by Sept, J. Duane
The Electric Vehicle Revolution: Five Visionaries Leading the Charge by Boyer, Kenneth K.
The Age of Loneliness: Essays by Marris, Laura
The Future of Energy by Black, Richard
Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics by Henderson, Chelsea
Official Guide to Texas State Parks and Historic Sites: New Edition by Parent, Laurence
The Underworld: Journeys to the Depths of the Ocean by Casey, Susan
Slippery Beast: A True Crime Natural History, with Eels by Shell, Ellen Ruppel
Princeton Review AP Environmental Science Premium Prep, 19th Edition: 4 Practice Tests + Digital Practice Online + Content Review by The Princeton Review
Hoof Beats: How Horses Shaped Human History by Taylor, William T.
The Power of Where: A Geographic Approach to the World's Greatest Challenges by Dangermond, Jack
The Desert Encyclopedia: An A-Z Compendium of Places, Plants, Animals, People, and Phenomena by Hauptman, Robert
Returning Light: Thirty Years on the Island of Skellig Michael by Harris, Robert L.
Transforming Agricultural Management for a Sustainable Future: Climate Change and Machine Learning Perspectives by
Critical Approaches to the Australian Blue Humanities by
Critical Approaches to the Australian Blue Humanities by
Dall'eccesso di cibo alla carenza di cibo nella società dell'abbondanza by Jesus, Carlos M. Carvalho de
От избытка пищи к ее нехв&#107 by Жезус, Кар&#
Vom Nahrungsüberfluss zur Verknappung von Nahrungsmitteln in der Gesellschaft des Überflusses by Jesus, Carlos M. Carvalho de
From excess food to food shortages in the society of abundance by Jesus, Carlos M. Carvalho de
De l'excès de nourriture aux pénuries alimentaires dans la société d'abondance by Jesus, Carlos M. Carvalho de
Workbook for a Career in Wildlife Management and Natural Resource Conservation by Henderson, Carrol L.
Citizens' Observatories on Geohazards: Lessons from Five Pilots by
Microplastics in African and Asian Environments: The Influencers, Challenges, and Solutions by
Climate Change and Atmospheric Deposition as Drivers of Forest Ecosystem Integrity and Services: A Methodology for Assessing and Mapping Ecosystem Ser by Schlutow, Angela, Schröder, Winfried
Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing Techniques in Aviation by
The Archaeology of Amazonia: A Human History by Iriarte, José
Hydroponics: The Future of Sustainable Farming by
The Archaeology of Amazonia: A Human History by Iriarte, José
Essentials of Water: Water in the Earth's Physical and Biological Environments by Blanken, Peter
Materials for Sustainable Environmental, Energy, and Bioresource Applications: Proceedings from the International Conference on M2eba 2023 by
Proceedings of Ecocomfort 2024 by
Nepal Earthquake of 2015 by Rastogi, Bal Krishna
Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples by Ahmadi, Mohammadali
Layered Materials: Synthesis and Applications in Energy and Environmental Remediation by Jothivenkatachalam, K., Pandikumar, A.
Scanning the Skies: A History of Tornado Forecasting by Bradford, Marlene
New Challenges for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Volume I: Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on Living and Walking in Cities, 2023 by
Environmental Impact by Wright, Sheila
Water Conservation: A World Without Water by Pandey, Jiteshwar Kumar
Eco Revolution: Transforming Our World with Sustainable Practices by Wade, Estelle
Потенциал интегрирован&# by Капичи, То&#
Potencial da Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos para Áreas Periurbanas by Kapichi, Thokozani
Potenziale della gestione integrata dei rifiuti solidi per le aree periurbane by Kapichi, Thokozani
Potentiel de la gestion intégrée des déchets solides dans les zones périurbaines by Kapichi, Thokozani
Potenzial der integrierten Abfallwirtschaft für periurbane Gebiete by Kapichi, Thokozani
Solutions for Sustainability Challenges: Technical Sustainability Management and Life Cycle Thinking by Schmidt, Wulf-Peter
Stories of the Ocean Currents by Dee, Sharr
Csr, Governance and Value by
Global Challenges: Social, Economic, Environmental, Political and Ethical by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Engineering Innovations and Sustainable Development by
Morning Glory Clouds: Rolling Wonders of the Sky by Jones, Ripley
The Climate Change Chronicles by Funston, Diane
The Enchanted Green Awakening by Kemp, Sharkon
Green Horizons: Navigating the Future of Our Planet with Sustainable Solutions by Stokes, Dana
Umweltwissenschaft by Srivastava, Rachna, Awasthi, D. K., Dixit, Archana
Science de l'environnement by Awasthi, D. K., Dixit, Archana, Srivastava, Rachna
Ciências do Ambiente by Srivastava, Rachna, Awasthi, D. K., Dixit, Archana
Наука об окружающей сред by Шриваста&#10, Диксит, Ар&#, Авасти, &#1044.&#1050.
Green Planet, Clean Future: How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Save the Earth by Briggs, Marc
Democracy and Global Water Politics in Historical Perspective: Against Water Privatization by Castro, Esteban
Environmental Impact Assessment: Ultimate Tools, Techniques and Technology to Natural Resource Management by Dr Anthonysamy David
Responsive Envelopes and Climate Change: State of the Art, Design Strategies, and Future Perspectives for Resilient Buildings by Fiorito, Francesco, Campagna, Ludovica Maria, Carlucci, Francesco
Climate Change and Ecosystems in Crisis: Managing Resources in a Warming World by Dr Anthonysamy David
The Climate Action Playbook: Strategies for Individuals and Communities by Perry, Milton
Scienza dell'ambiente by Srivastava, Rachna, Awasthi, D. K., Dixit, Archana
Climate Change and Ecosystems in Crisis: Managing Resources in a Warming World by Dr Anthonysamy David
Rights for Ecosystem Services: Local Communities and the Rights of Nature by Sajeva, Giulia
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Associated Research Centers for the Urban Underground Space: Acuus 2023; 1-4 November; Singapore by
Sensemaking in Der Katastrophe: Eine Rekonstruktion Der Flutkatastrophe 2021 Im Ahrtal by Koschitzki, Lennart
Solid Waste Management: Advances and Trends to Tackle the Sdgs by
Phytoplankton Whispering: An Introduction to the Physiology and Ecology of Microalgae by Glibert, Patricia M.
Climate Change Mitigation by Dancer, Freddie
Nudging Green: Behavioral Economics and Environmental Sustainability by
Non-Profit Organisations, Volume III: Society, Sustainability and Accountability by
Surviving a Miracle: The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Rescue Along the Na Pali Coast of Kaua?i by Greenberg, Richard
Traffication: How Cars Destroy Nature and What We Can Do About It by Donald, Paul
The Quickening: Antarctica, Motherhood, and Cultivating Hope in a Warming World by Rush, Elizabeth
The Heart of the Wild: Essays on Nature, Conservation, and the Human Future by
Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities: Sustainable Transport Planning in the Global North and Global South by Aderibigbe, Oluwayemi-Oniya, Gumbo, Trynos, Fadare, Samson Olawale
Geology of Connemara in Western Ireland: Unravelling the Region's Tectonic, Metamorphic, and Magmatic Histories by Feely, Martin
The Ecology Equation: Balancing Human Needs with Environmental Health by Corbyn, Rita
Building the Critical Anthropology of Climate Change: Towards a Socio-Ecological Revolution by Baer, Hans a., Singer, Merrill
Building the Critical Anthropology of Climate Change: Towards a Socio-Ecological Revolution by Singer, Merrill, Baer, Hans a.
Eco-Restoration of Polluted Environment: A Biological Perspective by
AI for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability by
The Asian Monsoon by Wang, Bin
Water-Limited Environments by
Eco-Cities: Scenarios for Innovation and Sustainability by Ciumasu, Ioan M.
Recolección de agua de lluvia: Una guía sostenible para recolectar, almacenar y utilizar el don de la naturaleza para la conservación del agua y la a by Rosser, Dion
A Farmer's Almanac - Stories about Land, Food, and Life: Vol. III - Virtue of Adaptation by Wulsin, Drausin
The Elements in the Medieval World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Water by
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